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ভাস1 [ bhāsa1 ] n the vulture; the cock.

ভাস2 [ bhāsa2 ] n glow, radiance, tinge.

ভাস3 [ bhāsa3 ] n a Sanskrit playwright of ancient India.

ভাসমান2 [ bhāsamāna2 ] a glowing, radiant; having a graceful appearance, showing-off.

ভাসা [ bhāsā ] v to float, to drift; to swim; to be buoyant; to be flooded (with) (বন্যায় দেশ ভাসা); to rise or strike or appear in, to occur to (মনে ভাসা); (fig.) to be overflowing. ভাসান n. immersion (as of an image of a deity); a kind of folk song celebrating activities of some dei ties (মনসার ভাসান). ভাসা-ভাসা a. shal low, superficial. ভাসা-ভাসা জ্ঞান index learning, skin-deep or superficial knowledge. ভাসানো v. to cause to float; to float; to levitate, to set adrift; to flood or overflow.

ভাস্কর [ bhāskara ] n the sun; a sculptor.

ভাস্কর্য [ bhāskarya ] n sculpture.

ভাস্বতী [ bhāsbatī ] fem of ভাস্বান ।

ভাস্বর, ভাস্বান [ bhāsbara, bhāsbāna ] a luminous; radiant; bright; (phys.) incandescent. ভাস্বর দীপ an in candescent lamp.

ভিক্ষা [ bhikṣā ] n begging; earnest request or prayer, solicitation; importuning; alms; a dole; a charitable or gracious gift. ভিক্ষা করা v. to beg; to live by begging; to re quest or pray earnestly (for), to solicit (for); to importune. ভিক্ষা দেওয়া v. to give alms; to dole; to give or grant (some thing) charitably or condescendingly. ̃চর্যা n. same as ̃বৃত্তি । ̃জীবী a. living by begging, living on alms, mendicant. fem. ̃জীবিণী । ̃ন্ন n. food obtained by begging. ̃পাত্র n. an alms-dish, a beggar's bowl, (cp.) a clack-dish. ̃বৃত্তি n. begging, mendicancy. ̃ভাণ্ড same as ̃পাত্র । ̃র্থী a. & n. one who asks or prays for alms. fem. ভিক্ষার্থিনী । ˜লব্ধ a. obtained by begging. ভিক্ষার চাল কাঁড়া আর আঁকড়া beggars can't be choosers.

ভিক্ষিত [ bhikṣita ] a begged; obtained by begging.

ভিক্ষু [ bhikṣu ] n a Buddhist mendicant friar; a mendicant friar; a beggar-man.

ভিক্ষুক [ bhikṣuka ] n a beggar, a mendicant, a beggar man, an alms-man; a humble petitioner. ̃রমনী n. an alms-woman, a beggar woman. ̃সম্প্রদায় n. the beggardom.

ভিক্ষুণী [ bhikṣuṇī ] n. fem a Buddhist mendicant nun; a mendicant nun; a beggar-woman.

ভিখ [ bhikha ] n (coll.) alms. ভিখ মাগা same as ভিক্ষা করা (see ভিক্ষা). গেঁয়ো যোগী ভিখ পায় না (fig.) a prophet is never honoured in his own country; (cp.) familiarity breeds contempt.

ভিজা, ভেজা [ bhijā, bhējā ] v to get wet; to soak with water or any other liquid; to soften by being steeped in water or any other liq uid; (fig.) to soften emotionally (মন ভেজা). ☐ a. wet; soaked with or steeped in water etc.; containing water or vapour, damp, hydrous, vapoury (ভেজা বাতাস). ̃নো v. to make wet; to soak with or steep in water etc.; to soften by steeping in water etc.

ভিজিট [ bhijiṭa ] n a physician's fee for a profes sional call or visit.

ভিজে [ bhijē ] a coll corrup. of ভিজা (a.).ভিজে বেড়াল (fig.) a terrible rogue appearing to be perfectly innocent and harmless, a wolf in sheep's skin.

ভিটামিন [ bhiṭāmina ] n vitamin.

ভিড় [ bhiḍ় ] n a crowd; throng; concourse; a mob; the rabble; multitude; rush (কাজের ভিড়). ভিড় করা v. to crowd; to throng; to rush (in) (মাথায় চিন্তা ভিড় করা). ভিড় ঠেলা v. to force one's way through a crowd.

ভিত [ bhita ] n foundation, base; plinth; a wall; direction, side, a point of the compass (চারিভিতে).

ভিতর [ bhitara ] n the interior, the inside; the midst, the middle; the inmost part (মনের ভিতরটা খাঁ-খাঁ করছে). ☐ prep. & adv. in, within, into, inside; in the midst of, amidst. ☐ a. inner. ভিতরের কথা, ভিতরের খবর a secret, inside infor mation. ভিতরের ব্যাপার a secret; an in ternal affair. ̃দিক n. the inside; the in ward direction or portion. ̃বাড়ি n. the inner apartments of a residential build ing; the gynaeceum, the seraglio. ̃ বাহির n. the inside and outside; ins and outs. ভিতর-ভিতর adv. inwardly; at heart; secretly, surreptitiously; under the counter. ̃মহল same as ভিতরবাড়ি । ভিতরে prep. & adv. same as ভিতর (prep. & adv.). ভিতরে-ভিতরে same as ভিতর-ভিতর ।

ভিতু [ bhitu ] a timid; cowardly; faint-hearted, chicken-hearted. ভীতুর ডিম (joc.) an ut ter coward; a person who is easily frightened or scared; a scare-cat.

ভিত্তি [ bhitti ] n foundation, base; plinth; a wall; basis, ground, cause. ̃প্রস্তর n. the foundation-stone. ̃মূল n. the bottom of a foundation; base; plinth. ভিত্তি স্হাপন করা v. to lay the foundation of. ̃হীন a. groundless, baseless, causeless.

ভিদ্যমান [ bhidyamāna ] a in the state of being pierced or penetrated.

ভিন্দিপাল [ bhindipāla ] n an ancient missile.

ভিন্ন [ bhinna ] a other, different, separate; sepa rated; isolated; segregated; estranged; parted; partitioned; split, torn, rent, severed, broken, fractured. ☐ prep. ex cept, without, other than. ̃জাতীয় a. of a different race or nation; of a different kind or sort; heterogeneous. ̃তা n. otherness, difference. ভিন্ন ধাতুর লোক a man cast in a different mould. ̃প্রকার a. of a different kind or sort; heteroge neous. ̃মত n. a different opinion. ☐ a. disagreeing in opinion, dissenting. ̃মতাবলম্বী a. dissentient; holding a different opinion. ☐ n. a dissenter. fem. ̃মতাবলম্বিনী । ̃রুচি a. differing or dis agreeing in taste or choice. ☐ n. differ ence of taste; different taste. ভিন্নার্থ n. a different meaning. ☐ a. conveying a different meaning or purport. ভিন্নার্থক a. same as ভিন্নার্থ (a.).

ভিমরুল [ bhimarula ] n the hornet. ভিমরুলের চাক hornet's nest. ভিমরুলের চাকে খোঁচা দেওয়া (lit. & fig.) to bring a hornet's nest about one's ears, to stir up a hornet's nest.

ভিরকুটি [ bhirakuṭi ] n a frown; a grimace. ভিরকুটি করা v. to frown; to grimace.

ভিরমি [ bhirami ] n sudden dizziness or daze; fainting; a swoon. ভিরমি খাওয়া, ভিরমি লাগা v. to be affected with sudden dizziness or vertigo, to be dazed suddenly; to faint, to swoon.

ভিল [ bhila ] n one of an aboriginal non-Aryan tribe of India.

ভিষক [ bhiṣaka ] n a physician.

ভিসা [ bhisā ] n a visa.

ভিস্তি [ bhisti ] n a leather bag for carrying water, a water-bag; a water-carrier, a bhisty. ̃ওয়ালা n. a bhisty.

ভীত [ bhīta ] a frightened, alarmed; afraid. fem. ভীতা । ভীত করা v. to frighten, to alarm. ̃চিত্ত a. timid, timorous; faint-hearted. ভীতি n. fear, fright, dread, terror, alarm. ভীতিকর, ভীতিজনক, ভীতিপ্রদ a. fearful, frightful, dreadful; terrible, horrible; alarming; threatening, menac ing. ভীতিপ্রদর্শক a. threatening. ☐ n. one who threatens or frightens, a threat ener. ভীতিপ্রদর্শন n. threatening or men acing; a threat, menace. ভীতিপ্রদর্শন করা v. to threaten, to menace. ভীতিবিহ্বল a. beside oneself with fright; seized with utter fright; terror-stricken. ভীতু & ভীতুর ডিম see ভীতু ।

ভীম [ bhīma ] a terrible, terrific, horrible; awful; tremendous. ☐ n. the second son of King Pandu (পাণ্ডু).

ভীমকর্মা [ bhīmakarmā ] a doing terrible things.