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ভুটানি [ bhuṭāni ] a of or relating to Bhutan; Bhutanese. ☐ n. a Bhutanese, one who speaks the Bhutanese language.

ভুট্টা [ bhuṭṭā ] n maize, mealies.

ভুড়ভুড় [ bhuḍ়bhuḍ় ] int denoting: noise of efferves cence. ভুড়ভুড় করা v. to effervesce. ভুড়ভুড়ানি, ভুড়ভুড়ি n. effervescence.

ভুনিখিচুড়ি [ bhunikhicuḍ়i ] n a kind of hotchpotch cooked by frying rice and pigeon-pea very slightly in ghee.

ভুবঃ [ bhubḥ ] n (myth.) the second of the seven heavens; the ethereal region, the sky, the firmament.

ভুবন [ bhubana ] n (myth.) the seven heavens and seven underworlds; the universe; the world, the earth. ̃বিখ্যাত a. worldfamous. ̃বিজয়ী a. world-con quering. ̃বিদিত a. known all over the world. ̃ব্যাপী a. worldwide; universal. ̃-ভুলানো a. enchanting the whole world, holding the world under a spell. ̃ময় a. all over the world, all around the world; ubiquitous. ̃মনোমোহিনী a. fem. captivating the minds of all people of the world. ̃মোহন a. fascinat ing the whole world. fem. ̃মোহিনী । ভুবনেশ্বর n. the lord of the universe; Shiva (শিব) esp. whose image is in stalled at Bhubaneswar; God. fem. ভুবনেশ্বরী one of the ten manifestations of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা).

ভুরভুর [ bhurabhura ] int denoting: diffusion with fra grance or perfume.

ভুরু [ bhuru ] n the eyebrow.

ভুরো [ bhurō ] n a kind of unrefined and coarse sugar.

ভুল [ bhula ] n an error, a mistake, a blunder; an omission; oblivion; delirium (ভুল বকা). ☐ a. erroneous, incorrect, wrong. ভুল করা v. to err; to blunder; to commit or make a mistake; to mistake (লোক বা পথ ভুল করা); to be guilty of omission; to forget. ভুল ভাঙা v. to be disillusioned. ভুল হওয়া v. to be wrong or incorrect; to be mistaken or omitted or forgotten. ̃চুক, ̃ভ্রান্তি n. pl. errors and omissions. ঠিকে ভুল an error in addition; (loos.) an error in fundamentals. ভুলা, ভোলা, ভুল করা v. to mistake, to err. to blunder; to forget; to omit; to be relieved of (দুঃখ ভোলা); to be indifferent or callous to (কর্তব্য ভোলা); to be charmed or be witched (সুন্দর মুখ দেখে ভোলা); to be enticed or deceived or tempted (প্রলোভনে ভোলা); to be cajoled (স্তোকবাক্যে ভোলা); to be wheedled (খেলা দিলে ছেলেটা ভোলে); to be con soled (গান শুনলে তাপিত হৃদয় ভুলবে). ভুলানো v. to cause to err or mistake or forget or omit; to relieve of; to charm, to bewitch; to entice; to deceive, to tempt; to cajole; to wheedle; to con sole. ☐ a. causing to err or mistake or forget or omit; relieving of; charming, bewitching; enticing, deceiving, tempt ing; cajoling; wheedling; consoling, ভুলানি, ভুলুনি a. & fem. one who charms or bewitches or entices or tempts or ca joles or wheedles. masc. ভুলানে । ভুলুনে, ভুলো a. apt to err, forgetful, oblivious. ভুলের মাশুল দেওয়া to pay for one's mis take or thoughtless act or folly.

ভুশ [ bhuśa ] int denoting: noise of springing up from under water, mire etc.

ভুশুড়ি [ bhuśuḍ়i ] n the inedible pulp within a jack fruit or any other fruit. ভুশুড়ি ভাঙা v. to surfeit oneself, to gormandize. গল্পের ভুশুড়ি ভাঙা v. to go on telling stories one after another.

ভুষ্টিনাশ [ bhuṣṭināśa ] n total or gross waste (টাকার ভুষ্টিনাশ); utter bungling (কাজের ভুষ্টিনাশ); complete ruin or destruction (শত্রুর ভুষ্টিনাশ).

ভুসা [ bhusā ] n soot; collyrium. ̃কালি n. ink made of soot; lampblack.

ভুসি [ bhusi ] n chaff, husk, bran. ̃মাল n. cereals; refuse, waste matter. ভুসিমালের খরিদ্দার a buyer or customer of cereals; (fig. & dero.) a contemptible customer. ভুসিমালের ব্যাপারি a corn-dealer, a corn-merchant.