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ভোগানো [ bhōgānō ] a causing suffering or harassment or trouble, irksome ভোগানো মামলা.

ভোগাভিলাষ [ bhōgābhilāṣa ] n craving for sensual plea sures.

ভোগাসক্ত [ bhōgāsakta ] a attached to sensual or earthly pleasures.

ভোগী [ bhōgī ] a. & n one who enjoys; one who suffers or sustains; one who possesses and uses something as one's own; one who enjoys sensual or earthly plea sures; one nourished with milk and honey.

ভোগ্য [ bhōgya ] a enjoyable. fem. ভোগ্যা enjoyable; fit for sexual intercourse.

ভোজ [ bhōja ] n a feast; a banquet; a meal; a re past. ভোজ দেওয়া v. to give or hold a feast; to entertain at a feast or dinner. নৈশভোজ, সান্ধ্যভোজ n. supper; dinner. মধ্যাহ্নভোজ n. lunch, luncheon. ভোজের পোশাক n. a dinner-suit.

ভোজন [ bhōjana ] n eating; feeding (কাঙালি ভোজন); a feast (বনভোজন); an article of food, food (কুভোজন). ভোজন করা v. to eat. ভোজন করানো v. to feed. ভোজনং যত্রতত্র শয়নং হট্টমন্দিরে practice of living a wild life in which one has no settled place for eating or sleeping, (cp.) Bohemianism, vagabondage. ̃দক্ষিণা n. a honorarium paid by a host to a Brah man for the latter's condescending to eat the food offered by the former. ̃পটু a. capable of eating voraciously, vora cious. ̃পাত্র n. a dinner-plate. ̃বিলাস n. gourmandise, indulgence in good eat ing; gluttony, voraciousness. ̃বিলাসী a. gourmand, voracious. ভোজনবিলাসী ব্যক্তি a gourmand; a glutton. ̃শালা, ভোজনাগার n. a dining-room, a dining-hall; an eat ing-house; a hotel, a restaurant. ভোজনাবশিষ্ট, ভোজনাবশেষ same as ভুক্তাবশিষ্ট । ভোজনালয় n. an eating-house, a restaurant, a hotel.

ভোজপুরি [ bhōjapuri ] a born or grown in Bhojpur; of Bhojpur.

ভোজবাজি, ভোজবিদ্যা [ bhōjabāji, bhōjabidyā ] n magic; jugglery, hocus-pocus, conjuring; illusion (সংসার এক ভোজবাজি). ভোজবাজিকর n. a juggler, a magician, a cojurer.

ভোজয়িতা [ bhōjaẏitā ] a. & n one who feeds. fem. ভোজয়িত্রী ।

ভোজালি [ bhōjāli ] n a dagger.

ভোজী [ bhōjī ] a (used as a sfx.) eating, feeding on (তৃণভোজী). fem. ভোজিনী ।

ভোজোত্সব [ bhōjōtsaba ] n a feast; a banquet. ভোজোত্সব-সম্বন্ধীয় a. festal, festive.

ভোজ্য [ bhōjya ] a eatable, edible. ☐ n. an article of food, an eatable; food; food offering to the manes of ancestors. ̃তেল n. edible oil.

ভোট1 [ bhōṭa1 ] n Bhutan. ☐ a. Bhutanese.

ভোট2 [ bhōṭa2 ] n vote; franchise; election. ভোট দেওয়া v. to cast votes; to vote. ভোট নেওয়া v. to take votes; to put to vote. ভোটে দাঁড় করানো v. to nominate for elec tion. ভোটে দাঁড়ানো v. to stand for or face election; to be elected. ভোটে দেওয়া v. to put to vote. ভোটে দেওয়ার জন্য বলা v. to call for a division. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a constitu ency. ̃গণনা n. counting of votes. ̃গ্রহণ n. polling. ̃পত্র n. a ballot-pa per. ̃স্হান n. a polling booth, a polling station. ভোটার, ̃দাতা n. a voter.

ভোম [ bhōma ] a stupefied, besotted, fuddled (নেশার ভোম).

ভোমর1 [ bhōmara1 ] n a drill, an auger.

ভোমা [ bhōmā ] n a fool, a stupid person.

ভোর1 [ bhōra1 ] sfx denoting: continuing all through (দিনভোর); amounting (to) or measuring (তোলাভোর) etc.

ভোর2 [ bhōra2 ] a engrossed (চিন্তায় ভোর); stupe fied, fuddled (নেশায় ভোর).

ভোর3 [ bhōra3 ] n morning, dawn, daybreak; ter mination, end (নিশিভোর); (fig.) awak ening, dawning (নবজীবনের ভোরে). ভোর করা v. to pass the night (esp. without sleep); to spend or pass (রাত্রি ভোর করা). ̃রাত n. the early hours of dawn; the last hour or hours of the night. ভোর হওয়া v. to dawn. ভোরে adv. at dawn, at daybreak.