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ভেজানো2 [ bhējānō2 ] v to close lightly (a door, win dow. etc.) without bolting, to close.

ভেজাল [ bhējāla ] n an adulterant; adulteration; (coll.) a trouble, a pest (উটকো ভেজাল). ☐ a. adulterated; spurious. ভেজাল দেওয়া বা মেশানো v. to adulterate. ভেজাল বাধানো v. to cause or create trouble; to tangle. ভেজাল মেটানো v. to put an end to doubts, difficulties etc. by supplying a solution.

ভেট [ bhēṭa ] n a tribute (paid to a prince) or a complimentary gift or present (paid to a superior person) esp. during an inter view (ভেট দেওয়া); a short visit, a call; a meeting; an interview. ভেট করা v. to call on, to visit; to meet; to interview.

ভেটকি [ bhēṭaki ] n a species of large flatfish found in rivers.

ভেটেরাখানা [ bhēṭērākhānā ] n an inn; a place full of con fused uproar (cp. bedlam).

ভেড়া1 [ bhēḍ়ā1 ] v to come to or arrive (তরী কূলে ভিড়েছে); to come to the coast or bank (নৌকা ভেড়া); to ally or associate with (দলে ভেড়া) ।

ভেড়া2 [ bhēḍ়ā2 ] n the ram (masc.), the sheep (neut.); a fool. পোষা ভেড়া a cosset. ভেড়ার গোয়াল a sheep-fold. ভেড়ার গোয়ালে আগুন লেগেছে (facet.) a bad singer has started his musical baaing. ভেড়ার ঠ্যাং a sheep shank. ভেড়ার ডাক bleat, baa. ভেড়ার পাল a flock of sheep. ভেড়ার মাংস sheep's flesh; (when taken as food) mutton. ভেড়ার লোম sheep's wool. ভেড়া চরানোর মাঠ a sheep-run.

ভেড়াকান্ত [ bhēḍ়ākānta ] n (fig.) an utter fool.

ভেড়ি1 [ bhēḍ়i1 ] n an embankment, a dam; an embanked low land used as a fishery, a fishery dam. ভেড়ি বাঁধা v. to embank, to dam. ̃ওয়ালা n. an owner of a fishery dam.

ভেড়ি2 [ bhēḍ়i2 ] n. fem the ewe.

ভেদ [ bhēda ] n piercing; cleavage, split; differ ence; dissimilarity; disagreement, dis sension; hostility; disunity; estrange ment; antagonism, quarrel; separation; differentiation, discrimination; pen etration (ব্যূহভেদ); disintegration; ex position, expounding, deciphering (অর্থভেদ); change, alteration (বুদ্ধিভেদ); a kind, a sort (রূপভেদ); looseness of bowels, diarrhoea. ভেদ করা v. to pierce, to cleave, to split; to differentiate, to discriminate; to penetrate; to expose, to expound, to decipher. ভেদ জন্মানো v. to sow dissension or discord; to disin tegrate; to estrange. ̃ক a. one who or that which pierces or cleaves or splits or disintegrates or differentiates or dis criminates or penetrates. ̃জ্ঞান n. per ception of difference; discrimination; partiality. ̃ন piercing; cleaving; split ting; penetration. ̃নীয় a. capable of being pierced or cleft or split or pen etrated, pregnable, vulnerable. ̃নীতি n. the policy of discrimination. ̃বমি n. diarrhoea attended with vomitting; cholera. ̃বুদ্ধি same as ̃জ্ঞান । ভেদাভেদ n. discriminatory treatment; discrimi nation; sense of meum and tuum (mine and thine). ভেদিত a. pierced; cleaved, split. ভেদী same as ভেদক । ভেদ্য same as ভেদনীয় ।

ভেণ্ডার [ bhēṇḍāra ] n a vendor.

ভেবড়ানো [ bhēbaḍ়ānō ] v to be confounded or stupefied with fear, amazement etc.

ভেরি, ভেরী [ bhēri, bhērī ] n a drum; a kettledrum.

ভেরেণ্ডা [ bhērēṇḍā ] n the castor-oil plant, Ricinus communis. ভেরেণ্ডা ভাজা (fig.) idling, to while away time; to remain idle or un employed.

ভেল2 [ bhēla2 ] a spurious, counterfeit.

ভেলকি, ভেলকিবাজি [ bhēlaki, bhēlakibāji ] n magic, jugglery; hocus-pocus, conjuring; illusion. ভেলকি দেখানো v. to exhibit a magical show, to juggle, to conjure. ভেলকি লাগা v. to be dazed with a conjuring trick, to be spellbound or conjured; to be filled with illusions. ভেলকি লাগানো v. to put a spell on, to conjure; to delude. ভেলকিওয়ালা n. a magician, a juggler, a conjuror.

ভেলা [ bhēlā ] n a raft, a float, a coracle.

ভেষজ [ bhēṣaja ] n a medicine; a drug; medical sci ence; medicine. ̃কর্ম n. pharmacy; preparation and dispensing of drugs. ̃বিদ্যা n. medical science; medicine. ভেষজালয় n. a dispensary; a medical store, a drug-store, a pharmacy. ভেষজী n. pharmacist.

ভেস্তা [ bhēstā ] a upset or spoilt or foiled. ভেস্তে যাওয়া v. to fail, to come to naught. ভেস্তানো v. to upset or spoil or foil; to be upset or spoilt or foiled.

ভৈরব [ bhairaba ] n a manifestation of Shiva (শিব); an Indian musical mode. ☐ a. terrible or tremendous. ভৈরবী n. fem. one of the ten manifestations of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); a famale ascetic worshipping Shiva (শিব); an Indian musical mode; a turbulent woman, (cp.) a termagant, (cp.) an Amazon. ভৈরবীচক্র n. a Tantrist drinking party.

ভোঁ1 [ bhō1 ] int ho, hoa, hullo.

ভোঁ3 [ bhō3 ] int expressing: noise of the move ment of wind, of running apace, of whistle etc. ☐ n. a whistle, a siren etc. কারখানার ভোঁ. ভোঁ দেওয়া v. to whistle.

ভোঁতা [ bhōn̐tā ] a blunt (ভোঁতা ছুরি); dull (ভোঁতা বুদ্ধি). ভোঁতা করা v. to blunt, to dull, to take away the edge of.

ভোঁদড় [ bhōn̐daḍ় ] n the otter, the civet-cat.

ভোঁদা [ bhōn̐dā ] a corpulent; dull-witted, dunderheaded, imbecile.

ভোঁ-দৌড় [ bhō-n̐dauḍ় ] n a very swift or quick run, a break-neck run.

ভোঁ-ভোঁ [ bhō-m̐bhō ] int denoting: dizziness মাথা ভোঁ ভোঁ; emptiness (পকেট ভোঁ-ভোঁ); great swiftness, whiz (ভোঁ-ভোঁ দৌড়); buzzing noise (কানামাছি ভোঁ-ভোঁ); repetition of ভোঁ sound. ভোঁ-ভোঁ করা to be filled with a ringing or humming sound (আমার কান ভোঁ-ভোঁ করছে = my ears are ringing).

ভোঁসভোঁস [ bhōm̐sabhōm̐sa ] int denoting: noise of deep and loud breathing (ভোঁসভোস করে ঘুমানো); heavy ফোঁস sound.

ভোক্তব্য [ bhōktabya ] a edible, eatable; enjoyable; (facet.) sufferable.

ভোক্তা [ bhōktā ] a eating; enjoying. ☐ n. an eater; an enjoyer; fem. ভোক্ত্রী ।

ভোগ [ bhōga ] n enjoying, enjoyment; suffering or sustaining; sufferance; act of pos sessing and using as one's own, appro priation; sensual or earthly pleasures; an object of enjoyment or an article of food; food-offering made to a deity; an affliction, a trouble (দুঃখ ভোগ). ভোগ করা v. to enjoy; to suffer or sustain; to suffer from; to possess and use as one's own; to enjoy sensual or earthly plea sures. ভোগ দেওয়া v. to make food and entertainments to a deity, to offer food offering. ̃তৃষ্ণা n. thirst for sensual or earthly pleasures. ̃দেহ n. the subtle body to which a mortal being is re duced after death to enjoy or suffer the consequences of its earthly activities. ̃বাসনা same as ̃লালসা । ̃বিলাস n. sen sual or earthly pleasures and luxury, (cp.) milk and honey. ̃বিলাসী a. enjoy ing sensual or earthly pleasures and luxury. ̃লালসা n. craving for sensual or earthly pleasures. ̃স্বত্ব n. occupancy right. ̃সুখ same as ̃বিলাস ।

ভোগবতী [ bhōgabatī ] n (myth.) the name of the Ganges as flowing in the nether world.

ভোগা1 [ bhōgā1 ] n cheating or swindling; deceiv ing or hoaxing. ভোগা দেওয়া v. to cheat, to swindle; to deceive, to hoax.

ভোগা2, ভোগ [ bhōgā2, bhōga ] v to suffer, to undergo, to sustain (যন্ত্রণা ভোগ); to suffer from (জ্বরে ভুগছে); to be afflicted or troubled or harassed or punished (দুর্বুদ্ধির জন্য ভোগা). ভোগানো v. to cause to suffer or undergo; to cause to suffer from; to af flict or trouble or harass or punish; to give persistent or protracted trouble (এ জ্বর ভোগাবে). ভোগানি n. suffering; afflic tion; trouble, harassment.