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মনিব্যাগ [ manibyāga ] n a money-bag, a wallet, a purse.

মনিহারি [ manihāri ] a dealing in stationery goods, cosmetics, fancy-goods, etc.; (loos.) stationery.

মনীষা [ manīṣā ] n sharp intellect; genius; sagacity. মনীষী a. possessing sharp intellect; en dowed with genius; sagacious. ☐ n. a man of sharp intellect; a man of ge nius; a sagacious man; a sage.

মনু [ manu ] n (myth.) any one of the fourteen sons of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা); the fourteenth Manu (মনু). regarded as the father and first law-giver of mankind.

মনুজ [ manuja ] n man; a man. মনুজেন্দ্র n. a king, a monarch.

মনুষ্য [ manuṣya ] n man; mankind, humankind; a human being; a man. fem. মনুষী womankind; a woman. ̃কন্ঠ n. the hu man voice. ̃কৃত a. made or done by man; man-made. ̃চরিত্র n. the human character; (rare) a biography. ̃জন্ম n. birth as a human creature; the human life. ̃ত্ব n. humanness, humanity. মনুষ্যত্বপূর্ণ a. full of humaneness or hu manity, humane. মনুষ্যত্বহীন a. devoid of humanity or human quality; inhuman; barbarous. ̃ধর্ম n. the moral and social duties of man; the religion of man; hu manity. ̃বর্জিত a. man-forsaken; unin habited; desolate. ̃বসতি n. a human habitation. ̃মূর্তি n. a figure of a man; a human being; a statue. ̃হীন a. deso late, not inhabited by man. মনুষ্যাবাস n. a human habitation; a human settle ment; a town, a city, a village; a dwell ing-house. মনুষ্যেতর a. belonging to a lower species than the human being; of a lower order, lower (মনুষ্যেতর প্রাণী). মনুষ্যোচিত a. befitting or becoming a man; humane.

মনুসংহিতা, মনুস্মৃতি [ manusaṃhitā, manusmṛti ] n a code of laws drawn up by Manu (মনু).

মনোগত [ manōgata ] a seated in the mind or at heart, inward. মনোগত ভাব intention.

মনোগ্রাহী [ manōgrāhī ] a pleasant; agreeable; attractive.

মনোজ [ manōja ] a born in the mind; born of the mind ☐ n. the god of Love (who dwells in the mind); Cupid.

মনোজগত্ [ manōjagat ] n the sphere or realm of the mind; the realm of imagination or of ideas and thoughts; the realm of fancy.

মনোজ্ঞ [ manōjña ] a captivating, attractive, pleasant, charming.

মনোনয়ন [ manōnaẏana ] n selection; nomination; choos ing; choice. মনোনয়ন করা v. to select; to nominate; to choose.

মনোনিবেশ [ manōnibēśa ] n (earnest) application of the mind; (close) attention. মনোনিবেশ করা v. to apply one's mind (earnestly or closely) to; to pay close attention to; to employ oneself intently or diligently in.

মনোনীত [ manōnīta ] a selected; nominated; chosen. fem. মনোনীতা । মনোনীত করা same as মনোনয়ন করা ।

মনোনেত্র [ manōnētra ] n same as মানসনেত্র see মানস ।

মনোবল [ manōbala ] n strength of mind; moral cour age; self-confidence.

মনোবিকার [ manōbikāra ] n aberration of the mind; men tal distraction; mental neurosis; mental perversion.

মনোবিজ্ঞান, মনোবিদ্যা [ manōbijñāna, manōbidyā ] n psychology. মনোবিদ্যাগত a. psychological. মনোবিজানী n. a psychologist.

মনোবৃত্তি [ manōbṛtti ] n the faculty of the mind; men tality (গোলামি মনোবৃত্তি)

মনোব্যাধি [ manōbyādhi ] n a mental disease; psycho neurosis; psychosis. গ্রস্ত a. mentally diseased; psychoneurotic; psychotic. মনোব্যাধির চিকিত্সক a psychiatrist. মনো ব্যাধির চিকিত্সা psychiatry.

মনোভঙ্গ [ manōbhaṅga ] n disappointment; despon dency; dejection; discouragement.

মনোভাব [ manōbhāba ] n one's secret thoughts and feel ings, one's mind; mental state; attitude; predisposition.

মনোভার [ manōbhāra ] n the burden of one's mind, heaviness of one's heart (that is, grief, huff etc.); mental distress.

মনোমতো [ manōmatō ] a to one's liking or choice, after one's own heart.

মনোমদ [ manōmada ] a vanity, false pride.

মনোমধ্যে [ manōmadhyē ] adv in one's mind, at heart, in wardly.