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মনোমন্দির [ manōmandira ] n the mind imagined as a temple.

মনোময় [ manōmaẏa ] a formed or conceived by the mind, mental; imagined; analogous to or identified with the mind. মনোময় কোষ (Hindu phil.) the third vessel of the in dividual soul.

মনোমুগ্ধকর, মনোমহোন [ manōmugdhakara, manōmahōna ] a captivating, fasci nating, charming; very beautiful. fem. মনোমোহিনী ।

মনোযোগ [ manōyōga ] n attention; heed; intentness. মনোযোগ দেওয়া v. to pay attention to; to pay heed to; to apply one's mind or oneself intently to. ̃হীন a. inattentive; heedless. ̃হীনতা n. inattention; inatten tiveness; heedlessness. মনোযোগী a. at tentive; heedful; intent. মনোযোগিতা n. attentiveness; attention.

মনোরঞ্জক [ manōrañjaka ] a entertaining the mind, pleas ant; adulatory; flattering.

মনোরঞ্জন [ manōrañjana ] n entertainment of the mind; di version, recreation; act of pleasing; adulation. মনোরঞ্জন করা v. to entertain the mind of; to divert, to recreate, to amuse; to please; to adulate; to humour. মনোরঞ্জনী a. fem. providing mental en tertainment; diverting, recreating, amusing; pleasing; pleasant; adulatory.

মনোরথ [ manōratha ] n heart's desire; desire; (secret) intention. ̃পূরণ, ̃সিদ্ধি n. fulfilment of one's heart's desire or (secret) inten tion.

মনোরম [ manōrama ] a pleasing to the mind, fascinat ing; pleasant, delightful; beautiful. fem. মনোরমা ।

মনোলোভা [ manōlōbhā ] a. fem alluring; fascinating; very beautiful.

মনোহর [ manōhara ] a captivating; charming; very pleasant; lovely; very beautiful. মনোহরণ n. fascination; enchantment; attraction. ☐ a. attractive; fascinating, enchanting (মনোহরণ বেশ). মনোহরণ করা v. to captivate the mind. মনোহরশাহি n. a mode of kirtan (কীর্তন) songs. মনোহরা a. fem. of মনোহর ।n. a variety of sweet meat.

মন্ডা1 [ manḍā1 ] n a sweet blob.

মন্ডা2 [ manḍā2 ] n poet. form of মন্ডিত করা

মন্তব্য [ mantabya ] n a remark; a comment. মন্তব্য করা v. to pass a remark, to remark; to make comments, to comment.

মন্ত্রণ, মন্ত্রণা [ mantraṇa, mantraṇā ] n (usu. private) discussion, conference; consultation; counsel, ad vice; designing; a design; instigation; an intrigue. মন্ত্রণা করা v. to discuss or confer (usu. in private); to consult; to design, to play; to intrigue. মন্ত্রণাগৃহ n. a private room or house for consultation; privy-council, a cabinet; a council chamber. মন্ত্রণাদাতা n. an adviser; a counsellor; an instigator. fem. মন্ত্রণাদাত্রী । মন্ত্রণাপরিষদ n. advisory council. মন্ত্রণাভবন same as মন্ত্রণাগৃহ ।

মন্ত্রিত্ব [ mantritba ] n office of a minister or a counsel lor of state, ministry.

মন্ত্রিপরিষত্ [ mantripariṣat ] n ministers collectively, the ministry, the cabinet.

মন্ত্রিবর [ mantribara ] n (in courtesy) a great minister, (cp.) the hon'ble minister.

মন্ত্রী [ mantrī ] n a counsellor of state, a minister, a cabinet-member; an advisor, a counsel lor; (dero.) an instigator. উপমন্ত্রী n. a deputy minister. প্রধানমন্ত্রী n. a prime minister. মুখ্যমন্ত্রী n. a chief minister. রাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী n. a minister of state.

মন্হ [ manha ] n churning; a churning-stick; a bev erage of pulverized barley or pulses.

মন্হন [ manhana ] n churning; stirring; agitating, agi tation; trampling; destroying, destruc tion. মন্হন করা v. to churn; to stir, to agi tate; to trample; to destroy. ̃দণ্ড n. a churning-stick. ̃পাত্র, ̃ভাণ্ড n. a churn ing-pot, (cp.) a churn. ̃রজ্জু n. a rope to which a churning-stick is fitted dur ing the process of churning, a churn ing-rope. মন্হনী n. a churning-stick; a churningpot; a churn.

মন্হর [ manhara ] a slow; slack; sluggish, slothful; in ert; slow-moving. মন্হর হওয়া v. to be come slow; to slacken. ̃গতি a. slow moving. ☐ n. slow motion. ̃তা n. slowness; slackness; sluggishness, sloth; inertia; slow movement or mo tion. মন্হরা n. a female character of the Ramayana; an instigating or intriguing woman.

মন্হি [ manhi ] a (chiefly used as sfx.) churning; stirring; agitating; trampling, destroy ing.

মন্দ [ manda ] a slow; slow-moving, gentle; slug gish; slack; dim; bad, evil; wicked, vile; inferior; unfavourable, adverse; ill, impaired; indisposed (শরীরটা আজ মন্দ); indigent, poor (মন্দ অবস্হার লোক); impoverished; deteriorated (কারবার মন্দ); harsh, rude; scanty, small, poor (বেতন বড়ো মন্দ); small in number or quantity or degree (বয়স মন্দ নয়); ugly; dull, weak. ☐ n. harm, injury. মন্দ করা v. to do harm to, to cause injury to. মন্দ আচরণ misbehaviour, misconduct; ill treatment. মন্দ কথা reproachful words; harsh or rude words; abusive or filthy language; an obscene word; a calumny; bad report. মন্দ কাজ a wicked deed; a misdeed; a disgraceful act. ̃গতি a. slow-moving; slow. ☐ n. slowness. ̃গমন, ̃গামী same as ̃গতি । fem. ̃গমনা, ̃গামিনী । মন্দ চালচলন evil ways. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. slowness; slow motion; sluggishness; dimness; badness; wick edness, vileness; inferiority; unfavourableness, adverseness; illness, impaired state; indisposition; indi gence, poverty; impoverishment; dete rioration; harshness, rudeness; scanti ness, smallness in number or quantity or degree; ugliness; dullness; weak ness. ̃ন n. (mech.) retardation. মন্দ নয় not bad, moderate; (sarcas.) fine, nice. মন্দ ফল bad result; evil consequence. ̃বায়ু same as মন্দানিল । ̃বুদ্ধি a. having evil or foul design; wicked, vile, ill-na tured; dull-headed. মন্দ ব্যবহার same as মন্দ আচরণ । ̃ভাগ, ̃ভাগ্য a. ill-fated, unfortunate, unlucky. fem. ̃ভাগা, ̃ভাগ্যা, (loos.) ̃ভাগিনী । ̃মতি same as ̃বুদ্ধি । মন্দ মন্দ adv. slowly, gently. মন্দ সময় bad times, hard times. ̃সমীরণ same as মন্দানিল । ̃স্রোত n. slow current. ̃হাস্য n. a gentle laugh, a smile. ̃হিল্লোল n. gentle waves. মন্দের ভালো rather tol erable in the midst of a world of evils; not bad.

মন্দর [ mandara ] n a mythological mountain.

মন্দা [ mandā ] a abated; (comm.) seized with de pression, slumped. ☐ n. abatement; (comm.) depression, a slump; (poet. & obs.) a wicked person.

মন্দাকিনী [ mandākinī ] n (myth.) the name of the Ganges as flowing in heaven.

মন্দাক্রান্তা [ mandākrāntā ] n a metre of Sanskrit poetry.

মন্দাগ্নি [ mandāgni ] n loss of appetite; (inc.) indiges tion or dyspepsia.

মন্দানিল [ mandānila ] n a breeze; a mild and sweet wind.

মন্দার [ mandāra ] n (myth.) a celestial tree or its flower; the coral tree. ̃মালিকা n. a wreath or garland of mythological mandar (মন্দার) flowers.

মন্দির [ mandira ] n a temple; a shrine; a house of worship; a house (বিদ্যামন্দির); a room, a chamber (শয়নমন্দির); an abode (শরীর হল ব্যাধিমন্দির).

মন্দিরা [ mandirā ] n a kind of small cup-shaped cymbals.

মন্দীভূত [ mandībhūta ] a slowed down; retarded; dimmed; abated; (comm.) slumped. মন্দীভূত করা বা হওয়া v. to slow down; to retard; to dim; to abate; to cause a slump or to slump.

মন্দুরা [ mandurā ] n stable; mat.

মন্দ্র [ mandra ] n a grave sonorous voice, (cp.) barytone; a kind of tom-tom. ☐ a. grave and sonorous, barytone. ̃সপ্তক n. (mus.) the middle octave.

মন্বন্তর [ manbantara ] n (myth.) the term of office of any one of the mythological Manus (মনু) covering a period of 3672 years; (pop.) a great and devastating famine (পঞ্চাশের মন্বন্তর).

মন্মথ [ manmatha ] n (myth.) the Hindu god of love (cp. Cupid, Eros). ̃শরাহত a. wounded with the shafts of love; love-sick.

মফস্সল, মফস্বল [ maphassala, maphasbala ] n localities outside great towns or headquarters (cp. an outsta tion), mofussil.

মবলগ [ mabalaga ] a total, round; cash. মবলগ শ টাকা a round sum of one hundred rupees. মবলগ টাকা cash money. মবলগে adv. in all; on the whole.

মমতা, মমত্ব [ mamatā, mamatba ] n considering a person or thing as one's own; attachment; affec tion; love; feeling of kinship; (loos.) compassion, pity. ̃পূর্ণ, ̃ময় a. full of attachment; affectionate; loving; (loos.) compassionate, kind. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃হীন a. devoid of attachment or affection, without or deviod of pity or compassion, unkind. fem. ̃হীনা ।

মমি [ mami ] n a mummy (as of Egypt).

-ময় [ -maẏa ] sfx denoting: full of, made of, con taining, abounding in etc. (স্বর্ণময়); -ful, -ous, -some, -y etc., pervading, -wide (রাজ্যময়). fem. -ময়ী ।

ময়দা [ maẏadā ] n flour. ̃কল n. a flourmill. ময়দা মাখা v. to knead flour.

ময়দান [ maẏadāna ] n an open plain, an esplanade; a parade-ground, a maidan.

ময়না1 [ maẏanā1 ] n a bird of the starling family, the myna, the hill mynah, Gracula religiosa.

ময়না2, ময়না তদন্ত [ maẏanā2, maẏanā tadanta ] n post-mortem exami nation, autopsy.

ময়রা [ maẏarā ] n a confectioner. fem. ময়রানি । ̃গিরি n. confectionery. ময়রার দোকান a confectionery.

ময়লা [ maẏalā ] n excrement, faeces, stool, dung; refuse; filth, soil, dirt; gloom, melan choly; angularity, crookedness (মনের ময়লা). ☐ a. filthy; dirty, soiled; (of complexion) dark; not bright or clear, clouded, overcast (ময়লা আকাশ); glum, melancholy (ময়লা মুখ); crooked (ময়লা মন). ময়লা করা v. to soil. ময়লার গাড়ি a scavenger's cart or van or train, a night-soil cart. ̃টে a. slightly soiled; appearing to be soiled; (of complex ion) darkish; slightly clouded or over cast; slightly glum.

ময়ান [ maẏāna ] n ghee mixed with dough for leav ening. ময়ান দেওয়া v. to leaven (ghee to).

ময়াল [ maẏāla ] n the Indian python.

ময়ূখ [ maẏūkha ] n a ray, a beam; lustre, glow. ̃মালী n. the sun.

ময়ূর [ maẏūra ] n the peacock. ̃কন্ঠী a. peacock blue. ☐ n. a peacock-blue sari or shawl. ̃চূড়া, ̃শিখা n. peacock's crest. ̃পঙ্খি n. a boat shaped like a peacock. ̃পাখা n. a hand-fan made of the feath ers of a peacock's tail. ̃পুচ্ছ n. the peacock's tail or feather. ̃শাবক n. a pea-chick. ময়ূরী n. fem. the pea-hen.

মর [ mara ] a mortal; perishable. ̃জগত্ n. the perishable or mortal world; the earth. ̃জীবন n. mortal life. ̃দেহ n. the per ishable body, the mortal frame. ̃মানব n. mortal man, a mortal.

মরকত [ marakata ] n emerald. ̃কুঞ্জ n. emerald bower. ̃বর্ণ a. emerald-green.

মরচে [ maracē ] n rust. মরচে ধরা, মরচে পড়া v. to contact rust, to rust.

মরজি [ maraji ] n will, desire, pleasure, sweet will. যদি তোমার মরজি হয় if you please, if you would. যেমন তোমার মরজি as you please. ̃মাফিক a. & adv. as or when one pleases.

মরণ [ maraṇa ] n death; decease; demise. মরণ আর কী it's death indeed; an expression of shame or mild rebuke; (cp.) hell. ̃কামড় n. the last and severest bite of a creature strug gling against death; a dying person's last and most desperate attempt. ̃কাল n. the time of death, dying moments. মরণকালে হরিনাম (fig.) fruitless repentance for one's wickedness when one is dying, (cp.) death-bed repentance; (fig.) futile effort at the eleventh hour when almost all is lost. ̃দশা n. the last stage; the last gasp; utter ruin. ☐ int. same as মরণ আর কী । মরণদশায় ধরা v. to be in the state of ruin ing oneself; seized with a passion that would ruin oneself. মরণবাড় বাড়া v. to be come excessively vainglorious or haughty only to bring about one's fall. ̃শীল a. mortal. ̃শীলতা n. mortality. ̃হীন a. deathless, immortal. মরনাপন্ন a. in the clutches of death, dying; moribund. fem. মরণাপন্না । মরণাপন্নতা n. the dying con dition; the last gasp; the last stage. মরণাশৌচ n. personal impurity caused by the death of a relative. মরণোন্মুখ a. about to die, at death's door, dying, moribund.

মরদ [ marada ] n a man, a male; a male animal; a manly man; a heroic man; a young man; (vul.) a husband. মরদকা বাত হাতিকা দাঁত a heroic man's irrevocable pledge or word is unfailingly depend able as ivory which never slumps or falls in price.

মরমর2 [ maramara2 ] a about to die, dying; moribund; as if dying. Also মরোমরো ।

মরমি [ marami ] a cognizant or appreciative of the spirit of anything; mystic (মরমি কবি); sympathetic (মরমি বন্ধু).

মরমিয়া [ maramiẏā ] a trying to probe into the spirit of religion etc. disregarding forms; per taining to the transcendental mysteries about God (মরমিয়া তত্ত্ব); mystic, mysti cal (মরমিয়া কবি).

মরশুম, মরসুম [ maraśuma, marasuma ] n a season; the time of the year for anything, a tide; opportune time of some continuance. পূজার মরশুম the Puja season. বড়দিনের মরশুম Christ mas-tide. শীতের মরশুম the winter season, winter-time. মরশুমি a. seasonal. মরশুমিফুল a season flower.

মরা1 [ marā1 ] n alloy (পানমরা). ☐ a.alloyed (মরা সোনা).