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মিয়ানো [ miẏānō ] v to lose crispness (মুড়ি মিয়ানো); to lose energy or vigour, to become limp or flaccid (সে মিইয়ে পড়েছে, উত্সাহ মিয়ানো). ☐ a. bereft of crispness; bereft of energy or vigour, limp. flaccid.

মিরজাই [ mirajāi ] n a waist-coat or vest with cotton padding inside.

মিরবহর [ mirabahara ] n an admiral.

মিরমুনশি [ miramunaśi ] n chief clerk, head clerk; chief secretary.

মিরাস [ mirāsa ] n land held under hereditary title; the right of hereditary occupation. মিরাস-ইজারা n. lease or settlement of land to be enjoyed hereditarily.

মিল1 [ mila1 ] n a manufactory, a factory, a mill.

মিল2 [ mila2 ] n union; combination; addition; concord, harmony, agreement (মতের মিল); unsion (সুরের মিল); balancing (হিসাবের মিল); similarity, likeness (চেহারার মিল); friendly terms; good terms; reconciliation, reconcilement (বিরোধীদের মিল); fitting (জোরের মুখে মিল); (pros.) rhyme (কবিতার মিল). মিল করা v. to unite; to combine; to add (up); to harmonize; to balance; to rec oncile; to fit; (pros.) to put into rhyme. to rhyme. মিল দেওয়া v. to add; (pros.) to find out a rhyme for to rhyme. মিল হওয়া v. to be in harmony, to agree; to be reconciled; to be balanced. to tally; to be fitting, to fit; (pros.) to be in rhyme, to rhyme. ̃মিলাও, ̃মিশ n. good terms, friendly terms; amicabil ity. ̃যুক্ত a. rhyming; rhymed; ̃হীন a. unrhymed, without rhyme.

মিলন [ milana ] n union; combination; unity; alli ance; reconciliation, reconcilement; meeting; meeting or union of lovers; sexual union; wedding, bridal (মিলন বাসর). মিলন করা, মিলন ঘটানো v. to unite; to combine; to reconcile; to cause to meet; to cause to meet sexually or amorously; to wed, to marry. ̃স্হান n. a meeting-place; a tryst. মিলনান্ত, মিলনান্তক a. ending in union; ending happily. মিলনান্তক নাটক a. comedy. মিলনোত্সব n. a conference or assembly; a social gathering.

মিলমিলা, মিলমিলে [ milamilā, milamilē ] n measles.

মিলা, মেলা [ milā, mēlā ] v to meet together; to meet; to assemble; to get on or pull on together (ভাইয়ে ভাইয়ে মেলে না); to fit (জোড় মেলা); to agree, to correspond; to mix well or perfectly; to agree with the given result (অন্ক মিলেছে); to be bal anced, to tally (হিসাব মেলা); (pros.) to rhyme; to be available (বাজারে মাছ মেলে না); to be procured or obtained (চাকরি মেলা). মিলানো. v. to cause to meet to gether, to bring together; to cause to meet; to assemble; to fit; to cause to agree or correspond; to mix well or perfectly; to cause to agree with the given result; to balance, to tally; to compare (অন্কের ফল মিলানো); (pros.) to rhyme; to make available; to procure. মেলামেশা n. social intercourse; intimate association, familiarity. মেলামেশা করা v. to communicate socially; to make free with.

মিলিত [ milita ] a united; combined; joint; joined; assembled; mixed; procured; met. মিলিত করা v. to unite; to combine; to join; to assemble; to mix; to cause to meet.

মিশ1 [ miśa1 ] a inky, as dark as ink; very dark. ̃মিশ int. expressing: inky blackness or darkness. ̃মিশে a. as dark as ink; pitch-dark, very dark.

মিশ2 [ miśa2 ] n mixing, mixture; blending; uni son, agreement, harmony, accord. মিশ খাওয়া v. to be mixed or blended; to agree, to accord. মিশ খাওয়ানো v. to mix; to blend; to cause to agree, to recon cile; to harmonize.

মিশন [ miśana ] n a religious mission; a mission. মিশনারি a. missionary. ☐ n. a mission ary.

মিশর [ miśara ] n Egypt. মিশরীয় a. of or pertaining to Egypt, Egyptian. ☐ n. an Egyptian.

মিশা, মেশা [ miśā, mēśā ] v to mingle, to be mixed or blended; to get mixed; to be united or conjoined; to meet; to fall or run or flow into (নদী সাগরে মেশে); to be in corporated or amalgamated or inte grated with; to merge into (ভারতের সঙ্গে মিশেছে); to unite; to associate; to keep company with (কুসংসর্গে মিশছে); to fit (জোড় মেশা); to agree (কালোর পাশে নীল মিশবে না). মিশানো v. to mix, to blend, to mingle; to conjoin; to incor porate or amalgamate; to cause to merge into; to unite; to cause to associ ate with; to fit. মেশামিশি n. acquain tance; association; social communica tion; intimacy; familiarity. মেশামিশি করা v. to cultivate one's acquaintance or friendship; to associate with; to com municate or intercourse socially; to be intimate with; to make free with. মিশাল (coll.) মিশেল n. mixture or blending; adulteration. ☐ a. mixed or blended; adulterate. মিশাল করা বা দেওয়া v. to mix or blend; to adulterate. মিশালি a. mis cellaneous (পাঁচমিশালি).

মিশি [ miśi ] n a dentrifrice made of roasted to bacco and copperas.

মিশুক [ miśuka ] a sociable, companionable.

মিশ্র [ miśra ] a mixed, blended; united; hybrid (মিশ্র জাতি); (math. & sc.) compound (মিশ্রভগ্নাংশ, মিশ্রযোগ). □ n. a mixture; (sc.) a compound. ̃ক n. a compounder; an ingredient of a compound. মিশ্রকবিদ্যা n. the art of compounding medicines. ̃পদার্থ n. a mixture; (sc.) a compound. ̃বর্ণ a. variegated. ̃সুর n. (mus.) a hy brid tune or mode. ̃ধাতু n. an alloy.

মিশ্রণ [ miśraṇa ] n mixing, blending, compounding, mixture, composition; hybridization; union; unification; amalgamation; adulteration. ̃বিধি n. process of mix ing or compounding or blending. মিশ্রণীয় a. miscible.

মিশ্রিত [ miśrita ] a mixed, blended; compounded; hybridized; amalgamated; adulterated. মিশ্রিত করা v. to mix, to blend; to com pound; to hybridize; to amalgamate; to adulterate.

মিস [ misa ] n. fem Miss.

মিসিবাবা [ misibābā ] n. fem (used by domestic ser vants) missy.

মিসেস [ misēsa ] n. fem Mrs. Mistress.

মিস্টার [ misṭāra ] n Mr. Mister.

মিস্ত্রি [ mistri ] n a mechanic, an artisan, a smith; a machine foreman; a skilled or chief mechanic or artisan.

মিহি [ mihi ] a fine; fine-spun (মিহি কাপড়); con tralto (মিহি সুর); effeminate and soft tralto (মিহি গলা); very small (মিহিদানা); finely pulverized (মিহিগুঁড়ো); delicate, subtle (মিহি কারুকাজ).

মিহিদানা [ mihidānā ] n a kind of sweetmeat consist ing of very small globules.

মিহির [ mihira ] n the sun.

মীন [ mīna ] n fish; (astrol.) the Fishes, the Pi sces (usu. মীনরাশি); (myth.) the first of the ten incarnations of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃কেতন, ̃ধ্বজ n. one whose standard bears the sign of a fish; Madan (মদন) the Hindu love-god. ̃পোষ n. piscicul ture. মীনাক্ষ a. having piscine eyes. মীনাক্ষী a. fem. of মীনাক্ষ ☐ a female de ity of Deccan.

মীমাংসক [ mīmāṃsaka ] a. & n one who solves or de cides or determines or settles or arbi trates. ☐ n. one versed in Mimansa (মীমাংসা) system of philosophy. মীমাংসনীয় a. (of a dispute or contro versy) to be resolved, resolvable.

মীমাংসা [ mīmāṃsā ] n solution (of a problem etc.), decision; determination (of truths etc.); act of clearing up or settling (of com plication, doubt etc.); disposal (of an affair etc.); arbitration or compounding (of a dispute etc.); compromise; a philosophical treatise compiled by Jaimini (also মীমাংসাদর্শন). মীমাংসা করা v. to solve, to decide; to determine; to clear up; to settle; to dispose of; to ar bitrate; to effect a compromise, to compound.

মীমাংসিত [ mīmāṃsita ] a solved, decided; determined; settled; arbitrated, compromised.

মুকররি [ mukarari ] a (of land) held on payment of fixed rent.

মুকুট [ mukuṭa ] n a crown, a diadem, a coronet. মুকুট পরা v. to put on or wear a crown. মুকুট পরানো v. to crown. মুকুট-পরা a. diademed.

মুকুন্দ [ mukunda ] n one who gives salvation; Vishnu (বিষ্ণু)

মুকুর [ mukura ] n a mirror, a looking-glass, a speculum.

মুকুল [ mukula ] n a bud, a blossom. মুকুলা v. (poet.) to bud, to blossom, to effloresce, to flower; (of flowers) to bloom, to blow; (fig.) to become manifest, to be in bloom. মুকুলাবরণ n. (bot.) a bud-scale. মুকুলিত a. budded, blossoming, efforescent, flowering; blooming; (fig.) manifested, in bloom. fem. মুকুলিতা । মুকুলোদগম n. blossoming, budding.

মুক্ত [ mukta ] a having attained salvation, freed from earthly bondage or ties or attach ments (মুক্ত পুরুষ); dispassionate, unaf fected, unprejudiced, free (মুক্ত মন); liberal, bountiful; released, freed (কারামুক্ত); extricated (বিপদমুক্ত); ac quitted, freed, discharged (দায়মুক্ত); loosened (বন্ধনমুক্ত); cured of, recov ered from (রোগমুক্ত); unbolted (মুক্তদ্বার); unobstructed, open, free (মুক্তধারা, মুক্তবায়ু); unrestricted; untied, unfastened, bare (মুক্তকৃপাণ); delivered from or of (গর্ভমুক্ত); rescued; liberated; relieved of (ভয়মুক্ত); removed, cleared. মুক্ত করা v. to give salvation, to free from earthly bondage; to free (from); to release; to extricate; to acquit; to discharge; to loosen; to cure of; to open, to unbolt; to free from obstacles or restrictions; to untie, to unfasten; to unsheathe; to deliver from or of; to res cue; to liberate; to relieve (of); (loos.) to remove, to clear. ̃কচ্ছ a. one with the portion of the loincloth hanging loose instead of remaining tucked at the back of the waist between one's legs; (fig.) hurrying excessively and ludicrously, (cp.) having the tail be tween the legs. ̃কন্ঠে adv. in a loud voice; speaking freely or unhesitatingly. ̃কেশী a. fem. having one's hair hanging loose. ☐ n. Goddess Kali (কালী). মুক্ত ছন্দ (pros.) free verse. মুক্ত নগরী an undefended or open city; liberated city. ̃পুরুষ n. (loos.) a man freed from obstacles or hindrances. মুক্ত বন্দর a free port. ̃বেণি a. having hair not tied up in a chignon. ☐ n. the confluence of Tribeni (ত্রিবেণি) at Allahabad. ̃হস্ত a. open-handed; mu nificent, generous. ̃হস্তে adv. in an open-handed manner, liberally.

মুক্তা [ muktā ] n a pearl. ̃খচিত a. set or studded or inlaid with pearls. ̃গর্ভ a. containing pearls, pearly. ̃তুল্য a. pearl-like, pearly. ̃ফল n. pearl; camphor. ̃বলি, ̃বলী n. a collection or string of pearls. ̃মালা, ̃হার n. a string of pearls, a pearl-necklace. ̃শুক্তি n. a pearl-oyster.

মুক্তি [ mukti ] n (theol.) salvation, nirvana; free dom from earthly attachments; release; extrication, deliverance; discharge (জ্যা-মুক্তি); acquittal; loosening; recov ery (রোগমুক্তি); unbolting, opening; freedom from obstruction or restric tions; unsheathing (কোষমুক্তি); delivery from or of (গর্ভমুক্তি); rescue; liberation; relief (ভয়মুক্তি); emancipation (নারীজাতির মুক্তি); end or termination (গ্রহণমুক্তি). মুক্তি দেওয়া same as মুক্ত করা (see মুক্ত) except in the last sense. মুক্তি পাওয়া v. to attain salvation; to gain freedom; to be set free, to be released or freed; to be extricated; to be dis charged; to be acquitted; to be loos ened, to be let loose; to be cured, to re cover; to be unbolted; to be freed from obstruction or restrictions; to be un sheathed; to be delivered from or of; to be rescued; to be liberated; to become independent or free; to be emanci pated. ̃দ, ̃দাতা a. & n. one who gives salvation or frees or releases or extri cates or acquits or lets loose or cures or rescues or liberates or relieves or emancipates. fem. ˜দা, দাত্রী । ̃দান n. giving salvation; freeing; releasing; ex trication or deliverance; acquittal; cur ing; rescuing; liberating; relieving; emancipating. ̃নামা, ̃পত্র n. a deed of release; a deed of reconveyance; a passport; a permit. ̃পণ n. ransom. ̃ফৌজ, ̃সেনা n. an army of liberation; the Salvation Army. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a war of liberation. ̃লাভ n. attainment of salva tion; attainment of freedom; release; extrication or deliverance; acquittal; recovery; rescue; liberation, relief. ̃স্নান n. ceremonial bathing (esp. in a river) on termination of an eclipse.

মুখ [ mukha ] n the face; the mouth; countenance, appearance(s) (লোকের কাছে মুখ থাকা); gift of the gab, oratorical skill, elo quence (উকিলটির মুখ নেই); acrimoni ous speech, sharp or caustic tongue (তার বড়ো মুখ হয়েছে); speech, lan guage, mode of speaking (দুর্মুখ); an entrance (গুহামুখ); an opening (ফোঁড়ার মুখ); an outlet; an outfall (নদীমুখ); a tip, a point (ছুঁচের মুখ); an end, an ex tremity, a head (রাস্তার মুখ); outset, be ginning (উন্নতির মুখ); direction (গৃহমুখে). মুখ উজ্জ্বল করা v. to bring glory or credit to, to glorify. মুখ করা v. to scold (esp. peevishly). মুখ কুট্কুট্ করা same as মুখ চুলকানো (see চুলকানো). মুখ খারাপ করা v. to utter foul or filthy or abusive words. মুখ খিঁচানো v. to make faces (at); to mouth; to scold. মুখ খোলা v. to begin to speak, to open one's mouth. মুখ গোঁজ করা v. to pull a long face; to be down in the mouth. মুখ চলা v. to be eating or speaking or scolding. মুখ চাওয়া v. to be dependent (on a per son); to be considerate about or partial to (a person). মুখ চুন করা v. to become pale (on account of fear, shame etc.). মুখ ছোট করা v. to discountenance; to discredit; to disgrace. মুখ টিপে হাসা v. to smile in a jocular or an oblique or a sly manner, to smirk. মুখ তুলতে না পারা v. to be highly abashed, to be put out of countenance. মুখ তুলে চাওয়া, মুখ তোলা v. to look up; (fig.) to smile on. মুখ থাকা v. to have one's face saved, to have ap pearances kept up. মুখ থুবরে পড়া v. to fall on one's face. মুখ দেখা v. to see cer emonially the face of a person (esp. of a bride) for the first time. মুখ দেখতে না পারা same as মুখ তুলতে না পারা । মুখ দেখানো v. to show one's face, to put in an appearance. মুখ নষ্ট করা v. to speak or plead in vain. মুখ নষ্ট হওয়া v. to have one's advice or request turned down. মুখ পোড়ানো v. to disgrace, to scandal ize. মুখ ফসকানো v. (of words, remarks etc.) to slip off one's tongue. মুখ ফেরানো v. to turn away or look in another di rection (in disgust, displeasure etc.); (fig.) to become unfavourable or hos tile to. মুখ ফোটা v. to begin to speak (esp. for the first time); to utter. মুখ ফোলানো v. to pout one's lips; to pull a long face. মুখ বন্ধ করা v. to stop one's mouth, to silence or be silent. মুখ বাঁকানো v. to turn up one's nose (in dis pleasure, abhorrence etc.); to make a wry face. মুখ বোজা v. to stop one's mouth, to become reticent or uncom municative. মুখ ভার (বা ভারী) করা same as মুখ গোঁজ করা । মুখ ভেংচানো same as ভেংচানো । মুখ মারা v. to put out of coun tenance; to disgrace; to silence; to de prive one of one's appetite by feeding one with a highly palatable dish. মুখ রাখা v. to save one's face; to keep up appearances. মুখ লুকানো v. to hide one's face. মুখ শুকানো v. to look pale. মুখ সামলানো v. to speak guardedly; to for bear speaking unreservedly; to observe restraint in speech; to hold one's tongue. মুখ সেলাই করে দেওয়া v. to sew up or seal one's lips, to silence. মুখ হওয়া v. to learn to take liberties in speech; to be unrestrained in speech; to form a habit of scolding; (of a boil, etc.) to open. মুখে আনা v. to utter. মুখে আসা v. to occur to one to speak; to de sire to utter; to be capable of being ut tered; to be uttered. মুখে খই ফোটা v. to be chattering excessively, to have a long tongue; to be eloquent. মুখে জল আসা v. to have one's mouth watering. মুখে দেওয়া v. to eat. মুখে ফুল-চন্দন পড়া v. (used as a good wish) to have one's tongue blessed for having made a de sirable or favourable or successful prophecy. মুখে ভাত n. the Hindu cus tom of a child's eating rice for the first time. মুখে-মুখে adv. orally; viva voce; extemporarily, off-hand, impromptu; defiantly to one's face, in retort (মুখে মুখে জবাব); transmitted orally from one person to another (মুখে মুখে প্রচারিত). মুখের উপর to one's face; defy ing openly. মুখের কথা (fig.) a very easy job; (fig.) an oral promise, word of mouth. মুখের ছাঁদ cut of one's jib. মুখের তোড় fluency of speech. মুখের ভয়ে in fear of bitter scolding, in fear of sharp or caustic tongue. মুখের মতো fitting. কোন মুখে সেখানে যাবে have you the face to go there? ̃আলগা a. incapable of keeping a secret, given to divulging se crets; having no control over one's tongue; having a long tongue. ̃কমল n. a face conceived as a lotus, a lotus-face. ̃চন্দ্র n. moonface. ̃চন্দ্রিকা n. the ceremonial viewing of each other's face by a bride and a bridegroom at a Hindu wedding. ̃চাপা a. tongue-tied, uncommunicative. ̃চুন n. clear sign of discomfiture, fear etc. on one's face; abashed look. ̃চোরা a. bashful, shy; tongue-tied. ̃চ্ছটা, ̃চ্ছবি n. the glam our or beauty of a face. ̃ঝামটা, ̃নাড়া n. scolding, mouthing. মুখ ঝামটা বা মুখ নাড়া দেওয়া v. to scold, to mouth, to snarl at. ̃নিঃসৃত, ̃নির্গত a. issuing or emerging or emerged from one's mouth or face. ̃পত্র n. a preface, a pre amble, an introduction; a journal repre senting an organization or association. ̃পদ্ম same as ̃কমল । ̃পাত n. the opening or top plait of a folded cloth; the cover or jacket of a book; the front; the outward show; commencement, in ception, inauguration. ̃পাত্র n. a spokesman; a leader (esp. of a deputa tion). ̃পোড়া n. (in abuses) a disgrace ful or scandalous person; (in affection) a mischievous person; a kind of mon key, the langur (হনুমান). fem. মুখপুড়ি (in the first two senses only). ̃ফোড় a. (impertinently) outspoken. ̃দন্ধ n. an introduction, a preface. মুখ ব্যাদান করা v. to gape, to open one's mouth wide. ̃ভঙ্গি n. a wry face or mouth; a gri mace. মুখভঙ্গি করা same as ভেংচানো । ̃মন্ডল n. the face. ̃মিষ্টি n. sweet or suave language. ☐ a. fair-spoken, sweet-tongued. মুখরক্ষা করা v. to save one's face; to keep up appearances. ̃রুচি same as ̃চ্ছটা । ̃রোচক a. pleasant to the taste, tasty, palatable; appetiz ing. মুখরোচক কথা pleasant or palatable or flattering speech. ̃লাবণ্য same as ̃চ্ছটা । ̃শশী same as ̃চন্দ্র । ̃শুদ্ধি n. deodorization of the mouth by chewing betel-leaves etc. after taking meals. ̃শ্রী n. the beauty or grace of the face. ̃সর্বস্ব a. efficient in tall talk (but not in action). মুখসর্বস্ব ব্যক্তি a prattler, a gasbag.

মুখটি2 [ mukhaṭi2 ] n a lid, a cap, a cork, a stopper (as of a bottle etc.).

মুখর [ mukhara ] a garrulous, talkative, long-tongued; acrimonious in speech, mouthy, sharp-tongued; shrewish, quarrelsome; noisy (মুখর নূপুর); re sounded or resounding or reverberat ing; loud; voluble; clamorous. মুখরা a. fem. clamorous, loud-tongued, shrew ish. ☐ n. a termagant, a vixen. মুখরিত a. resounded; resounding; giving out a noise, full of noise.

মুখস্ত [ mukhasta ] a committed to memory, got by heart, memorized, lying in or within the mouth. মুখস্ত করা v. to commit to memory, to get by heart, to memorize; to cram. মুখস্ত বলা v. to commit from memory. ̃বিদ্যা n. the art of cramming; knowledge confined to memory work. -মুখা older var. of -মুখো ।