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মুখাকৃতি [ mukhākṛti ] n the cut or appearance of the face, aspect, countenance, visage, fa cial features.

মুখাগ্নি [ mukhāgni ] n fire applied to the mouth of the dead at cremation; act of singeing the mouth of the dead at cremation. মুখাগ্নি করা v. to singe the mouth of the dead at cremation.

মুখাচ্ছাদন [ mukhācchādana ] n a cover or veil for the face, a face-cover; (of a corpse) a face-cloth.

মুখানো [ mukhānō ] v to wait in eager expectation, to crane one's neck in eagerness or expec tation. ☐ a. having craned one's neck in eagerness or expectation.

মুখাপেক্ষা [ mukhāpēkṣā ] n dependence upon another for anything.

মুখাপেক্ষী [ mukhāpēkṣī ] a dependent upon, hanging on. fem. মুখাপেক্ষিণী । মুখাপেক্ষী হওয়া v. to de pend upon, to hang on. মুখাপেক্ষী ব্যক্তি a dependant, a hanger-on. মুখাপেক্ষিতা n. dependence, act of hanging on.

মুখামৃত [ mukhāmṛta ] n spittle, saliva; (fig.) a nectarine wise saying of a saintly person or great man.

মুখি [ mukhi ] n a sprout or eye of the arum.

-মুখী [ -mukhī ] fem of -মুখো ।

মুখো [ mukhō ] sfx denoting: having a particular face, faced (পোড়ারমুখো); facing (উত্তরমুখো); towards (ঘরমুখো)

মুখোমুখি [ mukhōmukhi ] adv & prep. face to face with; facing one another; vis-a-vis (শত্রুর মুখোমুখি). ☐ a. facing one another; face to face, confronting each other. মুখোমুখি হওয়া v. to come face to face with, to confront, to face, to fly in face of. মুখোমুখি লড়াই a battle royal.

মুখোশ [ mukhōśa ] n a false face, a mask; (fig.) dis simulation, hypocrisy, disguise. মুখোশ পরা v. to masquerade, to mask; (fig.) to dissimulate, to disguise oneself. মুখোশ পরানো v. to mask; (fig.) to disguise.

মুখ্য [ mukhya ] a chief, principal, main; pre-emi nent; foremost, prime; original; major. মুখ্য আধিকারিক the chief officer. ̃কর্ম n. (gr.) a direct object. ̃ক্রিয়া n. a primary action; (gr.) a principal verb. মুখ্য জোয়ার high tide, flow tide. ̃তল n. the princi pal plane. মুখ্য নিরীক্ষক the chief auditor. মুখ্য নির্বাহক the chief executive officer. মুখ্য ন্যায়াধীশ chief judge. ̃মন্ত্রী n. the chief minister.

মুগ [ muga ] n a kind of pigeon-pea.

মুগা [ mugā ] n a kind of silkworm; a kind of coarse silk spun by the aforesaid silk worms.

মুগুর [ mugura ] n a mallet, a club, a cudgel; a rammer; hammer.

মুগ্ধ [ mugdha ] a fascinated; enchanted, bewitched; highly attracted, captivated; spell bound; engrossed, absorbed (ধ্যানমুগ্ধ) entranced (আবেশমুগ্ধ); foolishly doting (স্নেহমুগ্ধ); enamoured of; foolish or ig norant (মুগ্ধবোধ); simple, naive (মুগ্ধস্বভাব) fem. মুগ্ধা । মুগ্ধ করা v. to fas cinate; to enchant, to bewitch; to at tract highly, to captivate; to engross or absorb; to entrance.

মুচকানো [ mucakānō ] v to sprain or cause to sprain, to be wricked or to wrick (পা মুচকেছে)

মুচকি [ mucaki ] a half-expressed by the turning up of lips, (cp.) smirky (মুচকি হাসি)

মুচড়ানো [ mucaḍ়ānō ] v to contort; to wring, to twist, to wriggle; to wrench.

মুচলেকা [ mucalēkā ] n (in law) a recognizance, a bond. মুচলেকা দেওয়া v. to enter into a re cognizance, to furnish a bond.

মুচি1 [ muci1 ] n a crucible; a tiny saucer-shaped earthen vessel; a green coconut (re cently grown) within which there is no water and no kernel).

মুচি2 [ muci2 ] n a worker in animal skin, a shoe maker, a cobbler, a cordwainer, a tan ner.

মুচুকুন্দ [ mucukunda ] n a variety of champak flowers.

মুছা, মোছা [ muchā, mōchā ] v to wipe; to mop, to swab; to rub out, to obliterate, to efface. to ex punge (দাগ মোছা). ̃নো v. to cause to wipe or mop or swab or rub out or obliterate or efface or expunge.

মুজরিম [ mujarima ] n a criminal.

মুঞ্জ [ muñja ] n a kind of grass from which cords are made.

মুঞ্জরন [ muñjarana ] n blossoming; sprouting.

মুটে [ muṭē ] n a porter. মুটে-মজুর n. labourers col lectively; labourers as a class; (usu. derog.) a menial or low-grade worker.

মুড়কি [ muḍ়ki ] n parched paddy coated with boiled sugar or molasses.

মুড়া2, মোড়া [ muḍ়ā2, mōḍ়ā ] v to cover, to wrap; to en close (খামে চিঠি মোড়া); to fold (বিছানা মোড়া); to double up (হাঁটু মুড়ে বসা); to contort or twist or bend (দেহ মোড়া); to ravel in, to wind round (আঙ্গুলে সুতো মোড়া).

মুড়া3, মোড়া [ muḍ়ā3, mōḍ়ā ] v to pollard, to lop; to eat of the top (of) (ছাগলে গাছ মুড়েছে); to shave (মাথা মোড়া)

মুড়ানো, মুড়োনো [ muḍ়ānō, muḍ়ōnō ] a pollarded, lopped; shaven. ☐ v. to pollard or cause to pol lard, to lop or cause to lop; to shave or cause to shave.

মুড়ি1 [ muḍ়i1 ] n a kind of food made by parching rice on hot sand.

মুড়ি2 [ muḍ়i2 ] n the severed head of a goat, fish etc,; a counterfoil (চেকমুড়ি). মুড়িঘন্ট n. a highly seasoned dish prepared with the head of fish or of a goat, sheep, etc.

মুড়ি3 [ muḍ়i3 ] n a folded edge or hem of cloth etc.; covering or wrapping. মুড়ি দেওয়া v. to hem; to cover or wrap oneself (কাঁথা মুড়ি দেওয়া). মুড়ি-সেলাই n. a hem stitch, a hem. মুড়ি-সেলাই দেওয়া বা করা v. to hem-stitch, to hem.

মুড়ো1 [ muḍ়ō1 ] n the head of a fish; tip or corner (কাপড়ের মুড়ো); an end or extremity (ঘরের এ মুড়ো থেকে ও মুড়ো) ।

মুড়ো2 [ muḍ়ō2 ] a pollarded or lopped (মুড়ো গাছ); worn-out or decayed (মুড়ো ঝাঁটা) ।

মুত [ muta ] n (coll. & now vul.) urine.

মুতসুদ্দি [ mutasuddi ] n a deputy or agent; a commer cial agent, a banian.

মুতাবেক [ mutābēka ] adv in accordance with, accord ing to; in compliance with.

মুদা, মোদা [ mudā, mōdā ] v to close, to shut (আঁখি মোদা)

মুদারা [ mudārā ] n (mus.) the scale of the medium tone, (cp.) barytone.

মুদি [ mudi ] n a grocer. ̃খানা n. a grocer's shop.

মুদিত1 [ mudita1 ] a delighted, pleased.

মুদিত2 [ mudita2 ] a closed, shut. মুদিত করা v. to close, to shut.

মুদ্গর [ mudgara ] n a mallet, a club, a cudgel; a rammer; a hammer.

মুদ্দত [ muddata ] n time limit, fixed or stipulated time; deadline.

মুদ্দতি [ muddati ] a continuing or enforced for a fixed period; periodical; temporary.