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মূঢ় [ mūḍh় ] a moving under an illusion; infatu ated; stupid; ignorant; indiscreet; men tally obsessed. ̃তা n. ignorance; stu pidity; bewilderment; indiscretion.

মূত্র [ mūtra ] n urine. ̃কৃচ্ছ্র n. painful micturition, strangury. মূত্রত্যাগ করা v. to urinate, to make or pass water, to piss; to mictur ate. ̃ধানী n. a urinal; a piss-pot. ̃নালি n. the urethra. মূত্রনালী-প্রদাহ urethritis. ̃নিঃসরণ n. discharge of urine; urina tion. ̃নিরোধ n. retention of urine. ̃বর্ধক a. diuretic. মূত্রবর্ধক-ওষুধ a di uretic. ̃মেহ n. painful micturition; dia betes. মূত্রাধার, মূত্রাশয় n. (anat.) the blad der.

মূর্খ [ mūrkha ] a stupid, foolish; uneducated, illiter ate; ignorant; inexperienced. ☐ n. a stupid person, a fool, an idiot, a dunce; an uneducated or illiterate person; an inexperienced person, a greenhorn. ̃তা n. stupidity, foolishness; a folly; lack of education, illiteracy; ignorance; in experience. মূর্খতা প্রকাশ করা v. to betray one's stupidity or ignorance. ̃তাসূচক a. betraying or indicative of stupidity or gross ignorance.

মূর্ছনা [ mūrchanā ] n (mus.) a gradual modulation or rise and fall of voice; (mus.) a sweet tremor of voice.

মূর্ছা [ mūrchā ] n a fainting fit, a swoon; (med.) a syncope. ☐ v. same as মূর্ছা যাওয়া । মূর্ছা যাওয়া v. to faint, to swoon. ̃গত, ̃প্রাপ্ত a. fainted, swooned; lying uncon scious. ̃বায়ু, ̃রোগ n. epilepsy; syn cope. ̃বায়ুগ্রস্ত a. epileptic; syncopic, syncoptic. ̃ভঙ্গ n. regaining of con sciousness from a fainting fit.

মূর্ছিত [ mūrchita ] a fainted, swooned. মূর্ছিত হওয়া v. to faint, to swoon.

মূর্ত [ mūrta ] a corporeal, embodied, personized; incarnate; concrete; material; (phys.) real; (fig.) palpable, tangible, visible, manifest. মূর্ত করা v. to embody; to personize; to incarnate; to concretize; to make visible or tangible or manifest.

মূর্ত হওয়া [ mūrta hōẏā ] v to assume a form; to be in carnated; to become palpable or tan gible or visible or manifest.

মূর্তি [ mūrti ] n a body; an incarnation; an em bodiment; an image; a form, a shape, a figure, an appearance. মূর্তি ধারণ করা, মূর্তি পরিগ্রহ করা v. to assume a material body or form; to be incarnated; to as sume a particular appearance; to per sonate. ̃পূজক n. an idolator (fem. an idolatress), an imageworshipper. ̃পূজা n. idolatry, imageworship. ̃মান, (loos.) ̃মন্ত a. embodied; incarnate; personized; personified; manifest, vis ible; (dero.) downright or mischievous. fem. ̃মতী । মূর্তিমান শয়তান the very em bodiment of devil or satan.

মূর্ধন্য [ mūrdhanya ] a (gr.) cerebral. ☐ n. (gr.) a retrof lex or cerebral letter, a cerebral.

মূর্ধা [ mūrdhā ] n the head. মূর্ধাভিষিক্ত a. enthroned by being sprinkled with holy water on one's head.

মূর্বা, মুর্বী [ mūrbā, murbī ] n the bow-string hemp.

মূল [ mūla ] n a root; an esculent root, a bulbous plant, a bulb; beginning; origin; a cause or source of origin; (of money) capital or principal (সুদেমূলে); founda tion, base, basis (অমূলক); the basal or embedded part of anything, the foot (বৃক্ষমূল); (math.) a factor of a quantity, root. ☐ a. first, original; fundamental; basic; primary; principal; chief, main; real; (of invested money etc.) capital or principal. অবরোহ মূল (bot.) a hanging root. অস্হানিক মূল (bot.) an adventitious root. প্রধান মূল, মুখ্য মূল (bot.) a tap root. মূল উপাদান an essential element. মূল একক a fundamental unit. -মূলক sfx. caused by, originating from (ভ্রান্তিমূলক বিশ্বাস); (inc.) causing or exhibiting (দুঃখমূলক ব্যাপার). ̃কর্ম n. the original or principal work. ̃কারণ n. the first or primary or original cause; the root cause; the real cause. ̃কেন্দ্র n. the prin cipal centre; headquarters; (comm.) the head office; (geom.) the radical centre. ̃গত a. basic, fundamental; radical. মূল গায়েন the leading singer of a chorus. ̃গ্রন্হ n. the original text or manuscript, (cp.) the source-book. ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃চ্ছেদন same as মূলোচ্ছেদ । ̃জ a. originating from the root, radical. মূলজ প্রেষ n. (bot.) the root-pressure. ̃জীবী n. (bot.) a root-parasite. ̃ত same as মূলে । ̃তত্ত্ব n. the first or primary principle; the ba sic or fundamental truth. ̃ত্র n. (bot.) a root-cap. ̃দ a. (alg.) rational. ☐ n. (alg.) a rational quantity, a rational. ̃ধন n. capital or principal (invested). ̃ধর্ম n. the fundamental properties. ̃নীতি n. the fundamental or basic or primary principle. ̃প্রকৃতি n. the origi nal or elemental nature; (theol.) same as আদ্যাশক্তি । ̃ভিত্তি n. the foundation, the groundwork; inauguration; the pri mary or principal ground or basis. ̃মন্ত্র n. an esoteric word or words uttered inwardly at prayer; the guiding prin ciple; firm resolve (জীবনের মূলমন্ত্র). ̃রশ্মি n. (phys.) a direct ray. ̃রোম n. (bot.) a root-hair. ̃শিকড় (chiefly bot.) the main root. ̃সূত্র n. the fundamental rule or principle. মূলে adv. at the root or base; in the beginning, originally; primarily; basically, fundamentally; at all. মূলে ভুল করা to get hold of the wrong end of the stick.

মূলা2 [ mūlā2 ] n the nineteenth of the twenty-seven stars of Hindu astronomy.

মূলাকর্ষণ [ mūlākarṣaṇa ] n a pull by the root. মূলাকর্ষণ করা v. to pull by the root.

মূলাধার [ mūlādhāra ] n the real cause.

মূলানুগ [ mūlānuga ] a following or in accordance with base or root or etymology; etymo logical; fundamental.

মূলীভূত [ mūlībhūta ] a causing origination; lying at the root; serving as the first or primary cause.

মূলোচ্ছেদ করা, মূলোত্পাটন [ mūlōcchēda karā, mūlōtpāṭana ] n extirpation, eradi cation; (fig.) complete destruction. মূলোচ্ছেদ করা, মূলোত্পাটন করা v. to up root, to root out, to extirpate, to eradi cate; (fig.) to pay for; to destroy com pletely or thoroughly.

মূল্য [ mūlya ] n price; rate; cost; value, worth; charge; wages, fee, remuneration; hire charge, hire; freight. মূল্য দেওয়া v. to pay the price of; to remunerate; (fig.) to appreciate or recognize the value or worth of. ̃জ্ঞাপন n. quotation (of prices). ̃নির্ধারক, ̃নিরূপক a. appraising; evaluating. ☐ n. an appraiser; an evalu ator. মূল্যনির্ধারণ বা নিরূপণ করা v. to ap praise; to evaluate. ̃পত্র (পাওনা সম্বন্ধে) n. a bill. ̃বান a. valuable, costly, pre cious. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. increase or rise in price, appreciation. ̃বেদন n. quotation of price or charge. ̃বেদনপত্র n. a tender. ̃বোধ n. idea or sense of values. ̃হীন a. valueless; worthless; (fig.) futile or useless. ̃ হ্রাস n. fall in price or value, depreciation. মূল্যানুসারে adv. according to value or price, ad valorem. মূল্যায়ন n. assessment; evaluation. মূল্যায়ন করা v. to assess or estimate the price or value of; to appraise; to evaluate.

মূষা1 [ mūṣā1 ] n a crucible.

মূষা2, মূষিক [ mūṣā2, mūṣika ] n the rat; the mouse (pl. mice).

মৃগ [ mṛga ] n the deer; the stag; the antelope; ground game; a beast, an animal. কস্তুরীমৃগ n. the musk-deer. কৃষ্ণসার-মৃগ n. the black antelope. চিত্রমৃগ n. the spotted deer. শাখামৃগ n. the monkey. ̃চর্ম n. deer-skin; animal skin. ̃তৃষা, ̃তৃষ্ণা, ̃তৃষ্ণিকা n. a mirage. ̃নয়না a. fem. hav ing eyes like those of a deer. ̃নাভি n. musk. ̃মদ n. musk. ̃য়া n. hunting (esp. of big games). মৃগয়া করা v. to hunt. মৃগয়া করতে যাওয়া v. to go out hunting. মৃগয়াকারী n. a hunter, a hunts man. ̃রাজ same as মৃগেন্দ্র । ̃লোচনা same as ̃নয়না । ̃শিরা, ̃শীর্ষ n. the fifth of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃শিশু n. a fawn. ̃শৃঙ্গ n. the horn of a buck. মৃগাক্ষী same as ̃নয়না । masc. মৃগাক্ষ । মৃগাঙ্ক n. one who bears the sign of a deer; the moon. মৃগাঙ্কমৌলি, মৃগাঙ্কশেখর n. one who bears the moon on one's forehead as a crown; Shiva (শিব). মৃগাজিব n. a deer skin; an animal skin. মৃগাজীব n. a pro fessional hunter. মৃগী n. (as fem.) the doe, the female beast (শাখামৃগী); (as neut.) epilepsy. মৃগেন্দ্র n. the king of beasts; the lion.

মৃগেল [ mṛgēla ] n a species of large fresh-water fish with reddish eyes.