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মুদ্রক [ mudraka ] n a printer.

মুদ্রণ [ mudraṇa ] n printing; stamping; impression. মুদ্রণ করা v. to print; to stamp; to im press. মুদ্রণ নিবন্ধ press register. মুদ্রণ নিবন্ধক n. press registrar. ̃প্রমাদ n. printing mistake. মুদ্রণ-শোধক n. press corrector, proof-reader. মুদ্রণ-শোধন n. press correction, proof-reading. মুদ্রণীয় a. printable, worth printing.

মুদ্রলিখ [ mudralikha ] n a typewriter. মুদ্রলেখক n. a typist.

মুদ্রা [ mudrā ] n a coin; a rupee; money, wealth; a seal, a signet, a stamp; any one of the peculiar signs made with fingers dur ing prayer; any pose or gesture of dancing; a (ludicrous) mannerism (মুদ্রাদোষ). ̃কর n. a printer. মুদ্রাকর-প্রমাদ n. a printing mistake. ̃কার a. nummular. ̃ক্ষর n. a printing type. ̃ঙ্কন n. stamping or impressing or seal ing. ̃ঙ্কিত a. stamped, impressed, sealed. মুদ্রাঙ্কিত করা v. to stamp, to im press, to seal. ̃দোষ n. a (ludicrous) mannerism. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. numismatics. ̃বিজ্ঞানী n. a numismatist. ̃মান n. (econ.) money standard. ̃মূল্য n. value of a coin or currency. ̃মূল্যহ্রাস n. de preciation or devaluation of a coin or currency. ̃যন্ত্র n. a printing machine. ̃লিপি n. a lithograph. মুদ্রাশঙ্খ n. lith arge. ̃স্ফীতি n. (econ.) inflation of money currency, inflation.

মুদ্রিত [ mudrita ] a stamped, impressed, sealed; printed; shut, closed. মুদ্রিত করা v. to stamp, to impress, to seal; to print; to shut, to close. মুদ্রিত নয়নে adv. with closed eyes.

মুনশি [ munaśi ] n a clerk, a scrivener, a scribe; a secretary; an Urdu teacher; a munshi. ̃য়ানা n. erudition; skill in drafting or composition; calligraphy; skill; virtu osity. খানমুনশি n. a private secretary.

মুনসেফ [ munasēpha ] n an officer trying suits at the lowest civil court, a munsiff. মুনসেফি n. the office of a munsiff. ☐ a. relating to a munsiff (মুনসেফি আদালত).

মুনাফা [ munāphā ] n profit. মুনাফা লোটা v. to profiteer. ̃খোর, ̃বাজ a. given to profiteering. ☐ n. a profiteer. ̃খোরি, ̃বাজি n. profi teering.

মুনাসিব [ munāsiba ] a to one's liking or choice, agree able to; fit, worthy.

মুনি [ muni ] n a sage practising ascetical medita tion (usu. in solitude), a hermit; a sage or an ascetic. মুনির আশ্রম a hermitage. ̃বাক্য n. saying or utterance of a sage. নানা মুনির নানা মত many men many minds, sages differ.

মুনিবর [ munibara ] n a chief hermit; (hon.) a highly respectable sage.

মুনিয়া [ muniẏā ] n munia, a tiny Indian bird.

মুনিশ, মুনিষ [ muniśa, muniṣa ] n a farm-hand.

মুনীন্দ্র [ munīndra ] n a chief hermit.

মুফত [ muphata ] adv & a. cost-free, gratuitous; without remuneration, gratis. মুফতে adv. cost-free; gratuitously; free of cost.

মুফতি [ muphati ] n (Mus.) an expounder of Mo hammedan laws, a mufti; the civilian dress of one who wears a uniform, mufti.

মুমুক্ষা [ mumukṣā ] n desire for salvation.

মুমুক্ষু [ mumukṣu ] a desirous of salvation.

মুমূর্ষু [ mumūrṣu ] a (ori. but rare) desirous of dying; (pop.) about to die, dying, moribund. মুমূর্ষ দশা dying state. মুমূর্ষাবস্হায় adv. in a dying state; on the point of death.

মুয়াজ্জিন [ muẏājjina ] n (Mus.) one who announces the hours of prayer from a minaret, a muezzin.

মুরগি [ muragi ] n (as fem.) the hen; (as neut.) a fowl, a chicken. মুরগির ছানা a chick, a chicken.

মুরজ [ muraja ] n an instrument of percussion re sembling a tom tom.

মুরদ, মুরোদ [ murada, murōda ] n ability; power; strength.

মুরলি, মুরলী [ murali, muralī ] n a flute, a pipe.

মুরারি [ murāri ] n Krishna (কৃষ্ণ), who killed Mura মুর the demon.

মুরি [ muri ] n a sewer, a gutter; a drain.

মুরিদ [ murida ] n (Mus.) a devout person.

মুরুব্বি [ murubbi ] n a guardian; a patron; a leader. মুরব্বির জোর the support or patronage of a guardian or patron. ̃গিরি, ̃য়ানা n. guardianship; patronage. মুরব্বিগিরি করা v. to assume officiously the post or role of a guardian; to assume the air of a guardian.

মুলতান [ mulatāna ] n an Indian musical mode.

মুলতানি [ mulatāni ] a of Multan. ☐ n. Multan the In dian musical mode.

মুলতুবি [ mulatubi ] a postponed, adjourned; deferred (মুলতুবি পাওনা); held in abeyance (মুলতুবি আইন). মুলতুবি রাখা বা করা v. to postpone, to adjourn; to defer; to put or hold in abeyance.

মুলুক [ muluka ] n a country; a kingdom; native land, motherland.

মুলো [ mulō ] n the radish.

মুশকিল [ muśakila ] n a difficulty, a trouble, a fix; a hitch, a rub. মুশকিল বেধেছে there is a difficulty or trouble or fix or hitch. মুশকিলে পড়া v. to run into a difficulty or trouble or fix. মুশকিল আসান removal of difficulty or trouble.

মুশকো জোয়ান [ muśakō jōẏāna ] n (usu. (dero.) a strong and robust person.

মুষড়ানো [ muṣaḍ়ānō ] v to become downhearted or de pressed or discouraged. মুষড়ে পড়া same as মুষড়ানো ।

মুষল [ muṣala ] n a mallet, a club; a rammer; a pestle (esp. of a husking-tree which is operated in the seesaw manner or of a mortar). ̃ধারা n. torrential downpour. মুষলধারে বৃষ্টি পড়া to rain cats and dogs, to rain in torrents.

মুষ্ক [ muṣka ] n the scrotum. ̃গ্রন্হি n. the testicles. মুষ্কচ্ছেদন করা v. to castrate. ছিন্নমুষ্ক a. castrated.

মুষ্টি [ muṣṭi ] n cupped palm of the hand; a hand ful; a fist; a handle, a haft, a hilt; firm hold, grip. ̃গত a. gripped; firmly held or controlled; clenched. ̃প্রহার same as মুষ্ট্যাঘাত । ̃বদ্ধ a. having a hand or hands closed or clenched; (of a hand) closed or clenched. ̃ভিক্ষা n. a handful of rice or other cereals given in char ity. ̃মেয় a. only a handful of, a little or a few. ̃যুদ্ধ n. boxing; buffeting. মুষ্টিযুদ্ধ করা v. to engage in a boxing contest. ̃যোগ n. a quack remedy or medicine. ̃যোদ্ধা n. a boxer, a pugilist. মুষ্ট্যাঘাত n. a fisticuff, a box, a buffet. মুষ্ট্যাঘাত করা v. to box, to buffet.

মুসম্মত [ musammata ] n (Mus.) an appellation affixed to the names of Muslim women, (cp.) Miss, Mrs.

মুসলমান, মুসলিম [ musalamāna, musalima ] n a Mussulman, a Mus lim. ☐ a. Mohammedan, Muslim. মুসলমানধর্ম n. Islam, Mohammedanism. মুসলমানি n. a Mohammedan female, a Muslim woman; the Muslim mode of life or fashion and practices; the Mus lim custom of circumcision. ☐ a. Mo hammedan.

মুসা [ musā ] n Moses.

মুসাফির [ musāphira ] n a wayfarer; a traveller; a trav eller in foreign lands. ̃খানা n. an inn; a caravanserai.

মুসাবিদা [ musābidā ] n a draft (of a document, writing etc.). মুসাবিদা করা v. to draft.

মুসুরি [ musuri ] n lentil.

মুহুরি1 [ muhuri1 ] n a sewer, a gutter, a drain; a strainer covering the mouth of a drain; a nut of a bolt; the measure of the cuff or ankle of garments.

মুহুরি2 [ muhuri2 ] n a clerk or scrivener. ̃গিরি n. clerkship.

মুহুর্মুহু [ muhurmuhu ] adv (also a.) again and again; re peatedly; with little or no respite.

মুহুর্ত [ muhurta ] n a division of time (=48 minutes); a point of time, a moment, a while; a very short time. এই মুহুর্তে at this mo ment; just now; immediately, at once. ̃কাল n. a moment, a while. ̃মধ্যে adv. in a moment, in an instant, in two ticks, in a trice, in a jiffy. ̃মাত্র adv. only for a moment or while. ☐ n. only a moment.

মুহ্যমান [ muhyamāna ] a stunned; stupefied; benumbed; extremely afflicted (শোকে মুহ্যমান) ।

মূক [ mūka ] a dumb; mute; dumbfounded, speechless (বিস্ময়ে মূক হওয়া). ̃-বধির a. deaf and dumb. মূক-বধির ব্যক্তি a deaf mute.