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য [ y ] n the twenty-sixth consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

যকৃত্ [ yakṛt ] n the liver.

যকৃত্কোষ [ yakṛtkōṣa ] n hepatic cyst.

যকৃত্প্রদাহ [ yakṛtpradāha ] n hepatitis.

যক্ষ [ yakṣa ] n (myth.) one of a class of demigods; a ghost appointed to guard a treasure hidden underground; (iron.) an ex tremely miserly man. ̃পুরী n. (myth.) the city of Kuvera (কুবের) ̃রাজ n. Kuvera (কুবের) the king of Yakshas (যক্ষ).

যক্ষিণী [ yakṣiṇī ] fem of যক্ষ ।

যক্ষা [ yakṣā ] n phthisis; tuberculosis, pulmonary consumption.

যখন [ yakhana ] adv & con when; whilst; whereas; because, as, since. ̃ই adv. & con. whenever, as soon (as), no sooner (than). ˜কার a. of a particular or speci fied time. যখনকার যা তখনকার তা (fig.) every work has its own time, every thing must be done in its own proper time. ̃তখন adv. in time or out of time; in season or out of season; (much too) frequently (and often vexatiously); at any hour or time. যখন যেমন তখন তেমন suitable for the occasion; seasonable, (cp.) do in Rome as the Romans do.

যজন [ yajana ] n worshipping, worship; act of of fering in sacrifice, sacrifice. ̃যাজন n. act of worshipping on behalf of one's own self as well as on behalf of others, priestcraft.

যজমান [ yajamāna ] n one on whose behalf a priest worships, a sheep of a priest.

যজ্ঞ [ yajña ] n a Vedic sacrifice; a religious sac rifice, an oblation, a sacrifice; a burnt offering; (fig.) a great and pompous af fair or ceremony. ̃কর্ম n. sacrificial rite. ̃কুণ্ড n. a pit in which the sacrifi cial fire is made. ̃ডুমুর n. a variety of large figs. ̃ধূম n. the smoke of sacrifi cial fire. ̃পশু n. a sacrificial beast, a victim. ̃পাত্র, ̃স্হালী n. a sacrificial vessel. ̃বেদি n. a sacrificial altar, an altar. ̃ভূমি, ̃শালা, ̃স্হল, ̃স্হান n. a place of sacrifice. ̃সূত্র same as উপবীত । যজ্ঞাগ্নি, যজ্ঞানল n. the sacrificial fire. যজ্ঞীয় a. sacrificial. যজ্ঞেশ্বর n. the lord of religious sacrifices; Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). যজ্ঞোপবীত same as উপবীত ।

যত্1 [ yat1 ] n an Indian musical measure.

যত্2 [ yat2 ] a what; whatever, whatsoever; all whatever. ̃কালে adv. & con. at the time when; when, whilst. ̃কিঞ্চিত্, ̃সামান্য a. (also pro.) (the little) what ever; the little; (only) a little. ̃পরোনাস্তি a. extreme, utmost.

যত [ yata ] pro. & adv. & con as many or as much (যত এলো তত গেল); all whatso ever (যত নষ্টের গোড়া); the more, the more (যত দেখবে তত মজবে). ̃ই em phatic form of যত । ̃কাল adv. & con. as long (as), so long. ˜কিছু pro. & a. whatever, whatsoever. ˜ক্ষণ same as ̃কাল । যতক্ষণ না until, till. ̃খানি adv. & con. as much (as); as long (as); as far (as); as many (as). ̃গুলি, ̃গুলো adv. & con. as many (as). ˜টা same as ̃খানি । ̃দিন adv. & con. as many days (as); as long (as); so long. ̃দূর adv. & con. as far (as). ˜বার adv. & con. as many times (as); as often (as). যত নষ্টের গোড়া the root of all evils or mischiefs. যত বড় মুখ নয় তত বড়ো কথা (fig.) an audacious utterance or remark.