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যতি1 [ yati1 ] n (now rare) an ascetic; a hermit; a widow (ব্রাহ্মণের যতি).

যতি2 [ yati2 ] n (gr.) a stop; (pros.) a pause, a caesura. ̃চিহ্ন n. (gr.) a punctuation mark. ̃পাত, ̃ভঙ্গ n. (pros.) a metrical fault or breach.

যতেক [ yatēka ] a. & con (poet.) as much or as many, all whatever.

যত্ন [ yatna ] n laborious or zealous effort; careful or earnest attention, care; nursing; cor dial or warm reception (অতিথিকে যত্ন); zeal; labour, toil. যত্ন-আত্তি n. cordial and warm reception, cordial treatment; care; earnest attention. যত্ন করা, যত্ন নেওয়া v. to endeavour laboriously or zealously; to attend to carefully, to take care of; to nurse; to receive cor dially or warmly; to be zealous; to labour, to toil. ̃পূর্বক, ̃সহকারে adv. with laborious or zealous endeavour; with careful or earnest attendance; carefully; zealously; laboriously. ̃বান, ̃শীল a. laboriously or zealously endeavouring; carefully or earnestly attending to; careful; zealous; labori ous, fem. ̃বতী, ̃শীলা ।

যত্র [ yatra ] adv. & con in whichever place or subject; wherever; as much (as). ̃তত্র adv. here and there; anywhere and ev erywhere; everywhere. যত্র আয় তত্র ব্যয় spending all or whatever one earns.

যথা [ yathā ] adv as; as for instance, as for ex ample, namely; as much; to the utmost degree, amount or number; in accor dance with; where or in which. ☐ a. proper, fitting, right. ̃কর্তব্য adv. & a. in accordance with one's duty; as one's duty demands or warrants. ̃কালে adv. at the proper or right or suitable or due time; in time; in good time, betimes; seasonably; in due course. ̃ক্রমে adv. in regular or due order or succession; respectively. ̃তথ a. accurate; actual; true; real. ̃তথা same as যত্রতত্র (see যত্র). ̃দিষ্ট a. complying with or obedi ent to the order. ̃নিয়মে adv. in accor dance with the rule or law or formali ties. যথানুপূর্ব a. conforming to the regu lar or due order or succession or se quence. ̃পূর্ব a. & adv. as before. ˜পূর্বং তথা পরং no change in the condition or state; (derog.) as bad as ever. ̃বত্ a. & adv. according to the rule or law or formalities; as before; without change. ̃বিধি same as ̃নিয়ম । ̃বিহিত a. & adv. as is prescribed or due. যথাভিপ্রেত, যথাভিমত n. & adv. according to one's desire, as one pleases. ˜য় adv. where, wherein. ̃যথ a. & adv. according to the due order or succession or se quence. □ a. accurate; exact; correct; right; just; true; fit. ☐ adv. accurately; exactly; correctly; rightly; justly; truly; fittingly, fitly (also যথাযথভাবে). ̃যোগ্য same as যথোচিত । ̃রীতি a. & adv. as is usual or customary, according to usage or custom or practice. ˜রুচি a. & adv. according to one's inclination or taste or choice. ˜শক্তি a. & adv. to the best of one's abilities, as much as one can. ˜শাস্ত্র a. & adv. conforming to the scriptures or scriptural prescriptions. ˜সময়ে same as ̃কালে । ̃সম্ভব adv. as far as or as much as or as many as pos sible. ̃সর্বস্ব n. whatever one possesses, one's entire possessions. ̃সাধ্য same as ̃শক্তি । যথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করা to try one's best or utmost. ̃স্হান n. the right or proper or fixed or appointed place.

যথার্থ [ yathārtha ] a right; correct; accurate; exact; genuine; authentic; true; actual; proper.

যথেষ্ট [ yathēṣṭa ] adv. & a as much or as many as one desires. ☐ a. enough, sufficient; abundant; profuse.

যথোচিত, যথোপযুক্ত [ yathōcita, yathōpayukta ] a proper; fit; as one deserves; as is due to one; fitting; just. যথোপযুক্তরূপে adv. in a befitting manner.

যথোপযোগী [ yathōpayōgī ] a fit, suitable; proper, becom ing.

যদবধি [ yadabadhi ] adv. & con up to which time, till when; from which time, since when.