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সমবেদনা, সমব্যথা [ samabēdanā, samabyathā ] n sympathy; fellow feeling; commiseration; compassion.

সমবেদী, সমব্যথী [ samabēdī, samabyathī ] a sympathetic; commis erative; compassionate. সমবেদী কম্পন a. sympathetic vibration.

সমভাব [ samabhāba ] n same or similar state of mind; same or similar state or condition or manner; similarity or sameness; equa bility. সমভাবাপন্ন a. having the same or similar state of mind; of the same or similar state or condition; similar or same; equable. সমভাবাপন্ন জলবায়ু eq uable climate. সমভাবে adv. in the same or similar way or manner; unchangingly; uniformly.

সমভিব্যাহারী [ samabhibyāhārī ] a (obs.) accompanying. fem. সমভিব্যাহারিণী ।

সমভিব্যাহারে [ samabhibyāhārē ] adv (obs.) accompanied by or in the company of.

সমভূমি [ samabhūmi ] a level, flat, plain; razed to the ground. সমভূমি করা v. to level; to raze to the ground.

সমমন্ডল [ samamanḍala ] n the temperate zone.

সমমতাবলম্বী [ samamatābalambī ] n & a of the same opinion; belonging to or believing in the same religion.

সমমাত্র [ samamātra ] a (alg.) homogeneous.

সমমাত্রিক [ samamātrika ] a (pros.) consisting of feet of equal metres.

সমমালভূমি [ samamālabhūmi ] n (geog.) a tableland, a pla teau.

সমমুখ [ samamukha ] a (mech.—of forces) like.

সমমূল্য [ samamūlya ] a of the same or equal price or value or rate; equivalent. সমমূল্যে adv. at the same or equal price or rate; at par.

সময় [ samaẏa ] n time; the time of the clock (দুটোর সময়); any particular time or part of day (সন্ধ্যার সময়); a point or period of time (সেই সময়); season; fixed or due time; working hours (স্কুলের সময়); an instance or time; suitable or opportune time; leisure; opportunity; state or con dition; reign, regime, period, age; term of office; floruit; times (দুঃসময়); good days; the last gasp (বুড়োর সময় হয়েছে); longevity (সময় ফুরোলে সবাই মরবে); usage, practice, tradition, convention (কবিসময়প্রসিদ্ধি). সময় করা v. to make or find time (for), to find leisure (for); to fix time (for). সময় বুঝে চলা v. to ac commodate oneself to the contempo rary situation; to behave or move as a time-server; to live within one's present means. সময় দেওয়া v. to give or allow (one) time. সময় দেখা v. to read the time (of clocks etc.). সময় নষ্ট করা v. to waste time, to kill time; to lose an opportunity, to let go an opportunity. সময় পাওয়া v. to get or find time or lei sure; to be given or allowed time. সময় বলা v. to tell the time (of clocks). সময় হয়েছে v. it is time; one's days are num bered. অত্যল্প সময়ে in no time. কাজের সময় the time for work; working hours. প্রমাণ সময় n. standard time. বর্তমান সময় present times. বসন্তের সময় springtime, the spring season, spring; in spring. সন্ধ্যার সময় evening time, evening; in evening. স্হানীয় সময় local time. সময় সময়, সময়ে সময়ে from time to time; at times; occasionally. সময়ে ও অসময়ে in season and out of season. ̃ক্রমে adv. in course of time. সময় নিরূপণ করা v. to as certain the time (of); to fix the time (for). ̃নিষ্ঠ a. punctual. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. punc tuality. ̃মতো same as সময়ানুসারে । ̃রক্ষক n. a time-keeper, (as of a fac tory). ☐ a. keeping time ̃রেখা n. a dateline. ̃সারনি n. time-table. ̃সীমা n. time limit; deadline. ̃সেবক, ̃সেবী n. a time-server. ☐ a. time-serving. সময়ানুসারে adv. according to a particular or fixed time; according to the demand of the passing state or condition; ac cording to the age or time. সময়ান্তরে adv. at another or some other time; (rare) after a time-lag. সময়াভাব n. want or paucity or shortage of time. সময়োচিত, সময়োপযোগী a. timely.

সমর [ samara ] n a war, a battle, a fight. ̃কৌশল n. the art of planning operations in war, strategy. ̃ক্ষেত্র, ̃ভূমি same as যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র । ̃শায়ী a. killed in a battle, fallen in a fight, killed in action. fem. ̃শায়িনী । ̃সজ্জা, ̃সাজ n. battle-dress and arms and equipment (of any individual sol dier); war equipment; preparation for war. ̃স্হল, সমরাঙ্গন same as যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র । সমরানল n. war regarded as a widely devastating fire, fire or flames of war.

সমরাশি [ samarāśi ] n (arith.) an even number.

সমরূপ [ samarūpa ] a alike in form; homomorphic, homomorphous; homoeomorphic; alike in manner; uniform. ̃তা n. uniformity.

সমরৈখিক [ samaraikhika ] a collinear.

সমর্থ [ samartha ] a capable, able; competent; ablebodied; of full age and able to earn (সমর্থ ছেলে); of full age and fit for mar riage (সমর্থ মেয়ে).

সমর্থক [ samarthaka ] n a seconder; a supporter; (dero.) a countenancer; a confirmer, a confirmator; a corroborator.

সমর্থন [ samarthana ] n seconding (of a motion or nomination); support; (dero.) counte nancing; confirmation; corroboration. সমর্থন করা v. to second; to support; to countenance; to confirm; to corrobo rate.

সমর্থা [ samarthā ] fem of সমর্থ ।

সমর্থিত [ samarthita ] a seconded; supported; (dero.) countenanced; confirmed; corrobo rated. fem. সমর্থিতা ।

সমর্পণ [ samarpaṇa ] n act of giving away; dedication; act of making over; act of committing to the charge or custody of; surrender. সমর্পণ করা v. to give away; to dedicate; to give; to make over; to commit to the charge or custody of; to yield up, to surrender. ̃কারী a giver; a dedicator; one who makes over; one who com mits to the charge or custody or; a yielder; a surrenderer. সমর্পণীয় a. that which can be or should be dedicated or made over or surrendered or commit ted to the charge (of). fem. ̃কারিণী ।

সমর্পিত [ samarpita ] a given away; dedicated; given; made over; committed to the charge or custody of; yielded up, surrendered.

সমল [ samala ] a dirty; filthy, foul.

সমলয় [ samalaẏa ] a (phys.) synchronous. ☐ n. (phys.). synchronism. সমলয় করা v. (phys.) to synchronize.

সমশ্রেণি [ samaśrēṇi ] n the same class or race or fam ily or rank. ̃ভুক্ত a. belonging to the same class or race or family or rank.

সমষ্টি [ samaṣṭi ] n a sum total, an aggregate; a total; the result of a sum of addition. ̃করণ n. totalling; totalization; addition; (phys.) aggregation. ̃গতভাবে adv. col lectively.

সমসংযোগ [ samasaṃyōga ] n (bot.) cohesion.

সমসত্ত্ব [ samasattba ] a (bot.) homogeneous.

সমসাময়িক [ samasāmaẏika ] a (erron. but pop.) contempo rary, contemporaneous.

সমসূত্র [ samasūtra ] n (astr. & geog.) the prime verti cal (circle); one and the same straight line (সমসূত্রে অবস্হান); one and the same string, bond etc. (সমসূত্রে গ্রথিত); one and the same means (সমসূত্রে জানা).

সমস্ত [ samasta ] a all, every; whole, entire; (gr.—of words) compounded. ̃পদ n. (gr.) a compound word.

সমস্বরে [ samasbarē ] adv in one voice; unanimously.

সমস্যমান [ samasyamāna ] a (gr.—of words) under the process of being compounded.

সমস্যা [ samasyā ] n a problem; a question; a riddle, a poser, a puzzle; an intricate situation, a difficulty, a fix. সমস্যা পূরণ বা সমাধান করা v. to solve a problem; to propound a riddle, to riddle a riddle. ̃পূর্ণ, ̃মূলক a. problematic; replete with or full of problems; engimatic, riddling, puz zling; intricate, difficult. ̃সংকুল same as ̃পূর্ণ ।

সমা [ samā ] a. fem of সম (a.).

সমাংশক [ samāṃśaka ] a (chem.) isomerous.

সমাংশে [ samāṃśē ] adv in equal parts or portions or shares.

সমাকলন [ samākalana ] n integral calculus.

সমাকীর্ণ [ samākīrṇa ] a widely and thoroughly bestrewn (with); pervaded (with); in fested (with); full of.

সমাকুল [ samākula ] a greatly worried or distressed; full of misgivings; replete with, full of (গন্ধসমাকুল).

সমাকৃতি [ samākṛti ] a isomorphous.

সমাক্ষ [ samākṣa ] a co-axial. ̃রেখা n. a parallel of latitude.

সমাখ্যাত [ samākhyāta ] a celebrated, renowned, illustri ous.

সমাগত [ samāgata ] a arrived; assembled, gathered. সমাগত হওয়া v. to come, to arrive; to as semble, to gather.