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সন্নিকর্ষ [ sannikarṣa ] n proximity, nearness. সন্নিকর্ষণ n. (math.) approximation.

সন্নিধান. সন্নিধি [ sannidhāna. sannidhi ] n proximity, nearness, vi cinity; presence (নৃপসন্নিধান); posses sion or custody (বন্ধুসন্নিধান টাকা). সন্নিধানে adv. near; in the presence of; in posses sion or custody of.

সন্নিপাত [ sannipāta ] n union; assemblage, collection; utter fall or ruin or destruction; (med.) a fever attended with morbidity of the three humours of the body; (loos.) typhoid.

সন্নিবদ্ধ [ sannibaddha ] a firmly tied or shut; firmly set; strung together.

সন্নিবিষ্ট [ sannibiṣṭa ] a set in order; arrayed; entered into; inserted; intently occupied with.

সন্নিবেশ [ sannibēśa ] n orderly placing; stationing (as of troops), arrayment; act of setting up or pitching (শিবির-সন্নিবেশ); assem blage; act of driving in, insertion. সন্নিবেশিত same as সন্নিবিষ্ট ।

সন্নিযুক্ত [ sanniyukta ] a confirmed. সন্নিযুক্ত শল্যচিকিত্সক a housesurgeon.

সন্নিয়োগ [ sanniẏōga ] n confirmation (in an office).

সন্নিহিত [ sannihita ] a lying close to; adjoining, con tiguous; proximate; approaching; (geom.) adjacent; (properly) placed; deposited. সন্নিহিত কোণ adjacent angle. ̃মান n. (geom.) close approximation.

সন্ন্যস্ত [ sannyasta ] a thrown; renounced, given up, deposited.

সন্ন্যাস [ sannyāsa ] n asceticism; ascetic mendicancy; renouncement of the world; (med.) apoplexy. সন্ন্যাস গ্রহণ করা v. to take to asceticism or ascetic mendicancy. সন্ন্যাসী n. an ascetic; an ascetic mendi cant. fem. সন্ন্যাসিনী । অনেক সন্ন্যাসিতে গাজন নষ্ট (fig.) too many cooks spoil the broth.

সন্মার্গ [ sanmārga ] n right path or way.

সপ [ sapa ] n a kind of large mat.

সপক্ষ [ sapakṣa ] a siding with, partisan, favourable. সপক্ষে adv. in favour of, in support of. সপক্ষতা করা v. to support, to back.

সপত্ন [ sapatna ] n an enemy; a rival.

সপত্নী [ sapatnī ] n. fem another wife of one's hus band, co-wife. ̃কন্যা n. a step-daughter. ̃পুত্র n. a step-son.

সপত্নীক [ sapatnīka ] a accompanied by wife; attended with wife. ☐ adv. with wife.

সপরিজন [ saparijana ] a accompanied by or attended with one's family. ☐ adv. with one's family, en famille.

সপরিবারে [ saparibārē ] adv with one's family, en famille.

সপসপ [ sapasapa ] int indicating thorough wetness; sound of eating quickly (with a lisping noise); repeated whanging noise (সপসপ করে চাবুক মারা).

সপসপে [ sapasapē ] a wet, moist; damp; thoroughly wet; dripping wet.

সপাং, সপাত্ [ sapā, ṃsapāt ] int expressing: whanging noise (as caused by lashing or caning). সপাত্ করে adv. with a whang.

সপাদ [ sapāda ] a footed, pedate, legged; one and a quarter of (সপাদ ধর্ম).

সপাসপ [ sapāsapa ] adv very quickly and making a loud lisping noise (সপাসপ খাওয়া); with repeated whanging noise.

সাপিন্ড [ sāpinḍa ] n a kinsman removed not before the seventh upward generation; (loos.) a near kinsman.

সাপিন্ডীকরণ [ sāpinḍīkaraṇa ] n obsequial rites to be per formed at the end of the first year of death; (hum.) utter destruction or un doing.

সপিনা [ sapinā ] n a subpoena. সপিনা জারি করা, সপিনা ধরানো, সপিনা পাঠানো v. to sub poena. সপিনা পাওয়া v. to be subpoena'd.

সপুত্র [ saputra ] a having a son; accompanied by one's son. ☐ adv. with one's son.

সপুস্পক উদ্ভিদ [ sapuspaka udbhida ] n phanerogam.

সপেটা [ sapēṭā ] n fruit of the Sapota.

সপ্ত [ sapta ] n & a Seven. সপ্তক n. a collection of seven; a heptad; the seven notes col lectively of a musical scale (সুরসপ্তক). ̃চত্বারিংশ a. forty-seven. চত্বারিংশত্ n & a. forty-seven. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তম a. forty-seventh. fem. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃তি n & a. seventy. ˜তিতম a. seventieth. fem. ̃তিতমী । ̃ত্রিংশ a. thirty-seven. ̃ত্রিংশত্ n. & a. thirty-seven. ˜ত্রিংশত্তম a. thirty-seventh. fem. ̃ত্রিংশত্তমী । ̃দশ a. seven teen; seventeenth. ̃দশী a. fem. of ̃দশ ।a. fem. seventeen years old. ̃দ্বীপ n. (Hindu myth.) the seven is lands or divisions of the world. ̃দ্বীপা a. fem. having seven islands; divided into seven islands or divisions. ̃ধা adv. in seven parts or ways; by seven times. ̃পদী n. the ceremony of going seven paces together performed by the bride and the bridegroom at a Hindu wedding; (pros.) a heptametre. ☐ a. seven-footed, heptapodic; (pros.) heptametrical. ̃পাতাল n. (Hindu myth.) the seven underworlds. ̃বিংশ a. twenty-seven. ̃বিংশতি n & a. twenty-seven. ˜বিংশতিতম a. twenty-seventh. fem. ̃বিংশতিতমী । সপ্তম a. seventh. ̃মী a. fem. of সপ্তম ।n. the seventh day of a lunar fortnight. সপ্তমীপূজা n. autum nal worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) on the seventh day of the lunar fortnight. ̃যোজী a. (chem.) heptavalent. ̃রথী n. the seven great charioteers of the Mahabharata. ̃রথীবেষ্টিত a. surrounded by seven great charioteers of the Mahabharata; (fig.) surrounded by nu merous opponents. ̃র্ষি n. the seven great ancient sages of India; (astr.) the Plough; (astr.) the Great Bear, the Ursa Major (also সপ্তর্ষিমন্ডল). ̃লোক n. (Hindu myth.) the seven worlds. ̃ষষ্টি n. & a. sixty-seven. ˜ষষ্টিতম a. sixty-seventh. fem. ̃ষষ্টিতমী । ̃সপ্ততি n. & a. seventy-seven. ˜সপ্ততিতম a. seventy-seventh. fem. ̃সপ্ততিতমী । ̃সমুদ্র, ̃সিন্ধু n. (Hindu myth.) the seven seas. ̃সুর, ̃স্বর n. (mus.) the seven notes of a scale. ̃স্বরা a. (mus.) consisting of seven notes. ̃স্বর্গ same as ̃লোক । সপ্তা coll. contr. of সপ্তাহ । সপ্তাশীতি n. & a. eight seven. সপ্তাশীতিতম a. eighty-sev enth. fem. সপ্তাশীতিতমী । সপ্তাস্র a. hep tagonal. □ n. (geom.) a heptagon. সপ্তাহ n. a calendar week; an aggregate of any consecutive seven days, a week. সপ্তাহকাল n. a period of seven days, a week. সপ্তাহকালমধ্যে adv. in a week's time, within seven days.

সপ্রতিবন্ধ [ sapratibandha ] a conditional.

সপ্রতিভ [ sapratibha ] a having genius; unembarrassed; unhesitating; not to be embarrassed; smart, ready and alert to act, prompt and witty; having one's wits about one; having presence of mind.

সপ্রমাণ [ sapramāṇa ] a proved, vindicated. সপ্রমাণ করা v. to prove, to vindicate, to justify; to demonstrate.

সফর [ saphara ] n a travel; a journey; a tour. সফর করা v. to travel; to journey; to tour. সফরে বের হওয়া v. to go on a tour. ̃সূচি n. tour programme.

সফরী [ sapharī ] n a kind of tiny fish.

সফল [ saphala ] a fruitful; successful; efficacious, effective. সফল করা v. to make fruitful or successful; to make good; to attain, to achieve; to accomplish; to make ef fective, to carry through. সফল হওয়া v. to become fruitful; to be successful, to succeed; to succeed in attaining or ac complishing. ̃কাম, ̃মনোরথ a. suc cessful in attaining or realizing one's desire or end. ̃তা n. success; efficacy, effectiveness; success in attaining or accomplishing.

সফেদ [ saphēda ] n the white colour, white. ☐ a. white.

সফেদা [ saphēdā ] n powdered rice; cornmeal; sapo dilla, a kind of melon; white lead.

সফেন [ saphēna ] a frothy; foamy; foaming; con taining liquefied starch (সফেন অন্ন).

সব [ saba ] a all, every, whole, entire. ☐ pro. ev erybody or everything, all; whatever one possesses, all.

সবংশে [ sabaṃśē ] adv with the entire family, en famille.

সবজান্তা [ sabajāntā ] a professing to have knowledge of everything, all-knowing, know-all. সবজান্তা ব্যক্তি Mr Know-all.

সবজি [ sabaji ] n green-stuff; vegetables. ̃ওয়ালা n. a vegetable vender, a green grocer. ̃বাগ, ̃বাগান n. a vegetable garden, (cp.) a kitchen garden.

সবজে [ sabajē ] a green. ̃টে a. greenish.

সবরি [ sabari ] n a superior quality of banana.

সবর্ণ [ sabarṇa ] a of the same caste; of the same class or kind, homogeneous; (gr.) be longing to the same phonetical group from the viewpoint of pronunciation; endogamous. ☐ n. one of the same caste or class or kind; (gr.) a letter of the alphabet belonging to the same phonetical group from the viewpoint of pronunciation. ̃বিবাহ marriage within one's own caste, endogamy.

সবল [ sabala ] a strong; forceful; fit for work, able, invigorated (রোগী সবল হয়েছে). fem. সবলা । সবলে adv. forcefully.

সবস্ত্র [ sabastra ] a together with wearing cloth; (rare) clothed.

সবসুদ্ধ [ sabasuddha ] adv in all, all told; en bloc; bag and baggage, lock stock and barrel, with everything (সে সবসুদ্ধ চম্পট দিল).

সবাই [ sabāi ] pro one and all; everyone, all.

সবাক [ sabāka ] a talking. ̃চিত্র n. a talking-film, a talking picture, a talkie.

সবাকার [ sabākāra ] var of সবার ।

সবাত-শ্বসন [ sabāta-śbasana ] n (bot.) aerobic respiration.

সবাধ [ sabādha ] a obstructed; restricted; con strained. সবাধ গতি (mech.) constrained motion.

সবান্ধব [ sabāndhaba ] a accompanied by one's friends and people. সবান্ধবে adv. with one's friends and people.

সবার [ sabāra ] a of everybody, of all; owned or shared by all; common; public; univer sal.

সবিকল্প [ sabikalpa ] a having an alternative; admit ting of an alternative. সবিকল্প জ্ঞান real ization of duality; awareness of dis tinction between the knower and the knowable or between adjective and substantive.

সবিতা [ sabitā ] n the sun; the sun-god.

সবিতামন্ডল [ sabitāmanḍala ] n the orb of the sun.

সবিনয় [ sabinaẏa ] a polite, modest; humble. সবিনয় নিবেদন a. humble submission. সবিনয় প্রার্থনা a humble prayer or request. ̃নিবেদনমিদং it is humbly submitted that. সবিনয়ে adv. politely, modestly; humbly.

সবিরাম [ sabirāma ] a intermittent.

সবিশেষ [ sabiśēṣa ] a detailed, elaborate (সবিশেষ বর্ণনা); uncommon, unusual (সবিশেষ ভদ্রলোক). ☐ adv. in detail, at length, elaborately; emphatically.

সবিস্তার [ sabistāra ] a fully extended (সবিস্তার প্রসারণ); detailed, elaborate (সবিস্তার বর্ণনা). ☐ adv. to the full extent; in detail, at length, elaborately (usu. সবিস্তারে).

সবিস্ময় [ sabismaẏa ] a astonished, amazed, surprised, wondering. সবিস্ময়ে adv. amazedly, wonderingly.

সবীজ [ sabīja ] a having seeds, seeded. সবীজ উদ্ভিদ spermaphyta.

সবুজ [ sabuja ] a & n green. ☐ a. young, tender aged. ☐ n. a young person, a youth, (cp.) a greenhorn; young people col lectively. সবুজ কণিকা n. (bot.) chloro phyll corpuscle. সবুজাভ same as সবজেটে । see সবজে ।

সবুর [ sabura ] n patience; waiting or tarrying; de lay. ☐ int. (used as an imperat. v.) have patience, hold on, wait. সবুর করা v. to have patience; to wait or tarry. সবুরে মেওয়া ফলে (fig.) patience has its re ward, patience succeeds or pays.

সবৃত্তিক দূত [ sabṛttika dūta ] n a consul de carriere.

সবে2 [ sabē2 ] adv just now or just then.

সব্যসাচী [ sabyasācī ] a ambidexter, ambidext(e)rous. ☐ n. an ambidexter; Arjuna of the Mahabharata.

সভয় [ sabhaẏa ] a afraid; fearful, timorous; timid. সভয়ে adv. with fear; fearfully, timo rously; timidly.

সভা [ sabhā ] n an assembly, a council; a commit tee; an association, a society, a club, a community (ব্রাহ্মণসভা); a conference, a meeting, an assemblage; an audience chamber, a durbar (রাজসভা); a court (বিচারসভা). সভা করা v. to hold a meet ing; to hold a court or durbar; to sit in a court or durbar. সভা চলছে v. the meet ing is in progress, the meeting is under way. সভা ডাকা v. to convene a meeting. সভা বসছে v. the meeting has com menced; the court has sat. সভা ভাঙল v. the meeting breaks up or ends; the court rises. বনিকসভা n. a chamber of commerce. রাজ্যসভা n. a legislative as sembly; the Upper House of the Indian Parliament. লোকসভা n. a parliament; the Indian Parliament (the House of the People or the Lower House or Chamber). ̃কক্ষ n. an assembly hall; a council-room; a meeting room; a com mittee-room. ̃কবি n. a court poet. ̃গৃহ same as সভাকক্ষ and সভাভবন । ̃জন n. a member of an assembly, council, court, association etc. or of the audience of a meeting; a courtier. ̃তল n. the venue or place of a meeting; the floor of an assembly house or hall (esp. of a legis lative assembly). ̃নেত্রী n. fem. a woman president or chairperson of a meeting, assembly, association etc. ̃পন্ডিত n. a Brahman scholar retained in a court, a court-pundit; a court scholar. ̃পতি n. a president or chair man of a meeting, association etc.; the chairman of a legislative council; the speaker of a legislative assembly. ̃পতিত্ব n. presidentship, presidency; chairmanship; speakership. ̃পতিত্ব করা v. to preside (over). ̃ভঙ্গ n. the break up or dissolution of a meeting; the ris ing of a court. n. ̃ভবন an assembly house, a council house; an association hall, a society house; a court house. ̃রম্ভ n. commencement of a meeting. ̃সদ n. a member of an assembly, council, committee, conference etc; a courtier; (law) an assessor. ̃সমিতি n. meetings and associations (collec tively). ̃সীন a. sitting or seated at a meeting or in a court. ̃স্হল same as ̃তল ।

সভ্য [ sabhya ] n a member (of a club, association, assembly, parliament etc.). ☐ a. courte ous, polite, civil, mannerly; refined; el egant; civilized. সভ্য করা v. to enrol as a member; to civilize. সভ্য হওয়া v. to be enrolled as a member; to be civi lized; to become courteous or polite. ̃জগত্ same as ̃সমাজ । ̃তা n. courtesy, politeness, civility, mannerliness; cul ture, civilization. সভ্যতাভিমানী n. proud (often arrogantly) of one's refinement or culture or civilization. fem. সত্যতাভিমানিনী । ̃পদ n. membership. ̃পদ ত্যাগ করা to resign or renounce membership. ̃ভব্য a. courteous and gentle (সভ্যভব্য মানুষ); passably refined or elegant (সভ্যভব্য পোশাক). ̃সমাজ n. refined or cultured society; civilized society; the civilized world.

সম [ sama ] a equal; equivalent; similar, resem bling (মৃত্যুসম); identical, same; uni form; straight; level flat; even, not odd (সমরাশি); impartial (সমদর্শী). ☐ n. (mus.) the terminal point of a measure.

সমকক্ষ [ samakakṣa ] a of equal strength; equipoten tial; equally rivalling or contesting; evenly balanced; equal.

সমকাল [ samakāla ] n the same time; the same age. ̃কালবর্তী, সমকালিক, সমকালীন a. contem porary, contemporaneous; coeval; si multaneous. সমকালে adv. at the same time; in the same age; simultaneously.

সমকেন্দ্রিক [ samakēndrika ] a concentric.

সমকোণ [ samakōṇa ] n (geon.) a right-angle. সমকোণী, সমকৌণিক a. right-angled. সমকোণীয় a. (geog.) orthogonal.

সমক্ষ [ samakṣa ] a lying before; visible; direct. ̃দৃষ্টি n. direct vision. সমক্ষ বর্ণালিবীক্ষণ direct vision spectroscope. সমক্ষে adv. before one's eyes; visible.

সমক্ষেত্র-অভিক্ষেপ [ samakṣētra-abhikṣēpa ] n an equal area projec tion.

সমগুণ, সমগুণসম্পন্ন [ samaguṇa, samaguṇasampanna ] a of like virtue or quality or character. সমগুণশ্রেঢ়ী n. (math.) geometrical progression.

সমগ্র [ samagra ] a whole, entire; all; total; exhaus tive; overall. সমগ্র বিস্তার overall width. সমগ্র সূচি an exhaustive list. ̃ভাবে adv. on the whole; entirely; thoroughly.

সমঘন [ samaghana ] n (geom.) a regular solid.

সমচতুরস্র, সমচতুর্ভুজ [ samacaturasra, samacaturbhuja ] n (geom.) an equilat eral tetragon; a square. ☐ a. square.

সমচ্ছেদ [ samacchēda ] n (phys.) a plane section.

সমজাতি, সমজাতীয় [ samajāti, samajātīẏa ] a homogeneous, con generic; congenetic.

সমঝদার [ samajhadāra ] a capable of understanding or appreciating; (loos.) sympathetic or considerate. সমঝদার লোক a connois seur. সমঝদারি n. capability of under standing or appreciating; sympathy or considerateness.

সমঝানো [ samajhānō ] v to understand; to appreciate; to feel; to deliberate; (loos.) to sympa thize (with) or have consideration (for); (loos.) to be careful or cautious (সমঝে চলা); to make one understand or appreciate or feel; (sarcas.) to warn or scold or chastise.

সমঞ্জস [ samañjasa ] a perfectly proper; appropriate or just; fitting, well-balanced; consistent.

সমতল [ samatala ] a plain, level, smooth, flat. ☐ n. (geom.) a plain; a plane surface or fig ure, a plane.

সমতা [ samatā ] n equality; equivalence; similar ity; identity, sameness; uniformity; straightness; levelness, flatness; impar tiality.

সমতীত [ samatīta ] a quite past or gone by.

সমত্বরণ [ samatbaraṇa ] n uniform acceleration.

সমত্রিভূজ [ samatribhūja ] n (geom.) an equilateral tri angle.

সমদর্শী [ samadarśī ] a impartial in consideration or treatment; equitable in dispensation of justice; impartial; equitable; fair minded. fem. সমদর্শিনী । সমদর্শন, সমদর্শিতা n. impartiality; equity; fair mindedness.

সমদুঃখী [ samaduḥkhī ] a sharing the same or having similar grief or affliction; sympathiz ing; sympathetic. fem. সমদুঃখিনী ।

সমদূর, সমদূরবর্তী [ samadūra, samadūrabartī ] a equidistant. সমদূরবর্তিতা n. equidistance.

সমদৃষ্টি [ samadṛṣṭi ] n impartial view; impartiality.

সমদ্বিবাহু, সমদ্বিভুজ [ samadbibāhu, samadbibhuja ] a (geom.) isosceles. সমদ্বিবাহু ত্রিভুজ an isosceles triangle.

সমধিক [ samadhika ] a exceedingly great, excessive, exceeding, overmuch; considerable; many. ☐ adv. exceedingly, excessively, overmuch.

সমন [ samana ] n a summons. সমন জারি করা, সমন দেওয়া, সমন পাঠানো v. to serve or issue a summons; to summon. সমন ধরানো v. to serve a summons.

সমন্বয় [ samanbaẏa ] n consistency; agreement; combi nation; synthesis; adjustment. সমন্বয় করা v. to bring into agreement; to bring about harmony or agreement; to make a synthesis of, to synthesize, to synthetize; to adjust. ̃ন, ̃বিধান, ̃সাধন n. act of bringing into agreement; act of bringing about harmony or agree ment; unification; act of making a syn thesis of; adjustment. সমম্বয়িত a. made consistent; unified; brought into agree ment; synthesized; synthetized; ad justed.

সমম্বিত [ samambita ] a possessing; attended with; mixed with; full of.

সমপদস্হ [ samapadasha ] a equal in office or rank or sta tus or dignity or authority.

সমপাঠী [ samapāṭhī ] n a class-fellow; a fellow-stu dent. fem. সমপাঠিনী । see also সহপাঠি ।

সমপার্শ্বীয় [ samapārśbīẏa ] a (bot.) collateral.

সমপ্রবাহ [ samaprabāha ] n (phys.) a direct current.

সমপ্রেষ [ samaprēṣa ] n (phys.) uniform pressure. সমপ্রেষরেখা n. (geog.) an isobar.

সমবয়সী, সমবয়স্ক [ samabaẏasī, samabaẏaska ] a of the same or ap proximately the same age; contempo raneous, contemporary, coeval.

সমবর্ত-কোণ [ samabarta-kōṇa ] n (phys.) the angle of polar ization.

সমবর্তন [ samabartana ] n (phys.) polarization.

সমবর্তাক্ষ [ samabartākṣa ] n (phys.) the axis of polarization.

সমবর্তিত [ samabartita ] a polarized. সমবর্তিত করা v. to polarize.

সমবর্ষণ-রেখা [ samabarṣaṇa-rēkhā ] n (geog.) an isohyet.

সমবস্হ [ samabasha ] a in or of the same or similar con dition; in the same position or state as formerly, in status quo. সমবস্হা n. same or similar condition; unchanged posi tion or state, status quo.

সমবায় [ samabāẏa ] n an assemblage, an aggregate; combination; constant relation; co-op eration. সমবায় সমিতি n. a co-operative society. সমবায়ী a. capable of combin ing; combined; co-operative; con stantly related; component, constituent.

সমবাহু [ samabāhu ] a equilateral.

সমবিন্দু [ samabindu ] a (geom.) concurrent.

সমবৃত্তি [ samabṛtti ] a (bot.) analogous.

সমবেগ [ samabēga ] n uniform velocity.

সমবেত [ samabēta ] n assembled, collected; united; combined. সমবেত করা v. to bring to gether, to assemble. সমবেত হওয়া v. to come together, to assemble, to gather. ̃ভাবে adv. unitedly, in a body.