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সমালোচ্য [ samālōcya ] a under review; open to criti cism; censurable.

সমাস [ samāsa ] n (gr.) compounding of two or more words into one. সমাস করা v. to compound two or more words into one. সমাস ভাঙা v. to resolve a com pound word into components. ̃বদ্ধ a. compounded.

সমাসক্ত [ samāsakta ] a attached (to); addicted (to); deeply attentive or engrossed; joined.

সমাসন্ন [ samāsanna ] a that has come very near; immi nent; approaching; impending.

সমাসীন [ samāsīna ] a solemnly or firmly seated or installed; seated, sitting.

সমাসোক্তি [ samāsōkti ] n (rhet.) a figure of speech in volving parallelism between the sub ject in hand and something understood (cp. personification, pathetic fallacy). (e.g. 'ঠকা ঠাঁই ঠাঁই কাঁদিছে নেহাই').

সমাহরণ [ samāharaṇa ] n gahering, collection. সমাহরণ করা v. to gather, to collect.

সমাহর্তা [ samāhartā ] n a collector; the chief official of a district who collects revenue and acts as a magistrate, a collector, fem. সমাহর্ত্রী ।

সমাহার [ samāhāra ] n collection; combination; abbre viation; summation; a multitude; (gr.) a system of compounding words, indica tive of a number.

সমাহিত [ samāhita ] a entirely occupied, engrossed; lost in meditation; placed; deposited; interred, buried. সমাহিত করা v. to bury, to inter.

সমাহৃত [ samāhṛta ] a gathered, collected; combined.

সমিতি [ samiti ] n an association, a society; a club; a committee. বণিক সমিতি n. a chamber of commerce.

সমিত্, সমিধ [ samit, samidha ] n firewood, fuel; firewood for kindling a sacrificial fire.

সমিল [ samila ] a (of poetry) with rhyme, rhymed.

সমীকরণ [ samīkaraṇa ] n equalization; (alg.) equation; (arith.) reduction of fractions to a com mon denominator. সমীকরণ করা v. to equalize; (alg.) to equate; (arith.) to re duce (fractions) to a common denomi nator.

সমীকৃত [ samīkṛta ] a equated. সমীকৃত কাল (arith.) equated time.

সমীক্ষণ [ samīkṣaṇa ] n thorough viewing or observa tion; investigation, search; scrutiny; deliberation.

সমীক্ষিত [ samīkṣita ] a thoroughly viewed or ob served; investigated, searched; re searched; scrutinized, scanned; deliber ated. সমীক্ষ্যকারী a. considering past re sults and taking precaution about con sequences before taking any action, circumspect, discreet. fem. সমীক্ষ্যকারিণী । সমীক্ষ্যকারিতা n. consideration of past re sults and precaution about conse quences before taking any action, cir cumspection.

সমীচীন [ samīcīna ] a just, reasonable; condign; proper; prudent, wise; expedient; right.

সমীপ [ samīpa ] n proximity, nearness, vicinity; presence. ̃বর্তী, ̃স্হ a. near, close to; approaching (ট্রেন স্টেশনের সমীপবর্তী হল). সমীপে adv. near, close to; in the pres ence of, before (রাজসমীপে).

সমীর, সমীরণ [ samīra, samīraṇa ] n wind, air, breeze.

সমীহ [ samīha ] n show of respect; deference; hesi tation caused by awe. সমীহ করা v. to pay respect to; to treat with deference; to look up to with awe and hesitation. সমীহ না করা v. not to pay respect to; to ignore.

সমুচিত [ samucita ] a perfectly just or right or proper, condign (সমুচিত শাস্তি); adequate (সমুচিত পুরস্কার).

সমুচ্চ [ samucca ] a very high, lofty; elevated; ex alted (সমুচ্চ পদ); very loud, vociferous (সমুচ্চ নাদ).

সমুচ্চয় [ samuccaẏa ] n a collection, a multitude. পদসমুচ্চয় n. all words collectively (as of a sentence); joining of words or sen tences (as with a copulative).

সমুচ্ছেদ [ samucchēda ] n complete extirpation or eradi cation or extermination; destruction; ejection for good.

সমুজ্জ্বল [ samujjbala ] a very bright; radiant; brilliant, brightened; illuminated.

সমুত্পাটন [ samutpāṭana ] n pulling up, eradication, up rooting.