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সমুত্পাটিত, সমুত্সাহিত [ samutpāṭita, samutsāhita ] a completely extir pated or eradicated; destroyed; ejected for good.

সমুত্সুক [ samutsuka ] a very eager or curious.

সমুত্থান [ samutthāna ] n a rising up; great rise or flour ishing; (Christ.) resurrection; an enter prise.

সমত্থিত [ samatthita ] a risen up; greatly flourished; (Christ.) risen from the dead. সমুত্থিত হওয়া v. to rise up; to flourish greatly; to rise from the dead.

সমুদয়, সমুদায় [ samudaẏa, samudāẏa ] a all; whole, entire; total. ☐ n. all persons or things; the entire thing or area.

সমুদ্ভব [ samudbhaba ] n origination, origin; birth; evolvement; flourish.

সমুদ্ভাসিত [ samudbhāsita ] a flooded with light, illumi nated; brightened.

সমুদ্ভূত [ samudbhūta ] a originated; born; evolved.

সমুদ্যত [ samudyata ] a about to, on the point of, per fectly ready or prepared; raised or lifted (সমুদ্যত খড়্গ).

সমুদ্র [ samudra ] n an ocean; a sea. অকুল সমুদ্রে পড়া v. (fig.) to be at sea, to be in great dan ger. সমুদ্রে ঝাঁপ দেওয়া v. (fig.) to brave or face a great danger. সমুদ্র-উদ্ভিদ n. a sea weed. ̃গর্ভ n. sea-bottom; the inside of the sea, the womb of the sea. ̃গামী a. sea-going; seafaring. ̃জাত a. sea-born. ̃তট, ̃তীর n. sea-bank, seashore. ̃পথ n. sea-way, sea-route. ̃পথে adv. by sea. ̃পৃষ্ঠ n. the surface of the sea; sea-level. ̃বহ্নি n. submarine fire. ̃বলয়াঙ্কিত a. sea-girt. ̃বায়ু n. sea-breeze, sea-wind, sea-air. ̃বাহিত a. seaborne. ̃বেলা n. sea-beach, seashore, sea-bank. ̃মন্হন n. (Hindu myth.) the churning of the ocean by gods and de mons. ̃মেখলা a. sea-girt. ̃যাত্রা n. a sea-voyage. সমুদ্রযাত্রা করা v. to make a sea-voyage, to go on a sea-voyage. ̃যান n. a sea-going vessel. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a sea-fight. ̃স্নান n. sea-bathing. ̃স্রোত n. ocean current.

সমুন্নত [ samunnata ] a very high or lofty or elevated; (fig.) very exalted or dignified or noble.

সমুপস্হিত [ samupashita ] a come close to; arrived; ap proaching; imminent.

সমুল্লেখ [ samullēkha ] n mention.

সমূল, সমূলখ [ samūla, samūlakha ] a having a root; having a cause; having a foundation or basis, genuine (সমূলক ভয়). সমূলে. adv. to gether with the root, root and branch, thoroughly, completely (সমূলে ধ্বংস).

সমূহ [ samūha ] n (chiefly used as a sfx. to indicate plurality) a multitude, total number (লোকসমূহ = the people, ব্যঘ্রসমূহ = ti gers) ☐ a. many, much, numerous, great (সমূহ লোকসান); terrible, tremen dous (সমূহ বিপদ).

সমৃদ্ধ [ samṛddha ] a thoroughly developed or grown up or flourishing; enriched; prosper ous, affluent, wealthy, rich. fem. সমৃদ্ধা । সমৃদ্ধি n. splendid development or growth; enrichment; prosperity, afflu ence, wealthiness, richness. সমৃদ্ধিশালী, সমৃদ্ধিসম্পন্ন same as সমৃদ্ধ । fem. সমৃদ্ধিশালিনী, সমৃদ্ধিসম্পন্না ।

সমেত [ samēta ] a together with, with; inclusive of, including.

সমোচ্ছ্বাস-রেখা [ samōcchbāsa-rēkhā ] n co-tidal lines.

সমোত্তল [ samōttala ] a (phys.) plano-convex.

সমোন্নতি-রেখা [ samōnnati-rēkhā ] n a contour line.

সমোষ্ণ-রেখা [ samōṣṇa-rēkhā ] n (geog.) the isotherm.

সম্পত্তি, সম্পদ [ sampatti, sampada ] n wealth, riches, fortune; treasure; property, real estate; belong ings, possessions; excellence (ভাবসম্পদ); glorious or proud acquisi tion (শিক্ষাই তার সম্পদ); pride or glory (তাজমহল দেশের সম্পদ). সম্পত্তিশালী, সম্পদশালী a. wealthy, rich; affluent; possessing a treasure; (pop.) owning a property. fem. সম্পত্তিশালিনী, সম্পদশালিনী । সম্পন্ন a. performed, accomplished; completed; rich, wealthy, affluent, well-to-do (সম্পন্ন অবস্হা); endowed with, possessing (বুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন). fem. সম্পন্না ।

সম্পর্ক [ samparka ] n relation; kinship; connection; concern; company, intercourse (দুষ্টের সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক). সম্পর্ক রাখা v. to maintain relation; to observe the formalities of kinship; to keep connection; to associ ate with, to keep company with. সম্পর্ক স্হাপন করা v. to enter into a relation or an alliance. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. unrelated; having no kinship (with), unconnected; having no concern (with); irrelevant. সম্পর্কিত, সম্পর্কীয় a. related (with); hav ing kinship (with); having affinity with; connected (with); concerned (with); relevant.

সম্পাত [ sampāta ] n fall, drop (অশনিসম্পাত); inci dence, a falling upon (আলোকসম্পাত); a stroke from above (অভিসম্পাত); occur rence (বিপদসম্পাত). ̃বিন্দু n. the point of incidence.

সম্পাদক [ sampādaka ] a performing, accomplishing, executive (সম্পাদক সমিতি = an execu tive committee); editing. ☐ n. a per former, an accomplisher; an executive; a secretary (সমিতির সম্পাদক); an editor (fem. editress). সম্পাদকীয় a. editorial. ☐ n. an editorial leader. সম্পাদকীয় প্রবন্ধ an editorial, a leader. সম্পাদকীয় স্তম্ভ an edi torial column.

সম্পাদন, সম্পাদনা [ sampādana, sampādanā ] n performance, accom plishment; editing. সম্পাদন করা v. to perform, to accomplish, to execute. সম্পাদনা করা v. to edit.

সম্পাদিকা [ sampādikā ] fem of সম্পাদক ।

সম্পাদিত [ sampādita ] a performed, accomplished, ex ecuted; edited.

সম্পাদ্য [ sampādya ] a to be performed or accom plished or executed. ☐ n. (geom.) a problem, (also সম্পাদ্য প্রতিজ্ঞা).

সম্পুট, সম্পুটক [ sampuṭa, sampuṭaka ] n a small box, a casket; a screwed bag made of paper or tree leaves, a cornet.

সম্পূরক [ sampūraka ] a completing; fulfilling; supple menting; supplemental; supplementary. সম্পূরক কোণ (geom.) a supplementary angle, a supplement.

সম্পূরণ [ sampūraṇa ] n completion; fulfilment; supple mentation.

সম্পূর্ণ [ sampūrṇa ] a completed; finished; completely filled; complete, entire, whole, total; thorough; (dero.) downright ☐ adv. completely, entirely, wholly, totally; quite; thoroughly. সম্পূর্ণ করা v. to com plete; to finish; to fill completely. ̃তা n. completion; fullness; completeness, entirety, wholeness, totality; thorough ness; perfection. ̃রূপে adv. same as সম্পূর্ণ (adv.)

সম্পৃক্ত [ sampṛkta ] a related or connected (with); having concern (with), joined or united (with); saturated; inlaid. সম্পৃক্তি n. rela tion, connection; concern; joining, union; saturation; inlaying. অতিসম্পৃক্তি n. over-saturation.

সম্প্রচার [ sampracāra ] n wide circulation; broadcasting, broadcast. সম্প্রচার-তরঙ্গ n. (phys.) a broadcasting wave. সম্প্রচার-কেন্দ্র n. a broadcasting station. সম্প্রচারিত a. widely circulated; broadcast.

সম্প্রতি [ samprati ] adv now-a-days, in these days, at present, in present times; recently, lately, of late; just.

সম্প্রদাতা [ sampradātā ] a. & n one who gives or be stows or confers; one who gives away the bride ceremonially to the charge of the bridegroom.

সম্প্রদান [ sampradāna ] n giving; bestowal, conferment; act of giving away the bride ceremoni ally to the charge of the bridegroom; (gr.) the dative case (usu. সম্প্রদানকারক). সম্প্রদান করা v. to give; to bestow, to confer; to commit (the bride) ceremo nially to the charge of (the bride groom).

সম্প্রদায় [ sampradāẏa ] n a community, a sect; a society (কবিসম্প্রদায়); a brotherhood; a race (মানবসম্প্রদায়, পশুসম্প্রদায়); a company, a band (দস্যুসম্প্রদায়). ̃ভুক্ত a. belonging to a particular community or sect or soci ety or brotherhood or race or band.

সম্প্রসার, সম্প্রসারণ [ samprasāra, samprasāraṇa ] n expansion; exten sion; development. সম্প্রসারণবাদ n. ex pansionism. সম্প্রসারণবাদী a. expansion ist. সম্প্রসারণশীল a. expanding, extend ing; expansive. সম্প্রসারিত a. expanded; extended; developed.

সম্প্রীতি [ samprīti ] n love; amity; friendly terms (with); pleasure; delight.

সম্বদ্ধ [ sambaddha ] a firmly tied or joined or united; connected; related; having kinship with, affixed; affiliated; amalgamated. সম্বদ্ধীকরণ n. affiliation; amalgamation. সম্বদ্ধীকৃত a. affiliated; amalgamated.

সম্বন্ধ [ sambandha ] n relation, connection; concern; in tercourse; kinship, relationship, affin ity; a marriage proposal or negotiation. সম্বন্ধ করা n. to negotiate a marriage; to make negotiations for a marriage. সম্বন্ধ করা v. to have connection or relation or concern or intercourse or kinship or relationship (with) সম্বন্ধ রাখা v. to keep connection with; to observe formalities of kinship or relationship. রাসায়নিক সম্বন্ধ chemical affinity. ̃পদ n. (gr.) a word in the possessive case, a genitive. সম্বন্ধী a. related (to), connected (with). ☐ n. wife's brother or cousin-brother (gen erally one older than the wife), a brother-in-law. সম্বন্ধীয় a. (used as a prep.) related to, concerning, regard ing. সম্বন্ধে prep. concerning, regarding, about, as regards, as to.

সম্বরা2 [ sambarā2 ] n spices singed in oil or ghee and mixed with any cooked dish by re boiling. সম্বরা দেওয়া v. to re-boil (a cooked dish) by mixing with spices singed in oil or ghee.

সম্বল [ sambala ] n money, provisions etc. for a jour ney; viaticum: a supply or resource of money etc.; a fund, capital money, capital; (total) savings; provision; re sources; support, a prop. সম্বল করা v. to have recourse to, to resort to. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন same as নিঃসম্বল ।

সম্বুদ্ধ [ sambuddha ] a perfectly enlightened (esp. spiri tually.) ☐ n. an appellation of Gautama Buddha.

সম্বোধন [ sambōdhana ] n calling, accosting, address; a form of address; (gr.) the vocative case. সম্বোধন করা v. to accost, to ad dress, to call. ̃পদ n. (gr.) a word in the vocative case. সম্বোধিত a. called; ad dressed.

সম্বোধি [ sambōdhi ] n perfect knowledge or con sciousness (esp. of spiritual truths).

সম্ভব [ sambhaba ] n birth or origin (কুমারসম্ভব); (obs.) probability. ☐ a. born or originated (অযোনিসম্ভব); probable, likely (ঘটা সম্ভব); possible. ̃ত adv. probably, likely. ̃পর a. probable, likely; pos sible. সম্ভাবাতীত a. beyond all probabili ties; improbable, unlikely.

সম্ভাবনা [ sambhābanā ] n probability, likelihood.

সম্ভাবনীয়, সম্ভাবিত, সম্ভাব্য [ sambhābanīẏa, sambhābita, sambhābya ] a probable, likely; contingent. সম্ভাব্যতা n. probabil ity; likelihood.

সম্ভার [ sambhāra ] n a thing, an article; a load of things; a constituent material, an ingre dient; a collection of things necessary to serve a particular purpose (পূজার সম্ভার) a collection, a heap (রত্নসম্ভার).

সম্ভাষণ, সম্ভাষ [ sambhāṣaṇa, sambhāṣa ] n accosting, addressing; greeting, hail; conversation. সম্ভাষণ করা, (poet.) সম্ভাষা v. to accost, to address; to greet, to hail. সম্ভাষিত a. accosted, ad dressed; greeted, hailed.

সম্ভূত [ sambhūta ] a born; originated; produced; shot up, sprung; evolved; caused (অযত্নসম্ভূত) fem. সম্ভূতা ।

সম্ভূয়সমুত্থান [ sambhūẏasamutthāna ] n joint-stock business.

সম্ভোগ [ sambhōga ] n enjoyment; sexual intercourse. সম্ভোগ করা v. to enjoy; to have sexual intercourse with.

সম্ভ্রম [ sambhrama ] n honour, dignity, prestige; nobil ity; reverence mixed with awe and submission, deference; modesty. সম্ভ্রম করা v. to treat with reverence mixed with awe and submission, to treat def erentially. ̃শালী a. respectable, digni fied; noble, fem. ̃শালিনী । ̃হানি n. dishonour; loss of prestige; indignity. ̃হানি করা v. to dishonour; to outrage the modesty of.

সম্ভ্রান্ত [ sambhrānta ] a honoured; respectable, digni fied; of noble birth, high-born, noble; aristocratic. সম্ভ্রান্ত ব্যক্তি an honoured or respectable or high-born person; an aristocrat. ̃তন্ত্র n. (pol.) government by aristocrats, aristocracy. ̃বংশীয় a. of a noble or aristocratic family; relating to the nobility; born in a noble family, high-born. fem. ̃বংশীয়া । ̃সমাজ, ̃সম্প্রদায় n. the aristocracy, the nobility.

সম্মত [ sammata ] a consenting, agreeing, ready, willing, acquiescent; sanctioned or ap proved or permitted by conforming to (শাস্ত্রসম্মত); accepted, admitted, agreed upon (সর্ববাদীসম্মত). সম্মত হওয়া v. to agree, to consent, to give consent, to acquiesce. সম্মতি n. consent, assent, ap proval: acquiescence, willingness; sanction, approbation, permission; concurrence; conformation. সম্মতি দেওয়া v. to give consent; to permit. সম্মতি পাওয়া v. to get consent or permission (of).

সম্মান [ sammāna ] n respectful and cordial reception; deferential treatment, deference; hom age; reverence; honour, respect, dig nity, prestige; credit. সম্মান করা, সম্মান দেওয়া, সম্মান দেখানো v. to receive cor dially and with respect; to pay (one) deference or homage; to revere; to honour, to respect. সম্মান নষ্ট করা v. to dishonour, to disgrace; to discredit. সম্মান পাওয়া v. to be honoured. সম্মান হারানো v. to lose honour or credit or prestige. ̃জনক a. honourable; credit able. ̃না n. honouring; respectful fe licitation. ̃পূর্বক, ̃পুরঃসর adv. after showing respect, respectfully. ̃ভাজন same as সম্নানার্হ । ̃লাভ n. obtainment of honour or credit. ̃হানি n. loss of honour or credit or prestige, dishonour, discredit. ̃হানি করা v. to disparage, to lower (somebody) in the esteem of; to belittle; to dishonour. সম্নানার্হ, সম্নানাশ্পদ, সম্নানী a. honourable; esteemable; respectable; venerable. সম্নানিত a. cordially or respectfully re ceived; respectfully felicitated; honoured, respected; revered; honourable, respectable, venerable.

সম্নার্জন [ samnārjana ] n scouring or scrubbing; sweep ing. সম্নার্জনী n. a scouring-brush, a scrubbing-brush; a broom, a besom; a mop, a swab.

সম্নিলন [ samnilana ] n perfect union; amalgamation; junction; meeting; assemblage; a gath ering esp. a social or cultural one; (pol.) a rally; (pol.—loos.) a confer ence. সম্নিলনী n. a society, an associa tion; a club.

সম্নিলিত [ samnilita ] a perfectly united; amalgamated; joined; meeting together; assembled; rallied. ̃ভাবে adv. unitedly; in a body.

সম্মুখ [ sammukha ] n the forepart, the front. ☐ a. lying in the front; facing; anterior, frontal; facing one another. ̃কোণ n. (geom.) a subtended angle. ̃গতি n. the forward movement; progress; advance; pro gression. ̃গামী a. going forward; pro gressing, progressive. ̃বর্তী a. lying in front; facing; anterior; frontal; ap proaching. fem. ̃বর্তিনী । ̃যুদ্ধ n. a face-to-face fight; an open fight. ̃সংগ্রাম same as ̃যুদ্ধ । ̃স্হ same as ̃বর্তী । সম্মুখীন হওয়া v. to come face to face with; to confront; to approach; to encounter. সম্মুখে adv. in front of, before; in presence of.

সম্মেলক [ sammēlaka ] a done or sung in chorus; sung in a group. ☐ n. a chorus. ̃গান n. a chorus, a song sung in chorus.

সম্মেলন [ sammēlana ] n a meeting; (loos.) a conference; assemblage, gathering; a gathering esp. a social or cultural one; (chiefly pol.) a rally.

সম্মোহ [ sammōha ] n great or utter infatuation; hypnotization; hypnosis. সম্মোহন n. same as সম্মোহa. infatuating; hypnotizing; hypnotic. fem. a. সম্মোহিনী । সম্মোহিত a. greatly or utterly infatuated; enchanted, charmed, hypnotized. সম্মোহিত করা v. to infatuate greatly or utterly; to hypnotize, to mesmerize.

সম্যক [ samyaka ] adv in all respects; by all means; thoroughly; entirely, wholly; exhaus tively; excellently; fitly. ☐ a. thorough, complete; entire, whole; exhaustive; excellent; fit; true.

সম্রাজ্ঞী [ samrājñī ] n. fem an express.

সম্রাট [ samrāṭa ] n an emperor.

সযত্ন [ sayatna ] a careful, meticulous; diligent; cor dial (সযত্ন অভ্যর্থনা). সযত্নে adv. carefully, meticulously, with care diligently: cordially.

সর [ sara ] n a thin layer on milk or any other similar substance, film.

সরঃ [ sarḥ ] n a large pond: a lake.

সরকার [ sarakāra ] n a master; an owner; a ruler; the government; a collecting clerk; a pur chasing clerk. সরকারি a. governmental: public. ☐ n. office or post of a collect ing or purchasing clerk. সরকারি আদেশ a government order. সরকারি উকিল a gov ernment pleader. সরকারি চাকরি govern ment service. সরকারি নিয়ন্ত্রণাধীন under government control, government con trolled. সরকারি প্রতিবেদক n. the public reporter. সরকারি প্রতিবেদন government report. সরকারি বিদ্যালয় a government school. সরকারি ব্যবহারিক a government counsel. সরকারি রাস্তা a highway, a pub lic road.

সরগম [ saragama ] n the (Indian) musical octave.

সরগরম [ saragarama ] a full of high spirits; full of en thusiasm and excitement; packed or crowded and noisy.

সরজমিন, সরেজমিন [ sarajamina, sarējamina ] n a scene of occur rence, the venue of an affair.

সরঞ্জাম [ sarañjāma ] n things required for doing some thing; equipment; implements, appur tenances, accessories; paraphernalia.

সরট [ saraṭa ] n the chameleon.

সরণি, সরণী [ saraṇi, saraṇī ] n a road, a way, a path, a street; a route; an orbit (সূর্যসরণী); a method, a manner.

সরদার [ saradāra ] n the chief man, a chief, a headman; a leader, a chieftain (fem. a chieftainess). fem. সরদারনি । সরদার পড়ুয়া n. a senior pu pil assisting in school discipline and teaching, a monitor (fem. a monitress), a pupil-teacher. সরদারি n. chiefdom; lead ership; chieftaincy. সরদারি করা v. to play the leader; (fig.) to behave in a masterful or overbearing manner.

সরপুরিয়া [ sarapuriẏā ] n a kind of sweetmeat made of fried and stuffed milk-film.

সরপোশ [ sarapōśa ] n a small saucer for covering a tumbler, pitcher etc.

সরফরাজ [ sarapharāja ] n a nawab of Bengal; (sarcas.) a very important man; a saucy fellow. সরফরাজি n. officiousness; untoward and intolerable bossing, overbearing manner; sauciness.

সরবরাহ [ sarabarāha ] n supply; purveying; the amount supplied. সরবরাহ করা v. to supply; to purvey. ̃কারী n. a supplier; a purveyor.

সরভাজা [ sarabhājā ] n a sweetmeat prepared by fry ing milk-film.

সরল [ sarala ] a straight; candid, free from angu larities, not crooked, guileless, naive; credulous; plain, unornate; free from complicacies, plain-sailing (সরল জীবন); honest, easy, simple (সরল প্রশ্ন). ☐ n. the sal tree; the deodar or any similar tree; (math.) simplification. সরল করা v. (esp. in math.) to simplify. সরল অনুবীক্ষণ (phys.) s simple micro scope. সরল দোলক (phys.) a simple pen dulum. সরল দোলন (phys.) simple har monic motion. ̃চিত্ত a. simple-hearted. ̃তা n. candour, naivety, simplicity; plainness, unornateness, freedom from complicacies; honesty. সরলতাপূর্ণ a. candid, artless, naive, simple; plain, unornate; honest. ̃প্রকৃতি a. simple-na tured, candid; not crooked; credulous. ̃বর্গীয় a. (bot.) coniferous. ̃বিশ্বাসী a. credulous ̃মনা a. same as ̃চিত্ত । ̃রেখা n. a straight line. ̃রৈখিক a. formed of straight lines; rectilineal, rectilinear. ̃রৈখিক ক্ষেত্র n. (geom.) a rectilineal fig ure. ̃স্বভাব same as ̃প্রকৃতি । হৃদয়, সরলান্তকরণ a. simple-hearted. সরলা a. fem. of সরল । সরলীকরণ n. (chiefly in math.) simplification.

সরষে [ saraṣē ] n mustard seed. সরষের ক্ষেত mus tard plot. সরষের তেল mustard oil. ভিটেয় সরষে বোনা (fig.) to ruin (someone) ut terly by destroying one's homestead.

সরস [ sarasa ] a same as রসাল (a.). fem. সরসা ।

সরসিজ [ sarasija ] n the water-lily, the lotus.

সরসী [ sarasī ] n a large pond; a lake.

সরস্বতী [ sarasbatī ] n the Hindu goddess of speech, learning, fine arts and wisdom (cp. Minerva); a title for proficiency in lit erature. সরস্বতীর বরপুত্র (lit.) a favoured son of Goddess Saraswati; (fig.) a man of great learning

সরহদ্দ [ sarahadda ] n perimeter, boundary, confines.

সরা2 [ sarā2 ] v to move, to stir; to move away, to withdraw; to move aside; to remove; to issue forth, to flow out, to come out (জল সরা, বাক্য সরা); to come in and go out, to pass (বাতাস সরা); (sl.) to die; to decamp, to slip away; to move facilely (কলম সরা); to be willing or inclined (মন সরা); to be willing to work (হাত সরা).

সরাই [ sarāi ] n an inn, a caravansarai. ̃ওয়ালা n. an innkeeper.

সরানো [ sarānō ] v to take aside, to remove, to withdraw; to transfer; to recall or dis miss; to steal or defalcate. সরিয়ে রাখা v. to lay (something) aside, to keep for future use, to save.

সরাসরি [ sarāsari ] adv directly, straightway; straight ahead; in a cursory manner, sum marily; outright. ☐ a. direct; straight; summary; outright. সরাসরি বিচার sum mary trial, summary justice.

সরিত্ [ sarit ] n a river, a stream.

সরীসৃপ [ sarīsṛpa ] n a reptile.

সরু [ saru ] a of small girth or width, slender, delicate, thin; narrow; not coarse, fine; fine-spun; pointed (সরু ডগা); subtle, fine (সরু কাজ); treble, alto, tenor, so prano. সরু গলা a thin or longish neck; a treble voice, alto, tenor, soprano.

সরূপ [ sarūpa ] a similar in form or shape or ap pearance; resembling.

সরেজমিনে [ sarējaminē ] adv right on the spot. সরেজমিনে তদন্ত investigation on the spot, local in vestigation.

সরেস [ sarēsa ] a best; excellent; superfine.

সরোজ [ sarōja ] n the lotus; the lily. সরোজিনী n. a lotus clump; lotuses collectively; a pond full of lilies.

সরোদ [ sarōda ] n sarod, a stringed musical instru ment akin to the vina. সরোদিয়া n. one who plays on or is versed in playing on the aforesaid instrument.

সরোবর [ sarōbara ] n a large pond, a lake.

সররুহ [ sararuha ] n lotus.

সরোষে [ sarōṣē ] adv angrily, wrathfully.

সর্গ [ sarga ] n creation, origination; the physical nature, nature; (of a poetical work) a canto; any one of the three grand divi sions of natural history (প্রাণিসর্গ = the animal kingdom).

সর্জ [ sarja ] n the sal tree.

সর্জন [ sarjana ] n creation.

সর্জরস [ sarjarasa ] n resin.

সর্জী, সর্জিকা [ sarjī, sarjikā ] n fuller's earth.

সর্দি [ sardi ] n catarrhal inflammation of the mu cous membrane, nasal catarrh; cold. সর্দি লাগা বা হওয়া v. to catch cold. ̃গরমি n. sunstroke. সর্দি ঝরছে v. the nose runs.

সর্প [ sarpa ] n the snake, the serpent. সর্পে রজ্জুভ্রম mistaking a rope for a snake; (fig.) glaring misconception or hallucination. ̃দংশন n. snakebite. ̃দষ্ট a. snakebit, bitten by a snake. ̃ভুক a. feeding on snakes (cp. serpentivorous).

সর্পাঘাত [ sarpāghāta ] n snakebite.

সর্পিণী [ sarpiṇī ] fem সর্প of and সর্পী (a.)

সর্পিল [ sarpila ] a serpentine, winding, tortuous, zigzag, meandering (সর্পিল পথ, সর্পিল গতি); spiral (সর্পিল স্প্রিং).

সর্পী [ sarpī ] a crawling, creeping, reptile, reptil ian. ☐ n. fem. of সর্প ।

সর্ব [ sarba ] a all; whole, entire; complete, total, thorough; universal. ☐ n. Shiva (শিব). সর্বংসহ a. tolerating everything, allenduring, omnipotent. fem. সর্বংসহা । ̃কালীন a. of all times, all-time; work ing wholetime or covering whole time; wholetime. ̃কালে adv. in all times, ever. ̃ক্ষণ n. all time; the whole time, all the time. ☐ adv. every moment, al ways. ̃গত a. all-pervading; omnipres ent. ̃গুণাকর, ̃গুণাধার n. a container of all virtues or good qualities. ☐ a. (erron.) same as ̃গুণান্বিত । ̃গুণান্বিত a. endowed with all virtues or good qualities; all-good. ̃গ্রাস n. total eclipse; act of devouring or grabbing everything. ̃গ্রাসী a. all-devouring; all grabbing. fem. ̃গ্রাসিনী । ̃জনপ্রিয় a. be loved of all, dear to all; universally popular. ̃জনস্বীকৃত a. universally or unanimously admitted or accepted. ̃জনহিত n. universal good, universal welfare; public good, public welfare. ̃জনহিতকর a. beneficial to all, good for all, universally good. ̃জনীন a. good for all, universally good; universal; public, common. ̃জনীনতা n. universal ity. ̃জ্ঞ a. all-knowing, omniscient. সর্বজ্ঞতা n. omniscience. ̃ত adv. in all respects; in everything; everywhere; in all ways; by all means; entirely, wholly; thoroughly. সর্বতোভাবে same as ̃থা । ̃ত্যাগী a. all-renouncing, all-sac rificing. fem. ̃ত্যাগিনী । ̃ত্র adv. every where; ever, in all times; in all direc tions; in all respects. ̃গামী capable of or given to going or reaching every where. fem. সর্বত্রগামিনী । ̃থা adv. in ev ery way or manner, by all means; in all respects. ̃দর্শী a. all-seeing. fem. ̃দর্শিনী । ̃দা adv. always, ever; in all times. ̃দুঃখহর a. removing all sorrows or afflictions. fem. ̃দুঃখহরা । ̃দেশীয় a. pertaining to all countries, interna tional, universal; country-wide. ̃ধর্মসমন্বয় n. synthesis or harmonization of all religions. ̃নাম n. (gr.) the pro noun. ̃নাশ n. complete or total de struction; utter ruin; great harm; a great danger or calamity. সর্বনাশ করা v. to destroy completely or totally; to ruin utterly; to undo (a person); to cause a great harm or danger or calamity (to). সর্বনাশ হওয়া v. to be destroyed com pletely; to be ruined utterly; to be un done; to be harmed greatly; to be placed in a great danger or calamity. ̃নাশা (loos.) a. same as ̃নাশী (a.). ☐ n. (usu. in mild reproach) one who un does a person by exposing him or her to shame; a shameless man. ̃নাশী a. causing complete or total destruction; causing utter ruin; causing a great harm or danger or calamity to. ☐ n. fem. of ̃নাশা । fem a. ̃নাশিনী । ̃নিয়ন্তা n. one who controls everything; the Su preme Ruler, God. fem. ̃নিয়ন্ত্রী the con troller of everything. ̃নেশে coll. var. of ̃নাশা । ̃প্রকার a. of all kinds and vari eties; omnigenous; all-round. ̃প্রকারে adv. in every way; in all respects. ̃প্রথম a. first, foremost. ̃প্রধান a. chief of all, most distinguished; most impor tant; pre-eminent; chief; sovereign, su preme. ̃প্রিয় a. dear to everyone, be loved of all, popular with all, univer sally popular. ̃বাদিসম্মত a. unani mously agreed or accepted, unani mous; universally agreed or accepted. ̃বিধ same as ̃প্রকার । ̃বিষয়ে adv. in all matters; in everything; in all respects; in all subjects. ̃বিষহর a. counteracting all poisons. ̃বিষহর ওষুধ an antidote for all poisons, (cp.) the Venice treacle. ̃ব্যাপী a. all-pervading; ubiquitous; ubiquitarian; omnipresent; (loos.) uni versal. fem. ̃ব্যাপিনী । ̃ব্যাপিতা n. the state of being all-pervading; ubiquity; omnipresence; (loos.) universality. ̃ভুক a. omnivorous. ̃ভূত n. all created beings. ̃ভূতাত্মা n. the Soul that is present or inherent in all created be ings. ̃মঙ্গলা n. fem. one who is the cause or source of all good; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃ময় a. all-pervading; ubiquitous; ubiquitarian; omnipresent; all in all (সর্বময় কর্তা); all-powerful, sovereign, supreme; omnipotent. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃রোগহর a. counteracting or cur ing all diseases. ̃রোগহর ওষুধ n. a cure all, a panacea. ̃লোক n. the whole uni verse; the whole world; all people of the world, everybody, all and sundry. ̃শক্তি প্রয়োগ করা v. to apply total or ut most strength or power; to exert one's utmost; to apply all powers or forces. ̃শক্তিমান a. all-powerful, almighty, om nipotent. ̃শাস্ত্রজ্ঞ a. versed in all branches of learning or in all sciences or in all scriptures. ̃শেষ a. last of all, ultimate. ̃শেষে adv. last of all, at last. ̃শ্রেষ্ঠ a. best of all; pre-eminent; high est; supreme. ̃সমক্ষে adv. before every body, in presence of all, in public, pub licly, openly. ̃সম a. equal in all re spects, congruent. ̃সময়, ̃সময়ে adv. all times or hours; always, ever; every time. ̃সম্মত a. unanimously approved or permitted or accepted or acknowl edged. ̃সম্মতিক্রমে adv. unanimously; with unanimous approval or support. ̃সাকুল্যে adv. in all, in the aggregate, as a whole, collectively. ̃সাধারণ n. the public, the people. ̃সিদ্ধি n. attainment or realization of all desires or ends; complete success. ̃স্ব n. whatever one possesses, one's total possessions, one's all. ̃স্বহরণ n. robbing one of all one's belongings. ̃স্বান্ত a. robbed of one's all belongings; utterly ruined. ̃হিত same as ̃জনহিত । সর্বাংশ n. all parts. সর্বাংশে adv. in every part; in all respects; completely, thoroughly; per fectly. সর্বাগ্র a. foremost; first; lying in the forefront. সর্বাগ্রে adv. in the fore most place; first of all, in the forefront. সর্বাঙ্গ n. the whole body; all limbs. সর্বাঙ্গসুন্দর a. beautiful in every limb; having a perfectly beautiful body; beautiful in all respects or in every part, perfectly beautiful. সর্বাঙ্গীণ a. cov ering the whole body, considering ev ery limb; considering all aspects; thor ough, comprehensive; total, complete. সর্বাঙ্গে adv. all over the body, all over; in every limb; in all parts; in all re spects; thoroughly, completely, totally. সর্বাণী n. Goddess Durga the wife of Sarva (সর্ব). সর্বাত্মক a. all-pervading; comprehensive; total, complete; all out; supreme, sovereign. সর্বাদৃত a. well received by all, dear to all; universally popular. সর্বাধিক a. most of all, most, greatest, highest, largest; utmost. সর্বাধিনায়ক n. the supreme leader; the commander-in-chief. সর্বাধ্যক্ষ n. the di rector-general; (loos.) the managing di rector. সর্বান্তঃকরণে adv. whole-heartedly, with all one's heart, heart and soul, willingly and completely. সর্বাপেক্ষা adv. of all; beyond all; above all. সর্বাবয়ব same as সর্বাঙ্গ । সর্বাভরণ n. ornament for all the different limbs; all ornaments. সর্বার্থসাধক a. fulfilling all desires; realiz ing all ends; supplying all needs; (loos.) multipurpose (সর্বার্থসাধক সমবায় সমিতি বা বিদ্যালয়. fem. সর্বার্থসাধিকা । সর্বার্থসিদ্ধি n. same as সর্বসিদ্ধি । সর্বেশ্বর n. the lord or master of all; the supreme lord; God; Shiva (শিব). ☐ a. having sovereign authority over everybody; supreme; sovereign. সর্বেসর্বা a. all in all; invested with absolute authority; all-ruling; predominant. সর্বোচ্চ a. high est of all; most high, highest. সর্বোত্তম a. best, choicest, most excellent. সর্বোপরি adv. on the topmost place; uppermost; above all.

সর্ষপ [ sarṣapa ] n mustard seed, rape-seed. সর্ষপ তৈল n. mustard-oil.

সলজ্জ [ salajja ] a abashed, ashamed; bashful, shy, modest, coy.

সলমা [ salamā ] n diapers done with gold or silver thread.

সলা [ salā ] n (dero. & usu. secret) conference, consultation, counsel (also সলা-পরামর্শ).

সলিতা [ salitā ] n a slender wick.

সলিল [ salila ] n water. ̃সমাধি n. a watery grave; drowning; loss or destruction by sink ing; (fig.) utter loss, irrevocable loss.

সল্লকী [ sallakī ] n the porcupine, the hedgehog.

সশব্দ [ saśabda ] a attended with a noise, sounding; attended with a loud noise; noisy; clamorous. সশব্দে adv. with a noise or sound; with a loud noise; noisily; clamorously.

সশরীরে [ saśarīrē ] adv in the mortal body, alive (সশরীরে স্বর্গলাভ); in person, bodily (সশরীরে আগমন).

সশস্ত্র [ saśastra ] a armed; in arms.

সশ্রদ্ধ [ saśraddha ] a respectful, deferential.

সশ্রম [ saśrama ] a rigorous (সশ্রম কারাদন্ড).

সসত্ত্বা [ sasattbā ] a. fem with child or young, preg nant. ̃বস্হা n. pregnancy.

সসম্ভ্রম [ sasambhrama ] a full of reverence mixed with awe and submission, deferential. সসম্ভ্রমে adv. with deference.

সসম্মান [ sasammāna ] a respectful; honourable. সসম্মানে adv. with respect; with honour, honourably; (academic) with honours (সসম্মানে বি.এ. পাস করা).

সসাগরা [ sasāgarā ] a. fem consisting of or compris ing oceans and seas (in addition to land), inclusive of oceans and seas. সসাগরা ধরণী the earth (or the landed portion of the earth) with all oceans and seas, the whole earth.