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সহকারী [ sahakārī ] a assisting, assistant, sub-. ☐ n. an assistant. fem. সহকারিণী । সহকারী প্রধানশিক্ষক an assistant headmaster. সহকারী সম্পাদক an assistant editor; an assistant secretary.

সহজ [ sahaja ] a inborn, innate, instinctive; natu ral, inherent; easy, not difficult or strenuous, simple; easily understood, plain; not crooked or tough, simple, plain (সহজ লোক). ̃গম্য a. easily acces sible; (fig.) easy to understand. ̃পাচ্য a. easily digestible; easy to digest. ̃প্রবৃত্তি n. an instinct. ̃বুদ্ধি n. common sense; mother wit; (erron.) an instinct. ̃বোধ্য a. easily understood or comprehensible or intelligible. ̃লভ্য a. easily available or obtainable. ̃সাধন n. a form of wor ship in which a devotee acts according to the dictates of his or her instincts. সহজিয়া n. same as ̃সাধন, and—a Vaishnava or Buddhist community practising ̃সাধন । সহজে a. without dif ficulty, easily.

সহন [ sahana ] n enduring or suffering; toleration; patience. ̃শীল a. enduring; tolerant; patient. fem. ̃শীলা । ̃শীলতা n. endur ance; tolerance; patience. সহনীয় a. bearable, endurable, sufferable; toler able.

সহবত [ sahabata ] n manners learnt in society; com pany, association, society; manners, good manners, courtesy.

সহর্ষ [ saharṣa ] a joyful; gleeful. সহর্ষে adv. joy fully; gleefully.

সহসা [ sahasā ] adv suddenly; unexpectedly, all at once, all on a sudden, all of a sudden.

সহস্র [ sahasra ] n & a thousand. ☐ a. innumerable, countless; many and diverse. সহস্র সহস্র thousands and thousands of, thousands of, many thousands, innumerable, countless. ̃ক n. a millennium. ̃কর, ̃কিরণ n. one emitting countless rays; the sun. ̃তম a. thousandth. ̃দল a. thousand-petalled; having innumer able petals. ̃ধা adv. in a thousand ways; in countless ways; in manifold ways. ̃ধারা n. a cascade falling in in numerable streams; a fountain spout ing in countless streams; a river flow ing in a great many streams. ̃পদ n. the centipede, a myriapod. ̃প্রকরণ a. innumerable kinds of, many and di verse, manifold. ̃বার adv. countless times, many times, thousand times. ̃লোচন a. thousand-eyed, (cp.) Argus eyed. ☐ n. Indra (ইন্দ্র), the king of gods. ̃শীর্ষ a. hydraheaded. সহস্রার n. lotus-shaped substance within the cra nium.

সহা [ sahā ] v to bear; to suffer; to endure; to sustain; to be inured (to) (শীতগ্রীষ্ম সহা); to be acclimatized (আবহাওয়া সহা); to tolerate, to stand (অন্যায় সহা); to brook (অপমান সহা).

সহাধিকার ক্ষেত্র [ sahādhikāra kṣētra ] n concurrent jurisdiction.

সহাধীক্ষক, সহাধ্যক্ষ [ sahādhīkṣaka, sahādhyakṣa ] n an assistant superin tendent.

সহানুভূতি [ sahānubhūti ] n sympathy; compassion; fel low-feeling. ̃শীল a. sympathetic or compassionate. ̃সম্পন্ন a. sympathetic; compassionate.

সহানো [ sahānō ] v to cause to bear or suffer or en dure or sustain; to inure; to acclima tize.

সহায় [ sahāẏa ] n an aider; a helper; a patron; an assistant; a supporter; an ally; aid; help; patronization; assistant; support; a prop; a resource. ̃ক a. aiding; help ing; patronizing; assisting; supporting; accessory; abetting; (gr.) auxiliary. সহায়ক ক্রিয়া (gr.) an auxiliary verb. ̃তা n. aid; help; patronization; assistance; support; abetment. সহায়তা করা v. to aid; to help; to patronize; to assist; to sup port; to abet. সহায়তাকারী same as সহায়ক । ̃সম্বল n. friends to turn to and resources to fall back on. ̃সম্বলহীন a. one without any resource or support; utterly helpless.

সহাস্য [ sahāsya ] a smiling; laughing. ̃বদনে, ̃মুখে adv. with a smiling face.

সহিষ্ণু [ sahiṣṇu ] a having fortitude; stoical; patient, enduring; tolerant. ̃তা n. fortitude; pa tience, endurance; toleration, toler ance.

সহিস [ sahisa ] n a syce, a groom.

সহৃদয় [ sahṛdaẏa ] a large-hearted, magnanimous; cordial (সহৃদয় অভ্যর্থনা); sincere and amiable (সহৃদয় কথাবার্তা); appreciative, appreciatory, sympathetic, considerate (সহৃদয় বিচার). fem. সহৃদয়া । ̃তা n. large-heartedness, magnanimity; sympathy, compassion, kind-heartedness, ami ability.

সহোদর [ sahōdara ] a born of the same mother. ☐ n. a brother born of the same mother, a brother. সহোদরা a. fem. of সহোদর (a.). ☐ n. a sister born of the same mother, a sister.

সহ্য [ sahya ] a endurable, bearable; tolerable; en dured, suffered, tolerated (সহ্য হওয়া); acclimatized (আবহাওয়া সহ্য হওয়া) ☐ n. endurance, fortitude, tolerance (সহ্যের সীমা = the limit of one's patience, a limit to one's patience); the northern portion of the Western Ghat mountain range (usu. সহ্যাদ্রি). সহ্য করা v. to en dure, to suffer, to bear; to tolerate, to brook, to put up with. ̃গুণ n. the qual ity of bearing patiently, forbearance. সহ্যাতীত same as অসহ্য ।

সা [ ] n (mus.) the first note of the gamut, C-major.

সাইজ [ sāija ] n size.

সাইনবোর্ড [ sāinabōrḍa ] n a sighboard.

সাইরেন [ sāirēna ] n a siren.

সাউ [ sāu ] n a merchant (by caste or profes sion); a moneylender.

সাউকারি [ sāukāri ] n pretence of honesty or inno cence; assumed self-importance or pompousness.

সাংকেতিক [ sāṅkētika ] a symbolic, symbolical. ☐ n. (arith.) practice.

সাংখ্য [ sāṅkhya ] n a philosophical treatise written by Kapil; the Sankhya system of phi losophy.

সাংখ্যিক [ sāṅkhyika ] a numeral, figural.

সাংঘাতিক [ sāṅghātika ] a fatal; mortal; terrible; tre mendous.

সাংবত্সর, সাংবত্সরিক [ sāmbatsara, sāmbatsarika ] a continuing for a year; occurring every year; yearly, an nual.

সাংবাদিক [ sāmbādika ] a pertaining to news; journalis tic. ☐ n. a journalist. সাংবাদিকতা n. jour nalism. সাংবাদিকতা করা v. to work as a journalist.

সাংসারিক [ sāṃsārika ] a domestic, familial; earthly, mundane, secular. সাংসারিক জ্ঞান worldly wisdom.

সাংস্কৃতিক [ sāṃskṛtika ] a cultural.

সাঁই2 [ sām̐i2 ] n a religious instructor or associate or preceptor; God.

সাঁইত্রিশ [ sām̐itriśa ] n & a thirty-seven.

সাঁওতাল [ sām̐ōtāla ] n an aboriginal tribe of India, Santals; a Santal.

সাঁকো [ sān̐kō ] n a bridge; a culvert.

সাঁজা [ sān̐jā ] n rennet.

সাঁজাল [ sān̐jāla ] n fumigation by burning hay etc. in order to expel or repel mosquitoes.

সাঁজোয়া [ sān̐jōẏā ] n armour, a coat of mail. সাঁজোয়া গাড়ি n. an armoured car.

সাঁট [ sān̐ṭa ] n brevity (সাঁটে সারা); a hint, a ges ture (সাঁট বোঝা). সাঁটে adv. by hint, by a subtle insinuation; in short, in brief, briefly.

সাঁটা [ sān̐ṭā ] v to fix or attach esp. tightly; to hold firmly, to grip (সেঁটে ধরা); (facet.) to gormandize, to gorge oneself with. ̃নো v. to eat voraciously, to gorge one self with, to eat greedily.

সাঁড়াশি [ sān̐ḍ়āśi ] n tongs; forceps; pincers; সাঁড়াশি অভিযান n. (mil.) a pincer-movement.

সাঁতরানো [ sān̐tarānō ] v to swim.

সাঁতলানো [ sān̐talānō ] v to singe lightly with spices in oil, clarified butter or fat. ☐ a. singed.

সাঁতার [ sān̐tāra ] n swimming; natation. সাঁতার কাটা, সাঁতার দেওয়া v. to swim. সাঁতার কাটার পুকুর a swimming pool; (U. S.) a natatorium. সাঁতার-জল n. a mass of water so deep that one has to swim to keep oneself afloat. সাঁতারু n. a swimmer; an expert swimmer.

সাঁপি [ sām̐pi ] n the roundish part at the front of the stocks into which the neck of a beast is put for immolation; a ferrule.

সাকল্য [ sākalya ] n entirety; totality; the total amount or number. সাকল্যে adv. in all.

সাকার [ sākāra ] a having a form or body, bodied, corporeal. সাকার-উপাসনা, সাকারোপাসনা n. a form of worship in which deities are conceived as having forms; idolatry. ̃বাদ n. the doctrine that upholds সাকারোপাসনা । সাকারোপাসক n. an idolator. ☐ a. idolatrous.

সাকি [ sāki ] n a young lad or girl serving wine, a young tapster.

সাকিন [ sākina ] n a place of one's residence, ad dress.

সাক্ষর [ sākṣara ] a literate. সাক্ষরতা n. literacy.

সাক্ষাত্ [ sākṣāt ] a visible, bodied or incarnate (সাক্ষাত্ মৃত্যু); appearing in person (সাক্ষাত্ যম); resembling, equal to (মাতাপিতা সাক্ষাত্ দেবতা); direct. ☐ n. visibility in body, visible or perceptible presence (ঈশ্বরের সাক্ষাত্লাভ); a meeting, an interview (বন্ধুর সাক্ষাত্লাভ); presence (সাক্ষাতে বলা). সাক্ষাত্ করা v. to pay a visit to, to visit, to call on; to interview. সাক্ষাত্ পাওয়া v. to be able to meet (with); to have a meeting with; to happen to meet (with); to have an interview (with); (theol.) to be in communion (with). ̃কার n. meeting; interview. ̃কারী n. visitor; an interviewee. fem. ̃কারিণী । ̃প্রার্থী a & n. one who asks for or seeks an interview (with). fem. ˜প্রার্থিনী । ̃সম্বন্ধ n. direct relation; out ward or formal relation. সাক্ষাতে adv. in one's presence; face to face.

সাক্ষিগোপাল [ sākṣigōpāla ] n a holy place near Puri which Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) visited; (fig.) one rendered powerless and capable only of witnessing (other's misdeeds), a puppet.

সাক্ষী [ sākṣī ] n a witness; an eye-witness. সাক্ষী পড়ানো v. to prime or tutor a witness. সাক্ষী মানা v. to cite one as a witness; to call upon one as a witness. সাক্ষীর কাঠগড়া the witness-box. সাক্ষীর জবানবন্দি deposition of a witness or his examina tion in chief. সাক্ষীর জেরা cross-exami nation of a witness. ̃সাবুদ n. witness and evidence.

সাক্ষ্য [ sākṣya ] n witness, testimony, evidence; deposition. সাক্ষ্য দেওয়া v. to give evi dence, to bear witness, to depose.

সাগর [ sāgara ] n a sea; an ocean; a bay (বঙ্গোপসাগর). ̃পার n. seashore; the other shore or side of a sea. ̃পারে adv. on the seashore; beyond seas, abroad. ̃মেখলা a sea-girt. ̃সংগম n. the place where a river (esp. the Ganges) falls into a sea.

সাগু [ sāgu ] n sago. দুধসাগু n. milk mixed with boiled sago. ̃দানা n. a grain of sago; sago.

সাগ্রহ [ sāgraha ] a eager, earnest; intent; wistful. সাগ্রহে adv. eagerly, earnestly, intently.

সাঙা [ sāṅā ] n a form of Hindu widow marriage where religious solemnities are more or less ignored.

সাঙাত [ sāṅāta ] n (use. dero.) a friend, a compan ion; an accomplice.

সাঙ্গ [ sāṅga ] a bodied, corporeal; having all the limbs; complete in all part; completed, finished; ended. সাঙ্গ করা v. to com plete, to finish; to end.

সাঙ্গরূপক [ sāṅgarūpaka ] n (rhet.) prolonged or contin ued metaphor.

সাঙ্গোপাঙ্গ [ sāṅgōpāṅga ] a inclusive of all parts; at tended by all friends and followers; at tended by the whole retinue, in train. ☐ n. pl. friends and followers collec tively; retinue, train.

সাচ্চা [ sāccā ] a true; genuine, real, pure; upright or righteous.

সাজ [ sāja ] n dress, raiment, garb; an ornament, a decorative article to be put on; equip ment, outfit; make up; equipage; ap purtenance; (dial.) rennet. ̃গোজ n. dressing; meticulous dressing. ̃ঘর n. a greenroom. ̃ন্ত a. embellishing, beautifying, decorative. ̃শ n. collu sion (যোগসাজশে). ☐ a. (loos.) got-up (সাজশ মামলা = a got-up case.) ̃সজ্জা n. full dress; equipment, outfit; euipage; dressing; make-up; decoration; furni ture and fittings. ̃সরঞ্জাম n. equipment, outfit; equipage; appurtenance; furni ture and fittings.

সাজা1 [ sājā1 ] n punishment. সাজা দেওয়া v. to punish; to award a punishment. সাজা পাওয়া v. to be punished.

সাজা2 [ sājā2 ] v to dress and embellish oneself; to be decorated; to assume a false dress or appearance, to disguise oneself, to pretend to be (সাধু সাজা); (of an actor or actress) to make up; to take up the role of (যাত্রায় কৃষ্ণ সাজা); to equip one self (যুদ্ধের জন্য সাজা); to process (an intoxicant etc.) for inhaling or chewing (তামাক সাজা, পান সাজা); to behave, to become (তোমাকে সাজে না). ☐ a. appear ing as, disguised, pretending; (of an in toxicant etc.) processed for inhaling or chewing.

সাজাত্য [ sājātya ] n the state of being of the same nation or tribe or class; cognateness, kindredness; homogeneity.

সাজানো [ sājānō ] v to dress and embellish; to decorate; to dress and lay artistically (বাগান সাজানো); to dress (another) so as to give a false appearance, to disguise, to cause to pretend to be; to dress (an actor or actress); to cause to take up the role of; to equip; (of a ship etc.) to fit out; to cause to process (an intoxi cant etc.) for inhaling or chewing or smoking (কলকে সাজানো); to place in order (মালপত্র সাজানো); (of an army etc.) to array; to fabricate, to concoct, to cook, to get up (মামলা সাজানো). ☐ a. dressed and embellished; decorated, disguised; artistically laid and dressed; fabricated, got-up; concocted.

সাজি1 [ sāji1 ] n a small high-rimmed and usually round wicker-tray.

সাজি2, সাজিমাটি [ sāji2, sājimāṭi ] n fuller's earth.

সাজো [ sājō ] a today's; fresh, recent; washed with fuller's earth within a few hours. (সাজো কাপড়). ☐ adv. recently, afresh (সাজো ভানা). ☐ n. same as ̃বাসি । ̃বাসি n. the system of washing clothes etc. with fuller's earth within a few hours; a washerman who washes clothes in the aforesaid system.

সাট2 [ sāṭa2 ] n (dero.) mutual understanding; collusion; a conspiracy.

সাটিন [ sāṭina ] n satin.

সাড় [ sāḍ় ] n sensibility; sensitivity, sensation; feeling; perception; consciousness.

সাড়ম্বর [ sāḍ়mbara ] a pompous; ostentatious; showy. সাড়ম্বরে adv. pompously; ostentatiously.

সাড়া [ sāḍ়ā ] n sound, noise; response, answer; reaction, response (উদ্ভিদের সাড়া); great animation or hubbub or noise, excite ment (সাড়া পড়েছে); voice, speech or word (মুখে সাড়া নেই); sign of existence, throbbing (প্রাণের সাড়া). সাড়া দেওয়া v. to respond, to answer; to react or re spond. ̃শব্দ almost same as সাড়া ।

সাড়ে [ sāḍ়ē ] a including also a half. সাড়ে দশ ten and a half. সাড়ে দশটা half past ten. সাড়ে দশ টাকা ten and a half rupees. সাড়ে দশ মাইল ten and a half miles, ten miles and a half. সাড়ে বত্রিশ ভাজা (fig.) a pro miscuous mixture of different things; a medley; an assortment of different things.

সাত [ sāta ] n. & a seven. সাত খুন মাফ (fig.) condonation of every failing or of fence, act of keeping one's eyes closed to all failings or offences of a particu lar person. esp. a favourite. সাত চড়ে রা না বেরোনো (fig.) the practice of taking every insult or oppression lying down, extreme meekness or inertia. সাত নকলে আসল খাস্তা (fig.) repeated imitation makes the original lose its identity. সাত সমুদ্র তেরো নদীর পার (in folk tales) a place where a human being can hardly go, (cp.) a place at the end of the world or beyond the corners of the world. সাতেও নেই পাঁচেও নেই (fig.) having no concern with, perfectly disinterested or aloof. সাতই n. the seventh day of a month, the seventh. ☐ a. (of the days of a month) seventh. ̃কান্ড a. consist ing of or divided into seven cantos; lengthy. ☐ adv. in detail, at great length (সাতকান্ড বলা বা শোনা). সাতকান্ড রামায়ণ (fig.) a lengthy or detailed narrative or account. ̃চল্লিশ n. & a. forty-seven. ˜জন্মে adv. (ever) in the long past or fu ture. ̃তাড়াতাড়ি adv. with an excessive haste, much too hastily. ̃নরি a. having seven tiers or strings (সাতনরি হার). ̃নলা a. seven-barrelled (সাতনলা বন্দুক). ̃-পাঁচ a. many and diverse. ☐ adv. about this and that. (সাত-পাঁচ ভাবা). ̃পুরুষ n. seven generations upwards or downwards; the long past or future. ̃ষট্টি n. & a. sixty-seven. ˜সকাল n. very early morning. ̃সতেরো n. miscel lany; a variety.

সাতা [ sātā ] n the seven of playing-cards.

সাতাত্তর [ sātāttara ] n. & a seventy-seven.

সাতান্ন [ sātānna ] n. & a fifty-seven.

সাতাশ [ sātāśa ] n. & a twenty-seven.

সাতাশি [ sātāśi ] n. & a eighty-seven.

সাতাশে [ sātāśē ] n the twenty-seventh day of a month, the twenty-seventh. ☐ a. (of the days of a month) twenty-seventh.

সাতিশয় [ sātiśaẏa ] a overmuch, excessive, exceed ing; extreme. ☐ adv. overmuch, exces sively, exceedingly; extremely.

সাত্ত্বিক [ sāttbika ] a of or proceeding from or having সত্ত্বগুণ that is, goodness and purity (সাত্ত্বিক আচরণ, সাত্ত্বিক লোক); uncon cerned about the consequence, dispas sionate; pure; not actuated by any de sire and unostentatious (সাত্ত্বিক পূজা বা দান). সাত্ত্বিক আহার plain and simple food; a simple fare. ̃তা n. purity in living, dispassionateness or unostentatiousness.

সাথ [ sātha ] n (dial.) company (সাথের লোক). ☐ prep. same as সাথে ।

সাথি [ sāthi ] n a companion; an associate.

সাথে [ sāthē ] prep with, in company of.

সাদর [ sādara ] a cordial (সাদর অভ্যর্থনা). সাদরে adv. cordially, ̃সম্ভাষণ n. cordial address or reception.

সাদা [ sādā ] a white; grey; white-skinned (সাদা আদমি); free from angularities, candid, simple (সাদা মন); categorical, plain, unequivocal, downright (সাদা কথা); in nocent (সাদা কাজ); having no coloured border or furbelow or flounce (সাদা ধুতি); unwritten, blank (সাদা কাগজ); unblurred; unintoxicated (সাদা চোখ). ☐ n. the white colour; the white-skinned people, the white race. সই করা সাদা কাগজ carte blanche. সাদাকে কালো এবং কালোকে সাদা করা (fig.) to misrepresent things or tell lies obviously and shamelessly, to lie in one's throat. ̃চামড়া n. white skin; the white skinned people. ̃টে a. whitish. সাদামাঠা, সাদামাটা, সাদাসিধা,, (coll.) সাদাসিধে a. free from angularities, can did, simple; simple-hearted, plain-liv ing, ordinary; unostentatious, plain; categorical, unequivocal, downright, straight-cut; not crooked, honest; frank; straight; unornamented; bald, having no vicissitude, uninteresting; dull, drab. ̃সাপটা a. simple, plain; un ostentatious.

সাদি2 [ sādi2 ] n a horseman or horse-soldier; an elephant-rider or elephant-soldier.

সাদৃশ্য [ sādṛśya ] n likeness; resemblance; similar ity; affinity; equality; an image, a por trait.

সাধ [ sādha ] n desire; longing; fancy or choice (সাধের বস্তু); voluntary will, volition, pleasure, one's own accord (সাধ করে মৃত্যুবরণ); option; a ceremony for giv ing desired articles of food to a preg nant woman (সাধ দেওয়া বা সাধ খাওয়া). সাধ করা v. to desire; to long (for); to choose; to volunteer (for); to opt (for). সাধ করে adv. voluntarily; wilfully; will ingly. সাধ মিটিয়ে adv. satisfying one's desire; to one's satisfaction.

সাধক [ sādhaka ] a austerely endeavouring to achieve an end; practising ascetic aus terities; engaged in austere worship of God; performing or realizing; helping to perform or realize. ☐ n. an austere endeavourer; one who practises ascetic austerities; a worshipper of god; a wor shipper, votary, a devotee.