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সাধন [ sādhana ] n austere endeavour; austere as cetic practice; worship of God; wor ship; performance, accomplishment; realization or attainment; a means, an instrument, a tool. সাধন করা v. to per form or accomplish or realize or attain esp. by dint of austere or arduous endeavour. ̃পত্র n. an instrument. ̃প্রক্রিয়া n. the mode of worship of God; the mode of accomplishment. ̃ভজন n. religious prayer or meditation and wor ship.

সাধনা [ sādhanā ] n same as সাধন, and—austere or arduous practice (সংগীত সাধনা); aus terities; an object to attain for which an arduous endeavour is being made (আমাদের সাধের সাধনা); an austere vow or difficult goal (ভারতের সাধনা); im portunity (সাধ্যসাধনা). সাধন করা v. to endeavour austerely or arduously; to be engaged in austere ascetic practice; to worship God; to practice austerely or arduously; (rare) to importunate.

সাধনীয় [ sādhanīẏa ] a that for the accomplishment or attainment of which arduous endeavour should be made; to be per formed or attained; worshipful, ador able.

সাধর্ম্য [ sādharmya ] n likeness, similarity, resem blance, mark or quality exactly alike.

সাধা [ sādhā ] v to endeavour or practise austerely or arduously (মন্ত্র সাধা); to try to im prove by practice (গলা সাধা); to ac complish (কাজ সাধা); to attain or real ize ('সাধিতে মনের সাধ'); to offer (ঘুস সাধা); to volunteer (সেধে বিপদে পড়া); to bring about, to put forward; to offer (বাদ সাধা); to try to pacify or appease (পায়ে ধরে সাধা); to importunate (না সাধলে সে আসবে না); (gr.) to derive (as a word). ☐ a. improved or chastened or prepared by practice (সাধা গলা); held out for acceptance, offered (সাধা ভাত).

সাধানো [ sādhānō ] v to cause to endeavour or prac tise austerely or arduously; to make one try to improve by practice; to cause to importunate.

সাধারণ [ sādhāraṇa ] a ordinary, common, usual; ba nal, trite (সাধারণ লেখা); trifling, venial (সাধারণ অপরাধ); public (সাধারণ পাঠাগার); general (সাধারণ সভা); univer sal (সাধারণ মত); generic (বর্গের সাধারণ নাম); including all, at large (জনসাধারণ). ☐ n. the public, the people, the com monalty. fem. সাধারণী । সাধারণ কৃত্যক a. general service. সাধারণ ধর্ম a general property or characteristic. সাধারণ ভবিষ্যনিধি the general provident fund. সাধারণত adv. ordinarily, usually, com monly; generally. ̃তন্ত্র n. a republic. সাধারণতন্ত্র দিবস n. the Republic Day. ̃তন্ত্রবাদী, ̃তন্ত্রী a. republican. ☐ n. a re publican. ̃ভাবে adv. generally, in gen eral terms. সাধারণ শিক্ষা n. general edu cation. সাধারণ্য n. general properties or characteristics; the public; the people, the commonality.

সাধাসাধি [ sādhāsādhi ] n importunity. সাধাসাধি করা v. to importunate, to make repeated re quests, to entreat.

সাধিকা [ sādhikā ] fem of সাধক ।

সাধিত [ sādhita ] a austerely or arduously endeavoured or practised; performed or accomplished; attained; proved; (gr.) derived. সাধিত ধাতু (gr.) a deriva tive verb, a derivative; (gr.) a deriva tive verb, a derivative. সাধিত শব্দ (gr.) a derivative.

সাধিত্র [ sādhitra ] n an instrument, a tool, an appli ance.

সাধু [ sādhu ] a pious, saintly, virtuous, righteous, honest; good, noble; elegant, chaste, polite, refined (সাধু ভাষা); proper, cor rect, appropriate, idiomatic (সাধুপ্রয়োগ). ☐ n. a saint, an ascetic, an anchorite; a merchant, a trader; a usurer; a money lender. ☐ int. excellent (সাধু ! সাধু !). সাধু অভিপ্রায় honest or noble desire, honest intention. সাধু সাবধান (lit.) O merchant, beware of the swindler or thief, (cp.) caveat emptor; (fig.) be ware of the danger. ̃গিরি n. a show of honesty or piety; simulation of piety or honesty or goodness, sanctimonious ness, sanctimony; (usu. facet.) act of leading the life of an ascetic. ̃তা n. saintliness, piousness, piety, virtuousness, righteousness, honesty, integrity; goodness, nobility. ̃তাচারণ n. honest or upright or virtuous or good behaviour or dealing; practice of piety or virtue. ̃বাদ n. applause, praise, approbation; thanksgiving. সাধুবাদ দেওয়া v. to applaud, to praise; to thank. ̃ভাষা n. chaste or elegant or polished language (cp. চলিতভাষা). ̃সঙ্গ n. association with saints and ascetics; company of saints and ascetics, good company. ̃সম্মত a. virtuous, honest (সাধুসম্মত উপায়).

সাধে [ sādhē ] adv of one's own accord, willingly ('সাধে কি আর বাবা বলে').

সাধ্বী [ sādhbī ] n. fem a virtuous or chaste woman; a faithful wife; (loos.) a female saint. ☐ a. fem. virtuous, chaste; faithful to one's husband.

সাধ্য [ sādhya ] a within the range of one's capa bility (দুর্বলের সাধ্য নয়); capable of be ing done or accomplished or attained; curable; to be proved or deduced or inferred. ☐ n. (log.) a major term, an inference; (law) a point at issue; (pop.) capability, ability (সাধ্যের বাইরে). ̃তা n. attainability; the range of one's ca pability; feasibility. ̃পক্ষে adv. as much as one can do, to the best of one's ability. ̃পাল n. a bailiff. ̃বহির্ভূত same as সাধ্যাতীত । ̃মতো, সাধ্যানুরূপ, সাধ্যানুযায়ী a. within the range of one's capability. ☐ adv. same as সাধ্যপক্ষে । সাধ্যাতিরিক্ত, সাধ্যাতীত a. beyond the range of one's capability. সাধ্যানুসারে same as সাধ্যপক্ষে । ̃সাধনা n. repeated importunities.

সানক, সানকি [ sānaka, sānaki ] n a plate or dish of china clay or porcelain.

সানন্দ [ sānanda ] a joyful; glad; happy; pleased. সানন্দে adv. joyfully, cheerfully; gladly; happily; with pleasure.

সানা2 [ sānā2 ] v to knead.

সানাই [ sānāi ] n a kind of wooden wind-instru ment.

সানু [ sānu ] n a level area on the top of a moun tain, a tableland, a plateau.

সানুকম্প [ sānukampa ] a compassionate.

সানুজ [ sānuja ] a attended or accompanied by one's younger brother.

সানুনয় [ sānunaẏa ] a full of supplication or entreaty. সানুনয় প্রার্থনা a humble prayer. সানুনয়ে adv. supplicatingly, entreatingly.

সানুনাসিক [ sānunāsika ] a nasal.

সানুরাগ [ sānurāga ] a full of love or attachment, lov ing.

সান্ত [ sānta ] a finite; limited.

সান্তর [ sāntara ] a having space at intervals, sparse; rare; porous.

সান্তারা [ sāntārā ] n an orange-like fruit.

সান্তনা [ sāntanā ] n consolation; solace. সান্তনা দেওয়া v. to console, to solace. ̃কারী, ̃দাতা a. & n. one who consoles. fem. ˜কারিণী, ̃দাত্রী । ̃দান n. (act of giving) consola tion. ̃দায়ক, ̃প্রদ a. consolatory, con soling, solacing. ̃বাক্য n. consolatory speech or words.

সান্ত্রি [ sāntri ] n an armed guard or watchman; a soldier on guard, a sentry; (erron.) a policeman.

সান্দ্র [ sāndra ] a dense, thick; (of liquids) concen trated, condensed, thick, viscid, vis cous. ̃তা n. density, thickness; viscos ity. ̃তাঙ্ক n. co-efficient of viscosity. সান্দ্রতামাপক n. a viscometer.

সান্ধ্য [ sāndhya ] a of evening. ̃তারা, ̃তারকা n. the evening-star, vesper. ̃দীপ n. an evening-lamp. ̃দৈনিক an evening newspaper, an evening news daily. ̃পরিচ্ছদ n. evening-dress. ̃বায়ু, ̃সমীরণ n. evening-breeze. ̃ভোজ n. a dinner; a supper. ̃ভ্রমণ n. evening walk. ̃সংগীত n. evening song. ̃সম্মিলনী, ̃সম্মেলন n. an evening-party.

সান্নিধ্য [ sānnidhya ] n proximity, closeness; presence, company (গুরুর সান্নিধ্য). সান্নিধ্য এড়ানো v. to avoid the company of; to give a wide berth to.

সান্নিপাতিক [ sānnipātika ] a marked by disorder of three humours of the body, namely, blood, bile and phelgm. সান্নিপাতিক জ্বর typhoid, enteric fever.

সান্বয় [ sānbaẏa ] a containing rendering into prose with the grammatical connections shown or made explicit (সান্বয় ব্যাখ্যা).