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সুরা [ surā ] n wine; alcohol; spirits. ̃পাত্র n. a decanter; a wine cup, a wine-glass. সুরা পান করা v. to drink wine, to drink; to tipple; to booze. ̃পানাভ্যাস n. drinking habit ̃পানোম্মত্ত a. Sottish, besotted; drunk; drunken, boozed up, the worse for liquor. ̃পানোম্মত্ততা n. sottishness, besottedness, drunkenness. ̃পায়ী a. addicted to drinking, tipsy, bacchant; boozy. ☐ n. a drunkard, a bacchant; a tippler. ̃রঞ্জিত a. (of eyes) reddened on account of drinking. ̃সার n. alcohol. নির্জল সুরাসার absolute or pure alcohol. বিশুদ্ধ বা শোভিত সুরাসার rectified spirit.

সুরাঙ্গনা [ surāṅganā ] n a heavenly courtesan.

সুরাসুর [ surāsura ] n. pl gods and demons.

সুরাহা [ surāhā ] n solution (সমস্যার সুরাহা); a good or adequate remedy (বিপদের সুরাহা); good arrangement or provision; an op portunity. সুরাহা করা v. to solve; to rem edy; to make good arrangement or pro vision for; to provide for; to devise a good expedient or means.

সুরুচি [ suruci ] n good or refined taste, fine taste. ̃সম্পন্ন a. of refined taste or culture, of fine taste.

সুরূপ [ surūpa ] a handsome, beautiful; good-look ing. fem. সুরূপা ।

সুরেন্দ্র [ surēndra ] n Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods.

সুরেলা [ surēlā ] a melodious, dulcet, musical.

সুরেশ্বর [ surēśbara ] n the lord of gods; Shiva (শিব) or Indra (ইন্দ্র). সুরেশ্বরী n. fem. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) or Goddess Ganges (গঙ্গা).

সুর্তি1 [ surti1 ] n a lottery; a raffle. ̃খেলা v. to play at lottery; to have a game of lottery; to cast lots.

সুর্তি2 [ surti2 ] n a preparation of powdered to bacco taken with betal-leaves.

সুর্মা [ surmā ] n sulphate of antimony used as collyrium, kohl.

সুলক্ষণ [ sulakṣaṇa ] a bearing good or auspicious marks on one's person; having good or auspicious signs (সুলক্ষণ কাল). ☐ n. a good or auspicious mark or sign. fem. a. সুলক্ষণা । সুলক্ষণাক্রান্ত a. same as সুলক্ষণ (a.).

সুলতান [ sulatāna ] n a Muslim ruler, a sultan. fem. সুলতানা a sultana, a sultaness. সুলতানি n. sultanate ☐ a. sultanic.

সুলভ, সুলভ্য [ sulabha, sulabhya ] a easily obtainable or avail able; cheap. সুলভে adv. cheaply.

সুললিত [ sulalita ] a delicately soft or flexible; very pleasant or sweet or melodious or dul cet or musical.

সুলিখিত [ sulikhita ] a well-written; pleasant to read, perspicuous.

সুলুক [ suluka ] n a hole; a clue; secrets; (loos.) a weak point, a fault. ̃সন্ধান n. secrets; faults; clues; weak points.

সুলুপ [ sulupa ] n a light boat, a sloop; a sloop-of war.

সুলেখক [ sulēkhaka ] n a good writer or author, a writer remarkable for perspicuity. fem. সুলেখিকা ।

সুলোচন [ sulōcana ] a having beautiful or fine eyes. fem. সুলোচনা ।

সুশাসক [ suśāsaka ] n a good or wise ruler.

সুশাসন [ suśāsana ] n good or wise government or rule.

সুশাসিত [ suśāsita ] a well-governed, wisely gov erned or ruled; well-controlled; well restrained; well-disciplined.

সুশিক্ষা [ suśikṣā ] n good or salutary education or training or advice.

সুশিক্ষিত [ suśikṣita ] a well-educated; well-trained; well-advised.

সুশীতল [ suśītala ] a very cool; very cold; very pleasant and cool.

সুশীল [ suśīla ] a good-natured; well-behaved; having a good character; gentle. fem. সুশীলা ।

সুশৃঙ্খল [ suśṛṅkhala ] a arranged or managed or con trolled in an orderly fashion; orderly. ̃ভাবে adv. in good order, in an orderly manner. সুশৃঙ্খলা n. orderly arrangement or management or control; orderliness, order.

সুশোভন [ suśōbhana ] a very beautiful or well-deco rated or well-bedecked.

সুশোভিত [ suśōbhita ] a very beautifully decorated or adorned or bedecked.

সুশ্রাব্য [ suśrābya ] a pleasing to the ear; sweet; me lodious.

সুশ্রী [ suśrī ] a of beautiful appearance, handsome, beautiful, comely, pretty.

সুষনি, সুসনি [ suṣani, susani ] n an edible aquatic spinach.