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সুষম [ suṣama ] a well-proportioned; well-bal anced, balanced; beautiful. সুষম খাদ্য balanced diet.

সুষমা [ suṣamā ] n. fem sweet grace or beauty; any pleasing quality.

সুষুপ্ত [ suṣupta ] a sleeping soundly, fast asleep.

সুষুপ্তি [ suṣupti ] n sound sleep.

সুষুম্না [ suṣumnā ] n (Hindu med.) the middle one of the three arteries that pulsate at the wrist. সুষুম্না কান্ড n. the spinal cord.

সুষ্ঠু [ suṣṭhu ] a very nice; immaculate; smooth (সুষ্ঠু কাজ)

সুসংবাদ [ susambāda ] n a good news.

সুসংস্কৃত [ susaṃskṛta ] a thoroughly repaired or recti fied; well-refined; well-arranged; well dressed; put on or worn in an orderly fashion; very refined and civil or po lite.

সুসংহত [ susaṃhata ] a well-integrated; well-as sembled; compact.

সুসজ্জ, সুসজ্জিত [ susajja, susajjita ] a well-dressed, well equipped; well-decorated; well-fur nished (সুসজ্জিত গৃহ).

সুসন্তান [ susantāna ] n a worthy or good child.

সুসভ্য [ susabhya ] a adequately or greatly civilized or refined.

সুসময় [ susamaẏa ] n favourable or prosperous times, good days; a favourable or suitable moment.

সুসমাচার [ susamācāra ] n a good news; (Christ.) Gospel (মথিলিখিত সুসমাচার = the Gospel of St. Matthews.)

সুসম্পন্ন [ susampanna ] a well-performed, well-ex ecuted. সুসম্পন্ন করা v. to perform or ex ecute nicely or thoroughly.

সুসহ [ susaha ] a easy to bear or endure, tolerable.

সুসাধ্য [ susādhya ] a easy to do or perform or execute or accomplish.

সুসার [ susāra ] n abundance, plenty; sufficiency, financial ease; ease.

সুস্হ [ susha ] a sound of body, hale, healthy, free from disease (সুস্হ); in normal state, unperturbed, untroubled, calm, peace ful (সুস্হ মন, সুস্হ জীবন). সুস্হ করা v. to bring round; to cure; to bring to the normal state. সুস্হ হওয়া v. to come round; to recover; to get back to the normal state. ̃দেহ, ̃দেহী a. sound of body, healthy, hale. ̃চিত্ত a. enjoying mental peace; sane; possessing mental equipoise. ̃তা n. soundness of body, healthiness; freedom from disease. সুস্হ শরীরে adv. in sound or good health, healthily.

সুস্হিত [ sushita ] a well-off; well-conditioned; well-placed or well-established (in life); (mech.) stable; enjoying mental equilibrium. সুস্হিতি n. equilibrium.

সুস্হির [ sushira ] a perfectly calm or composed; perfectly brought round; fully soothed; very steady; firmly settled or fixed or ascertained.

সুস্পষ্ট [ suspaṣṭa ] a very clear, evident, explicit; thoroughly exposed or revealed, mani fest; quite distinct. ̃ভাবে adv. very clearly; in unmistakable terms.

সুস্বন [ susbana ] n a sweet sound or note or melody.

সুস্বপ্ন [ susbapna ] n a happy dream, a pleasant dream.

সুস্বর [ susbara ] n a sweet voice. ☐ a. sweet-voiced; melodious.

সুস্বাদ [ susbāda ] n a pleasant or delicious taste (of food). ☐ a. very tasteful, delicious. সুস্বাদু a. same as সুস্বাদ (a.).

সুহাস [ suhāsa ] a pleasantly or charmingly smil ing. fem. সুহাসিনী ।

সুহৃদ, সুহৃত্ [ suhṛda, suhṛt ] n a friend; an ally; a well wisher.

সুহৃদ্বর [ suhṛdbara ] n an excellent friend or ally or well-wisher.

সূক্ত [ sūkta ] n any on of the complete Vedic in cantations or verses or hymns or psalms; a wise or salutary saying, an apopthegm. সূক্তি n. a wise or salutary saying, an apopthegm.

সূক্ষ্ণ [ sūkṣṇa ] a fine; thin; narrow; acute; low pitched, low; sharp, keen; pointed; accuminate; minutely scrutinizing, minute, hair-splitting; quite right or ap propriate, just; subtle; delicately sensi tive or susceptible, delicate; impal pable by senses; astral. ̃কোণ n. (geom.) an acute angle. ̃কোণী a. acute-angled. ̃গ্রাহী a. delicately sensi tive or susceptible; delicate (সূক্ষ্ণগ্রাহী যন্ত্র). ̃তা n. fineness; thinness; narrow ness; lowness; sharpness, keenness; pointedness; acuminateness; minute ness of scrutiny, minuteness; perfect appropriateness of justice; subtlety; delicate sensitiveness or susceptibility; delicateness; imperceptibility (by the senses); state of being astral. ̃দর্শিতা n. keen-sightedness; insight; keen dis cernment; sagacity; minute and equi table judgment; scrutiny. ̃দর্শী a. keen sighted; endowed with insight or keen discernment; sagacious; judging mi nutely and with perfect equity; scruti nizing. fem. ̃দর্শিনী । ̃দৃষ্টি n. keen sight; insight; keen discernment; sa gacity; minute and equitable judge ment; scrutiny. ̃দেহ n. a body not per ceptible by senses; an astral body; (loos.) a ghost. ̃দেহী a. having a body not perceptible by senses; having an astral body; (bio.) infusorial. সূক্ষ্ণদেহী জীবাণু (bio.) n. an infusoria. ̃বস্ত্র n. fine cloth. অতি সূক্ষ্ণ বস্ত্র superfine cloth. ̃বিচার n. minute and equitable judg ment; hair-splitting scrutiny; fine dis cretion. ̃বুদ্ধি n. keen intelligence; in tellectual acumen. ☐ a. keenly intelli gent. ̃মান n. (geom.) close approxima tion. ̃শরীর n. an astral body. সূক্ষ্ণাগ্র a. sharp-pointed, acuminate. সূক্ষ্ণাতিসূক্ষ্ণ a. extremely fine or thin or keen or pointed or acuminate or scrutinizing or minute or subtle or delicate or impal pable, hairsplitting; (bio.) infusorial.

সূচক [ sūcaka ] a (chiefly used as sfx.) introducing; commencing; indicating, expressing; presaging; foreboding, ☐ n. (alg.) an index (pl. indices). সূচক সংখ্যা n. index number. ̃সুত্র n. (alg.) an exponential theorem.

সূচনা [ sūcanā ] n introduction; an introduction, a preface, a preamble; commencement; start, inception; indication, expression; presaging; a presage; foreboding. সূচনা করা v. to introduce, to make an intro duction, to preface; to commence, to start; to indicate; to presage or fore bode. সূচিত a. indicated; signified; im plied.

সূচি, সূচী, সূচিকা [ sūci, sūcī, sūcikā ] n a needle; an awl; an in dicator (as of a measuring instrument or clock); a list, an inventory, a cata logue; a table of contents. সূচিকর্ম, সূচিশিল্প n. needlework; embroidery; (rare) tailoring. সূচিজীবী n. a tailor. সূচিনিবন্ধ n. index register. সূচিপত্র n. a table of contents, an index. সূচিভেদ্য a. capable of being pierced or perforated only with a needle; very compact, dense (সূচিভেদ্য অন্ধকার). সূচিমুখ a. hav ing a point as thin and sharp as that of a needle, pin-pointed; acuminate.

সূচিকাভরণ [ sūcikābharaṇa ] n a medicine in Ayurvedic pharmacopoea containing a minute quantity of snake-poison.

সূচ্যগ্র [ sūcyagra ] n the point of a needle. ☐ a. not exceeding the point of a needle in thickness, magnitude, spaciousness etc.; an iota of ('সূচ্যগ্র মেদিনী'). ̃পরিমাণ, ̃পরিমিত a. same as সূচ্যগ্র (a.).

সূত [ sūta ] n an ancient Vaishya (বৈশ্য) commu nity; a member of this community; an official singer of songs in praise of a prince, nobleman etc.; the Hindu com munity of carpenters; a carpenter.

সূতিকা [ sūtikā ] n a woman recently delivered of a child; puerperal diarrhoea. ̃গার, ̃গৃহ n. a lying-in room. জ্বর n. puerperal fe ver.

সূত্র [ sūtra ] n thread; yarn; fibre; a string; con nection, a link (কর্মসূত্র); a tie, a bond (পরিণয়সূত্র); a series, a chain (চিন্তাসূত্র); a clue or trail (সন্ধানসূত্র); a brief hint or point (সমাধানের সূত্র); an aphorism (বেদান্তসূত্র); a rule, a law (ব্যাকরণের সূত্র); a summary introduction of a subject matter, an argument; (of dramas etc.) a prologue; introduction, commence ment, beginning; (alg.) a formula (pl. formulae, formulas). ̃কার n. an aphoriser, an aphorist. ̃কৃমি n. a thread-worm; (erron.) Ascaris. ̃ধার n. a carpenter; a joiner; (in dramas) the chief actor who recites the prologue; (erron.—in a stage-play) a prompter. ̃পাত n. commencement, beginning. start, inception. সুত্রপাত করা বা হওয়া v. to commence, to begin.