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স্টুডিয়ো [ sṭuḍiẏō ] n a studio.

স্টেশন [ sṭēśana ] n a station.

স্ট্রিট [ sṭriṭa ] n a street; a road.

স্তন [ stana ] n either of the mammary glands in women, a women's breast, the mamma (pl. mammae)

স্তনদুগ্ধ [ stanadugdha ] n breast-milk.

স্তনন [ stanana ] n a sound, a noise; a cry of afflic tion, moaning; roaring; the rumbling of the cloud.

স্তনন্ধয় [ stanandhaẏa ] a unweaned, suckling; infant. fem. স্তনন্বয়ী।

স্তনবৃন্ত [ stanabṛnta ] n a nipple, a teat.

স্তনভার [ stanabhāra ] n the load of one's mammae; the burden of the breasts; fully developed breast.

স্তনাগ্র [ stanāgra ] n a nipple, a teat, a pap.

স্তনিত [ stanita ] a resounded; resounding; rever berated; filled with noise; sounded, ringing. ☐ n. the rumbling of the cloud. সমুদ্র-স্তনিত a. resounding with the roar of the sea. ('সমুদ্র স্তনিত পৃথ্বী'). ☐ n. the roaring of the waves.

স্তন্য [ stanya ] n breast-milk, mother's milk. ̃জীবী same as স্তন্যপায়ী । ̃দাত্রী a. suckling. ☐ n. a mother; a wet-nurse, স্তন্যদান করা v. to suckle. স্তন্যপান করা v. to suck. ̃পায়ী a. suckling; mammalian. স্তন্যপায়ী প্রাণী a mammal. স্তন্যপায়ী প্রাণীবর্গ the Mammalia. স্তন্যপায়ী শিশু a suckling.

স্তব [ staba ] n singing in praise, hymnody; a song of praise, a hymn; glorification; eulogy; a eulogium, a eulogy. স্তব করা v. to sing in praise of, to hymn; to glo rify; to eulogize.

স্তবক [ stabaka ] n a bunch, a cluster; a bouquet; a collection; a stanza; a chapter (of a book).

স্তবগান [ stabagāna ] n a song of praise, a hymn.

স্তবপাঠ [ stabapāṭha ] n recital of a song of praise or of a hymn.

স্তবস্তুতি [ stabastuti ] n repeated singing in praise of; hymns collectively, hymnody; repeated glorification.

স্তব্ধ, স্তব্ধীভূত [ stabdha, stabdhībhūta ] a (rendered) motionless; stunned; stupefied, dazed; fallen or ly ing in a stupor; stiffened; stopped; calmed; calm.

স্তম্ভ [ stambha ] n a pillar, a post; a perpendicular section of a page or of a table, a col umn; stupor; motionlessness; stiffness; stagnancy; stagnation; stopping. স্তম্ভক n. a cylinder. স্তম্ভন n. stupefaction; act of causing to fall in a stupor; act of making motionless or stagnant; stiffen ing; stopping; act of making immobile or powerless by means of occult incan tation etc. স্ভম্ভাকার a. shaped like a pil lar; columnal; cylindrical.

স্তম্ভিত [ stambhita ] a stupefied; astounded; stunned; rendered motionless; stopped; brought to a standstill; made stagnant. fem. স্তম্ভিতা । স্তম্ভিত হওয়া v. to be struck dumb with amazement.

স্তর [ stara ] n a layer; a stratum (pl. strata), a bed; a tier; a lamina (pl. laminae). স্তরে স্তরে layer by layer, in layers; in tiers. স্তরে, স্তরে স্হাপিত stratified; tiered. ̃নতি n. the dip of strata. ̃বিন্যাস n. stratifica tion. ̃মেঘ n. stratus. স্তরায়ণ n. stratifi cation. স্তরিত, স্তরীভূত a. stratified; laminate(d). স্তরিত বস্তু a laminated core. স্তরীভূত শিলা (geog.) a stratified rock.

স্তাবক [ stābaka ] n one who hymns or sings in praise of; a panegyrist; a eulogizer; a (cringing) flatterer, an adulator.

স্তিমিত [ stimita ] a motionless, immobile; fixed; unmoving; wet, moist, damp; (pop.) dim (স্তিমিত আলোক). ̃নেত্রে adv. with fixed looks, looking fixedly, gazingly.

স্তুত [ stuta ] a praised in a song or hymn; glori fied; eulogized; flattered; propitiated. স্তুতি n. a song of praise, a hymn; sing ing in praise; glorification; a eulogy, a eulogium, an encomium (pl. encomia); eulogy; flattery; propitiation; a propi tiatory speech. স্তুতি করা v. to sing in praise of, to hymn, to glorify; to eulo gize; to flatter; to propitiate. স্তুতি পাঠক n. an encomiast. স্তুতিপ্রিয় a. fond of praise or adulation. স্তুতিবাদ n. an enco mium, a eulogium, a eulogy; a lauda tory speech.

স্তুপ [ stupa ] n a heap, a pile; a mound; a low hill (বালির স্তুপ = a dune); (in Buddhism) a stupa or tope. স্তুপ করা, স্তুপাকার করা v. to heap, to pile up. ̃মেঘ n. cumulus. স্তুপাকার, স্তুপাকৃতি, স্তুপীকৃত a. collected in a heap, piled up.

স্তোক1 [ stōka1 ] a little, a bit.

স্তোক2 [ stōka2 ] n false or insincere consolation or assurance or promise. ̃বাক্য n. words containing false consolation or assur ance or promise.

স্তোত্র [ stōtra ] n a verse of praise (esp. of a deity), an encomium (pl. encomia). স্তোত্র পাঠ করা v. to recite hymn or a verse of praise. ̃গাথা n. a song of praise; a hymn.

স্ত্রী [ strī ] n a wife; a married woman; a woman. ☐ a. (used as a pfx.) female, she(স্ত্রী-পশু). স্ত্রী-আচার n. traditional rites performed at a wedding by women whose husbands are alive. ̃গমন n. sexual intercourse with one's wife or any other woman. ̃চরিত্র n. the nature and propensity of womankind, woman's nature. ̃চিহ্ন n. the vagina. ̃জন্ম n. birth as a woman. ̃জাতি n. womankind, the female sex, the fair sex. ̃জাতীয় a. feminine, female; feminal. ̃ত্ব n. womanly function and duties; womanly marks on one's per son; womanhood; femineity, feminin ity. ̃ত্যাগ করা v. to desert or divorce a wife. ̃দ্বেষী a. misogynous, misogynistical. ☐ n. a misogynist. ̃ধন n. a woman's personal property; a dowry; a portion, dot. ̃ধর্ম n. men struation, menses; womanly duties. স্ত্রী পরিগ্রহ করা v. to take a wife, to marry, to wive. ̃পুরুষ n. a man and a woman, male and female; husband and wife, man and wife, a couple. ̃প্রত্যয় n. (gr.) any inflection (used as a suffix) denot ing feminine gender. ̃বশ a. uxorious, henpecked, ̃বুদ্ধি n. (usu. unwise) counsel of a woman. ̃মুর্তি n. a female figure. ̃রত্ন n. a jewel of a woman or wife. ̃রোগ n. a female disease. ̃রোগ সম্বন্ধীয় a. gynaecological. ̃রোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ n. a gynaecologist; a specialist in fe male diseases. ̃লক্ষণ n. any one of the characteristic signs of a female body. ̃লিঙ্গ n. (gr.) the feminine gender. ̃লোক n. a woman. ̃শিক্ষা n. female education. ̃সংসর্গ, ̃সহবাস same as ̃স্ত্রীগমন । সুলভ a. womanly, feminine; womanish, effeminate. ̃স্বভাব n. wom anly nature; effeminacy. ̃স্বাধীনতা n. freedom of women; female emancipa tion; (cp.) women's lib. ̃হত্যা n. mur der of a wife or any woman. ̃হরণ n. abduction of women esp. for immoral purposes.

স্ত্রৈণ [ straiṇa ] n uxorious, henpecked.

-স্হ [ -sha ] sfx denoting: situated or located in; contained in; deposited in; arrived at, come of বয়স্হ.

স্হগন [ shagana ] n cessation, stopping; postpone ment, suspension, adjournment; com ing to a standstill.

স্হগিত [ shagita ] a ceased, stopped; discontinued; postponed, put off, suspended, ad journed; brought to a standstill.

স্হপতি [ shapati ] n an architect; a mason. ̃বিদ্যা n. architecture; masonry.

স্হবির [ shabira ] a decrepit; deprived of the power of movement or action, infirm. (স্হবির যুবক). ☐ n. a decrepit man; a Buddhist ascetic practising asceticism for more than ten years. ̃ত্ব n. decrepitude, in firmity (coming with age).

স্হল [ shala ] n a place; a site; location, scene, venue; land; ground; condition, situa tion, circumstances, case (এরূপ স্হলে); stead, position, place (ভরসাস্হল); a con tainer, a repository; a matter or object or point (তর্কস্হল). ̃কমল n. land-lily, (cp.) lily of the valley. ̃গত a. of or on the land, land; overland. ̃চর a. living or moving on land, terrestrial. ̃পথ n. a land-route. ̃পথে adv. by land, over land. স্হলপদ্ম same as স্হলকমল । ̃বাণিজ্য n. land-trade. ̃বায়ু n. land-breeze. ̃বিশেষে adv. in some cases; as the case may be; wherever apposite or appro priate. ̃যুদ্ধ n. land-fight. ̃সংকট n. an isthmus. ̃সেনা, ̃সৈন্য n. land army. স্হলাভিষিক্ত a. placed in another's posi tion or post; substituted; deputizing. স্হলারবিন্দ same as স্হলকমল । স্হলী n. a site, a place; a bag. a sac; a container, a re pository. স্হলীয় a. of or on the land, land.