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স্হাণু [ shāṇu ] n a peg; a pillar, a post; a stump; Shiva (শিব). ☐ a. immobile, motion less, stock-still. ̃বত্ a. immobile or motionless like a pillar.

স্হান [ shāna ] n a place; a site; a region, a locality; a country; location, scene, venue; shel ter; a repository, a container, a recep tacle (ভরসাস্হান); situation, circum stances, case (এরূপ স্হানে); position, post; stead, place (তত্স্হানে); a holy place (কালীর স্হান); an abode, a habitat; space, room; scope; (phil.) space; (astrol.) a footing. স্হানে স্হানে here and there; at places; sporadically. ̃চ্যুত a. displaced, dislocated; dislodged; re moved. ̃চ্যুতি n. displacement; disloca tion; dislodgment; removal. স্হানত্যাগ করা v. to quit or leave a place, to re move. ̃বহুল a. spacious, roomy, com modious. ̃বিবরণ n. topography. ̃ভ্রষ্ট same as স্হানচ্যুত । ̃মাহাত্ম্য n. greatness or glory or sanctity of a place; influ ence of a place. ̃সংকুলান n. provision of space; accommodation. স্হানসংকুলান হওয়া v. to be accommodated. স্হানাঙ্ক n. (math.) co-ordinates. স্হানাঙ্ক পরিবর্তন n. transformation of co-ordinates. স্হানান্তর n. another place. স্হানান্তরে যাওয়া v. to go to another place. to remove, to shift. স্হানান্তরণ n. removal or transfer to an other place. স্হানান্তরিত a. removed to an other place, shifted; transferred. স্হানাপন্ন a. officiating. স্হানাভাব n. want of space or room or accommodation. স্হানিক a. local; regional. স্হানীয় a. local (স্হানীয় সময়); fit to be regarded as like (পিতৃস্হানীয়).

স্হাপত্য [ shāpatya ] n architecture; masonry; an archi tectural work. ̃শিল্পী n. an architect; a mason. ̃সংক্রান্ত a. architectural.

স্হাপন, স্হাপনা [ shāpana, shāpanā ] n placing, putting; deposit ing; installation; (বিগ্রহস্হাপন); applica tion; fixing (দৃষ্টিস্হাপন); settling (স্বস্হানে স্হাপন); establishment, setting up, found ing an institution (মন্দির স্হাপন, ধর্মস্হাপন). স্হাপন করা v. to place, to put; to deposit; to instal; to apply; to settle; to establish, to set up, to found, to institute.

স্হাপয়িতা [ shāpaẏitā ] n one who places or puts; one who instals; one who settles another; an establisher, a founder, an institutor. fem. স্হাপয়িত্রী ।

স্হাপিত [ shāpita ] a placed, deposited; installed; settled; established, set up, founded, instituted.

স্হাবর [ shābara ] a immovable; immobile. ̃-জঙ্গম n. mobile and immobile world or be ings, animate or inanimate world or beings. স্হাবর ও অস্হাবর movable and immovable, movables and immov ables. স্হাবর সম্পত্তি immovable property, immovables, real estate.

স্হায়িতা, স্হায়িত্ব [ shāẏitā, shāẏitba ] n durability; permanence; unchangeability, fixity; perpetuity; im mobility; stability.

স্হায়িভাব [ shāẏibhāba ] n permanence; stability; (rhet.) any one of the permanent emotions that are expressed in poetry.

স্হায়ী [ shāẏī ] a lasting, durable; abiding; perma nent; unalterable; everlasting, per petual, immobile, firm, stable; fixed (স্হায়ী আমানত); standing (স্হায়ী আদেশ). ̃ভাবে adv. stably; perpetually, perma nently.

স্হাল, স্হালী [ shāla, shālī ] n a cooking pot or urn (esp. one made of clay); a plate or saucer (esp. one with a rim), a dish.

স্হিত [ shita ] a located; remaining, staying, ly ing; existent, present; fixed, static, im mobile, standstill; firm; unwavering. ̃ধি, ̃প্রজ্ঞ a. enjoying perpetual mental calm through philosophic contempla tion and conviction. স্হিতাবস্হা n. a stand still; status quo. স্হিতাবস্হা-চুক্তি n. a stand still agreement. স্হিতি n. location; stay; position; existence, presence; fixity; stability; (in book-keeping) a balance. স্হিতিকাল n. duration. স্হিতিপত্র n. a bal ance-sheet. স্হিতিবিদ্যা, স্হিতিবিজ্ঞান n. stat ics. স্হিতিশীল a. lasting, durable; abid ing; permanent; fixed; static; firm; stable. স্হিতিস্হাপক a. elastic. স্হিতিস্হাপকতা n. elasticity. স্হিতীয় a. statical. স্হিতাধিকার n. locus standi; recognized position.

স্হির [ shira ] a motionless, stationary, still; per manent, perpetual, everlasting; firm, resolute; unperturbed, solid; steady; calm, tranquil; fixed, settled; ascer tained. ☐ adv. for certain; surely. স্হির করা v. to fix, to settle; to determine; to ascertain; to make steady. ̃চিত্ত, ̃চেতা a. evenminded; single-minded; reso lute; unwavering, firm. ̃তা n. motion lessness, stationariness; permanence; firmness; stolidness; steadiness, calm ness, tranquillity; fixity; certainty. ̃তারা n. (astr.) a fixed star. ̃দৃষ্টি n. a fixed or steadfast look; a gaze. ̃নিশ্চয় a. firmly resolved; certain, sure; con vinced. ̃প্রতিজ্ঞ a. firmly resolved, resolute, firm. ̃প্রতিজ্ঞা n. a firm re solve, resoluteness. ̃বুদ্ধি, ̃মতি a. evenminded; staid. ̃যৌবনা a. fem. per petually young, unaging, ageless. masc. ̃যৌবন । ̃সিদ্ধান্ত n. a firm resolve or decision; a conclusive finding or ascertainment. স্হিরীকরণ n. fixation, set tling; decision; determination; ascertainment. স্হিরীকৃত a. fixed, settled; decided; determined; resolved; ascer tained.

স্হুল [ shula ] a fat, corpulent, bulky; flat, broad, snub; thick; coarse; dull; plain; not fine or subtle, naive, gross; approxi mate, rough; ordinary or banal or vul gar. ̃কথা n. the broad meaning; the substance; the long and the short (of it). ̃কায় a. heavy-bodied, hefty, cor pulent, bulky, fat. ̃কোণ n. (geom.) an obtuse angle. ̃কোণী a. obtuse-angled. ̃চর্ম a. thick-skinned; insensitive, un feeling. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. fatness, corpu lence, bulkiness; flatness, broadness; thickness; coarseness, dullness; plain ness; naivety, grossness. ̃দৃষ্টি n. su perficial observation; plain or superfi cial looks, plain eyes. ̃দেহ n. the ma terial or gross body. the mortal frame. ̃বুদ্ধি a. dull-headed, thick-headed, dull-witted. ̃বুদ্ধি ব্যক্তি a dullard. ̃মান n. (geom.) rough approximation. ̃শরীর same as স্হূলদেহ । স্হূলাঙ্গ a. cor pulent. স্হূলোদর a. pot-bellied, abdominous.

স্হৈতিক [ shaitika ] a potential (স্হৈতিক শক্তি = poten tial energy).

স্হৈর্য [ shairya ] n firmness; stolidness, sang-froid; steadiness; calmness, tranquillity; pa tience.

স্নাত [ snāta ] a bathed. ̃ক n. (ori.) a Brahman youth who has returned home from his guru's house after completion of his studies; a graduate. ̃কোত্তর a. post graduate.

স্নান [ snāna ] n ablutions; bath. স্নান করা v. to take a bath, to bathe. স্নান করানো v. to cause to take a bath, to bathe. আতপস্নান n. sun-bath. প্রাতঃস্নান n. a bath taken early in the morning. স্নানের ঘর a bathroom. ̃বস্ত্র n. a piece of loincloth to be worn during a bath ̃যাত্রা n. the ceremony of Juggernaut's (জগন্নাথ) sallying out in procession for a bath. স্নানাগার n. a bath room. স্নানাহার n. bathing and eating. স্নানাহ্নিক n. bathing and prescribed daily prayer to God. স্নানীয় a. fit for ceremo nial ablutions. ☐ n. articles required for ceremonial ablution.

স্নায়বিক [ snāẏabika ] a nerval; nervous. স্নায়বিক দৌর্বল্য nervous debility, neurasthenia.

স্নায়ু [ snāẏu ] n a sinew; a nerve. ̃মণ্ডল n. the ner vous system. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a campaign to weaken an opponent by destroying his morale; the war of nerves. ̃শূল n. neu ralgia, neuralgic pain.

স্নিগ্ধ [ snigdha ] a oily, unctuous; smooth, glossy; loving, affectionate; cordial or charm ing; delightful to touch; pleasant, cool ing, refreshing; cooled, calmed (স্নিগ্ধ হওয়া); sweet and soft (স্নিগ্ধ কণ্ঠ); tender (স্নিগ্ধ আলো). ̃কান্তি a. smooth-skinned; having a graceful bodily charm. ̃জ্যোতি a. having a tender lustre. ̃তা n. oiliness, greasiness, a soapy feel; smoothness, glossiness; softness; sweetness. ̃দৃষ্টি n. a pleasant look. ̃শ্যামল a. pleasantly green, verdant.

স্নেহ [ snēha ] n affection; love; tenderness; any fatty substance, fat (also স্নেহপদার্থ). স্নেহ করা v. to extend affection to, to love. ̃দ্রব্য, ̃পদার্থ n. fatty or oily or greasy substance. ̃পাত্র n. same as স্নেহভাজন (n). fem. ̃পাত্রী । ̃পুত্তলি, ̃পুত্তলী n. a doll or a very young object of affection or love. ̃পরায়ণ, ̃পূর্ণ, ̃প্রবণ a. affec tionate; loving. ̃পালিত, ̃পুষ্ট a. brought up with love and tenderness. ̃বশে adv. impelled or moved by affec tion or love. ̃ভাজন n. an object of af fection or love, a beloved person. ☐ a. deserving affection or love. ̃মমতা n. love and affection, deep attachment. ̃ময়, ̃শীল a. affectionate; loving. fem. ̃ময়ী, ̃শীলা । ̃সঞ্চার n. infusion or up surge of affection or love. ̃সিক্ত a. drenched or softened with affection or love. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. devoid of affection or love, unloving. ̃স্পর্শ n. the touch of affection. স্নেহার্দ্র a. softened with affec tion or love. স্নেহালিঙ্গন n. an affection ate or loving embrace. স্নেহাশীর্বাদ n. af fectionate blessing. স্নেহাস্পদ same as স্নেহভাজন ।

স্পন্দ, স্পন্দন [ spanda, spandana ] n beating or throbbing (esp. at regular intervals), pulsation, palpita tion; a beat; quivering; shaking or tremor (esp. mild); (mech.) vibration. নাড়ির স্পন্দন pulsebeat. নেত্রস্পন্দন n. quivering of eyelids. ̃রহিত, ̃হীন a. motionless; not beating; still. স্পন্দিত a. beating, throbbing, pulsating, palpitat ing; throbbed, pulsated, quivering; shaking, quaking; quivered; shaken, quaked; vibrating; vibrated. স্পন্দিত হওয়া v. to beat, to throb, to pulsate, to palpitate; to quiver; to shake; to vi brate.

স্পর্ধা [ spardhā ] n courage or audacity to emulate or defy; emulation; daring to undertake a difficult task; daring; audacity; vaunting arrogance; rant and bluster. স্পর্ধা করা v. to emulate; to defy; to dare to undertake; to rant and bluster; to vaunt; to dare; to challenge. স্পর্ধিত, স্পর্ধী a. courageously or audaciously emulative or defiant; daring; ranting and blustering; arrogant; audacious.

স্পর্শ [ sparśa ] n touch; contact. স্পর্শ করা v. to touch. স্পর্শক a. touching. ☐ n. (geom.) a tangent. ̃কাতর a. very sensitive to touch; (fig.) touchy. ̃কোণ n. an angle of contact. ̃ক্রামক, ̃ক্রামী a. conta gious. ̃জ্যা n. (geom.) a tangent. ̃ন n. touching, touch. ̃বর্ণ n. any one of the twenty-five consonants from to of the Bengali alphabet, a stop. ̃বিন্দু n. point of contact. ̃মণি n. the philosopher's stone. ̃রেখা n. a tangent; a touch line. ̃সুখ n. the pleasure of touch. স্পর্শানুভূতি n. perception by feel ing; tactual perception. স্পর্শী a. touch ing; tangential; contagious; contacting. fem. স্পর্শিনী । স্পর্শিনীবল n. tangent force. স্পর্শিনীবেগ n. tangential velocity. স্পর্শেন্দ্রিয় n. the organ of touch, the skin.

স্পষ্ট [ spaṣṭa ] a clear; evident, manifest, obvious; express, explicit; positive, categorical; plain, outspoken. ☐ adv. clearly; evi dently, manifestly., obviously; ex pressly, explicitly; positively; categori cally; plainly, outspokenly. স্পষ্ট করা v. to clarify; to make clear or evident. স্পষ্টত adv. same as স্পষ্ট (adv.) ̃বক্তা, ̃বাদী, ̃ভাষী a. plain-spoken, frank in speech, outspoken. ☐ n. an outspoken man. fem. ̃বাদিনী, ̃ভাষিণী । স্পষ্ট দিবালোক in broad daylight. ̃বাদিতা, ̃ভাষিতা n. outspokenness, plain speak ing; frankness in speech. স্পষ্টাক্ষরে adv. in distinctly legible letters (of the al phabet); in plain words, in clear terms. expressly, categorically. স্পষ্টাস্পষ্টি a. very clear, express, categorical; out spoken. ☐ adv. very clearly, expressly, categorically; outspokenly; quite plainly. স্পষ্টীকৃত a. made clear; clari fied, elucidated. স্পষ্টোচ্চারণ n. frankness in speech, outspokenness; speaking frankly.

স্পৃশ্য [ spṛśya ] a tangible, tactile; touchable.

স্পৃষ্ট [ spṛṣṭa ] a touched.

স্পৃহণীয় [ spṛhaṇīẏa ] a desirable; covetable; lik(e)able.

স্পৃহা [ spṛhā ] n desire, longing; liking; inclina tion (আহারে স্পৃহা). ̃হীন a. free from all desires or longings.

স্ফটিক [ sphaṭika ] n rock-crystal; crystal, quartz; glass. ̃তুল্য a. crystal-like, crystalline. ̃নির্মিত, ̃ময় a. made of crystal; crys talline. ̃স্তম্ভ a. a pillar of crystal, a crystalline column. স্ফটিকারি a. alum. স্ফটিকীভবন n. crystallisation.