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স্ফাটিক [ sphāṭika ] a made of crystal, crystalline.

স্ফার, স্ফারণ [ sphāra, sphāraṇa ] n opening; manifestation; widening; expansion; width; expanse. স্ফারিত a. opened; manifested; wid ened; expanded.

স্ফীত [ sphīta ] a swollen, bloated; inflated; ex panded; augmented; flourished; puffed up. স্ফীত হওয়া v. to swell, to bloat; to be inflated; to be expanded, to expand; to be augmented; to prosper, to flour ish; to be puffed up. ̃কায় a. fat-bod ied, corpulent; inflated, swelled up, augmented. স্ফীতি n. swelling; bulging; inflation; expansion; augmentation; flourish; puffed-up state.

স্ফুট [ sphuṭa ] a burst open; manifest, express, ex plicit, apparent (স্ফুট অর্থ); blown, bloomed, blooming (স্ফুট কুসুম); pierced, bored (দন্তস্ফুট). ̃ন n. bursting open; manifestation, expression, blooming; piercing, boring; boiling; ef fervescence. ̃নাঙ্ক n. the boiling-point. ̃নোন্মুখ a. on the point of bursting open or blooming or boiling. স্ফুটিত a. burst open; bloomed; blown; blooming; manifested, unfolded; pierced, bored; boiled.

স্ফুরণ [ sphuraṇa ] n quivering, trembling; glow, shine; glitter; incitement; awakening; expression, unfolding.

স্ফুরিত [ sphurita ] a quivered, trembled; quivering, trembling; glowing, shining; glittering; incited, awakened; expressed, mani fested. স্ফুরিত হওয়া v. to quiver, to tremble; to glow, to shine; to glitter; to be incited or awakened; to be ex pressed or manifested. স্ফুরিতাধর n. quivering lips.

স্ফুলিঙ্গ [ sphuliṅga ] n a spark. স্ফুলিঙ্গ ছড়ানো v. to emit sparks, to spark. স্ফুলিঙ্গ-মোক্ষণ n. spark-discharge. স্ফুলিঙ্গান্তর n. a spark gap.

স্ফূর্ত [ sphūrta ] a bloomed; revealed, unfolded, manifested; expressed; uttered. স্ফূর্তি n. blooming; revelation, unfolding, mani festation; expression; utterance; merri ment; hilarity; joviality; sprightliness; amusement, fun; cheerful enthusiasm or energy. স্ফূর্তি করা v. to rejoice; to make merry; to revel. স্ফূর্তি পাওয়া v. to get delight; to feel invigorated or ener gized; to enjoy mirth or fun. ̃জনক a. cheering, exhilarating. ̃ব্যঞ্জক a. cheer ful; merry; vivacious; sprightly. ̃সহকারে adv. cheerfully; merrily; viva ciously.

স্ফোট, স্ফোটক [ sphōṭa, sphōṭaka ] n a boil; an abscess, a furuncle; a tumour; an acne, pimple; a pustule.

স্ফোটন [ sphōṭana ] n act of causing to bloom; un folding or revealing or expressing; splitting or cleaving or rending or bor ing or piercing. স্ফোটনোন্মুখ about to bloom. স্ফোটনী n. any tool for boring or piercing with, a gimlet, an auger, an awl, a needle.

স্ব [ sba ] pro one's own self, self. (স্বকৃত) ☐ n. wealth, possessions (সর্বস্ব). ☐ a. one's own (স্বগৃহ). স্ব স্ব relating to each dis tributively, respective (স্ব স্ব কার্য). স্ব স্ব প্রধান each independent and self-suffi cient; each considering himself or her self most important and slighting oth ers.

স্বঃ [ sbḥ ] n heaven. (স্বর্গত).

স্বকপোলকল্পিত [ sbakapōlakalpita ] a invented by one's own fancy.

স্বকর্ম, স্বকার্য [ sbakarma, sbakārya ] n one's own work or deed or duty or business.

স্বকাম [ sbakāma ] n narcissism.

স্বকীয় [ sbakīẏa ] a own; of one's own; personal; original (স্বকীয় ফন্দি); (math.) intrinsic. ̃তা n. originality.

স্বকৃত [ sbakṛta ] a done by oneself, selfdone.

স্বখাত [ sbakhāta ] a dug by oneself. ̃সলিল n. (fig.) consequences of one's own action or deed.

স্বগত [ sbagata ] a (esp. in a drama) aside (to one self.) স্বগতোক্তি soliloquy.

স্বগৃহ [ sbagṛha ] n one's home or residence.

স্বগ্রাম [ sbagrāma ] n one's native village or own vil lage. ̃বাসী n. a co-villager.

স্বচক্ষে [ sbacakṣē ] adv with one's own eyes.

স্বচ্ছ [ sbaccha ] a transparent; translucent; pellucid; crystal-clear, crystalline; lucid. ̃কাগজ tracing paper. ̃তা n. transparency, clearness; lucidity, perspicuity. ̃দৃষ্টি n. clear sight or vision. ☐ a. clear sighted.

স্বচ্ছন্দ [ sbacchanda ] a enjoying freedom of will or lib erty of choice; free, independent; unre strained; easy, at ease; comfortable; facile; spontaneous. ☐ n. one's own will, free will. স্বচ্ছন্দ বোধ করা v. to feel at ease, to feel comfortable. ̃গতি a. moving at ease; freely moving. ☐ n. easy or natural or free or unrestrained movement. ̃চিত্তে adv. with an easy heart; without demur, undermurringly. ̃বিহার n. free or unrestrained prom enading or movement; rambling at pleasure. স্বচ্ছান্দানুবর্তী a. acting as one's heart dictates without considering out side influences, (cp.) self-poised. স্বচ্ছন্দে adv. freely; as one pleases; at plea sure; at ease, easily; facilely; undemurringly; with self-possession.

স্বচ্ছসলিলা [ sbacchasalilā ] a. fem containing clear or transparent water. masc. স্বচ্ছসলিল ।

স্বজন [ sbajana ] n one's own man; a kinsman (fem. a kinswoman), a relative; a relation; a member of one's own family or party; a friend; kith and kin. স্বজনী fem. of স্বজন in all senses, and—a confidante. ̃ত্যাগ n. disownment or desertion of one's own people. n. & a. one who has disowned or deserted one's own people. ˜ত্যাগী n. & a. one who has de serted or disowned one's own people. ˜পোষণ n. unduly favouring one's own people, nepotism.

স্বজাতি [ sbajāti ] n one's own race or nation or caste. ̃দ্রোহ n. hostility to or revolt against one's own race or nation or caste. ̃দ্রোহী a. hostile to or rebellious against. one's own race or nation or caste. fem. ̃দ্রোহিণী । ̃সুলভ a. natural to one's caste or race or nation.

স্বজাতীয় [ sbajātīẏa ] a belonging to one's own race or nation or caste or class.

স্বতন্ত্র [ sbatantra ] a dependent on nobody but one self, (cp.) self-guided; independent, free; separate; secluded; aloof; differ ent or another (স্বতন্ত্র কথা); (anat.) sympathetic (স্বতন্ত্র নার্ভ). স্বতন্ত্রা fem. of স্বতন্ত্র in all senses, and—living apart from one's husband. স্বতন্ত্রতা n. same as স্বাতন্ত্র্য ।

স্বত্ব [ sbatba ] n ownership; proprietary right, right to possession, right, title; lawful claim, claim. স্বত্বের দলিল ̃পত্র n. title-deed, a title. স্বত্বের মামলা a title-suit. ̃ত্যাগ n. relinquishment of right. ̃ত্যাগপত্র n. a deed of relinquishment. ̃নিয়োগ n. as signment. ̃নিয়োগী n. an assignee. ̃নিরসন n. expropriation. ̃পত্র n. a title-deed, a title. স্বত্ববান a. having a right or claim to; entitled. ̃ভোগী a. & n. a beneficiary. ˜লোপ n. abolition of right. ̃লোপনীতি n. (Ind. hist.) the Doc trine of Lapse. ̃শূন্য a. having no right or claim. ̃সাব্যস্ত n. establishment or determination of right or title. স্বত্বসাব্যস্তের মামলা a title-suit. ̃স্বামিত্ব n. right and ownership. স্বত্বাধিকার n. own ership and possession; proprietary right. স্বত্বাধিকারী a. rightfully owning or possessing. ☐ n. a proprietor (fem. a proprietress, proprietrix), an owner. fem. স্বত্বাধিকারিণী । স্বত্বার্থন n. act of put ting forward one's claim, act of laying claim to স্বত্বার্থী n. a claimant.

স্বদেশ [ sbadēśa ] n homeland, home, mother-coun try, motherland, native land. ̃ত্যাগ n. act of leaving one's native land, emi gration; migration. ̃ত্যাগী a. one who has left one's native land; emigrating; migrating. ☐ n. such a person; an emi grant or a migrator. fem. ̃ত্যাগিনী । ̃দ্রোহ n. hostility to or revolt against one's native land. ̃দ্রোহী n. & a. hostile to or rebellious against one's native land. fem. ˜দ্রোহিণী । ̃প্রেম, ̃ভক্তি n. pa triotism. ̃প্রেমিক, ̃প্রেমী, ̃ভক্ত n. a pa triot. ☐ a. patriotic. ̃সেবক n. a servant or devotee of one's native land. ̃সেবা n. service of or devotion to one's na tive land. ̃হিতৈষণা n. desire of doing good to one's native land. ̃হিতৈষী a. desirous of doing good to one's native land. ☐ n. such a person. fem. ̃হিতৈষণী । স্বদেশানুরাগ n. attachment to one's native land; patriotism. ̃স্বদেশানুরাগী a. attached to one's native land; patriotic. fem. স্বদেশানুরাগিণী । স্বদেশী a. of or made in one's native land; home-made, indigenous. ☐ n. (hist.) an Indian national movement favouring home industries and boycott of foreign goods, Swadeshi (also স্বদেশী আন্দোলন). স্বদেশী করা v. to participate in Swadeshi, স্বদেশী শিল্প home industry. স্বদেশীয় a. of or born in or made in one's native land.

স্বধর্ম [ sbadharma ] n one's own religion; the religion or the rites and duties or one's forefa thers or race or class; characteristics or function of one's race or class; one's natural trade or calling. স্বধর্মে নিধনং শ্রেয়ঃ পরধর্মো ভয়াবহঃ it is better to be killed for one's faith than to embrace another religion, which latter action is terrible. ̃চ্যুত, ̃ত্যাগী a. apostate. স্বধর্মচ্যুত ব্যক্তি an apostate. ̃চ্যুতি, ̃ত্যাগ n. apostasy. স্বধর্মত্যাগ করা v. to aposta tize. ̃পালক observing or defending one's religion. ☐ n. an observer or de fender of one's religion. স্বধর্মপালন করা v. to observe or defend one's religion. ̃পালনরত, ̃রত a. engaged in obser vance or defence of one's religion; practising one's natural function or calling. ̃ভ্রষ্ট same as ̃চ্যুত ।

স্বন [ sbana ] n sound; noise. ̃ন n. sounding, ringing, sonance. ̃বিদ্যা n. acoustics. ̃মাপক n. a sonometer.

স্বনাম [ sbanāma ] n one's own name. স্বনামে ও বেনামে using one's own name and names of others; in one's real name and pseud onyms. ̃ধন্য, ̃প্রসিদ্ধ a. celebrated or known by one's own name; renowned, famous.

স্বনিত [ sbanita ] a sounded; rung.

স্বপক্ষ [ sbapakṣa ] n one's own party or team. স্বপক্ষীয় a. of one's own party or team. fem. স্বপক্ষীয়া ।

স্বপ্রকাশ [ sbaprakāśa ] a self-manifested, self-revealed.

স্বপ্রচার [ sbapracāra ] n self-advertisement, self-propa ganda.

স্বপ্রণীত [ sbapraṇīta ] a composed or compiled or writ ten by oneself.

স্ববশ [ sbabaśa ] a self-controlled; independent, free.