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Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

1. Spirituality

The Man of Sorrows

IV. Depression and Yoga

Absolutely in the physical consciousness! Don't find any trace of the psychic anywhere, Sir! Are you handling the blessed subconscient physical or what?

I am handling the handle. Sticky! If you are absolutely in the physical consciousness so much the better. It shows you are on the way. If you were in your uproarious mental or tragic vital then there would be little chance for the psychic to emerge. But now that you are in the physical, there is some prospect of your finishing the circle M.V.Ph. Afterwards possibly there will be a chance for the line Ps. HC. S. Rejoice.

What are the abbreviations – Ps. Hc. S.?

Psychic – Higher Consciousness – Supramental.

You are trying to adopt shorthand now.

Of course! what to do? shorthand lessens the labour of the writer, even if it increases that of the reader. Besides the attempt to find out what the abbs mean should stimulate your intuition and sharpen your intelligence.

I don't know how the psychic is going to emerge from the physical consciousness.

Well, it is the bottom of the first curve, so logically the next thing is to make an upward tangent and get into the second curve.

Suppose one finishes the circle M.V.Ph. it can go round again before one is shifted to the starting of the other line.

That would be very clever but it is not usually done except by people with big egos. Yours is no doubt a well-developed chubby chap but it is not a giant.


1935 10 01 Exact Writting Letter Nitrodbaran