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Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

1. Spirituality

The Man of Sorrows

IV. Depression and Yoga

I don't understand why I came to this world with doubts and co. whereas others did so with self-confidence, why some people go on patiently, honestly etc. and still end their days in misery, why frauds etc. flourish so well! I would say Kismet. You may say blessed Karma – it is only another name.

Well, the frauds are capable and clever in their fraudulency, I suppose. And why  should not capacity have its results? The others are only moral and the reward of morality is not worldly success but the satisfaction of a conscience at rest. Virtue is its own reward – it can't ask for success in life also! What would the poor frauds do if having the torments of a bad conscience (?) they had no success to soothe their tortures?

Karma is not luck, it is the transmission of past energies into the present with their results.


1935 12 25 Exact Writting Letter Nitrodbaran