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Sri Aurobindo

Writings in Bengali

Translated into English

Patrawaly: Letters to N. and S

1. Obstacles and Difficulties


All this has happened probably because of some external contact. These vital disturbances are now occurring repeatedly in some people. Like a disease they go from one person to another; especially the feeling, “I want to die, I do not wish to keep this body, it is not possible to do yoga and sadhana in this body,” is strong. However, the idea, “By leaving the body I shall attain the realisation in yoga without any difficulty in another body,” is extremely erroneous. If you give up the body in this way, there will be still greater difficulties in the next birth and you will not have any relation with the Mother. All this is an attack of the hostile forces. Their aim is to break the sadhana of the sadhak, break the health of the Mother, break the Ashram and our work. You must be on your guard. Do not allow them to enter into you.