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Hymn to Indra



इन्द्रेहि॒ मत्स्यन्ध॑सो॒ विश्वे॑भिः सोम॒पर्व॑भिः ।

म॒हाँ अ॑भि॒ष्टिरोज॑सा ॥

indra ā ihi matsi andhasaḥ viśvebhiḥ somaparva-bhiḥ

mahān abhiṣṭiḥ ojasā

Come, O Indra, thou takest rapture by all the bodily parts of this Matter; full of the great, setting thyself to it by thy force.


एमे॑नं सृजता सु॒ते म॒न्दिमिन्द्रा॑य म॒न्दिने॑ ।

चक्रिं॒ विश्वा॑नि॒ चक्र॑ये ॥

ā īm enam sṛjata sute mandim indrāya mandine

cakrim viśvāni cakraye

Increase thy strength, and do ye when the nectar is expressed create rapture for Indra the taker of joy, activity for the doer of our actions.


मत्स्वा॑ सुशिप्र म॒न्दिभि॒: स्तोमे॑भिर्विश्वचर्षणे ।

सचै॒षु सव॑ने॒ष्वा ॥

matsva su-śipra mandi-bhiḥ stomebhiḥ viśva-carṣaṇe

sacā eṣu savaneṣu ā

Rejoice, O swift of mood, with praises that awake delight, O thou all-doer; attach thyself to these outpourings.


असृ॑ग्रमिन्द्र ते॒ गिर॒: प्रति॒ त्वामुद॑हासत ।

अजो॑षा वृष॒भं पति॑म् ॥

asṛgram indra te giraḥ prati tvām ud ahāsata

ajoṣāḥ vṛṣabham patim

When thou comest not to them, O Indra, thy voices laugh up to thee seeking unfulfilled satisfaction to their lover and lord.


सं चो॑दय चि॒त्रम॒र्वाग्राध॑ इन्द्र॒ वरे॑ण्यम् ।

अस॒दित्ते॑ वि॒भु प्र॒भु ॥

sam codaya citram arvāk rādhaḥ indra vareṇyam

asat it te vi-bhu pra-bhu

5. Excite entirely, O Indra, that manifold highest ecstasy below,– that is of thee which is universal being and supreme.


अ॒स्मान्सु तत्र॑ चोद॒येन्द्र॑ रा॒ये रभ॑स्वतः ।

तुवि॑द्युम्न॒ यश॑स्वतः ॥

asmān su tatra codaya indra rāye rabhasvataḥ

tuvi-dyumna yaśasvataḥ

Us too in that, O Indra, wholly excite to bliss; make us full of strong ecstasy and victorious strength, O thou brilliant in steadfast force.


सं गोम॑दिन्द्र॒ वाज॑वद॒स्मे पृ॒थु श्रवो॑ बृ॒हत् ।

वि॒श्वायु॑र्धे॒ह्यक्षि॑तम् ॥

sam go-mat indra vāja-vat asme iti pṛthu śravaḥ bṛhat

viśva-āyuḥ dhehi akṣitam

So do thou dispose to us, O Indra, wide knowledge full of light, full of substance, in nature of that greatness, enduring all our life unimpaired.


अ॒स्मे धे॑हि॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हद्द्यु॒म्नं स॑हस्र॒सात॑मम् ।

इन्द्र॒ ता र॒थिनी॒रिषः॑ ॥

asme iti dhehi śravaḥ bṛhat dyumnam sahasra-sātamam

indra tāḥ rathiniḥ iṣaḥ

Dispose to us knowledge of the large, a brilliance of utterly forceful steadfastness and, Indra, those rapturous masteries.


वसो॒रिन्द्रं॒ वसु॑पतिं गी॒र्भिर्गृ॒णन्त॑ ऋ॒ग्मिय॑म् ।

होम॒ गन्ता॑रमू॒तये॑ ॥

vasoḥ indram vasu-patim gīḥ-bhiḥ gṛṇantaḥ ṛgmiyam

homa gantāram ūtaye

Declare ye with your words Indra of the Substance, lord of substance, full of the rik (knowledge); as he goeth we call on him for expansion of our being.


सु॒तेसु॑ते॒ न्यो॑कसे बृ॒हद्बृ॑ह॒त एद॒रिः ।

इन्द्रा॑य शू॒षम॑र्चति ॥

sute-sute ni-okase bṛhat bṛhate ā it ariḥ

indrāya śūṣam arcati

In every pouring of the nectar for capacity, of the large and increaser of the large, for Indra proceeds.