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Hymn to Indra



इन्द्रं॒ विश्वा॑ अवीवृधन्समु॒द्रव्य॑चसं॒ गिरः॑ ।

र॒थीत॑मं र॒थीनां॒ वाजा॑नां॒ सत्प॑तिं॒ पति॑म् ॥

indram viśvāḥ avīvṛdhan samudra-vyacasam giraḥ

rathi-tamam rathīnām vājānām sat-patim patim

Indra, cleaver of the ocean, all words increased, most rapturous of the blissful master of being and lord of stable strengths.


स॒ख्ये त॑ इन्द्र वा॒जिनो॒ मा भे॑म शवसस्पते ।

त्वाम॒भि प्र णो॑नुमो॒ जेता॑र॒मप॑राजितम् ॥

sakhye te indra vājinaḥ mā bhema śavasaḥ pate

tvām abhi pra nonumaḥ jetāram aparā-jitam

In thy friendship, who art stable and strong, we have no fear, O Indra, lord of the various light, towards thee we move forward the conqueror unconquered.


पू॒र्वीरिन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयो॒ न वि द॑स्यन्त्यू॒तयः॑ ।

यदी॒ वाज॑स्य॒ गोम॑तः स्तो॒तृभ्यो॒ मंह॑ते म॒घम् ॥

pūrvīḥ indrasya rātayaḥ na vi dasyanti ūtayaḥ

yadi vājasya go-mataḥ stotṛ-bhyaḥ maṃhate magham

The first delights of Indra, his former expandings are not destroyed because, for his praisers he collects fullness of luminous strength.


पु॒रां भि॒न्दुर्युवा॑ क॒विरमि॑तौजा अजायत ।

इन्द्रो॒ विश्व॑स्य॒ कर्म॑णो ध॒र्ता व॒ज्री पु॑रुष्टु॒तः ॥

purām bhinduḥ yuvā kaviḥ amita-ojāḥ ajāyata

indraḥ viśvasya karmaṇaḥ dhartā vajrī puru-stutaḥ

He that breaketh the gate, the young, the seer, appeared immeasurable in force, Indra, that holdeth up all action, the thunderer wide-praised.


त्वं व॒लस्य॒ गोम॒तोऽपा॑वरद्रिवो॒ बिल॑म् ।

त्वां दे॒वा अबि॑भ्युषस्तु॒ज्यमा॑नास आविषुः ॥

tvam valasya go-mataḥ apa avaḥ adri-vaḥ bilam

tvām devāḥ abibhyuṣaḥ tujyamānāsaḥ āviṣuḥ

Thou wert the uncoverer of luminous Vala’s lair, O dweller on the hill; into thee the gods without fear entered forcefully protected.1


तवा॒हं शू॑र रा॒तिभि॒: प्रत्या॑यं॒ सिन्धु॑मा॒वद॑न् ।

उपा॑तिष्ठन्त गिर्वणो वि॒दुष्टे॒ तस्य॑ का॒रवः॑ ॥

tava aham śūra rāti-bhiḥ prati āyam sindhum ā-vadan

upa atiṣṭhanta girvaṇaḥ viduḥ te tasya kāravaḥ

Voiceful with thy ecstasies, O mighty one, I went towards the sea; the doers of action approached2 in the knowledge of that delighter in my speech.


मा॒याभि॑रिन्द्र मा॒यिनं॒ त्वं शुष्ण॒मवा॑तिरः ।

वि॒दुष्टे॒ तस्य॒ मेधि॑रा॒स्तेषां॒ श्रवां॒स्युत्ति॑र ॥

māyābhiḥ indra māyinam tvam śuṣṇam ava atiraḥ

viduḥ te tasya medhirāḥ teṣām śravāṃsi ut tira

By thy containing mights thou earnest down to the mighty and containing (Shushna); do thou in his revelation fulfilled in completeness lift up their inspirations.


इन्द्र॒मीशा॑न॒मोज॑सा॒भि स्तोमा॑ अनूषत ।

स॒हस्रं॒ यस्य॑ रा॒तय॑ उ॒त वा॒ सन्ति॒ भूय॑सीः ॥

indram īśānam ojasā abhi stomāḥ anūṣata

sahasram yasya rātayaḥ uta vā santi bhūyasīḥ

Towards Indra who rules in his force our praises yearned, he who hath a thousand delights, ay, they are even more.


1 Or, ‘impelled’.


2 Or, ‘resorted to me’
