Hymn to Indra
[Hymn of Brihaduktha Vamadevya to Indra, Master of Mental Force, when he exceeded Mind and entered Mahas, yet maintained the lower firmaments,– realising his unity with Sah the supreme Purusha.]
तां सु ते॑ की॒र्तिं म॑घवन्महि॒त्वा यत्त्वा॑ भी॒ते रोद॑सी॒ अह्व॑येताम् ।
प्रावो॑ दे॒वाँ आति॑रो॒ दास॒मोजः॑ प्र॒जायै॑ त्वस्यै॒ यदशि॑क्ष इन्द्र ॥
tām su te kīrtim magha-van mahi-tvā yat tvā bhīte iti rodasī iti ahvayetām
pra āvaḥ devān ā atiraḥ dāsam ojaḥ pra-jāyai tvasyai yat aśikṣaḥ indra
When thou hadst given wholly the fullness of the ideal to thy fame, O Maghavan of the fullness, when both the firmaments cried to thee in their terror, thou didst protect the gods, thou didst transfix the Enemy, by teaching the strength of the Spirit, O Indra, even for this creation.
यदच॑रस्त॒न्वा॑ वावृधा॒नो बला॑नीन्द्र प्रब्रुवा॒णो जने॑षु ।
मा॒येत्सा ते॒ यानि॑ यु॒द्धान्या॒हुर्नाद्य शत्रुं॑ न॒नु पु॒रा वि॑वित्से ॥
yat acaraḥ tanvā vavṛdhānaḥ balāni indra pra-bruvāṇaḥ janeṣu
māyā it sā te yāni yuddhāni āhuḥ na adya śatrum nanu purā vivitse
When thou didst range abroad increasing in thy force of substance and progressing strength to the people, that force was sufficient for thy battles of which they tell, but for thee, thou knowest today no enemy nor before thou knewest.
क उ॒ नु ते॑ महि॒मनः॑ समस्या॒स्मत्पूर्व॒ ऋष॒योऽन्त॑मापुः ।
यन्मा॒तरं॑ च पि॒तरं॑ च सा॒कमज॑नयथास्त॒न्व१̠̍ : स्वाया॑: ॥
ke ūm̐ iti nu te mahimanaḥ samasya asmat pūrve ṛṣayaḥ antam āpuḥ
yat mātaram ca pitaram ca sākam ajanayathāḥ tanvaḥ svāyāḥ
Who were the sages before us that came to the end of thy greatness equal-souled? Didst thou not give being to thy father and thy mother together out of thine own body?
च॒त्वारि॑ ते असु॒र्या॑णि॒ नामादा॑भ्यानि महि॒षस्य॑ सन्ति ।
त्वम॒ङ्ग तानि॒ विश्वा॑नि वित्से॒ येभि॒ः कर्मा॑णि मघवञ्च॒कर्थ॑ ॥
catvāri te asuryāṇi nāma adābhyāni mahiṣasya santi
tvam aṅga tāni viśvāni vitse yebhiḥ karmāṇi magha-van cakartha
Four, verily, are thy untameable mightinesses when thou dwellest in the Vastness; all of them thou knowest and by them thou hast done thy works, O Maghavan.
त्वं विश्वा॑ दधिषे॒ केव॑लानि॒ यान्या॒विर्या च॒ गुहा॒ वसू॑नि ।
काम॒मिन्मे॑ मघव॒न्मा वि ता॑री॒स्त्वमा॑ज्ञा॒ता त्वमि॑न्द्रासि दा॒ता ॥
tvam viśvā dadhiṣe kevalāni yāni āviḥ yā ca guhā vasūni
kāmam it me magha-van mā vi tārīḥ tvam ā-jñātā tvam indra asi dātā
Thou holdest all these that are absolute existences, thou makest known the objects that are hidden in the Secret Places of Being; smite not asunder my desire, O Maghavan, thou art he that commands it and thou art he that giveth.
यो अद॑धा॒ज्ज्योति॑षि॒ ज्योति॑र॒न्तर्यो असृ॑ज॒न्मधु॑ना॒ सं मधू॑नि ।
अध॑ प्रि॒यं शू॒षमिन्द्रा॑य॒ मन्म॑ ब्रह्म॒कृतो॑ बृ॒हदु॑क्थादवाचि ॥
yaḥ adadhāt jyotiṣi jyotiḥ antaḥ yaḥ asṛjat madhunā sam madhūni
adha priyam śūṣam indrāya manma brahma-kṛtaḥ bṛhat-ukthāt avāci
He who placed light in the heart of other light and joined sweetnesses to sweetness, to that Indra this love, this force, this thought was spoken from Brihaduktha when he fulfilled in himself the Brahman.