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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vāmadeva Gautama

Sukta 5


वै॒श्वा॒न॒राय॑ मी॒ळ्हुषे॑ स॒जोषाः॑ क॒था दा॑शेमा॒ग्नये॑ बृ॒हद्भाः ।

अनू॑नेन बृह॒ता व॒क्षथे॒नोप॑ स्तभायदुप॒मिन्न रोधः॑ ॥

vaiśvānarā́ya mīḷhúṣe sa-jóṣāḥ kathā́ dāśema agnáye bṛhát bhā́ḥ ǀ

ánūnena bṛhatā́ vakṣáthena úpa stabhāyat upa-mít ná ródhaḥ ǁ

How should we give, one in our joy in him, vast in light1, to the bounteous Universal Fire? With his vast and ample upbearing he props up the firmament like a pillar.


मा निं॑दत॒ य इ॒मां मह्यं॑ रा॒तिं दे॒वो द॒दौ मर्त्या॑य स्व॒धावा॑न् ।

पाका॑य॒ गृत्सो॑ अ॒मृतो॒ विचे॑ता वैश्वान॒रो नृत॑मो य॒ह्वो अ॒ग्निः ॥

mā́ nindata yáḥ imā́m máhyam rātím deváḥ dadáu mártyāya svadhā́-vān ǀ

pā́kāya gṛ́tsaḥ amṛ́taḥ ví-cetāḥ vaiśvānaráḥ nṛ́-tamaḥ yahváḥ agníḥ ǁ

Blame not him who in his self-law has given this gift, divine to me the mortal, the wise to the ignorant, the immortal, the wide in consciousness, the most strong and mighty Universal Fire.


साम॑ द्वि॒बर्हा॒ महि॑ ति॒ग्मभृ॑ष्टिः स॒हस्र॑रेता वृष॒भस्तुवि॑ष्मान् ।

प॒दं न गोरप॑गूळ्हं विवि॒द्वान॒ग्निर्मह्यं॒ प्रेदु॑ वोचन्मनी॒षां ॥

sā́ma dvi-bárhāḥ máhi tigmá-bhṛṣṭiḥ sahásra-retāḥ vṛṣabháḥ túviṣmān ǀ

padám ná góḥ ápa-gūḷham vividvā́n agníḥ máhyam prá ít ūṃ␣íti vocat manīṣā́m ǁ

In his twofold mass2 may the puissant Bull with his thousandfold seed, with his keen blaze discovering the great Possession, the deeply hidden seat of the Cow, declare to me that Mind of wisdom.


प्र ताँ अ॒ग्निर्ब॑भसत्ति॒ग्मजं॑भ॒स्तपि॑ष्ठेन शो॒चिषा॒ यः सु॒राधाः॑ ।

प्र ये मि॒नंति॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ धाम॑ प्रि॒या मि॒त्रस्य॒ चेत॑तो ध्रु॒वाणि॑ ॥

prá tā́n agníḥ babhasat tigmá-jambhaḥ tápiṣṭhena śocíṣā yáḥ su-rā́dhāḥ ǀ

prá yé minánti váruṇasya dhā́ma priyā́ mitrásya cétataḥ dhruvā́ṇi ǁ

May the Fire sharp-tusked with his most burning flame of light, he who is full of felicity3, consume them, they who impair the domain of Varuna and the beloved and abiding things of Mitra the conscious knower.


अ॒भ्रा॒तरो॒ न योष॑णो॒ व्यंतः॑ पति॒रिपो॒ न जन॑यो दु॒रेवाः॑ ।

पा॒पासः॒ संतो॑ अनृ॒ता अ॑स॒त्या इ॒दं प॒दम॑जनता गभी॒रं ॥

abhrātáraḥ ná yóṣaṇaḥ vyántaḥ pati-rípaḥ ná jánayaḥ duḥ-évāḥ ǀ

pāpā́saḥ sántaḥ anṛtā́ḥ asatyā́ḥ idám padám ajanata gabhīrám ǁ

Going they go on their way like women who have no brothers, like wives4 with evil movements who do hurt5 to their lord, sinful, and untrue and full of falsehood they have brought into being this profound plane.


इ॒दं मे॑ अग्ने॒ किय॑ते पाव॒कामि॑नते गु॒रुं भा॒रं न मन्म॑ ।

बृ॒हद्द॑धाथ धृष॒ता ग॑भी॒रं य॒ह्वं पृ॒ष्ठं प्रय॑सा स॒प्तधा॑तु ॥

idám me agne kíyate pāvaka áminate gurúm bhārám ná mánma ǀ

bṛhát dadhātha dhṛṣatā́ gabhīrám yahvám pṛṣṭhám práyasā saptá-dhātu ǁ

For me who howso small, impair not the heavy burden of this thought, O purifying Fire, uphold with the violence of thy delight this vast and profound and mighty sevenfold plane6.


तमिन्न्वे॒३่व स॑म॒ना स॑मा॒नम॒भि क्रत्वा॑ पुन॒ती धी॒तिर॑श्याः ।

स॒सस्य॒ चर्म॒न्नधि॒ चारु॒ पृश्ने॒रग्रे॑ रु॒प आरु॑पितं॒ जबा॑रु ॥

tám ít nú evá samanā́ samānám abhí krátvā punatī́ dhītíḥ aśyāḥ ǀ

sasásya cárman ádhi cā́ru pṛ́śneḥ ágne rupáḥ árupitam jábāru ǁ

Him, now may the purifying Thought reach and possess by the will, like attaining to its like; in the movement7 of the peace, over the form of the dappled Mother figured out on the summit in its might and its beauty.


प्र॒वाच्यं॒ वच॑सः॒ किं मे॑ अ॒स्य गुहा॑ हि॒तमुप॑ नि॒णिग्व॑दंति ।

यदु॒स्रिया॑णा॒मप॒ वारि॑व॒ व्रन्पाति॑ प्रि॒यं रु॒पो अग्रं॑ प॒दं वेः ॥

pra-vā́cyam vácasaḥ kím me asyá gúhā hitám úpa niṇík vadanti ǀ

yát usríyāṇām ápa vā́ḥ-iva vrán pā́ti priyám rupáḥ ágram padám véríti␣véḥ ǁ

What of this word do they say to me, what that has to be declared and is mysterious and hidden in the secrecy8? What was as if a covering defence of the rays9 they have uncovered, — he guards the beloved form, the summit plane of the being10.


इ॒दमु॒ त्यन्महि॑ म॒हामनी॑कं॒ यदु॒स्रिया॒ सच॑त पू॒र्व्यं गौः ।

ऋ॒तस्य॑ प॒दे अधि॒ दीद्या॑नं॒ गुहा॑ रघु॒ष्यद्र॑घु॒यद्वि॑वेद ॥

idám ūṃ␣íti tyát máhi mahā́m ánīkam yát usríyā sácata pūrvyám gáuḥ ǀ

ṛtásya padé ádhi dī́dyānam gúhā raghu-syát raghu-yát viveda ǁ

This which is that great front of the Great Ones to which as its supreme place adheres the shining Cow, he came to know flaming in the plane of the Truth, hastening in its speed in the secrecy11.


अध॑ द्युता॒नः पि॒त्रोः सचा॒साम॑नुत॒ गुह्यं॒ चारु॒ पृश्नेः॑ ।

मा॒तुष्प॒दे प॑र॒मे अंति॒ षद्गोर्वृष्णः॑ शो॒चिषः॒ प्रय॑तस्य जि॒ह्वा ॥

ádha dyutānáḥ pitróḥ sácā āsā́ ámanuta gúhyam cā́ru pṛ́śneḥ ǀ

mātúḥ padé paramé ánti sát góḥ vṛ́ṣṇaḥ śocíṣaḥ prá-yatasya jihvā́ ǁ

Now shining in union with the two Parents, close to him, he perceived the beautiful and secret abode of the dappled Cow. There was the tongue of the Bull of flame intent on its action, it was near the Cow of Light, in the supreme plane of the Mother.


ऋ॒तं वो॑चे॒ नम॑सा पृ॒च्छ्यमा॑न॒स्तवा॒शसा॑ जातवेदो॒ यदी॒दं ।

त्वम॒स्य क्ष॑यसि॒ यद्ध॒ विश्वं॑ दि॒वि यदु॒ द्रवि॑णं॒ यत्पृ॑थि॒व्यां ॥

ṛtám voce námasā pṛcchyámānaḥ táva ā-śásā jāta-vedaḥ yádi idám ǀ

tvám asyá kṣayasi yát ha víśvam diví yát ūṃ␣íti dráviṇam yát pṛthivyā́m ǁ

Asked with obeisance I voice the Truth, this which I have won by thy declaring of it12, O knower of all things born; thou possessest all this that is, the treasure which is in heaven and that which is on the earth.


किं नो॑ अ॒स्य द्रवि॑णं॒ कद्ध॒ रत्नं॒ वि नो॑ वोचो जातवेदश्चिकि॒त्वान् ।

गुहाध्व॑नः पर॒मं यन्नो॑ अ॒स्य रेकु॑ प॒दं न नि॑दा॒ना अग॑न्म ॥

kím naḥ asyá dráviṇam kát ha rátnam ví naḥ vocaḥ jāta-vedaḥ cikitvā́n ǀ

gúhā ádhvanaḥ paramám yát naḥ asyá réku padám ná nidānā́ḥ áganma ǁ

What is the treasure of this Truth, what the delight of it, wholly declare to us, O knower of the births, for thou art aware. That supreme plane in the secrecy which is the highest goal of our path, which is over and above all, that we have reached, free from bondage.


का म॒र्यादा॑ व॒युना॒ कद्ध॑ वा॒ममच्छा॑ गमेम र॒घवो॒ न वाजं॑ ।

क॒दा नो॑ दे॒वीर॒मृत॑स्य॒ पत्नीः॒ सूरो॒ वर्णे॑न ततनन्नु॒षासः॑ ॥

kā́ maryā́dā vayúnā kát ha vāmám áccha gamema raghávaḥ ná vā́jam ǀ

kadā́ naḥ devī́ḥ amṛ́tasya pátnīḥ sū́raḥ várṇena tatanan uṣásaḥ ǁ

What is its boundary, its manifestation of knowledge, what the joy of it towards which we must move like gallopers towards the plenitude? When have the divine Dawns, wives of the immortal, woven it into shape by the hue of light of the sun?


अ॒नि॒रेण॒ वच॑सा फ॒ल्ग्वे॑न प्र॒तीत्ये॑न कृ॒धुना॑तृ॒पासः॑ ।

अधा॒ ते अ॑ग्ने॒ किमि॒हा व॑दंत्यनायु॒धास॒ आस॑ता सचंतां ॥

aniréṇa vácasā phalgvéna pratī́tyena kṛdhúnā atṛpā́saḥ ǀ

ádha té agne kím ihá vadanti anāyudhā́saḥ ásatā sacantām ǁ

Those who live undelighted with the word that is languid and scanty, narrow and dependent on their belief, what now and here can they say to thee, O Fire? Uninstrumented let them remain united with the unreal.


अ॒स्य श्रि॒ये स॑मिधा॒नस्य॒ वृष्णो॒ वसो॒रनी॑कं॒ दम॒ आ रु॑रोच ।

रुश॒द्वसा॑नः सु॒दृशी॑करूपः क्षि॒तिर्न रा॒या पु॑रु॒वारो॑ अद्यौत् ॥

asyá śriyé sam-idhānásya vṛ́ṣṇaḥ vásoḥ ánīkam dáme ā́ ruroca ǀ

rúśat vásānaḥ sudṛ́śīka-rūpaḥ kṣitíḥ ná rāyā́ puru-vā́raḥ adyaut ǁ

For the glory and beauty of the Bull in his high burning the flame-force of the master of riches glowed in its splendour; clothing himself with brilliance in his form of perfect vision, he has shone out full of many boons like a dwelling with its treasure.


1 Or, shining with the light of the vast


2 Or, force


3 Or, he who is ever happy in achievement,


4 Or, mothers


5 Or, deceive


6 Or, plane with its seven layers


7 Or, the action


8 Or cave?


9 Or, the shining Cows


10 Or, the Bird


11 Or, cave


12 Or, by they wish
