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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vāmadeva Gautama

Sukta 6


ऊ॒र्ध्व ऊ॒ षु णो॑ अध्वरस्य होत॒रग्ने॒ तिष्ठ॑ दे॒वता॑ता॒ यजी॑यान् ।

त्वं हि विश्व॑म॒भ्यसि॒ मन्म॒ प्र वे॒धस॑श्चित्तिरसि मनी॒षां ॥

ūrdhváḥ ūṃ␣íti sú naḥ adhvarasya hotaḥ ágne tíṣṭha devá-tātā yájīyān ǀ

tvám hí víśvam abhí ási mánma prá vedhásaḥ cit tirasi manīṣā́m ǁ

O Fire, summoner Priest of the pilgrim-rite, stand up very high for us, strong for sacrifice in the forming of the gods: thou art the ruler over every Thought and thou carriest forward the mind of thy worshipper.


अमू॑रो॒ होता॒ न्य॑सादि वि॒क्ष्व१่ग्निर्मं॒द्रो वि॒दथे॑षु॒ प्रचे॑ताः ।

ऊ॒र्ध्वं भा॒नुं स॑वि॒तेवा॑श्रे॒न्मेते॑व धू॒मं स्त॑भाय॒दुप॒ द्यां ॥

ámūraḥ hótā ní asādi vikṣú agníḥ mandráḥ vidátheṣu prá-cetāḥ ǀ

ūrdhvám bhānúm savitā́-iva aśret métā-iva dhūmám stabhāyat úpa dyā́m ǁ

Free from ignorance, Fire, the rapturous Priest of the Call has taken his seat in creatures, the conscious thinker in their findings of knowledge. He enters into a high lustre like a creator Sun, like a pillar he makes his smoke a prop to heaven.


य॒ता सु॑जू॒र्णी रा॒तिनी॑ घृ॒ताची॑ प्रदक्षि॒णिद्दे॒वता॑तिमुरा॒णः ।

उदु॒ स्वरु॑र्नव॒जा नाक्रः प॒श्वो अ॑नक्ति॒ सुधि॑तः सु॒मेकः॑ ॥

yatā́ su-jūrṇíḥ rātínī ghṛtā́cī pra-dakṣiṇít devá-tātim urāṇáḥ ǀ

út ūṃ␣íti sváruḥ nava-jā́ḥ ná akráḥ paśváḥ anakti sú-dhitaḥ su-mékaḥ ǁ

A luminous force of giving, swift and put forth into action, he widens the formation of the gods as he turns round it; new-born he stands up high1 like an arrow-shaft well-planted and firm and shows by his light the herds2.


स्ती॒र्णे ब॒र्हिषि॑ समिधा॒ने अ॒ग्ना ऊ॒र्ध्वो अ॑ध्व॒र्युर्जु॑जुषा॒णो अ॑स्थात् ।

पर्य॒ग्निः प॑शु॒पा न होता॑ त्रिवि॒ष्ट्ये॑ति प्र॒दिव॑ उरा॒णः ॥

stīrṇé barhíṣi sam-idhāné agnáu ūrdhváḥ adhvaryúḥ jujuṣāṇáḥ asthāt ǀ

pári agníḥ paśu-pā́ḥ ná hótā tri-viṣṭí eti pra-dívaḥ urāṇáḥ ǁ

When the sacred grass is strewn and kindled burns the flame, the leader of the pilgrim-rite stands up to high rejoicing in his work; Fire, the Priest of the call, like a guardian of the herds thrice moves round them, the Ancient of days, ever widening his circle.


परि॒ त्मना॑ मि॒तद्रु॑रेति॒ होता॒ग्निर्मं॒द्रो मधु॑वचा ऋ॒तावा॑ ।

द्रवं॑त्यस्य वा॒जिनो॒ न शोका॒ भयं॑ते॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना॒ यदभ्रा॑ट् ॥

pári tmánā mitá-druḥ eti hótā agníḥ mandráḥ mádhu-vacāḥ ṛtá-vā ǀ

drávanti asya vājínaḥ ná śókāḥ bháyante víśvā bhúvanā yát ábhrāṭ ǁ

He goes round in his self-motion with measured run, Fire, the rapturous Priest of the call, sweet of word, possessing the Truth; his flames gallop like horses, all the worlds are in fear when he blazes.


भ॒द्रा ते॑ अग्ने स्वनीक सं॒दृग्घो॒रस्य॑ स॒तो विषु॑णस्य॒ चारुः॑ ।

न यत्ते॑ शो॒चिस्तम॑सा॒ वरं॑त॒ न ध्व॒स्मान॑स्त॒न्वी॒३่ रेप॒ आ धुः॑ ॥

bhadrā́ te agne su-anīka sam-dṛ́k ghorásya satáḥ víṣuṇasya cā́ruḥ ǀ

ná yát te śocíḥ támasā váranta ná dhvasmā́naḥ tanví répaḥ ā́ dhuríti␣dhuḥ ǁ

O Fire of the fair front! happy is thy vision; even when thou art terrible and adverse great is thy beauty: for they hem not in thy flame with the darkness, for the destroyers cannot set evil in thy body.


न यस्य॒ सातु॒र्जनि॑तो॒रवा॑रि॒ न मा॒तरा॑पि॒तरा॒ नू चि॑दि॒ष्टौ ।

अधा॑ मि॒त्रो न सुधि॑तः पाव॒को॒३่ऽग्निर्दी॑दाय॒ मानु॑षीषु वि॒क्षु ॥

ná yásya sā́tuḥ jánitoḥ ávāri ná mātárāpitárā nú cit iṣṭáu ǀ

ádha mitráḥ ná sú-dhitaḥ pāvakáḥ agníḥ dīdāya mā́nuṣīṣu vikṣú ǁ

He is the begetter of things and his conquest cannot be held back, not even the father and the mother can stay him any longer in his impulsion. Now like a friend well-established, the purifying Fire has shone out in the human peoples.


द्विर्यं पंच॒ जीज॑नन्त्सं॒वसा॑नाः॒ स्वसा॑रो अ॒ग्निं मानु॑षीषु वि॒क्षु ।

उ॒ष॒र्बुध॑मथ॒र्यो॒३่ न दंतं॑ शु॒क्रं स्वासं॑ पर॒शुं न ति॒ग्मं ॥

dvíḥ yám páñca jī́janan sam-vásānāḥ svásāraḥ agním mā́nuṣīṣu vikṣú ǀ

uṣaḥ-búdham atharyáḥ ná dántam śukrám su-ā́sam paraśúm ná tigmám ǁ

The twice five sisters who dwell together have given birth to the Fire in the human peoples, the waker in the dawn, like a tusk of flame, brilliant and fair of face, like a sharp axe.


तव॒ त्ये अ॑ग्ने ह॒रितो॑ घृत॒स्ना रोहि॑तास ऋ॒ज्वंचः॒ स्वंचः॑ ।

अ॒रु॒षासो॒ वृष॑ण ऋजुमु॒ष्का आ दे॒वता॑तिमह्वंत द॒स्माः ॥

táva tyé agne harítaḥ ghṛta-snā́ḥ róhitāsaḥ ṛju-áñcaḥ su-áñcaḥ ǀ

aruṣā́saḥ vṛ́ṣaṇaḥ ṛju-muṣkā́ḥ ā́ devá-tātim ahvanta dasmā́ḥ ǁ

Bay-coloured are those horses of thine, dripping light, or they are red, straight is their motion, swift is their going, males, ruddy-shining, straight and massive, great in their deeds they are called to our forming of the Gods.


ये ह॒ त्ये ते॒ सह॑माना अ॒यास॑स्त्वे॒षासो॑ अग्ने अ॒र्चय॒श्चरं॑ति ।

श्ये॒नासो॒ न दु॑वस॒नासो॒ अर्थं॑ तुविष्व॒णसो॒ मारु॑तं॒ न शर्धः॑ ॥

yé ha tyé te sáhamānāḥ ayā́saḥ tveṣā́saḥ agne arcáyaḥ cáranti ǀ

śyenā́saḥ ná duvasanā́saḥ ártham tuvi-svanásaḥ mā́rutam ná śárdhaḥ ǁ

These are thy rays, O Fire, that put forth overwhelming force, moving, impetuous in their blaze, they move towards the goal like hawks in their action, with many voices of storm like an army of the life-god.


अका॑रि॒ ब्रह्म॑ समिधान॒ तुभ्यं॒ शंसा॑त्यु॒क्थं यज॑ते॒ व्यू॑ धाः ।

होता॑रम॒ग्निं मनु॑षो॒ नि षे॑दुर्नम॒स्यंत॑ उ॒शिजः॒ शंस॑मा॒योः ॥

ákāri bráhma sam-idhāna túbhyam śáṃsāti ukthám yájate ví ūṃ␣íti dhāḥ ǀ

hótāram agním mánuṣaḥ ní seduḥ namasyántaḥ uśíjaḥ śáṃsam āyóḥ ǁ

O high-kindled Fire, the Word has been formed for thee, one voices the utterance, one sacrifices, — now ordain: men set the Fire within as the Priest of the call, making to him their prostration of surrender, aspirants to the self-expression of the human being.


1 Greek: akra.


2 Or, a sun-beam fixed and constant. Or, it may possibly mean, a pole, banner well-planted and firm he shows (the place of) the herds.
