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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vāmadeva Gautama

Sukta 7


अ॒यमि॒ह प्र॑थ॒मो धा॑यि धा॒तृभि॒र्होता॒ यजि॑ष्ठो अध्व॒रेष्वीड्यः॑ ।

यमप्न॑वानो॒ भृग॑वो विरुरु॒चुर्वने॑षु चि॒त्रं वि॒भ्वं॑ वि॒शेवि॑शे ॥

ayám ihá prathamáḥ dhāyi dhātṛ́-bhiḥ hótā yájiṣṭhaḥ adhvaréṣu ī́ḍyaḥ ǀ

yám ápnavānaḥ bhṛ́gavaḥ vi-rurucúḥ váneṣu citrám vi-bhvám viśé-viśe ǁ

This is he who was established as chief and first by the Founders of things, the Priest of the call, most strong for sacrifice, to be prayed in the pilgrim-rites, — he whom the doer of works and the flame-seers1 set shining wide in the forests, rich in light, all-pervading, for man and man.


अग्ने॑ क॒दा त॑ आनु॒षग्भुव॑द्दे॒वस्य॒ चेत॑नं ।

अधा॒ हि त्वा॑ जगृभ्रि॒रे मर्ता॑सो वि॒क्ष्वीड्यं॑ ॥

ágne kadā́ te ānuṣák bhúvat devásya cétanam ǀ

ádha hí tvā jagṛbhriré mártāsaḥ vikṣú ī́ḍyam ǁ

O Fire, when shall the conscious waking of thy godhead become uninterrupted? For, now mortals have laid hold on thee as one desirable in human creatures.


ऋ॒तावा॑नं॒ विचे॑तसं॒ पश्यं॑तो॒ द्यामि॑व॒ स्तृभिः॑ ।

विश्वे॑षामध्व॒राणां॑ हस्क॒र्तारं॒ दमे॑दमे ॥

ṛtá-vānam ví-cetasam páśyantaḥ dyā́m-iva stṛ́-bhiḥ ǀ

víśveṣām adhvarā́ṇām haskartā́ram dáme-dame ǁ

For they see thee, possessor of the Truth and wide in knowledge like waking heaven with its stars, the smile of light of all these pilgrim-sacrifices in house and house, —


आ॒शुं दू॒तं वि॒वस्व॑तो॒ विश्वा॒ यश्च॑र्ष॒णीर॒भि ।

आ ज॑भ्रुः के॒तुमा॒यवो॒ भृग॑वाणं वि॒शेवि॑शे ॥

āśúm dūtám vivásvataḥ víśvāḥ yáḥ carṣaṇī́ḥ abhí ǀ

ā́ jabhruḥ ketúm āyávaḥ bhṛ́gavāṇam viśé-viśe ǁ

The swift messenger of the illumining Sun who comes to all the seeing people; men hold him as the ray of intuition and he shines as the Bhrigu-flame-seer for each being.


तमीं॒ होता॑रमानु॒षक्चि॑कि॒त्वांसं॒ नि षे॑दिरे ।

र॒ण्वं पा॑व॒कशो॑चिषं॒ यजि॑ष्ठं स॒प्त धाम॑भिः ॥

tám īm hótāram ānuṣák cikitvā́ṃsam ní sedire ǀ

raṇvám pāvaká-śociṣam yájiṣṭham saptá dhā́ma-bhiḥ ǁ

This is the Priest of the call whom they set within, who uninterruptedly wakes to knowledge, rapturous with his purifying flame, most strong to sacrifice by his seven seats2.


तं शश्व॑तीषु मा॒तृषु॒ वन॒ आ वी॒तं अश्रि॑तं ।

चि॒त्रं संतं॒ गुहा॑ हि॒तं सु॒वेदं॑ कूचिद॒र्थिनं॑ ॥

tám śáśvatīṣu mātṛ́ṣu váne ā́ vītám áśritam ǀ

citrám sántam gúhā hitám su-védam kūcit-arthínam ǁ

Him in the many mothers linked together, wide-spread and unapproached in the forest, abiding in the secret Cave and rich with many lights, full of knowledge or moving to some unknown goal.


स॒सस्य॒ यद्वियु॑ता॒ सस्मि॒न्नूध॑न्नृ॒तस्य॒ धाम॑न्र॒णयं॑त दे॒वाः ।

म॒हाँ अ॒ग्निर्नम॑सा रा॒तह॑व्यो॒ वेर॑ध्व॒राय॒ सद॒मिदृ॒तावा॑ ॥

sasásya yát ví-yutā sásmin ū́dhan ṛtásya dhā́man raṇáyanta devā́ḥ ǀ

mahā́n agníḥ námasā rātá-havyaḥ véḥ adhvarā́ya sádam ít ṛtá-vā ǁ

When in the separation from sleep the Gods have joy in that udder of the Cow, in the plane of the Truth, great becomes the Fire by the offering given with prostration and journeys for the pilgrim-sacrifice and the Truth is ever with him.


वेर॑ध्व॒रस्य॑ दू॒त्या॑नि वि॒द्वानु॒भे अं॒ता रोद॑सी संचिकि॒त्वान् ।

दू॒त ई॑यसे प्र॒दिव॑ उरा॒णो वि॒दुष्ट॑रो दि॒व आ॒रोध॑नानि ॥

véḥ adhvarásya dūtyā́ni vidvā́n ubhé␣íti antáríti ródasī␣íti sam-cikitvā́n ǀ

dūtáḥ īyase pra-dívaḥ urāṇáḥ vidúḥ-taraḥ diváḥ ā-ródhanāni ǁ

He journeys knowing the embassies of the pilgrim-sacrifice between both the firmaments, utterly awakened to knowledge. A messenger, the Ancient of days, ever widening, ever greater in knowledge, thou travellest the mounting slopes of heaven3.


कृ॒ष्णं त॒ एम॒ रुश॑तः पु॒रो भाश्च॑रि॒ष्ण्व१่र्चिर्वपु॑षा॒मिदेकं॑ ।

यदप्र॑वीता॒ दध॑ते ह॒ गर्भं॑ स॒द्यश्चि॑ज्जा॒तो भव॒सीदु॑ दू॒तः ॥

kṛṣṇám te éma rúśataḥ puráḥ bhā́ḥ cariṣṇú arcíḥ vápuṣām ít ékam ǀ

yát ápra-vītā dádhate ha gárbham sadyáḥ cit jātáḥ bhávasi ít ūṃ␣íti dūtáḥ ǁ

Black is the path of thy shining, thy light goes in front, a journeying ray, the one supreme of all thy bodies; when one unimpregnated bears thee as the child of her womb, in the sudden moment of thy birth thou art already the messenger.


स॒द्यो जा॒तस्य॒ ददृ॑शान॒मोजो॒ यद॑स्य॒ वातो॑ अनु॒वाति॑ शो॒चिः ।

वृ॒णक्ति॑ ति॒ग्माम॑त॒सेषु॑ जि॒ह्वां स्थि॒रा चि॒दन्ना॑ दयते॒ वि जंभैः॑ ॥

sadyáḥ jātásya dádṛśānam ójaḥ yát asya vā́taḥ anu-vā́ti śocíḥ ǀ

vṛṇákti tigmā́m ataséṣu jihvā́m sthirā́ cit ánnā dayate ví jámbhaiḥ ǁ

The moment he is born his might becomes visible when the wind blows behind his flame; he turns his sharp tongue round the trunks and tears his firm food with his jaws of flame.


तृ॒षु यदन्ना॑ तृ॒षुणा॑ व॒वक्ष॑ तृ॒षुं दू॒तं कृ॑णुते य॒ह्वो अ॒ग्निः ।

वात॑स्य मे॒ळिं स॑चते नि॒जूर्व॑न्ना॒शुं न वा॑जयते हि॒न्वे अर्वा॑ ॥

tṛṣú yát ánnā tṛṣúṇā vavákṣa tṛṣúm dūtám kṛṇute yahváḥ agníḥ ǀ

vā́tasya meḷím sacate ni-jū́rvan āśúm ná vājayate hinvé árvā ǁ

When quickly he carries his foods on his rapid tongue, this mighty Fire fashions himself into a swift messenger; consuming all he clings to the mad course4 of the wind, as a driver a swift horse he sets it to gallop for the seeker of the plenitude.


1 Apnavan and Bhrigus


2 Or, with his seven lights.


3 Or, thou travellest to the inmost places of heaven.


4 Or, to the roar
