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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vāmadeva Gautama

Sukta 8


दू॒तं वो॑ वि॒श्ववे॑दसं हव्य॒वाह॒मम॑र्त्यं ।

यजि॑ष्ठमृंजसे गि॒रा ॥

dūtám vaḥ viśvá-vedasam havya-vā́ham ámartyam ǀ

yájiṣṭham ṛñjase girā́ ǁ

Array with your word the messenger, the carrier of your offerings, most strong to sacrifice, the omniscient, the Immortal.


स हि वेदा॒ वसु॑धितिं म॒हाँ आ॒रोध॑नं दि॒वः ।

स दे॒वाँ एह व॑क्षति ॥

sáḥ hí véda vásu-dhitim mahā́n ā-ródhanam diváḥ ǀ

sáḥ devā́n ā́ ihá vakṣati ǁ

For, he knows the place of the possession of the riches, he knows the ascending slope of heaven, he shall bring here the gods.


स वे॑द दे॒व आ॒नमं॑ दे॒वाँ ऋ॑ताय॒ते दमे॑ ।

दाति॑ प्रि॒याणि॑ चि॒द्वसु॑ ॥

sáḥ veda deváḥ ā-námam devā́n ṛta-yaté dáme ǀ

dā́ti priyā́ṇi cit vásu ǁ

A God, he knows for the seeker of the Truth his way of submission to the gods in the house of Truth, and he gives the beloved treasures.


स होता॒ सेदु॑ दू॒त्यं॑ चिकि॒त्वाँ अं॒तरी॑यते ।

वि॒द्वाँ आ॒रोध॑नं दि॒वः ॥

sáḥ hótā sáḥ ít ūṃ␣íti dūtyám cikitvā́n antáḥ īyate ǀ

vidvā́n ā-ródhanam diváḥ ǁ

He is the Priest of the call, it is he who travels between, aware of his embassy, knowing the ascending slope of heaven.


ते स्या॑म॒ ये अ॒ग्नये॑ ददा॒शुर्ह॒व्यदा॑तिभिः ।

य ईं॒ पुष्यं॑त इंध॒ते ॥

té syāma yé agnáye dadāśúḥ havyádāti-bhiḥ ǀ

yé īm púṣyantaḥ indhaté ǁ

May we be of those who have given to the Fire with the gift of their offerings, who kindle him and increase.


ते रा॒या ते सु॒वीर्यैः॑ सस॒वांसो॒ वि शृ॑ण्विरे ।

ये अ॒ग्ना द॑धि॒रे दुवः॑ ॥

té rāyā́ té su-vī́ryaiḥ sasa-vā́ṃsaḥ ví śṛṇvire ǀ

yé agnā́ dadhiré dúvaḥ ǁ

They by the treasure, by the hero-strengths have conquered and have heard who have upheld their work in the Fire.


अ॒स्मे रायो॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे॒ सं च॑रंतु पुरु॒स्पृहः॑ ।

अ॒स्मे वाजा॑स ईरतां ॥

asmé␣íti rā́yaḥ divé-dive sám carantu puru-spṛ́haḥ ǀ

asmé␣íti vā́jāsaḥ īratām ǁ

In us may the riches move from day to day bringing the multitude of our desires, may we receive the impulsion of the plenitudes.


स विप्र॑श्चर्षणी॒नां शव॑सा॒ मानु॑षाणां ।

अति॑ क्षि॒प्रेव॑ विध्यति ॥

sáḥ vípraḥ carṣaṇīnā́m śávasā mā́nuṣāṇām ǀ

áti kṣiprā́-iva vidhyati ǁ

An illumined seer, by the might of seeing human beings he pierces beyond like a swift arrow.