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অনধীত [ anadhīta ] a that which has not been read or studied; unread or unstudied; not gone through.

অনধীন [ anadhīna ] a not depending on; not con trolled or dominated by; not subject or subservient to; not subordinate to. ̃তা n. state of being not dependent or controlled or dominated or subservient or subordinate; independence, free dom.

অনধ্যবসায় [ anadhyabasāẏa ] n lack or absence or perseverence.

অনধ্যায়, অনধ্যয়ন [ anadhyāẏa, anadhyaẏana ] n rest from study; a day or rest from study; a school holiday.

অননুকরণীয় [ ananukaraṇīẏa ] a incapable of being imitated; inimitable.

অননুকূল [ ananukūla ] a adverse; unfavourable.

অননুগত [ ananugata ] a not obedient, disobedient.

অননুভবনীয় [ ananubhabanīẏa ] a incapable of being felt, unperceivable.

অননুভূত [ ananubhūta ] a unfelt; not perceived.

অননুমত [ ananumata ] a unpermitted; unsanctioned; unapproved; disallowed; not agreeable to.

অননুমেয় [ ananumēẏa ] a incapable of being guessed, not conjecturable; unimaginable.

অননুমোদন [ ananumōdana ] n absence of permission or sanction; disapproval; rejection, ab sence of consent. অননুমোদিত a. unpermitted; unapproved (অননুমোদিত পাঠ্যপুস্তক); unsanctioned; not assented to; disapproved; disagreed; rejected, prohibited (অননুমোদিত এলাকা); unau thorized (অননুমোদিত ব্যয়); unaffiliated (অননুমোদিত বিদ্যালয়).

অননুশীলন [ ananuśīlana ] n lack or absence of system atic practice or training. অননুশীলিত a. not practised; without systematic train ing; uncultivated.

অননুষ্ঠিত [ ananuṣṭhita ] a unperformed, unexecuted; unaccomplished; outstanding.

অনন্ত [ ananta ] a endless; boundless; unlimited; inexhaustible; everlasting, eternal; im perishable. ☐ n. Vishnu (বিষ্ণু); Shesha (শেষ) the thousand-headed king of snakes; an ornament, an armlet. ̃কাল n. eternity. ̃কালব্যাপী, ̃কালস্হায়ী a. eter nal. everlasting. অনন্তকাল ধরে adv. for ever. ̃চতুর্দশী n. the fourteenth day of the lunar fortnight of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র); a religious penance ob served on this day. ̃দেব n. Shesha (শেষ) the king of snakes. ̃নিদ্রা n. Vishnu's sleep on the person of Ananta (অনন্ত) the snake-king; everlasting or eternal sleep; (fig.) death. ̃নিদ্রায় নিদ্রিত sleeping the sleep that knows no breaking, sleeping eternal sleep, dead. ̃প্রকার a. of endless or countless variet ies. ̃বীর্য a. of endless or inexhaustible strength or virility. ̃প্রভাব n. incessant or endless current or flow. ̃মূল n. a medicinal root. ̃রূপ, ̃রূপী a. of end less forms or shapes; of endless mani festations. ̃শয়ন, ̃শয্যা n. use of the person of Anantadeva (অনন্তদেব) by Vishnu as his bed; (fig.) death. ̃শীর্ষ a. hydra-headed.

অনন্তর [ anantara ] a. & con hereafter or thereafter, afterwards, then.

অনন্বয়ী অব্যয় [ ananbaẏī abyaẏa ] n (gr.) an interjection.

অনন্য [ ananya ] n no other than; having no other; intent; resolute; sole, singular, unique; supreme; unparalleled; solely or absorbedly engaged. fem. অনন্যা । ̃কর্মা a. doing no work other than; not at tending to any work other than; solely engaged or absorbed in. ̃গতি a. having no way or means or alternative other than; compelled by absence of any al ternative. ̃চিত্ত a. having nothing in the mind other than; fixed with close at tention to nothing other than, intent on. ̃চিত্তে adv. with undivided attention, in tently. ̃দৃষ্টি a. looking at nothing other than; gazing steadfastly. ̃পরায়ণ a. not devoted to anything other than; solely engaged in. ̃বৃত্তি a. engaged in no oc cupation or endeavour other than; solely occupied in. ̃ব্রত a. engaged in or performing no task other than. অনন্যমনা same as ̃চিত্ত । ̃শরণ, ̃সহায় a. having no help or resort or patron or protector other than. ̃সাধারণ, ̃সুলভ a. not to be found in anybody else; singu lar, unique; extraordinary, uncommon. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. not depending on or subject to anything; absolutely independent.

অনন্যোপায় [ ananyōpāẏa ] a having no means or re source other than; having no alterna tive; desperate.

অনন্বিত [ ananbita ] a (gr.) lacking in sequence or agreement; (phil.) not governed by the law of causation; not related, detached; irrelevant, incoherent.

অনপকারক, অনপকারী [ anapakāraka, anapakārī ] a not injurious or harmful, harmless, doing no harm or injury.

অনপগত [ anapagata ] a not removed, not dispelled; not gone.

অনপচয় [ anapacaẏa ] n absence of waste or wasteful ness or improvidence.

অনপত্য [ anapatya ] a childless, issueless.

অনপনেয় [ anapanēẏa ] a indelible, ineffaceable; irre mediable (অনপনেয় দুঃখ); irremovable (অনপনেয় উত্পাত); irredeemable (অনপনেয় কলঙ্ক).

অনপরাধ [ anaparādha ] n absence of sin or crime; im peccability; innocence. ☐ a. impec cable; innocent. অনপরাধী a. same as অনপরাধ (a). fem. অনপরাধিনী ।

অনপেক্ষ [ anapēkṣa ] a not depending on or subject to; independent; impartial, unbiased.

অনপেক্ষিত [ anapēkṣita ] a not awaited; unexpected; unanticipated.

অনবকাশ [ anabakāśa ] n want of leisure or respite or break; lack of time for doing some par ticular work.

অনবগত [ anabagata ] a unaware, uninformed; igno rant; unknown.

অনবগুণ্ঠিত [ anabaguṇṭhita ] a not veiled; unveiled. fem. অনবগুণ্ঠিতা ।

অনবচ্ছিন্ন [ anabacchinna ] a without intermission or re spite, non-stop; incessant; continuous.

অনবচ্ছেদ [ anabacchēda ] n absence of intermission or respite; continuity.

অনবদ্য [ anabadya ] a blameless; flawless; faultless; impeccable; unimpeachable; innocent (অনবদ্য কৌতুক); beautiful; splendid. ̃তা n. blamelessness; flawlessness; faultlessness; innocence; impeccabil ity; unimpeachability. অনবদ্যাঙ্গী a. fem. of unimpeachable beauty.

অনবধান [ anabadhāna ] n inattention; carelessness; in advertence. ☐ a. inattentive; careless; negligent; inadvertent. ̃তা n. inatten tion; carelessness; negligency; inad vertence. অনবধানতাবশত adv. inadvert ently; unintentionally.

অনবরত [ anabarata ] a ceaseless, unremitting; con tinuous. ☐ adv. incessantly, unremit tingly; continually; always, ever.

অনবরুদ্ধ [ anabaruddha ] a unconfined, not shut up; un bolted; not barricaded or blockaded; not besieged; unrestricted, unhindered (অনবরুদ্ধ স্রোত).

অনবরোধ [ anabarōdha ] n freedom from confinement or siege or restriction.

অনবলম্ব, অনবলম্বন [ anabalamba, anabalambana ] a having no prop or support; having nothing to fall back on; having no refuge.

অনবসর [ anabasara ] n absence of leisure or respite; want of opportunity. ☐ a. having no leisure or respite; (continuously) busy.

অনবসিত [ anabasita ] a not finished or completed, un finished or incomplete.

অনবস্হা [ anabashā ] n lack of order, disorder; un settled state, restlessness; (log.) a de fect in argument caused by working back from one thing to another espe cially from effect to cause, a regress.

অনবস্হিত [ anabashita ] a restless; unsettled; fickle or unsteady; unstable; wavering. ̃চিত্ত a. of unsettled mind; unresolved in pur pose; mentally wavering; changing one's mind every moment; fickle minded. ̃চিত্ততা n. fickle-mindedness.

অনবহিত [ anabahita ] a inattentive, unmindful; heed less; careless, neglectful; not on the alert, unguarded, unwary.

অনভিজাত [ anabhijāta ] a not born of a good family; not high-born, not aristocratic; low born; not having a good pedigree.

অনভিজ্ঞ [ anabhijña ] a inexperienced; inexpert; fem. অনভিজ্ঞতা । ̃তা n. inexperience; lack of skill.

অনভিপ্রায় [ anabhiprāẏa ] n lack of desire or intention; disapproval; contrariety to one's desire or liking or intention.

অনভিপ্রেত [ anabhiprēta ] a disapproved; disagreed; un desired; not to one's liking; contrary to one's desire or intention.