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অনভিব্যক্ত [ anabhibyakta ] a not expressed; not manifest; not evolved; implicit.

অনভিভবনীয় [ anabhibhabanīẏa ] a unconquerable; indomi table; not to be confounded or over whelmed.

অনভিভূত [ anabhibhūta ] a unconquered; not con founded or overwhelmed; unembar rassed.

অনভিমত [ anabhimata ] a disapproved; unsanctioned; contrary to one's opinion.

অনভিলষণীয় [ anabhilaṣaṇīẏa ] a undesirable.

অনভিলষিত [ anabhilaṣita ] a undesired.

অনভিলাষ [ anabhilāṣa ] n unwillingness; contrariety to one's desire; absence of desire.

অনভিলাষী [ anabhilāṣī ] a unwilling; not desirous of; disapproving; having no desire for.

অনভীষ্ট [ anabhīṣṭa ] a not desired; undesired, un wanted.

অনভ্যস্ত [ anabhyasta ] a unaccustomed, unwonted; in experienced; unpractised; inexpert; un familiar.

অনভ্যাস [ anabhyāsa ] n lack of practice or training; unwontedness.

অনমনীয় [ anamanīẏa ] a unbending, inflexible; un yielding; indomitable; tough, hard, rigid; obstinate. ̃তা n. inflexibility; unbendingness; rigidity.

অনম্বর [ anambara ] a having no cover; bare; naked. ☐ n. the sky; a Buddhist community.

অনর্গল [ anargala ] a unbolted; unrestrained, unhin dered; free; profuse, abundant; fluent. ☐ adv. incessantly; excessively; flu ently.

অনর্থ [ anartha ] n harm, mischief, injury; reverse, peril, danger; ruin; mishap; trouble or unhappy occurrence (অনর্থ ঘটানো).

অনর্থক [ anarthaka ] a futile, useless; unprovoked or unreasonable (অনর্থক কলহ); unneces sary. ☐ adv. in vain; without provoca tion or reason; unnecessarily.

অনর্থকর [ anarthakara ] a injurious, full of mischief, harmful; causing reverse or ruin; dev astating.

অনর্থদর্শী [ anarthadarśī ] a & n. pessimist.

অনর্থপাত [ anarthapāta ] n occurrence of an accident; befalling of danger or reverse or ruin.

অনর্হ [ anarha ] n unfit; unsuitable; not adorable.

অনল [ anala ] n fire. ̃প্রভ a. as radiant or lus trous as fire. ̃বর্ষণ n. raining of fire; showering or emitting of fire. ̃বর্ষী a. raining fire; showering or emitting fire. ̃শিলা n. a meteor.

অনলংকৃত [ analaṅkṛta ] a not decorated or ornamented; unadorned.

অনলস [ analasa ] a not lazy or indolent; diligent, industrious; untiring; given to action, active; lively and energetic.

অনল্প [ analpa ] a not small in number or amount; many or much; considerably large in number or amount.

অনশন [ anaśana ] n abstinence from food, fasting; starvation. ̃ক্লিষ্ট a. stricken with starva tion; famished. অনশন ধর্মঘট n. hunger-strike. ̃ব্রত n. abstinence from food (till one's death) under a solemn vow; (loos.) hunger-strike.

অনশ্বর [ anaśbara ] a imperishable; indestructible; immortal. ̃তা n. imperishability; inde structibility; immortality.

অনসূয় [ anasūẏa ] a free from malice or envy. fem. অনসূয়া ।

অনস্তগ [ anastaga ] a (astr.) circumpolar.

অনস্তমিত [ anastamita ] a not set; not disappeared or declined.

অনস্বীকার্য [ anasbīkārya ] a undeniable; that which can not but be admitted.

অনহংকৃত [ anahaṅkṛta ] a not proud; not conceited or arrogant, not stuck-up.

অনাকর্ষণীয় [ anākarṣaṇīẏa ] a uninviting, unattractive.

অনাকাঙ্ক্ষা [ anākāṅkṣā ] n lack or absence of desire; absence of longing.

অনাক্রমণ [ anākramaṇa ] n non-aggression. অনাক্রমণ চুক্তি n. a non-aggression pact.

অনাক্রম্য [ anākramya ] a incapable of being attacked; (hyg.) immune. ̃তা n. immunity.

অনাক্রান্ত [ anākrānta ] a unassailed, unattacked.

অনাগত [ anāgata ] a not yet come or arrived; not yet happened; still to come or happen, fu ture. ̃বিধাতা n. one who makes provi sion for the future; one having fore sight.

অনাঘ্রাত । [ anāghrāta . ] a unsmelt; pure and untouched. fem. অনাঘ্রাতা ।

অনাচার [ anācāra ] n unscriptural or unholy prac tice; uncultured or indecent practice; an immoral or abominable practice. অনাচারী a. abandoned; given to unscriptural or indecent or abominable practice. ☐ n. such a man.

অনাচ্ছাদিত [ anācchādita ] a uncovered; having no roof, unthatched; bare.

অনাড়ম্বর [ anāḍ়mbara ] a unostentatious, unceremoni ous; simple.

অনাত্মজ্ঞ [ anātmajña ] a ignorant of one's own self, lacking in self-knowledge; not moving or acting in accordance with one's sta tus or power or circumstances.

অনাত্মীয় [ anātmīẏa ] a having no blood-relation or matrimonial relation (with), unrelated; unfriendly; having no kindred or rela tions. fem. অনাত্মীয়া ।

অনাথ [ anātha ] a having none to help or protect, helpless; orphan. fem. অনাথা, (pop.) অনাথিনী । ̃নাথ n. one who helps or pro tects the helpless; God. ̃শালা, অনাথাশ্রম n. charitable home or refuge for the helpless; an orphanage.

অনাদর [ anādara ] n lack of cordiality or care or at tention; neglect; slight; disrespect. অনাদর করা v. to treat with neglect or disrespect. অনাদরণীয় a. unworthy of be ing treated with cordiality or care or at tention.

অনাদায় [ anādāẏa ] n (of dues, money, revenue, claims, etc.) non-realization or non-re covery. অনাদায়ী a. unrealized; outstand ing.

অনাদি [ anādi ] a having no beginning or cause or origin; self-born. ☐ n. God.

অনাদিকাল [ anādikāla ] n time immemorial, very old or ancient time.

অনাদিষ্ট [ anādiṣṭa ] a not ordered or commanded.

অনাদৃত [ anādṛta ] a not received with cordiality or care or attention; neglected; slighted.

অনাদেয় [ anādēẏa ] a (inc. of dues, money, revenue, claim, etc.) unrealizable.

অনাদ্য [ anādya ] a having no beginning; without origin.

অনাদ্যন্ত [ anādyanta ] a having neither beginning nor end, having neither origin nor destruc tion; self-born and immortal.

অনাপ্য [ anāpya ] a not obtainable; rare.

অনাবশ্যক [ anābaśyaka ] a unnecessary; needless; redundant; superfluous. ̃তা n. need lessness.

অনাবাদি [ anābādi ] a uncultivated, fallow; unculti vable, non-arable.

অনাবাসিক, অনাবাসী [ anābāsika, anābāsī ] a non-resident; non residential.

অনাবিল [ anābila ] a not dirty or muddy, not turbid; limpid, clear, clean; pure; unmixed, unadulterated (অনাবিল সুখ).

অনাবিষ্কৃত [ anābiṣkṛta ] a undiscovered; not yet in vented; not found out, untraced; un known.

অনাবিষ্ট [ anābiṣṭa ] a inattentive; absent-minded.

অনাবৃত [ anābṛta ] a uncovered; unconcealed; bare; naked; open; discovered; revealed.

অনাবৃষ্টি [ anābṛṣṭi ] n shortage or absence of rain; drought.

অনাব্য [ anābya ] a not navigable.

অনাময় [ anāmaẏa ] n absence of illness; physical soundness; recovery from illness. ☐ a. free from illness; recovered from ill ness and difficulties; peaceful.

অনামা1 [ anāmā1 ] a nameless; one whose name is not known or famous; obscure.

অনামা2, অনামিকা [ anāmā2, anāmikā ] n the ring-finger.

অনামুখ, অনামুখো [ anāmukha, anāmukhō ] a having a face so in auspicious that one should not look at it, one whose face is an ill-omen; sinis ter-looking. ☐ n. such a man. fem. অনামুখী ।

অনাম্নী [ anāmnī ] fem of অনামা1

অনায়ত [ anāẏata ] a not wide or large; not ex tended.

অনায়ত্ত [ anāẏatta ] a not brought under control; unmastered; beyond one's reach or power; uncome-at-able.

অনায়াস [ anāẏāsa ] n a state demanding no exertion or offering no difficulty; easiness. ☐ a. demanding no exertion or offering no difficulty; effortless, easy; facile, spon taneous. ̃কৃত a. done without effort or strain or difficulty; accomplished eas ily. ̃দক্ষতা n. easy skill or gift; gift of doing spontaneously. ̃লব্ধ a. obtained or earned without effort or strain or difficulty; got easily. ̃লভ্য a. obtain able without effort or difficulty; easily obtainable. ̃সাধ্য a. capable of being done or performed or attained or ob tained without effort or difficulty; easy. ̃সিদ্ধ a. done or accomplished or attained or obtained easily. অনায়াসে adv. without strain or exertion or difficulty; effortlessly; easily; spontaneously.

অনারব্ধ [ anārabdha ] a not (yet) begun or commenced; not (yet) undertaken.

অনারম্ভ [ anārambha ] n non-commencement.

অনারোগ্য [ anārōgya ] n state of ill-health; lack of cure. ☐ a. incurable; irremediable.

অনার্তবা [ anārtabā ] a. fem not yet attained puberty.

অনার্দ্র [ anārdra ] a not wet; dry; (chem.) anhy-drous.

অনার্য [ anārya ] a non-Aryan; uncivilized; uncul tured; discourteous; low-born. ☐ n. such a man. অনার্যোচিত a. befitting a non-Aryan; barbarian; uncivilized; un cultured; rudely discourteous; dishon est; impious; low-born.

অনালোকিত [ anālōkita ] a not lighted, unlit; not bright; not enlightened.

অনালোচনীয় [ anālōcanīẏa ] a that which should not be or will not be discussed; not fit to be dis cussed or considered.

অনালোচিত [ anālōcita ] a undiscussed; not discussed or talked about.

অনাশ্রয় [ anāśraẏa ] a having no shelter or refuge; shelterless; helpless. ☐ n. helplessness. অনাশ্রিত n. not sheltered; shelterless; helpless.

অনাসক্ত [ anāsakta ] a having no attachment for or in terest in; indifferent, unconcerned. অনাসক্তি n. absence of attachment or in terest; indifference; unconcernedness.

অনাসন্ন [ anāsanna ] a not near or approaching; not imminent or impending.

অনাসৃষ্টি [ anāsṛṣṭi ] a outside the created world, un natural; disorderly; queer, strange, bi zarre. ☐ n. such a thing or incident or state.

অনাস্হা [ anāshā ] n lack of trust or faith; no-confi dence; unreliability. ̃প্রস্তাব n. a no confidence motion. ̃ভাজন a. untrust worthy; unreliable. অনাস্হাসূচক মত vote of no-confidence.

অনাস্বাদিত [ anāsbādita ] a untasted; unenjoyed. ̃পূর্ব a. not tasted or enjoyed previously.

অনাহত [ anāhata ] a unhurt, unwounded; (of stringed instruments) unstruck, unplayed ('অনাহত মোরা বীণা').

অনাহার [ anāhāra ] n state of going without food; fasting, starvation. অনাহারী a. going without food; fasting. অনাহারে adv. go ing without food; on fast. অনাহারে থাকা v. to go without food; to starve, to fast.

অনাহিত [ anāhita ] a (phys.) uncharged.

অনাহূত [ anāhūta ] a uncalled; uninvited; unbidden; uncalled-for; unwanted.

অনিঃশেষ [ aniḥśēṣa ] a inexhaustible; endless or impersihable (অনিঃশেষ প্রাণ).

অনিঃসৃত [ aniḥsṛta ] a not secreted, not drained out.

অনিকেত, অনিকেতন [ anikēta, anikētana ] a homeless.

অনিচ্ছা [ anicchā ] n unwillingness, reluctance; lack of consent; indifference, disinterested ness. ̃কৃত a. done or performed reluc tantly or unknowingly; not deliberate, unintentional, undesigned. ̃পূর্বক adv. unwillingly, reluctantly; without con sent or agreement; indifferently, disin terestedly. অনিচ্ছা প্রকাশ করা v. to ex press unwillingness or reluctance; to express disrelish; to disagree, to refuse to consent. ̃ভরে, অনিচ্ছায় same as ̃পূর্বক । ̃সত্ত্বেও adv. notwithstanding unwillingness or reluctance or lack of consent or disagreement or lack of in terest. ̃সহকারে same as অনিচ্ছাপূর্বক ।

অনিচ্ছুক [ anicchuka ] a unwilling, reluctant; refusing consent, disagreeing; indifferent, disin terested.

অনিত্য [ anitya ] a not permanent or eternal or ev erlasting; transient, transitory; tempo ral (অনিত্য সংসার); perishable, frail, mortal (অনিত্য দেহ). ̃তা n. imperma nence; transience, transitoriness; tem porality.

অনিদান [ anidāna ] a having no cause or ground, causeless, groundless.

অনিদ্র [ anidra ] a sleepless; vigilant.

অনিদ্রা, অনিদ্রারোগ [ anidrā, anidrārōga ] n sleeplessness; insom nia; wakefulness.

অনিন্দনীয়, অনিন্দ্য [ anindanīẏa, anindya ] a unblamable; irre proachable; faultless, flawless; praise worthy. অনিন্দ্যসুন্দর a. beautiful, beyond reproach; exquisitely beautiful.

অনিন্দিত [ anindita ] a (ori.) unreproached; unblem ished; not indecent; beautiful; blame less. ̃চরিত্র a. possessing an irreproach able or unimpeachable or immaculate character.