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অনিপুণ [ anipuṇa ] a lacking in dexterity, unskilful; unskilled; ungainly. ̃তা n. lack of dexterity or skill; ungainliness.

অনিবদ্ধ [ anibaddha ] a not arranged or laid properly.

অনিবন্ধী [ anibandhī ] a (chem.) amorphous.

অনিবার [ anibāra ] a unpreventable; irresistible; in cessant, non-stop, continuous. ☐ adv. incessantly; continually; always.

অনিবারণীয় [ anibāraṇīẏa ] a unpreventable; irresistible, inevitable. অনিবারিত a. unprevented; not resisted.

অনিবার্য [ anibārya ] a unpreventable; irresistible (অনিবার্য বেগ); inevitable, ineluctable, inexorable; unavoidable (অনিবার্য কারণে).

অনিমন্ত্রিত [ animantrita ] a uninvited, unbidden.

অনিমিখ [ animikha ] a (poet.) not winking (অনিমিখ আঁখি); steadfast ('অনিমিখ দিঠি'). ☐ adv. with no winking; with a steadfast gaze.

অনিমিষ, অনিমেষ [ animiṣa, animēṣa ] a not winking; motion less; steadfast. অনিমেষনেত্রে adv. with eyes not winking; with a steadfast gaze.

অনিয়ত [ aniẏata ] a not regulated; irregular; unsys tematic; uncontrolled, unrestrained; not steady; changeful; uncertain. অনিয়তাকার a. amorphous; shapeless.

অনিয়ন্ত্রণ [ aniẏantraṇa ] n lack or absence of control.

অনিয়ন্ত্রিত [ aniẏantrita ] a not regulated; uncontrolled; unrestrained, loose.

অনিয়ম [ aniẏama ] n lack of rule or system or disci pline; irregularity; indiscipline; disor derliness; disorder; want of control or restraint. অনিয়ম করা v. to violate rule; to be given to irregularity; to behave fitfully or in a disorderly manner. অনিয়মিত a. uncontrolled; lacking in re straint or discipline; unregulated, unsystematized; irregular, unsystem atic.

অনিরুদ্ধ [ aniruddha ] a unobstructed; unhindered; unchecked; free. ☐ n. (myth.) grandson of Krishna. অনিরুদ্ধ পথ passage without any impediment or obstacle; the sky.

অনিরূপণীয় [ anirūpaṇīẏa ] a indeterminable.

অনিরূপিত [ anirūpita ] a undiscerned; not ascertained or determined; not assessed, unfixed (অনিরূপিত মূল্য).

অনির্ণীত [ anirṇīta ] a undiscerned; undefined; not determined; unassessed; unfixed.

অনির্ণেয় [ anirṇēẏa ] a indiscernible; undefinable; in determinate; unassessable; incapable of being fixed; (math.) indeterminate.

অনির্দিষ্ট [ anirdiṣṭa ] a not fixed or settled; uncertain; indefinite. অনির্দিষ্ট কালের জন্য sine die; for an indefinite period.

অনির্দেশ [ anirdēśa ] n absence of direction or directive; uncertain state. অনির্দেশ্য a. in determinable, that cannot be ascer tained.

অনির্ধারিত [ anirdhārita ] a not ascertained; unassessed; unfixed; not settled or decided.

অনির্বচনীয় [ anirbacanīẏa ] a indescribable; ineffable, in expressible. ̃তা n. indescribability; in effability. অনির্বাচ্য same as অনির্বচনীয় ।

অনির্বাচিত [ anirbācita ] a not elected; not selected; not chosen.

অনির্বাণ [ anirbāṇa ] a (theo.) deprived of salvation; inextinguishable; blazing (for ever).

অনির্বাপিত [ anirbāpita ] a not put out, unextinguished.

অনির্ভর [ anirbhara ] n non-reliance, non-dependence. ̃তা n. same as অনির্ভর । ̃যোগ্য a. not reliable, unreliable, not dependable.

অনিল [ anila ] n wind, air, breeze. ̃সখ n. fire.

অনিশ্চয় [ aniścaẏa ] n uncertainty; doubt; doubtful ness; dubiousness. ̃তা n. uncertainty; doubt; dubiousness, doubtfulness.

অনিশ্চিত [ aniścita ] a uncertain; indeterminate; un settled; unfixed; indefinite; doubtful; dubious. ̃ভাবে adv. without certainty; indeterminately; settled or fixed condi tion; doubtful; hesitatingly.

অনিষিদ্ধ [ aniṣiddha ] a unprohibited.

অনিষ্ট [ aniṣṭa ] n harm, injury; mischief; anything harmful or injurious. ̃কর a. harmful, injurious; mischievous. অনিষ্ট করা v. to harm; to do mischief. ̃কারী a. & n. one who causes harm or mischief, an evil doer, a wrongdoer. ˜চিন্তা n. mental act or thought of devising harm (to.). ma levolence. ̃চিন্তা করা v. to devise harm (to). ̃জনক, ̃দায়ক same as অনিষ্টকর । ̃পাত n. occurrence of harm or injury. ̃সাধন n. act of causing harm. অনিষ্টসাধন করা v. to cause harm (to), to harm. অনিষ্ট হওয়া v. to be harmed. অনিষ্টাচরণ same as অনিষ্টসাধন । অনিষ্টাশঙ্কা n. apprehension of harm, premonition or presentiment (of evil); foreboding.