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উপনেতা1 [ upanētā1 ] n a bringer; an usher.

উপনেতা2 [ upanētā2 ] n a deputy leader, an assistant leader.

উপনেত্র [ upanētra ] n. pl spectacles, eyeglasses.

উপন্যস্ত [ upanyasta ] a placed, deposited; pledged; ar ranged.

উপন্যাস [ upanyāsa ] n a novel, a book of fiction; a long story; a romantic tale, a romance; a preface or introduction; a proposal. ̃কার, ̃রচয়িতা, ̃লেখক n. a novelist.

উপপতি [ upapati ] n (masc.) a paramour, a gallant.

উপপত্তি [ upapatti ] n argument, reasoning, infer ence; proof, demonstration, justifica tion; knowledge; solution; accomplish ment, execution; origination, origin; attainment; provision.

উপপত্নী [ upapatnī ] n. fem a concubine.

উপপত্র [ upapatra ] n (bot.) a stipule. উপপত্রিকা a.

উপপথ [ upapatha ] n a by-way, by path.

উপপদ [ upapada ] n (gr.) the first of two words compounded into one; (gr.) a system of forming compound words by adding a suffix denoting an agent (usu. উপপদ তত্পুরুষ).

উপপাতক [ upapātaka ] n a venial sin, a minor sin.

উপপাদক [ upapādaka ] a. & n one who or that which decides or solves or accomplishes or executes or proves or justifies or dem onstrates.

উপপাদন [ upapādana ] n decision, solution; accom plishment, execution; proving, justifi cation, demonstration. উপপাদন করা v. to decide, to solve; to accomplish, to execute; to prove, to justify, to demon strate. উপপাদনীয় same as উপপাদ্য (a.)

উপপাদ্য [ upapādya ] a that which is to be or can be decided or solved or accomplished or executed or proved or justified or dem onstrated. ☐ n. (geom.) a proposition to be proved, a theorem. এটিই উপপাদ্য বিষয় quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D.).

উপপুর [ upapura ] n outskirts of a town, a suburb; a township. উপপৌর a. suburban.

উপপুরাণ [ upapurāṇa ] n a minor or secondary Purana.

উপ-প্রকরণ [ upa-prakaraṇa ] n a sub-clause.

উপপ্লব [ upaplaba ] n a natural calamity or disaster; a danger; a pest; an insurrection or insur gence; a coup d'etat.

উপপ্পুত [ upapputa ] a stricken with natural calamity or disaster; encompassed with danger, endangered; pestered; torn with insur rection; trouble-infested.

উপবন [ upabana ] n a garden, a park; a grove; an ar tificial forest.

উপবাস [ upabāsa ] n abstinence from food, fast; starvation; a fast enjoined by religion. উপবাস করা v. to go without food; to ab stain from food, to fast; to go hungry, to starve; to observe a religious fast. উপবাসী a. abstaining from food, fast ing; starving; observing a religious fast.

উপবিধি [ upabidhi ] n a by-law.

উপবিষ [ upabiṣa ] n subsidiary poison; a toxin; an artificial poison.

উপবিষ্ট [ upabiṣṭa ] a seated, sitting. উপবিষ্ট থাকা v. to remain seated; to be in office; to oc cupy a seat; to be sitting. উপবিষ্ট হওয়া v. to sit, to take one's seat.

উপবীত [ upabīta ] n the holy thread of a Brahmin or Kshatriya or Vaishya.

উপবৃত্ত [ upabṛtta ] n an ellipse. উপবৃত্তাকার a. ellipti cal in shape.

উপবেদ [ upabēda ] n any of the four minor or sub sidiary Vedas: they deal with (1) the art of healing, (2) archery, (3) music and aesthetics and (4) architecture or masonry.

উপবেশন [ upabēśana ] n act of sitting, act of taking one's seat. উপবেশন করা v. to sit, to take one's seat.

উপবেশয়িতা [ upabēśaẏitā ] a. & n one who sits or causes to sit.

উপবেশিত [ upabēśita ] a seated.

উপভাষা [ upabhāṣā ] n a dialect.

উপভুক্ত [ upabhukta ] a enjoyed; eaten or drunk; used.

উপভোক্তা [ upabhōktā ] a. & n one who enjoys or eats and drinks or uses.

উপভোগ [ upabhōga ] n enjoying, enjoyment; eating or drinking; using. উপভোগ্য a. enjoy able; eatable or drinkable; usable; that which is to be enjoyed or eaten and drunk or used.