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উপমক্ষিকা [ upamakṣikā ] n flea.

উপমন্ত্রী [ upamantrī ] n deputy minister.

উপমহাদেশ [ upamahādēśa ] n sub-continent.

উপমা [ upamā ] n likeness, similarity, comparison, equal (উপমা দেওয়া, উপমা নেই); (rhet.) a simile. উপমা দেওয়া v. to liken, to com pare. ̃রহিত a. having no equal or par allel; without comparison; unparal leled.

উপমাংস [ upamāṃsa ] n a wart, a mole.

উপমাতা [ upamātā ] n. fem a woman as venerable as one's mother; foster-mother; wet nurse.

উপমান [ upamāna ] n the object with which some thing is compared; (log.) analogy.

উপমিত [ upamita ] a compared, likened.

উপমিতি [ upamiti ] n a simile, an analogy; (log.) knowledge obtained with the help of analogy, analogical knowledge.

উপমেয় [ upamēẏa ] a comparable; compared. ☐ n. that which has been compared, an ob ject of comparison.

উপমেরু [ upamēru ] n consequent poles.

উপযাচক [ upayācaka ] a asking for or soliciting per sonally; volunteering; unsolicited; too ready or prompt, forward. ☐ n. one who asks for or solicits personally; a volunteer; one who is too ready or prompt. উপযাচক হয়ে adv. unsolicitedly.

উপযাচন [ upayācana ] n act of asking for or soliciting personally; act of volunteering; act of being too ready or prompt.

উপযাচিকা [ upayācikā ] a. & n. fem of উপযাচক । n. fem. a woman who comes forward to ask for love or sexual intercourse.

উপযাচিত [ upayācita ] a asked for or solicited person ally, volunteered.

উপযুক্ত [ upayukta ] a suitable, deserving, worthy (উপযুক্ত পাত্র); fitting; befitting; becom ing; proper (উপযুক্ত সময়); right, appro priate, just; adequate, sufficient; fit, competent; expedient; evenly bal anced, equal. উপযুক্ত হওয়া v. to suit, to deserve, to be worthy; to be fitting, to become, to fit; to be proper or right or appropriate or just; to be adequate, to suffice; to be competent; to be expedi ent; to be evenly balanced; to equal. ̃তা, উপযুক্তি n. suitableness, suitability, deservingness, worthiness; fitness, becomingness; propriety, rightness, ap propriateness, justness; eligibility; ad equacy, sufficiency; competency, com petence; expediency; state of being evenly balanced, equalness.

উপযোগ [ upayōga ] n good, benefit; necessity; ser vice; use, usefulness, utility; assistance, support; eating, enjoyment; applica tion; suitableness. ̃বাদ n. utilitarian ism. ̃বাদী a. utilitarian. ☐ n. a utilitar ian.

উপযোগী [ upayōgī ] a suitable, fitting; fit, compe tent; deserving, worthy; becoming; ser viceable, useful; proper; adequate, suf ficient; expedient, applicable; favourable, helpful. উপযোগিতা n. suit ableness, suitability; fitness, compe tency, competence; deservingness; becomingness; serviceability; useful ness; propriety; adequacy; sufficiency; expedience, applicability; use; favourableness, helpfulness.

উপযোজন [ upayōjana ] n act of making suitable; act of accommodating, accommodation, ad justment, adaptation. উপযোজন করা v. to render suitable; to render accommodat ing, to accommodate, to adjust, to adapt.

উপর [ upara ] n the top of anything; the upper portion of anything; surface; roof; overhead space. ☐ a. upper; upward; extra. ☐ prep. up, on, upon, above, over, overhead, upwards. ̃আলা, ̃ওয়ালা a. superior. ☐ n. a superior officer; a boss; (fig.) God. উপর-উপর a. superficial, cursory; shallow, not deep; consecutive (উপর-উপর তিন দিন). ☐ adv. superficially or cursorily. ̃কার a. of or on the top or surface; upper. ̃চড়া a. disposed to kick up a row, quarrel some; aggressive, intruding, obtrusive; assaulting on person. ̃চড়াও adv. com ing forward to quarrel or assault (esp. without provocation), aggressively, ob trusively. ̃চাল n. (in chess.) a move suggested by a non-playing spectator; a counter-move; (fig.) an action to foil another. ̃চালাক a. superficially (and usu. officiously) cunning, act of parad ing one's cunning (esp. precociously). ̃তলা n. a higher or upper storey of a building; (fig.) the higher or wealthier or nobler stratum of the society, the up per class. ̃তলায় adv. upstairs; to or in the upper class. ̃তলার a. of or in the upper storey; (fig.) of the upper class. ̃তলার লোক n. the high-ups; man of the upper class. ̃পড়া a. officious, obtru sive, intruding; aggressive. ̃পিঠ n. the opposite face of a thing; antipodes.

উপরত [ uparata ] a abstained or abstaining (from), refrained, ceased, given up; (of wordly interest) renounced; dead, deceased; gone by, passed. উপরতি n. renuncia tion, renouncement; abstinence, cessa tion, act of giving up; death.

উপরত্ন [ uparatna ] n a thing as bright as a gem; a cheap gem; an imitation gem.

উপরন্তু [ uparantu ] adv in addition, moreover, over and above, besides; into the bargain.

উপরাজ [ uparāja ] n a viceroy.

উপরাষ্ট্রপতি [ uparāṣṭrapati ] n vice-president.

উপরি1 [ upari1 ] adv. & prep. & a on, upon, above, over, overhead, upwards, up per; surfacial; superficial; then, there after. উপরি-উপরি a. consecutive. ☐ adv. superficially, cursorily; one upon an other; one after another; consecutively. ̃ক a. superior. উপরিক কৃত্যক superior service. উপরিউল্লিখিত a. above-men tioned, referred to above. ̃গত a. situ ated or placed upon; situated above; surfacial; ascended; superficial. ̃চর a. flying or moving in the air, aerial. ̃তন a. superior; higher. ̃তল n. surface; the upper face of a thing; (loos.) the upper storey or deck. ̃দৃষ্টি n. (astrol.) malig nant influence. ̃ন্যস্ত a. super-imposed. ̃পন্ন a. superposed. ̃পাত n. superposi tion. ̃ভাগ n. the top; the surface; the upper part; the space above. ̃ভাগে adv. on the top of; on the surface of; in or on the upper part; over, on. ̃লিখিত a. written above. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. placed or situated above, lying or standing above.

উপরি2 [ upari2 ] a (used as a pfx.) extra, irregular, additional, super-, sur-, by way of ille gal gratification (উপরি আয়). ☐ n. a perquisite; a tip; a bribe; an illegal or irregular gratification. উপরি আয় n. an extra income; a perquisite; an illegal extra income; a bribe; a tip. উপরি কর n. a surtax. উপরি খরচ, উপরি ব্যয় n. extra expenses; overhead charges. ̃পাওনা same as উপরি আয় । ̃লাভ n. an extra profit or excess profit; an extra in come; a bribe; a tip.

উপরুদ্ধ [ uparuddha ] a requested; solicited; asked for.

উপরে [ uparē ] adv. & prep on, upon, over, up, above, upwards, overhead, high up, in the sky, upstairs.

উপরোধ [ uparōdha ] n an earnest request; importu nity, solicitation; recommendation; sake (কাজের উপরোধে). উপরোধে ঢেঁকি গেলা v. to swallow the (bitter) pill reluc tantly in order to comply with a re quest.

উপর্যুক্ত [ uparyukta ] a above-mentioned; mentioned above or earlier.

উপর্যুপরি [ uparyupari ] adv one after another; one upon another. ☐ a. coming or occurring one after another; placed one upon another; consecutive (উপর্যুপরি তিন দিন).

উপল [ upala ] n a pebble; a stone; a gem, a jewel.

উপলক্ষ, উপলক্ষ্য [ upalakṣa, upalakṣya ] n an end in view, a pur pose; an aim; an occasion; an opportu nity, a pretext, an excuse.

উপলক্ষণ [ upalakṣaṇa ] n a presage; an omen; an omi nous sign; a prelude; state of being at the point of commencement; an inci dental (as opposed to an essential) characteristic or feature.

উপলক্ষণা [ upalakṣaṇā ] n (rhet.) a figure of speech akin to metonymy or synecdoche.

উপলক্ষিত [ upalakṣita ] a purposed; aimed at; pre saged; taken as an occasion or oppor tunity; advanced as a pretext or ex cuse; inferred or deduced (from).

উপলব্ধ [ upalabdha ] a felt, perceived; understood, re alized, learnt; attained, obtained, ac quired; (loos.) appreciated.