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গুঁতুনে [ gun̐tunē ] a given to shoving or pushing or thrusting or butting or beating. গুঁতুনে গাই a cow ready to gore.

গুঁফো, গুঁপো [ gum̐phō, gum̐pō ] a moustached.

গুগলি [ gugali ] n oyster, shell-fish.

গুগগুল,গুগগুলু [ gugagula,gugagulu ] n bdellium.

গুচ্ছ [ guccha ] n a cluster, a bunch, a fascicle (পুষ্প গুচ্ছ); a bundle (পত্রগুচ্ছ); a tuft (কেশগুচ্ছ).

গুচ্ছের [ gucchēra ] a undesirably numerous or count less, too many.

গুছানো, গোছানো [ guchānō, gōchānō ] v to set in due order, to arrange properly; to provide for or to supply (ভাত-কাপড় গুছানো); to manage (কাজ গুছানো). ☐ a. set in due order, properly arranged; economically man aged; managed with domestic economy; orderly; thrifty. গোছানে a. or derly; thrifty; having capacity for man aging one's own affairs. গোছালো same as গোছানো (a.).

গুছি [ guchi ] n a device containing several straps of cloth tied at one end in a thick knot used in woman's hairdressing to give the bun a massive appearance, a chi gnon.

গু়জগুজ [ gu়jaguja ] int expressing muttering or whis pering. গুজগুজ করা v. to whisper; to confer secretly. গুজগুজানি n. whispering, talking in whispers; act of conferring secretly. গুজগুজে a. one who does not speak out one's mind frankly; whisper ing.

গুজব [ gujaba ] n a rumour; hearsay. গুজব ছড়ানো, গুজব রটানো v. to spread rumour. গুজব আছে (যে) there is a rumour (that), a rumour goes. গুজব রটনাকারী n. a rumour-monger.

গুজরত [ gujarata ] prep through, by. গুজরত খোদ through one's own self, personally.

গুজরতি [ gujarati ] n a smaller variety of cardamom.

গুজরাটি, গুজরাতি [ gujarāṭi, gujarāti ] n a native of Gujarat (গুজরাত); the language of Gujarat. ☐ a. of Gujarat.

গুজরানো [ gujarānō ] v to spend or pass. ☐ n. spend ing or passing.

গুঁজিয়া [ gun̐jiẏā ] n a kind of small ring-shaped sweetmeat made of congealed milk and sugar.

গুঞ্জ [ guñja ] n a cluster, a bunch; a bouquet, a nosegay; humming; humming sound.

গুঞ্জন [ guñjana ] n act of humming, a humming sound; lilting or lilt; (fig. & dero.) whispering. গুঞ্জন করা v. to hum; to lilt; to whisper. ̃ধ্বনি n. a humming sound.

গুঞ্জরন [ guñjarana ] n a humming sound; (loos.) act of humming; musing; (fig. & dero.) whis pering. গুঞ্জরন করা v. to hum, to muse; to whisper.

গুঞ্জরা [ guñjarā ] v (poet.) to hum.

গুঞ্জরিত [ guñjarita ] a resounding with; filled with a humming noise; whispered.

গুঞ্জা, গুঞ্জিকা [ guñjā, guñjikā ] n an extremely small red and-black seed; the shrub bearing this seed.

গুটানো [ guṭānō ] v to roll up, to wind up, to ravel in (সুতো গুটানো); to contract, to draw in, to fold, to double up (পা গুটানো); to compose (ডানা গুটানো); to close down (কারবার গুটানো); to pull up, to haul up (জাল গুটানো) ☐ a. rolled up, wound up, ravelled in; contracted, drawn in, folded, doubled up; closed down; pulled up, hauled up.

গুটি1 [ guṭi1 ] a a (small) number of. ̃কত, ̃কতক a. a small number of, a few.

গুটি2, গুটিকা [ guṭi2, guṭikā ] n a pill, a pilule, a globule (ওষুধের গুটিকা); any small globular or granular object; (in chess and similar games) a piece, a man, a pawn; any fruit in its early stage of growth (আমের গুটি); a vesicle, a blister (বসন্তরোগের গুটি); a cocoon; a chrysalis (গুটিপোকা). গুটিকাপাত করা v. to decide by means of lots, to cast lots.

গুটিগুটি [ guṭiguṭi ] adv pacing or moving very slowly (like a silk-worm).

গুটিপোকা [ guṭipōkā ] n the silk-worm.

গুটিশুটি [ guṭiśuṭi ] adv coweringly; crouchingly.

গুড় [ guḍ় ] n molasses, treacle. গুড়কুমড়ো see কুমড়ো । গুড়ে বালি (fig.) a fly in the oint ment; disappointment.

গুড়গুড় [ guḍ়guḍ় ] int expressing a mild rumbling or rattling sound; a sound of movement in the stomach.

গুড়গুড়ি [ guḍ়guḍ়i ] n a hubble-bubble.

গুড়া [ guḍ়ā ] n a plank of wood placed sideways in a boat to sit upon.

গুড়াকেশ [ guḍ়ākēśa ] n (lit.) one who has won over sleep, an appellation of Shiva (শিব) and of Arjuna (অর্জুন) of the Mahabharata.

গুড়ি [ guḍ়i ] n cowering or crouching movement or position. গুড়ি মারা v. to cower, to crouch; to lie in ambush.

গুড়ুক [ guḍ়uka ] n a preparation of tobacco mixed with an inferior quality of treacle for smoking in a hubble-bubble or hookah. গুড়ুক খাওয়া, গুড়ুক টানা v. to smoke a hookah or hubble-bubble.

গুড়ুম [ guḍ়uma ] n. & int a booming noise (as of a gun), a loud report, sound of an explo sion; any similar sound.

গুড়ুচি, গুড়ুচী [ guḍ়uci, guḍ়ucī ] n a medicinal plant.

গুণ1 [ guṇa1 ] rej spell. of গুণ ।

গুণ2 [ guṇa2 ] n a quality, a property, a character istic (দ্রব্যগুণ); a good quality, a virtue, a merit, excellence (গুণমুগ্ধ); (ridi.) a bad or mischievous quality or practice, a vice, a demerit (গুণে ঘাট নেই); a good effect or action (শিক্ষার গুণ, ওষুধের গুণ); an effect or action; (ridi.) an evil result or action (মিথ্যার গুণ); an influence (সঙ্গগুণ); an evil influence; power, competency, efficacy (লোক বশ করার গুণ); (sc.) a natural quality or prop erty; (phil.) any of the three primordial qualities in living beings (সত্ত্বগুণ = goodness; রজোগুণ = passion or spiritedness; তমোগুণ = darkness); oc cult power, charm, sorcery, exorcism (ওঝা গুণ জানে); (rhet.) any of the qualities constituting the excellence of a literary composition (ওজঃগুণ = vigour, মাধুর্যগুণ = elegance, প্রসাদগুণ = lucidity); (math.) multiplication; (math.) one of a number of multiplied instances, so many times (পাঁচ-দু-গুণে দশ); a bowstring; a string, a thread ('গাঁথে বিদ্যা গুণে'); a towline, a tow rope. গুণ করা v. to multiply; to allure or charm or influence or control by sor cery, to bewitch, to cast a spell over. গুণ গাওয়া v. to sing in praise of; to praise, to laud, to eulogize, to speak highly of. গুণ টানা v. to tow. গুণ পাওয়া v. to be benefited by the good action or influence (of); to find a virtue (in). ̃ক n. a multiplier, multiplicator; a factor. ☐ a. that which multiplies, multiply ing, multiplicating. গুণকনির্ণয় n. factor ization. ̃কারক a. that which multi plies, multiplying, multiplicating; ben eficial; productive of good, effica cious. ̃কীর্তন, ̃গান n. act of singing in praise of; act of praising, laudation; publicity of one's good qualities. গুণকীর্তন করা, গুণগান করা v. to sing in praise of; to praise, to laud; to circulate the good qualities of. ̃গরিমা, ̃গৌরব n. value or glory of one's good qualities or virtues. ̃গ্রহণ n. appreciation of one's good qualities or virtues. গুণগ্রহণ করা v. to appreciate the good qualities or virtues of. ̃গ্রাম n. pl. good qualities or virtues. ̃গ্রাহিতা n. appreciation of others' good qualities or virtues. ̃গ্রাহী a. one who appreciates the good quali ties or virtues of others. fem. ̃গ্রাহিণী । ̃জ্ঞ a. conscious or appreciative of the good qualities or virtues of others. ̃জ্ঞতা n. consciousness about or appre ciation of the good qualities or virtues of others. ̃ত্রয় n. pl. (phil.) the three primordial qualities in living beings (namely, সত্ত্বগুণ, রজোগুণ, তমোগুণ)̃ধর a. full of good qualities or parts; (ridi.) full of vices or demerits. ̃ধাম, ̃নিধি n. a man richly endowed with good quali ties or parts. ̃ন n. (math.) multiplica tion. ̃নীয় a. (math.) that which is to be or may be multiplied (by). ☐ n. a mul tiplicand. ̃নীয়ক n. (math.) a factor, a measure; (math.) a multiplicand. গরিষ্ঠ সাধারণ গুণনীয়ক see গরিষ্ঠ । ̃পনা n. skill; good qualities; attainment, accom plishment. ̃ফল n. (math.) a product (of multiplication). ̃বত্তা n. possession of good qualities or parts or merits. ̃বর্ণন, ̃বর্ণনা n. description or account of one's good qualities or merits. গুণ বর্ণনা করা v. to describe the good quali ties or merits (of), to give an account of one's good qualities or merits. ̃বাচক a. expressing the good qualities or merits of; (fig.) adjectival, attributive; (log.) connotative. ̃বাদ n. praise, lau dation. ̃বাদ করা v. to praise, to laud. ̃বান a. possessing good qualities or parts. fem. ̃বতী । বান পুরুষ a man of qualities or parts. ̃বৃক্ষ n. a mast. ̃বৈষম্য n. dissimilarity or disparity of qualities or virtues or properties; com bination or mixture of contrary quali ties or virtues or properties. ̃মণি n. a man possesed of the noblest qualities or the highest excellence. ̃ময় same as ̃বান fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃মুগ্ধ a. fascinated by one's good qualities or virtues or mer its. fem. ̃মুগ্ধা । ̃মুগ্ধ ব্যক্তি n. (masc. & fem.) an admirer. ˜যুক্ত a. having good qualities or virtues or merits; having a (particular) quality or property. ̃শালী same as ̃বান । fem. ̃শালিনী । ̃শালিতা same as ̃বত্তা । ̃শূন্য a. having no good quality or virtue or merit; lacking in a (particular) quality or property. ̃সম্পন্ন same as ̃যুক্ত fem. ̃সম্পন্না । ̃সাগর same as ̃নিধি । ̃হীন a. destitute of good qualities or merits or parts. fem. ̃হীনা ।

গুণাকর [ guṇākara ] n (lit.) a mine of virtues or good qualities; (fig.) a man endowed with countless virtues or good qualities.

গুণাগুণ [ guṇāguṇa ] n. pl merits and demerits.

গুণাঙ্ক [ guṇāṅka ] n (phys.) a coefficient.

গুণাঢ্য [ guṇāḍhya ] a rich in good qualities or merits; endowed with qualities or virtues.

গুণাতীত [ guṇātīta ] a (phil.) beyond the reach of three primordial qualities (see গুণত্রয় under গুণ2), absolute. ☐ n. the Abso lute Being, God.

গুণাধার [ guṇādhāra ] n (lit.) a repository of good quali ties or parts; a man of qualities or parts.

গুণানুবাদ [ guṇānubāda ] n act of praising, laudation. গুণানুবাদ করা v. to praise, to laud, to ex tol, to eulogize.

গুণানুরাগ [ guṇānurāga ] n love for virtues or good quali ties; attraction or admiration for others' good qualities or virtues. গুণানুরাগী hav ing love for virtues or good qualities; attracted by or admiring others' good qualities or virtues. fem. গুণানুরাগিনী । গুনানুরাগী ব্যক্তি an admirer.

গুণান্তর [ guṇāntara ] n another quality or property, a different quality or virtue.

গুণান্বিত [ guṇānbita ] a having good qualities or vir tues or merits; having a (particular) quality or property. fem. গুনান্বিতা ।

গুণাপকর্ষ [ guṇāpakarṣa ] n depreciation.

গুণাপকর্ষক [ guṇāpakarṣaka ] a depreciative.

গুণাবলি [ guṇābali ] n. pl virtues or qualities or prop erties collectively.

গুণাভাস [ guṇābhāsa ] n a false notion that a person or a thing has a good quality or merit; semblance of good qualities or merits.

গুণালংকৃত [ guṇālaṅkṛta ] a adorned or endowed with good qualities or virtues.

গুণাশ্রয় [ guṇāśraẏa ] a same as গুণাধার ।

গুণিত [ guṇita ] a (math.) multiplied; multiplicated.

গুণিতক [ guṇitaka ] n (math.) a multiple. লঘিষ্ঠ সাধারণ গুনিতক see লঘিষ্ঠ ।

গুণী [ guṇī ] a having good qualities or parts or merits, talented, meritorious; having sound skill or knowledge in some pur suit esp. an artistic one; versed in exor cism or sorcery, having an occult power. গুণী লোক a man of qualities or parts; an adept.

গুণীভূতব্যঙ্গ্য [ guṇībhūtabyaṅgya ] n (rhet.) a figure of speech in which the apparent or surface meaning is more beautiful than the inner or un derlying or true meaning.

গুণোত্কর্ষ [ guṇōtkarṣa ] n abundance of good qualities or merits; excellence owing to posses sion of good qualities.

গুণোত্তর-শ্রেণী (পরি) [ guṇōttara-śrēṇī (pari) ] n geometric series.

গুণ্ঠন [ guṇṭhana ] n a veil; a hood; a cover, a cover ing; a skin or bark.

গুণ্ঠিত [ guṇṭhita ] a veiled; hooded; covered.

গুণ্ডিত [ guṇḍita ] a pulverized, powdered, pounded.

গুণ্য [ guṇya ] a. & n same as গুণনীয় (see গুণ2).