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গুদার, গুদারা [ gudāra, gudārā ] n a landing for a ferry, a ferry.

গুন [ guna ] n gunny. ̃চট n. sackcloth. ̃থলি n. a gunny-bag. ̃সুচ, (coll.) ̃ছুঁচ n. a pack ing-needle.

গুনগুন [ gunaguna ] int expressing : humming or lilt ing; whispering; complaining in an un dertone. গুনগুন করা v. to hum; to lilt; to whisper; to complain in an undertone.

গুনতি [ gunati ] n act of counting; computation. গুনতি করা v. to count; to compute. গুনতি হওয়া v. to be counted or computed.

গুনা1 [ gunā1 ] n a metal string or thread, wire, funicle; screw-thread.

গুনা2, গুনাহ [ gunā2, gunāha ] n a fault; an offence; a sin. গুনা করা v. to commit a fault or offence or sin. গুনা হওয়া v. to be in fault. গুনাগার, গুনাগারি n. penalty or punishment for a fault or offence or folly. গুনাগার দেওয়া, গুনাগারি দেওয়া v. to pay for one's fault or folly.

গুনিন [ gunina ] n a man with an occult power; an exorciser; a sorcerer.

গুন্ডা [ gunḍā ] n a rogue, a hooligan, a rowdy, a gangster, a ruffian. ̃মি n. hooliganism, rowdyism, gangsterism; ruffianism, গুন্ডামি করা v. to act as a hooligan, to practise hooliganism.

গুপ্ত [ gupta ] a protected or guarded by (মন্ত্রগুপ্ত); hidden; unknown, unseen, invisible; unrevealed (গুপ্ত তত্ত্ব); concealed; mys terious, esoteric (গুপ্ত রহস্য). fem. গুপ্তা । গুপ্ত কথা n. a secret; a mystery. গুপ্ত কথা ফাঁস করা to divulge or let out a secret. গুপ্ত গুহাশ্রয়, গুপ্ত গর্তাশ্রয় a. burrow. ̃ঘাতক n. an assassin. ̃চর n. a spy; a detective, a sleuth. ̃চরবৃত্তি n. espio nage, spying. ̃তত্ত্ব n. mysteries. ̃তথ্য n. secret information. ̃ধন n. hidden treasure. ̃বেশ n. a disguise. ̃বেশে adv. in disguise. ̃ব্যাধি n. a vicious dis ease kept concealed; a venereal dis ease; (fig.) a vice kept concealed. ̃ভাব n. secrecy or a concealed or unrevealed state; a stealthy or clandestine manner. ̃ভাবে adv. secretly; stealthily. ̃ভোট, ̃মত n. a secret vote or voting, ballot. ̃মন্ত্র n. a secret or mysterious word; a password; (lit.) an esoteric mantra or sacred word. ̃মন্ত্রণা n. secret counsel or conference. গুপ্তমন্ত্রণা সমিতি n. a secret council, a close assembly. ̃রহস্য n. a mystery, a secret. ̃সভা, ̃সমিতি n. a secret council, a close assembly; a se cret society. ̃হত্যা n. assassination; a secret murder. গুপ্তহত্যা করা v. to assassi nate; to commit a murder in secret. গুপ্তহত্যা প্রকাশ পাবেই murder will out. ̃হত্যাকারী n. an assassin.

গুপ্তি [ gupti ] n act of keeping or guarding in se cret; act of keeping secrets (মন্ত্রগুপ্তি); a sword-stick.

গুফা [ guphā ] n a mountain-cave.

গুবরেপোকা [ gubarēpōkā ] n the dung-beetle, the dor beetle, the dor-fly, the dor, the dorr.

গুবাক [ gubāka ] n the betel-nut or its tree.

গুম1 [ guma1 ] a secret, unrevealed, concealed (গুমখুন); carried off and kept con cealed (লাশ গুম করা); gone in hiding or absconding (গুম হওয়া); missing; speechless and motionless (গুম হয়ে বসে থাকা) গুম করা v. to carry off and keep concealed. ̃খুন n. a secret murder or assassination. গুম হওয়া v. to be carried off and kept concealed; to abscond, to go into hiding; to be missing; to be come speechless and motionless.

গুম2 [ guma2 ] int expressing: a thudding noise as of a blow of the fist on the back. গুম করে inf. v. with a thud. গুমগুম, গুমাগুম int. expressing: repeated thudding noise. ☐ adv. with thuds, thuddingly.

গুমট [ gumaṭa ] n sultry atmosphere or weather, sultriness, stuffiness, fustiness.

গুমটি [ gumaṭi ] n a sentry-box; a shed or enclosure (বাসের গুমটি, ট্রামের গুমটি).

গুমর [ gumara ] n vanity, pride. গুমর করা, গুমর দেখানো v. to be proud of, to brag, to boast. গুমর ভাঙা v. to shed or cause to shed one's pride.

গুমরানো [ gumarānō ] v to suffer from suppressed grief, sorrow, pain etc. গুমরানি n. such suffering.

গুম্ফ [ gumpha ] n moustache; a bunch.

গুম্ফন [ gumphana ] n act of stringing (together); com position.

গুম্ফিত [ gumphita ] a strung; composed.

গুম্বজ [ gumbaja ] n a dome, a vault, a cupola.

গুয়া [ guẏā ] n the betel-nut or its tree.

গুরু [ guru ] n a spiritual teacher or guide, a pre ceptor, a master, a guru; a priest; a teacher; an adviser; a venerable per son; Brihaspati (বৃহস্পতি) the priest of gods; (astrol.) the Jupiter. ☐ a. heavy, weighty (গুরুভার); very responsible or difficult or important or serious (গুরুরাজকার্য, গুরুদায়িত্ব, গুরুকর্তব্য); exces sive (গুরুভোজন); venerable (গুরুজন); great, glorious ('গুরু-কাছে লব গুরু দুখ'); (gr.—of vowels or vowel-sounds) long. ̃কল্প a. like a spiritual guide, like a preceptor or teacher; (of a person) conceived as a spiritual guide. ̃কৃপা n. kindness or benevolence or gracious behaviour such as one receives from one's teacher, spiritual guide or guru. ̃কুল n. the abode or the family of one's guru or teacher. ̃গম্ভীর a. serious and grave. ̃গিরি n. the profession of a guru or teacher or priest, priesthood or teachership. ̃গৃহ n. the abode of one's teacher or guru. ̃চণ্ডালী n. an instance of using undersirably Sanskrit and non-Sanskrit words or elegant and in elegant words side by side. ̃জন n. a venerable person; an elder. ̃ঠাকুর n. a spiritual teacher or guide, a preceptor, a guru. ̃তর a. heavier, weightier; more responsible or difficult or impor tant or serious; very serious (গুরুতর অপরাধ). ̃তা ̃ত্ব n. weight, heaviness; gravity (আপেক্ষিক গুরুত্ব = specific grav ity); importance; seriousness. গুরুত্বহীন a. divested of or wanting in weight or seriousness, unimportant; negligible. ̃দক্ষিণা n. a fee paid or payable to a guru or a teacher when teaching is completed or on completion of educa tion. ̃দণ্ড n. heavy punishment. লঘুপাপে গুরুদণ্ড heavy punishment for a light of fence. ̃দশা n. the period of mourning on the death of one's father or mother; (astrol.) the period of domination by the planet Jupiter. ̃দেব same as ̃ঠাকুর । ̃দ্বার n. a temple of the Sikhs, Gurudwara. ̃নিন্দা n. upbraiding of one's guru or teacher. ̃পত্নী n. the wife of one's guru or teacher. ̃পত্নী গমন n. sexual intercourse with the wife of one's guru or teacher. ̃পত্নী-হরণ n. act of abducting the wife of one's guru or teacher for immoral purpose. ̃পাক a. hard to digest. ̃পাপ a deadly sin, felony. ̃পূর্ণিমা n. the full-moon of the month of Ashara, the third month of the Bengali calendar. ̃বরণ n. the cer emony of appointing one as one's guru or of receiving a guru usually accom panied with offer of presents. ̃বল n. occult power conferred upon by one's benignant guru; grace of the guru. ̃বাক্য n. words or advices of a guru. ̃বার n. Thursday. ̃বৃত্ত n. a great circle. ̃ভক্ত a. devoted to one's guru or teacher. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion to one's guru or teacher. ̃ভাই n. a codisciple, a brother disciple. ̃ভার a. very heavy; unbearably heavy. ☐ n. heavy burden. ̃মণ্ডল n. (geog.) barysphere. ̃মহাশয়,, (coll.) ̃মশাই n. a teacher; a primary teacher. ̃মস্তিষ্ক n. (anat.) cerebrum. ̃মা n. the wife of a teacher or guru; a preceptress; a woman teacher, a lady teacher. ̃মারা-বিদ্যা n. art or learning in which the student excels the teacher in course of time; (ridi.) art or learning which the student uses against the teacher to discomfit him. ̃মুখি n. the script or (loos.) the language used by the Sikhs. ̃লঘুজ্ঞান n. due sense of re spect for superiors; sense of propor tion; capacity for making distinction between the high and the low. ̃শিষ্য সংবাদ n. a report of the conversation or discussion between a guru and his dis ciple or between a teacher and his stu dent. ̃সেবা n. attendance on a guru or a teacher. ̃স্ফীতি n. (astro.) springtide. ̃স্হানীয় a. as venerable as a guru or a teacher. ̃হত্যা n. murder of one's guru or teacher by oneself; parricide. ̃হন্তা n. one who murders one's guru or teacher, a parricide. fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । যেমন গুরু তেমনি চেলা like master like man.

গুরু গুরু [ guru guru ] int expressing rumbling sound. ☐ adv. with a rumbling sound ('গুরু গুরু দেয়া ডাকে')

গুরুপদেশ [ gurupadēśa ] n teachings or advice of a guru.

গুর্জর [ gurjara ] a Gujarat; a native of Gujarat. fem. গুর্জরী a female native of Gujarat; an In dian musical mode.

গুর্বিণী [ gurbiṇī ] a pregnant, in the family way, (of inferior creatures) big with young.

গুর্বী [ gurbī ] n a guru's wife. ☐ a. fem. pregnant; great, glorious.

গুল1 [ gula1 ] n powder of burnt tobacco (this is applied to teeth and the gum or used as a dentifrice); a kind of small balls pre pared by mixing and drying cowdung, mud and coal-powder together (used as fuel). গুল দেওয়া v. to make small balls of cowdung, mud and coal-powder mixed together and dry them in the sun; to apply powder of burnt tobacco (to one's teeth and gum).

গুল2 [ gula2 ] n a fib. গুল দেওয়া, গুল মারা v. to fib. গুলপট্টি same as গুল2

গুল3 [ gula3 ] n the rose; a fancy-work, a diaper. ̃দার a. diapered. ̃বদন a. having a body as soft or delicate as the rosepetal, tender-bodied. fem. ̃বদনী । ̃বাগ n. a rose-garden. ̃বাহার n. a piece of diapered sari (̃শাড়ি).

গুলজার [ gulajāra ] a splendid; packed or crowded and noisy (সভা গুলজার, নরক গুলজার). গুলজার করা v. to brighten; to crowd and fill with warmth and noise.

গুলঞ্চ [ gulañca ] n a medicinal plant, menispermum glabrum.

গুলতানি [ gulatāni ] n assemblage in a small party or crowd and indulgence in useless talk. গুলতানি করা, গুলতানি পাকানো, গুনতানি মারা v. to assemble in a small group and in dulge in useless talk or discussion.

গুলতি [ gulati ] n a catapult.

গুল্ফ [ gulpha ] n the ankle or the heel. ̃সন্ধি n. the ankle-joint.

গুলবাঘ [ gulabāgha ] n the leopard.

গুলা2 [ gulā2 ] v to dissolve in or blend with wa ter by pressing and rubbing. see also গোলা3

গুলাল [ gulāla ] n a red powder which Hindus sprinkle over one another during the Holi (হোলি) festival.

গুলি2 [ guli2 ] n any small round ball; a globule; a pill (as of medicine); either of the bi ceps or triceps or either of the hough muscles; a pill or preparation of opium for smoking; a bullet, ammunition. গুলি করা v. to shoot, to fire. গুলি খাওয়া v. to be shot (with a bullet); to smoke opium. ̃খোর a. addicted to smoking opium. ☐ n. one who smokes opium, an opium addict; an opium-smoker. গুলিখোরি (গুলিখুরি) গল্প fantastic or wholly incred ible story, cock-and-bull story. ̃ডাণ্ণ্ডা n. tip-cat. ̃বিদ্ধ a. pierced by a bullet, wounded by a bullet, hit by a bullet.

গুলিকা [ gulikā ] n a small globule or pill; a bullet.

গুলো [ gulō ] sfx indicating plurality (গাছগুলো ।)

গুল্ম [ gulma ] n a bush, a shrub; the spleen; mor bid enlargement of the spleen (also গুল্মরোগ); a military station or assem blage; a small division of an army (consisting of 9 elephant-riders, 9 charioteers, 27 horsemen and 45 foot-soldiers).

গুহ [ guha ] n God Kartik (কার্তিক); Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) ষষ্ঠী n. sixth day of the lunar fortnight of the month of Agrahayana (অগ্রহায়ণ).

গুহা [ guhā ] n a cave; a mountain-cave; a den (সিংহের গুহা); (fig.) the inmost region or recess (মনের গুহায়) ̃বাসী a. one who or that which lives in a cave or den, cave-dwelling; troglodyte. গুহাবাসী প্রাণী a troglodyte. গুহাবাসী লোক a cave man. ̃শয় a. dwelling in a cave. ☐ n. the lion, the tiger and similar beasts that sleep in caves.

গুহ্য [ guhya ] a a confidential, private; secret, con cealed, hidden; mysterious; esoteric; occult; lonely. n. the anus. ̃দ্বার n. the anus. ̃সংবাদ n. a secret news.

গুহ্যক [ guhyaka ] n one of the demigods attending on Kuvera (কুবের).

গূঢ় [ gūḍh় ] a secret, hidden, concealed, surrepti tious (গূঢ় অভিসন্ধি); unknown, unrevealed, deep (গূঢ় তত্ত্ব); invisible, inaccessible, incomprehensible (গূঢ় মায়া); intricate (গূঢ় ব্যাপার); profound (গূঢ় বুদ্ধি, গূঢ় অর্থ); mysterious, occult, esoteric (গূঢ় বিদ্যা); lonely. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. secrecy, concealment; invisibility, in accessibility, incomprehensibility; in tricacy; profundity; mysteriousness; loneliness. ̃পথ n. a secret path or route; a lonely path. ̃পাদ n. the tor toise. ̃পুরুষ n. a spy, a secret emissary. ̃মার্গ n. a secret path; a secret tunnel. ̃সাক্ষী n. a witness employed by the plaintiff or by the accuser to overhear what the defendant or the accused has to say. গূঢ়ার্থ n. the inner meaning; un derlying implication.

গূঢ়ৈষণা [ gūḍh়aiṣaṇā ] n (phil.) a complex.

গৃধ্নু [ gṛdhnu ] a greedy, covetous. ̃তা n. greed, greediness, avarice.

গৃধ্র [ gṛdhra ] n the vulture.

গৃহ [ gṛha ] n a room, a chamber; a house; a home, an abode, a dwelling; (astrol.) any of the signs of the zodiac. ̃কপোত n. a tame pigeon. ̃কর্তা same as গৃহস্বামী । fem. ̃কর্ত্রী । ̃কর্ম, ̃কার্য n. housework, domestic work or chores. ̃কহল same as গৃহবিবাদ । ̃কোণ n. the inside of one's home; the corner of a house; household. ̃গোধিকা, ̃গোধা n. the lizard. ̃চ্ছিদ্র n. a secret defect or blemish of a family; a (secret) discord in a family; the weak point of a family. ̃চ্যুত a. ejected or displaced or ousted from one's homestead; homeless. গৃহচ্যুত করা v. to oust or evict one from one's homestead; to render one home less. ̃জাত a. home-made; home grown; stored in a house esp. in a dwelling-house. ̃তল n. the floor of a room. ̃ত্যাগ n. quitting a house or one's home; adoption of asceticism; re nunciation of worldly life. গৃহত্যাগ করা v. to quit a house; to quit home; to adopt asceticism; to renounce worldly life. ̃ত্যাগী n. one who has quitted a house or home; one who has adopted asceticism. ̃দাহ n. arson; (fig.) com plete destruction of one's family happi ness and peace. ̃দেবতা n. a tutelar de ity, a household god. ̃ধর্ম n. the family life, household duties. ̃পতি same as গৃহস্বামী । ̃পালিত a. domestic; (joc.) tame. ̃প্রবেশ n. the ceremony of first entrance into a newly-built house; house-warming. ̃প্রাঙ্গণ n. a courtyard. ̃বাটিকা n. a garden within the precincts of a dwelling-house; a garden-house. ̃বাসী a. leading the life of a family man; living in a dwelling-house or in a family. ☐ n. a family man; a male member of a family; an inmate of a dwelling-house. fem. ̃বাসিনী । ̃বিচ্ছেদ n. dissension in a family; dissension amongst the people of a state; civil dis sension. ̃বিবাদ n. dissension in a fam ily; family strife, family feud; ven detta; internal strife; civil dissension; civil strife, civil war. ̃ভেদী a. sowing dissension in a family or a party; betraying secrets of one's own family or party. গৃহভেদী বিভীষণ one who be trays the secrets of one's own family or party, a quisling, a fifth-columnist, a traitor (after the character of Bibhishana of the Ramayana). ̃মণি n. lamp; the lamp of a house. ̃মার্জন n. cleaning the house. গৃহমার্জন করা v. to scrub and clean the house. ̃মৃগ n. a domestic dog. ̃মেধী same as গৃহস্হ । ̃যুদ্ধ same as গৃহবিবাদ । গৃহলক্ষী n. a housewife whose suave and judicious dealings bring peace and prosperity to her family; (loos. & often facet.) a wife. ˜শত্রু n. an enemy of one's own family or party, a quisling. ̃শিক্ষক n. a private tutor; a guardian tutor. ̃শূন্য a. homeless. ̃সজ্জা n. fittings and furni ture. ̃স্হ n. a family man; a middle class man. ☐ a. of or in a house. ̃স্হধর্ম n. the practice of a householder (the second stage of life according to Hindu scriptures); family life. ̃স্হালি, । ̃স্হালী n. housework, domestic work; domestic science, domestic economy; household duties. ̃স্হাশ্রম same as ̃স্হধর্ম । ̃স্বামী n. the master of a house, a householder. fem. গৃহস্বামিনী the mistress of a house, a house-wife. ̃হারা, ̃হীন a. homeless, shelterless.

গৃহাগত [ gṛhāgata ] a one who has come to a house; one who has come back home. ☐ n. a guest; a visitor.

গৃহান্তর [ gṛhāntara ] n another room or house or home.

গৃহাভিমুখী [ gṛhābhimukhī ] a walking or going towards one's home or house; returning home, home-coming.

গৃহাভ্যন্তর [ gṛhābhyantara ] n the inside of the house, the inner part of the house.

গৃহাসক্ত [ gṛhāsakta ] a extremely home-keeping; over devoted to one's own family.

গৃহিণী [ gṛhiṇī ] n a housewife, a house-mother; one's wife; a wife. ̃পনা n. house wifery.

গৃহী [ gṛhī ] n a household, a family man; a mar ried man.

গৃহীত [ gṛhīta ] a received; accepted; held; ob tained; passed (সিদ্ধান্ত গৃহীত হওয়া); sheltered.

গৃহোপকরণ [ gṛhōpakaraṇa ] n a domestic utensil; furni ture.

গৃহ্য1 [ gṛhya1 ] a acceptable; brought under con trol.

গৃহ্য2 [ gṛhya2 ] a relating to home; homely; do mestic; home-bred; home-made. ̃সূত্র n. a Hindu scripture prescribing cer emonies to be performed at birth, mar riage etc.

গেঁজ [ gēn̐ja ] n a sprout, a plumule, a tumour, a node; (inc.) a wedge (গেঁজ ঠোকা).

গেঁজে [ gēn̐jē ] n a tubular purse made of cloth.

গেঁজেল [ gēn̐jēla ] a addicted to smoking ganja; (fig.) given to telling lies or cock-and-bull stories. ☐ n. a ganja-smoker, a ganja-addict; (fig.) one who is given to telling lies or cock-and-bull stories.

গেঁটা [ gēn̐ṭā ] a short and fat and stout, dumpy.

গেঁটে [ gēn̐ṭē ] a nodose, knotty (গেঁটে বাঁশ, গেঁটে লাঠি); of or in or occurring in knuckles (গেঁটে বাত = gout).

গেঁড় [ gēn̐ḍ় ] n a tuberous root, a tuber; a rhi zome.

গেঁড়া [ gēn̐ḍ়ā ] n (sl.) act of stealing or misappro priating or swindling. গেঁড়া দেওয়া, গেঁড়া মারা v. to steal; to misappropriate; to swindle.

গেঁড়াকল [ gēn̐ḍ়ākala ] n a dishonest way of achieving one's end by deceiving or threatening people; a racket.

গেঁড়ি [ gēn̐ḍ়i ] n the snail.

গেঁড়ু, গেঁড়ুয়া [ gēn̐ḍ়u, gēn̐ḍ়uẏā ] n a ball or a disc for throw ing and catching; bunch; a wreath, a garland ('ফুলের গেঁড়ুয়া লুকিয়া ধরয়ে').

গেঁতো [ gēn̐tō ] a indolent, slothful, lazy, of ex tremely dilatory habit.

গেঁদা [ gēn̐dā ] rej form of গাঁদা ।

গেঁয়ো, গেঁয়ে [ gēm̐ẏō, gēm̐ẏē ] a rural; rustic; uneducated; unpolished, vulgar. গেঁয়ো লোক n. rustic; (dero.) a clodhopper.

গেছো [ gēchō ] a of trees and plants; living in trees or given to climbing trees (গেছো ব্যাং, গেছো পেতনি); (of women) of un desirable masculine habit. গেছো ব্যাং a tree-frog. গেছো মেয়ে a tomboy.

গেজেট [ gējēṭa ] n a gazette.

গেঞ্জি [ gēñji ] n a vest; a guernsey.

গেট [ gēṭa ] n a gate.

গেনু [ gēnu ] v. 1st per. sing (obs.—poet. & dial.) went.

গেয় [ gēẏa ] a worth singing, singable; that which is sung or is to be sung.

গেরি [ gēri ] a (dial.) of the colour of red ochre (গেরিমাটি).

গেরিলা [ gērilā ] n a member of a political group engaged in irregular fighting esp. against larger and regular forces, the guerrilla. ̃যুদ্ধ n. guerrilla warfare, ir regular fighting of the guerrilla.

গেরুয়া [ gēruẏā ] a having the colour of red ochre; dyed with red ochre (গেরুয়া কাপড়). ☐ n. a piece of loincloth dyed with red ochre (গেরুয়াধারী).

গেরো2 [ gērō2 ] n a scrape, a difficulty; the influ ence of an evil star. কপালের গেরো bad luck; predestined misfortune.

গের্দ [ gērda ] n circumvention, encircling; con finement; a region; a certain area; ju risdiction.

গেল1 [ gēla1 ] v has or have gone; went. (see যাওয়া.

গেল2 [ gēla2 ] a immediately preceding, last (গেল মাসে, গেলবার).

গেল3 [ gēla3 ] int expressing astonishment (এই গেল যা).

গেলা [ gēlā ] v to swallow (ঢোক গেলা, ভাত গেলা); to devour; (in anger or taunts) eat or drink (কাঁড়ি কাঁড়ি ভাত গেলে); eat or drink greedily. ☐ n. drinking or swallowing. ☐ a swallowed; de voured. ̃নো v. to cause to swallow, make someone swallow.

গেলাপ [ gēlāpa ] n a cover, a case, a slip (as of a pillow).

গেলাস [ gēlāsa ] n a drinking glass, a tumbler. একগেলাস জল a glass of water. একগেলাস পরিমাণ a tumblerful.

গেহ, গেহা [ gēha, gēhā ] n (poet.) a house; a dwelling house; an abode, a residence, a home. গেহী n. a householder, a family man. fem. গেহিনী a housewife.

গৈরিক [ gairika ] n red ochre; gold-dust or gold; powder or dye of red ochre (অলক সিঞ্চিত গৈরিক স্বর্ণে); a piece of loincloth dyed with red ochre (গৈরিকধারী) ☐ a. born of or produced in mountain; of the colour of red ochre (গৈরিক আকাশ); dyed with red ochre (গৈরিক পতাকা).

গৈরেয় [ gairēẏa ] n red ochre; any object produced or grown in or on a mountain.

গো2 [ 2 ] n the cow; the ox; any of the sense organs (গোচর); the earth (গোপতি).

গোই [ gōi ] v. imp (poet. & obs.) concealing ('মরমহি গোই').

গোঁ [ ] n obstinate insistence, obstinacy; dogged perseverance, doggedness. গোঁ ধরা v. to insist on obstinately. গোঁ বজায় রাখা v. to persevere doggedly.

গোঁ-গোঁ [ gō-n̐gō ] int expressing a groaning sound. গোঁ-গো করা v. to groan.

গোঁজ [ gōn̐ja ] n a peg, a stake, a wedge. ☐ a. si lent and glum with discontent (মুখ গোঁজ করে থাকা). গোঁজ গাড়া to drive a peg.

গোঁজমিল [ gōn̐jamila ] n act of balancing up an ac count by means of undue insertion(s). গোঁজামিল দেওয়া v. to balance up an ac count by means of undue insertion(s); somehow to balance accounts; to ma nipulate or cook up accounts.

গোঁড় [ gōn̐ḍ় ] n a roundish exterior protuberance of the umbilical cord; a tumorous growth.

গোঁড়া1 [ gōn̐ḍ়ā1 ] a having a roundish exterior protu berance of the umbilical cord; roundish.

গোড়া2 [ gōḍ়ā2 ] a bigoted; fanatic; orthodox; ex tremely conservative; extremely biased; following blindly, blind (গোঁড়া ভক্ত).