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তলবানা [ talabānā ] n the fee of a peon for serving a summons or process.

তলা [ talā ] n the underneath (আকাশের তলা, পায়ের তলা); base, foot (টোড়ি); bot tom, bed (সমুদ্রের তলা); a region or lo cality (ফুল তলা, নিমতলা, রথতলা); (of a building etc.) a storey, a floor; (of a ship, omnibus etc.) a deck.

তলাও [ talāō ] n a pond, a tank.

তলাতল [ talātala ] n the fourth of the seven mytho logical underworlds.

তলানি [ talāni ] n leas, dregs, sediment, deposit.

তলানো [ talānō ] v to sink (down), to be drowned (জাহাজখানা সমুদ্রে তলিয়ে গেল); to go to the bottom (তলিয়ে বোঝা, তলিয়ে দেখা); to be engrossed or absorbed in (চিন্তায় তলানো); to go down into, to be di gested (পেটে তলানো). তলিয়ে দেখা v. to see or judge thoroughly. তলিয়ে বোঝা v. to realize or understand thoroughly. পেটে না তলানো v. not to be accepted in the stomach; not to be digested; to be vomited out; (fig.) not to be able to keep a secret.

তলাভিঘাত [ talābhighāta ] n a stroke with the open palm of the hand, a slap, a buffet.

তলিত [ talita ] a fried or roasted in oil or clari fied butter or fat.

তলি1 [ tali1 ] n (chiefly dial.) the underneath or bottom; the sole.

-তলি2 [ -tali2 ] sfx denoting; outskirts (শহরতলি).

তলোয়ার [ talōẏāra ] n a sword, a scimitar.

তল্পি [ talpi ] n a bundle of bedding (esp. of a traveller). ̃তল্পা n. luggage (তল্পিতল্পা বাঁধা); one's household belongings (তল্পিতল্পা গোটানো). ̃তল্পা গোটানো v. to pack up one's household belongings; to pack up luggage; (fig.) to get ready for departure or disembarkment; (fig.) to leave a place for good, to clear out bag and baggage. ̃দার, ̃বাহক n. a servant carrying one's luggage; a porter.

তল্লাট [ tallāṭa ] n a region, a locality, a quarter, an area, a province. এ তল্লাটে in the neigh bouring area, in the neighbourhood or vicinity.

তল্লাশ [ tallāśa ] n search; investigation; trace (তার তল্লাশ নেই). তল্লাশ করা v. to search; to in vestigate; to trace. তল্লাশি a. searching; investigating; tracing; authorizing to search or investigate; of search or in vestigation. ☐ n. a search. তল্লাশি পরোয়ানা a. search warrant.

তশরিফ [ taśaripha ] n (one's personal) greatness. তশরিফ রাখুন (will your greatness) please be seated.

তসবি [ tasabi ] n (Mus.) a string of beads, a rosary.

তসবির [ tasabira ] n a painting, picture or a portrait.

তসর [ tasara ] n a fawn-coloured silk from wild Indian silkworms, a coarse variety of Indian silk, tusser.

তসলিম [ tasalima ] n (Mus.) obeisance, salutation. তসলিম করা v. to salute.

তস্কর [ taskara ] n a thief. fem. তস্করী । ̃তা n. theft.

তস্য [ tasya ] pro a. (now obs.) his.

তহখানা [ tahakhānā ] n an underground room or cell.

তহবিল [ tahabila ] n a fund; cash (in hand); a trea sury. ̃দার n. one in charge of a fund; a cash-keeper; a cashier; a treasurer. ̃দারি n. charge of a fund; cash-keep ing; cashiership; treasureship.

তহমত [ tahamata ] n accusation, complain.

তহরি [ tahari ] n fee of a writer or copyist (esp. of a letter or a legal document); an extra payment exacted for themselves by the officers of a landowner from tenants; a discount given by a seller for the per sonal appropriation of a servant mak ing purchases for his master; a dis count given to an agent of purchase.

তহসিল [ tahasila ] n collected revenue; collection of revenue; a revenue collector's office; a revenue area, a tahsil ̃দার n. a revenue collector, a revenue officer, a tahsilder. ̃দারি n. the post or office of a revenue collector or tahsilder.

তহি, তহিঁ [ tahi, tahi ] adv. & con (poet. & obs.) there; moreover, further; for that, so, therefore; in it; then.

তহু তহুঁ [ tahu tahu ] pro (poet. & obs.) in it; there.

-তা1 [ -tā1 ] sfx denoting: -ness, -ship, -ity, -y etc. (মূর্খতা, কুটিলতা, নির্জনতা).