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ধিক্কার, ধিক্কার [ dhikkāra, dhikkāra ] n act of crying fie upon. ধিক্কার দেওয়া v. to cry fie upon, to hoot.

ধিক্কৃত, ধিক্কৃত [ dhikkṛta, dhikkṛta ] a hooted.

ধিকিধিকি [ dhikidhiki ] adv suppressedly and continu ously (ধিকিধিকি জ্বলা); burning continu ously in a suppressed manner, shim meringly (ধিকিধিকি করা). ☐ a. burning continuously in a suppressed manner, shimmering, smouldering (ধিকিধিকি আগুন).

ধিঙ্গি [ dhiṅgi ] a. fem wayward, self-willed, un disciplined, unruly, romping, unman nerly, immodest. ধিঙ্গি মেয়ে a wayward or somewhat wild or romping or un mannerly or immodest girl; a tomboy.

ধিনধিন, ধিন-তা-ধিন [ dhinadhina, dhina-tā-dhina ] int key-words indicat ing the measure of a dance.

ধী [ dhī ] n intellect; intelligence; cognition; comprehension; knowledge; wisdom; talent; aptitude. ̃মান a. intelligent; ca pable of comprehending, capable of quick appreciation; talented; having aptitude; wise. fem. ̃মতী । ̃শক্তি same as ধী । ̃শক্তিসম্পন্ন same as ধীমান ।

ধীবর [ dhībara ] n a fisherman (by trade or caste), a fisher. fem. ধীবরী n. a fisher-woman; a fishwife, a fish-woman.

ধীর [ dhīra ] a slow, tardy (ধীর গতি); unper turbed, calm, composed (ধীর মন); gentle or modest or mild (ধীরস্বভাব, ধীর বায়ু); grave (ধীরকন্ঠ); firm, steady (ধীর চিত্ত); judicious or considerate (ধীর ব্যক্তি). ̃তা n. slowness; unperturbed ness, calmness, composure; gentleness, modesty, mildness; graveness, gravity; firmness, steadiness; judiciousness, considerateness. ̃প্রকৃতি a. gentle or modest by nature. ̃প্রশান্ত n. (rhet.) a type of hero endowed with various good qualities. ̃ভাবে adv. slowly; mildly; gently; calmly. ̃ললিত n. (rhet.) a type of hero who is gentle by nature and of calm disposition and proficient in music and dance. ̃স্বভাব same as ধীরপ্রকৃতি । ̃স্হির a. calm and composed.

ধীরা [ dhīrā ] a. fem of ধীর ।n. fem. (rhet.) a type of heroine whose anger is never exhibited. ̃ধীরা n. fem. (rhet.) a type of heroine whose anger or resentment is partially exhibited.

ধীরোদাত্ত [ dhīrōdātta ] n (rhet.) a type of hero who is calm and modest and is unmoved by reverses of fortune and who protects others.

ধীরোদ্ধত [ dhīrōddhata ] n (rhet.) a type of hero who is resourceful and usually gentle-natured but at times arrogant and vain.

ধুঁকনি [ dhun̐kani ] n a spell of panting for breath; pal pitation, throbbing.

ধুঁকা [ dhun̐kā ] v to pant or gasp for breath; to pal pitate, to throb (প্রাণ ধুঁকছে).

ধুকধুক, ধুকপুক [ dhukadhuka, dhukapuka ] int expressing: the sound of palpitating or throbbing. ধুকধুক করা, ধুকপুক করা v. to palpitate, to throb. ধুকধুকানি n. palpitation, throbbing.

ধুকধুকি [ dhukadhuki ] n a locket or pendent worn on the bosom in a necklace.

ধুচনি, ধুচুনি [ dhucani, dhucuni ] n a wicker-basket for wash ing rice, fish etc. ধুচনি-টুপি, ধুচুনি-টুপি n. a straw-hat shaped like a wicker-bas ket.

ধুত্ [ dhut ] int a sound expressing: repulsion, aversion, slight mistrust etc; sh, pish, psh, bosh.

ধুত [ dhuta ] a caused to tremble or quiver, shaken; sounded or played (as a stringed musical instrument); expelled; removed, driven away, scolded, repri manded.

ধুতরা, ধুতরো [ dhutarā, dhutarō ] n the thorn apple or its fruit or flower, the datura. ধুতরোর রস বা নির্যাস n. daturine.

ধুতি [ dhuti ] n a loincloth for men, dhoti, dhooti. থানধুতি see থান ।