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নিষাদী1 [ niṣādī1 ] fem of নিষাদ1

নিষাদী2 [ niṣādī2 ] n an elephant-driver; an el ephant-rider.

নিষিক্ত [ niṣikta ] a thoroughly wet or soaked or drenched, soppy; exuded. নিষিক্ত করা v. to wet or soak or drench thoroughly, to sop; to exude.

নিষিদ্ধ [ niṣiddha ] a forbidden (নিষিদ্ধ ফল). prohib ited (নিষিদ্ধ কর্ম); banned, proscribed (নিষিদ্ধ বই); outlawed or interdicted (নিষিদ্ধ ব্যক্তি); out of bounds (নিষিদ্ধ এলাকা); unlawful. নিষিদ্ধ করা v. to for bid, to prohibit; to ban, to proscribe; to outlaw or indict; to place (a locality, shop etc.) out of bounds.

নিষুতি [ niṣuti ] a fast asleep, sleeping soundly (নিষুতি নগরী); hushed, drowned in si lence (নিষুতি রাত্রি).

নিষুপ্ত [ niṣupta ] a fast asleep, sleeping soundly. নিষুপ্তি n. sound sleep; state of sleeping soundly.

নিষেক [ niṣēka ] n sprinkling or showering; exuda tion; (bot.) fertilization. পরনিষেক n. cross-fertilization. স্বনিষেক n. self-fer tilization.

নিষেধ [ niṣēdha ] n act of forbidding, prohibition; interdiction; interdict. নিষেধ করা v. to forbid, to prohibit; to interdict. ̃ক a. forbidding, prohibiting, prohibitive, prohibitory; interdictory. নিষেধাজ্ঞা n. prohibition; a prohibitory order. নিষেধাজ্ঞা জারি করা v. to prohibit; to issue an order or a decree of prohibition.

নিষেবণ [ niṣēbaṇa ] n attending on or serving, atten dance, service; worship.

নিষ্ক [ niṣka ] n gold; a gold coin current in an cient India; a gold coin; a measure for weighing gold.

নিষ্কন্টক [ niṣkanṭaka ] a free from thorns, thornless; free from troubles or dangers or ene mies; safe; unhindered; unhampered; peaceful. নিষ্কন্টকে adv. without im pediment or obstacle or trouble or dan ger or opposition; safely; peacefully, freely.

নিষ্কম্প [ niṣkampa ] a not trembling or vibrating; motionless, still.

নিষ্কর [ niṣkara ] a rent-free, freehold; tax-free. নিষ্কর সম্পত্তি n. a freehold.

নিষ্করুণ [ niṣkaruṇa ] a merciless, pitiless, relentless; cruel; hard-hearted.

নিষ্কর্মা [ niṣkarmā ] a having no work to do, unem ployed; averse to work; lazy; good-for-nothing, worthless.

নিষ্কর্ষ [ niṣkarṣa ] n extract, essence, substance; gist.

নিষ্কর্ষণ [ niṣkarṣaṇa ] n removal; elimination; extrac tion.

নিষ্কল [ niṣkala ] a not divided into or consisting of or formed of constituent parts; whole; compact; indivisible; stripped of po tency or vigour; weakened; aged, old.

নিষ্কলঙ্ক [ niṣkalaṅka ] a unblemished, stainless, spot less; immaculate.

নিষ্কলা [ niṣkalā ] fem of নিষ্কল ।

নিষ্কলুষ [ niṣkaluṣa ] a free from vice, sinless; pure; free from dirt or stain; clean.

নিষ্কাণ্ড [ niṣkāṇḍa ] a (bot.) acaulescent.

নিষ্কাম [ niṣkāma ] a having no lust or sexual desire, Platonic (নিষ্কাম প্রণয়); unconcerned about the effect or consequence, dis passionate, not actuated by any desire or gainful motive (নিষ্কাম কর্ম).

নিষ্কাশ [ niṣkāśa ] a going or coming out, emer gence; an exit; flowing out, outflow; a drain.

নিষ্কাশন, নিষ্কাসন [ niṣkāśana, niṣkāsana ] n squeezing out, ex traction; expulsion; removal; banish ment; drawing out or unsheathing (a sword etc.) নিষ্কাশন করা v. to extract; to expel, to remove; to banish; to draw out or unsheathe.

নিষ্কাশিত, নিষ্কাসিত [ niṣkāśita, niṣkāsita ] a extracted; turned out, expelled; removed; banished; (of a sword etc.). drawn out or unsheathed.

নিষ্কৃত [ niṣkṛta ] a delivered, rescued, freed; re leased, set free; exempted.

নিষ্কৃতি [ niṣkṛti ] n deliverance, rescue; release; exemption. নিষ্কৃতি দেওয়া v. to deliver, to rescue, to set free, to release, to ex empt. নিষ্কৃতি পাওয়া v. to be delivered or rescued or freed or set free or ex empted.

নিষ্কোষণ [ niṣkōṣaṇa ] n drawing out or unsheathing (a sword etc.). নিষ্কোষণ করা v. to draw out, to unsheathe.

নিষ্কোষিত [ niṣkōṣita ] a (of a sword etc.) drawn out, unsheathed. নিষ্কোষিত করা v. to draw out, to unsheathe.