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মরা2 [ marā2 ] v to die; (of trees etc.) to wither; to be ruined (চাকরি গেলে মরবে); to be ex tremely troubled or afflicted (ভেবে মরা); to be strongly seized with (লজ্জায় মরা); to suffer or be punished (বদমাশি করলে মরবে); to dry up, to silt up (নদী মরা); to be allayed, to abate (ব্যথা মরা); to decrease (তেজ মরা); to weaken (পেট মরা); to be spiritless (অভাবে মরে থাকা); to be out (বাতাসে আলো গেল মরে). ☐ a. dead; withered; dried up, silted up; allayed, abated; de creased; weak or weakened; utterly spiritless; extinct; dim. অনাহারে মরা v. to die of hunger, to starve; to famish. মরমে মরা v. to be extremely mortified or ashamed. মরতে মরতে বাঁচা v. to come back from the jaws of death. মরে বাঁচা v. to be relieved from suffering by death. মরে মরে impairing one's health utterly; with utmost strain and difficulty. জীয়ন্তে মরা more dead than alive. মরা নাড়ি, মরা পেট stomach weakened on account of continued under-feeding.

মরাই [ marāi ] n a large corn-bin made of mat, cane etc.

মরাকটাল [ marākaṭāla ] n ebb; low tide.

মরাকান্না [ marākānnā ] n (lit.) loud wailing on account of bereavement; (fig. & pop.) intoler ably loud wailing.

মরামাস [ marāmāsa ] n dandruff, scurf.

মরাল [ marāla ] n the gander (fem. the goose); the swan. মরালী । ̃গামিনী a. fem. having a gait as graceful as that of the swan. ̃নিন্দিত a. excelling even the swan in beauty. ̃শাবক, ̃শিশু n. a gosling, a cygnet.

মরা-হাজা [ marā-hājā ] a tottery; very feeble. মরেহেজে যাওয়া v. to die out, to become extinct.

মরিচ [ marica ] n black pepper, pepper; (dial.) cap sicum, chillies.

মরি-মরি [ mari-mari ] int an expression of profound admiration etc.; (cp.) ripping.

মরিয়া [ mariẏā ] a desperate, (cp.) devil-may-care. মরিয়া লোক a desperado. মরিয়া হয়ে adv. desperately, in desperation.

মরীচি [ marīci ] n a ray, a beam. ̃কা n. a mirage; (fig.) an illusion. ̃মালী n. one wearing a garland of rays; the sun.

মরু, মরুভূ, মরুভূমি [ maru, marubhū, marubhūmi ] n a desert; a wilder ness; (fig.) a place or thing stuffed with afflictions. মরুঝঞ্ঝা, মরুঝটিকা, মরুঝড় n. a simoom, a simoon. মরুময় a. desert (মরুময় অঞ্চল); full of deserts (মরুময় দেশ); (fig.) full of unbearable afflic tions. মরুযাত্রী n. a desert-traveller. মরু যাত্রীর দল n. a caravan. মরুসাগর n. the Dead-Sea. মরুস্হল, মরুস্হলী n. a desert.

মরুত্, মরুত [ marut, maruta ] n one of the five constituent elements (see ভূত); wind; air.

মরূদ্যান [ marūdyāna ] n an oasis.

মর্কট [ markaṭa ] n the smallest species of the monkey, the monkey; (contemp.) a man of stunted growth. fem. মর্কটী ।

মর্গ [ marga ] n a morgue.

মর্টগেজ [ marṭagēja ] n a mortgage. ̃দেওয়া v. to mort gage; to hypothecate. ̃গ্রাহী n. a mort gagee. ̃দাতা n. a mortgager.

মর্তমান [ martamāna ] n a variety of banana originally grown in Martaban.

মর্ত্য [ martya ] n the mortal world, the earth, the world (also মর্ত্যধাম, মর্ত্যভূমি, মর্ত্যলোক); man, mankind; a mortal, a human be ing. ☐ a. mortal. ̃লীলা n. one's activi ties whilst living upon the earth.

মর্দন [ mardana ] n trampling; thrashing; pounding; grinding; kneading; massaging; subdu ing. ☐ a. (used as a sfx.) trampling or subduing (আরতিমর্দন). মর্দন করা v. to trample; to thrash; to pound, to grind; to knead; to massage; to subdue.

মর্দা [ mardā ] a male. ☐ n. a male creature. মর্দানা n. a man (esp. a grown-up one); ☐ a. male; manly. মর্দানি1 n. (dero.) manli ness or masculinity. মর্দানি2 n. fem. a tomboy, a hoyden. ☐ a. tomboyish, hoydenish (মর্দানি মেয়ে). মর্দানি করা v. to make an exhibition of manly vigour; to bravado; (of women) to behave in a masculine or mannish manner, to romp vigorously.