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যুযুত্য়া [ yuyutẏā ] n desire for fighting or war, belli cosity; pugnacity.

যুযুত্সু [ yuyutsu ] a desirous of fighting or war, bel licose; pugnacious.

যূথ [ yūtha ] n a flock, a herd, a pack, a flight, a swarm. ̃চর, ̃চারী a. gregarious. ̃পতি n. the leading beast of a flock or herd. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. strayed from the flock or herd. যূথভ্রষ্ট পশু a strayling, astray.

যূথিকা, যূথী [ yūthikā, yūthī ] n a kind of jasmine.

যূপ [ yūpa ] n a wooden framework to which the neck of a sacrificial victim is fixed at the time of immolation (also যূপকাষ্ঠ). ̃কাষ্ঠ same as যূপ ।

যুষ [ yuṣa ] n decoction. broth, soup.

যে [ ] rel. pro & con. who, which, that. □ con. that (বলছি যে আজ বাড়ি যাব). ☐ a. that which (যে ছোকড়া, যে বিষয়). ☐ int. expressing doubt or uncertainty (কী যে হবে); cause (বেলা যে গেল, বাড়ি চলো); interrogation or inquiry (খেললি না যে); reproof (মিথ্যা বললি যে); drawing of at tention or attachment of importance (দুঃখে বুক ফাটে যে); amazement (অত পড়ে ফেল করল যে) ; disgust (আবার বৃষ্টি এলো যে); warning (ছুটে চলো-ট্রেন ছাড়ল যে); acceptance (যে আজ্ঞা). যে অবধি since when; up to which time, till when. যে আজ্ঞা all right, sir; as you please, sir; that's right, sir. যে কটি all the small number that, the few. যে কারণে for which reason, wherefore, why. যে কালে whilst, when. যে কে সেই pro. & a. as before, the same. যে কেউ whoever; anybody; any one. যে কোনোজন, যে কোনোটি any one. যে কোনো স্হানে anywhere; anywhere and every where; everywhere. যেটুকু pro. a. & con. all the small amount or degree or extent that, the little. যে দিন the day which or when; which day. যে পর্যন্ত up to which; up to which time; till. যে যে all who; all which. যে সে pro. any man in the street, Tom Dick or Harry; any body whoever; anybody and every body; anybody; everybody. ☐ a. ordi nary, commonplace, humdrum.

যেই [ yēi ] adv & con. just when, just as, as soon as. □ a. which যেইদিন. ☐ pro. whoever (যেই বলুক না কেন, শুনো). যেইমাত্র.......সেইমাত্র just when, just as, as soon as.

যেখান [ yēkhāna ] n which place; whichever place. ̃কার a. of which particular place; of a particular place. যেখানে adv. & con. where; wherever. যেখানে-সেখানে adv. anywhere and everywhere; every where; all over the shop.

যেথা [ yēthā ] n same as যেখান ।adv. & con. same as যেখানে । ˜কার, ̃য়, যেথা-সেথা same as যেখানকার, যেখানে and যেখানে সেখানে respectively.

যেন [ yēna ] adv & con. as, like; as if; so that; that (প্রার্থনা করি যেন সুখী হও); taking care that (টাকা হারায় না যেন); accepting that or supposing that (তাই যেন হল); I am failing to recollect just now (কী যেন নাম). কী যেন তাকে বল what do you call him or her. কী যেন তার নাম what's his (or her or its) name. যেন-তেন প্রকারে, যেন-তেন প্রকারেণ somehow; by hook or by crook, by fair means or foul; negli gently or perfunctorily.

যেবা [ yēbā ] pro whoever; whichever.

যেমন [ yēmana ] a & con. as like; for instance, for example. ☐ adv. & con. as much or as like, as; just as, as soon as. ☐ int. ex pressing mild surprise or contradiction or contempt (তুমিও যেমন). যেমনই a. & con. as, like. □ adv. & con. same as যেমন (adv. & con.) যেমন-তেমন a. of any sort or kind; trifling, of a sort. যেমন তেমন করে adv. in a haphazard manner, in a random or slipshod or designless fashion. যেমনি var. of যেমনই । যেমন কর্ম তেমন ফল as one has brewed, so one will drink; as you sow, so you reap; rightly served.

যেরূপ [ yērūpa ] a. con & int. same as যেমন (a. con. & int.). □ adv. & con. as much or as like, as.

যেহেতু [ yēhētu ] con because, since, as.

যৈছন, যৈছে [ yaichana, yaichē ] adv & con. (obs.) as much or as like, as.