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সংবাহ, সংবাহন [ sambāha, sambāhana ] n act of carrying (loads); circulation (রক্তসংবাহন); massaging, massage; currying (as of a horse). সংবাহন করা v. to carry (loads); to circu late; to massage; to curry. সংবাহক a. load-carrying; circulating; massaging; currying. ☐ n. one who carries (loads); a porter; that which circulates; a massagist, a masseur (fem. masseuse); a currier. fem. সংবাহিকা । সংবাহাগার n. massage clinic. সংবাহিত a. carried; cir culated; massaged; curried.

সংবিগ্ন [ sambigna ] a worried; concerned, disturbed; agitated, frightened.

সংবিত্ [ sambit ] n consciousness. সংবিত্ পাওয়া v. to regain or recover consciousness. সংবিত্ হারানো v. to lose consciousness, to faint, to swoon.

সংবিদা [ sambidā ] n an agreement; a deed of agree ment.

সংবিদিত [ sambidita ] a known; informed.

সংবিধান [ sambidhāna ] n arrangement; prescription; the constitution of a state (ভারতের সংবিধান) সংবিধান সভা n. a constituent assembly. ̃বহির্ভূত a. unconstitutional.

সংবিধি [ sambidhi ] n statute. ̃বদ্ধ a. statutory.

সংবীত, সংবৃত [ sambīta, sambṛta ] a covered; concealed; hid den, secret; contracted.

সংবেগ [ sambēga ] n worry; anxiety; agitation; feel ing of nervousness.

সংবেদ, সংবেদন, সংবেদনা [ sambēda, sambēdana, sambēdanā ] n sensation; sus ceptibility. সংবেদনশীল a. sensitive; sus ceptible, sensory, sensorial. সংবেদ-নার্ভ n. a sensory nerve. সংবেদনশীলতা n. sen sitiveness, sensitivity. সংবেদ্য a. percep tible by senses, sensible; knowable.

সংবেশক [ sambēśaka ] n hypnotist, a mesmerist.

সংবেশন [ sambēśana ] n hypnosis; hypnotism, mesmer ism.

সংবেশিত [ sambēśita ] a hypnotized, mesmerized. সংবেশিত করা v. to hypnotize, to mes merize.

সংভরণ [ sambharaṇa ] n supply and rationing; ration ing. ̃পত্র n. a ration card.

সংমিশ্রণ [ sammiśraṇa ] n thorough admixture.

সংযত [ saṃyata ] a regulated, disciplined; self-re strained, continent; temperate, moder ate, sparing; prevented, repulsed; re strained, checked, curbed; subdued, controlled; demure; modest, gentle (সংযত আচরণ). সংযত করা v. to regulate, to discipline, to restrict; to temper, to moderate; to prevent; to repulse; to re strain, to check, to curb; to subdue, to control. ̃চিত্ত a. one who has con trolled one's mind; one whose mind is tranquil or collected; self-restrained; temperate, abstemious. ̃বাক a. sparing or reserve in speech; reticent. সংযতাহার a. sparing or temperate in food and drink. সংযতেন্দ্রিয় n. one who has sub dued one's passions, continent.

সংযম [ saṃyama ] n regulatedness, discipline; self restraint, continence, temperance, sparingness; (বাকসংযম); restraint, check, curb; (বেগসংযম); subdual, con trol (ইন্দ্রিয়সংযম); demureness, modesty, gentleness, politeness (আচরণে সংযম); fast and other rites observed on the eve of a holy occasion (শিবরাত্রির সংযম্). সংযম করা same as সংযত করা and esp. to observe fast and other rites on the eve of a holy occasion. সংযমন n. regu larization, disciplining; act of restrain ing oneself, act of making oneself con tinent; tempering, moderation; re straining or curbing; subduing or con trolling. সংযমিত a. regulated or disci plined; tempered; prevented or re pulsed; restrained or curbed; subdued or controlled. সংযমী a. practising self control or discipline, continent, self-re strained; temperate, moderate, sparing, reserved; abstemious; demure, modest, gentle.

সংযাত্রিক [ saṃyātrika ] n processionist. ̃দল n. a pro cession.

সংযাত্রী [ saṃyātrī ] a going in a procession; voyag ing. ☐ n. a processionist; a voyager.

সংযুক্ত, সংযুত [ saṃyukta, saṃyuta ] a joined, linked; attached; admixed; united; amalgamated; feder ated, federal; connected; joint. সংযুক্তি, সংযুতি same as সংযোজন ।

সংযোগ [ saṃyōga ] n joining, linking; a junction; at tachment; admixture; union, amalgam ation; connection; contact; association, company; intercourse, communication; liaison; close application (মনঃসংযোগ ।) ̃সাধন করা v. to join; to link; to unite. ̃স্হাপন করা v. to establish connection, to contact, to get into touch (with). সংযোগাধিকারিক n. a liaison officer.

সংযোজক [ saṃyōjaka ] a one who or that which joins or attaches or admixes or unites or amalgamates or adds; (gr.) copulative. সংযোজক অব্যয় (gr.) a copulative con junction.

সংযোজন, সংযোজনা [ saṃyōjana, saṃyōjanā ] n joining or linking; attachment; admixture; unification; amalgamation; addition. সংযোজন করা v. to join, to link; to attach; to admix; to unify; to amalgamate; to add.

সংযোজিত [ saṃyōjita ] a joined, linked; attached; ad mixed; unified; amalgamated; added.

সংরক্ষক [ saṃrakṣaka ] n a conserver, a conservator (fem. conservatrix); a preserver; a pro tector (fem. protectress, protectrix); a guard; a defender; a guardian, a custo dian; a curator; one who arranges for reservation.

সংরক্ষণ, সংরক্ষা [ saṃrakṣaṇa, saṃrakṣā ] n conservation; preserva tion; protection; guarding; defence; act of looking after, safe-keeping, safe guard; custody; reservation. সংরক্ষণ করা v. to conserve; to preserve; to protect; to guard; to defend; to reserve. ধর্ম সংরক্ষণ n. defence of faith. বাণিজ্যসংরক্ষণ n. protectionism. শক্তিসংরক্ষণ n. conser vation of energy. সতীত্বসংরক্ষণ n. preser vation of chastity. ̃শীল a. (esp. pol.) conservative. ̃সংরক্ষনীয় a. conservable; preservable; defendable, defensible; guardable; reservable. সংরক্ষণাগার n. a conservatory; a preservatory; a safe de pository.

সংরক্ষিত [ saṃrakṣita ] a conserved; preserved; pro tected; guarded; defended; safe guarded; reserved (সংরক্ষিত আসন).

সংরুদ্ধ [ saṃruddha ] a obstructed, hindered; confined; besieged.

সংলগ্ন [ saṃlagna ] a adjoining; (গৃহসংলগ্ন); clinging to (কণ্ঠসংলগ্ন); fixed or attached to; ad hering to. সংলগ্ন হওয়া v. to adjoin; to cling to; to be fixed or attached to; to adhere to.

সংলাপ [ saṃlāpa ] n conversation; dialogue.

সংশপ্তক [ saṃśaptaka ] n (myth.) an indomitable soldier (or divine origin) who fights for vic tory with his life, (cp.) a myrmidon.

সংশয় [ saṃśaẏa ] n suspicion; doubt; hesitation; fear or concern, apprehension; uncertainty; (loos.) scepticism. ̃কর, ̃জনক a. doubtful, suspicious; uncertain. সংশয়াকূল a. greatly troubled by suspi cion or doubt or hesitation; greatly afraid (of) or concerned (about) or ap prehensive (of); (loos.) very much sceptic. সংশয়ান্বিত, সংশয়াপন্ন, সংশয়াবিষ্ট, সংশয়িত a. seized with suspicion or doubt, suspicious, hesitating; afraid. concerned, apprehensive; uncertain; (loos.) sceptical. সংশয়ী a. given to sus picion, suspicious; inclined to doubt; given to fear or apprehension; sceptical by nature.

সংশিত [ saṃśita ] a accomplished, performed; com pleted; determined, resolved, ̃ব্রত a. faithful to one's vows.

সংশোধক [ saṃśōdhaka ] n a (thorough) purifier or re former or rectifier or amender or cor rector or reviser; a reclaimer from evil ways.

সংশোধন [ saṃśōdhana ] n (thorough) purification or re formation or rectification or amend ment or correction or revision. সংশোধন করা v. to purify; to reform; to rectify; to amend, to correct; (esp. in law & pol.) to revise. ˜বাদ n. (pol.) revision ism. ̃বাদী n. a revisionist. সংশোধনাগার n. a reformatory; (euph.) a house of correction, a jail. সংশোধনীয় a. reform able; rectifiable; amendable; corri gible; revisable.

সংশোধিত [ saṃśōdhita ] a purified; reformed; rectified; amended; corrected; revised.

সংশ্লিষ্ট [ saṃśliṣṭa ] a united; adhering, attached; in volved in; associating with; related or connected (with), included in or com ponent সংশ্লিষ্ট বিভাগ

সংশ্লেষ [ saṃślēṣa ] n union; adhesion; attachment; involvement; association; relation, connection; componency; synthesis (সালোকসংশ্লেষ = photo-synthesis); (bot.) conjugation. ̃ণ n. synthesis.

সংসক্ত [ saṃsakta ] a attached; cohering, coherent; adhering; (phys.) tenacious; adjoining; connected, related. সংসক্ত হওয়া v. to co here. সংসক্তি n. attachment; cohesion, coherence; adherence; adjacency; con nection; relation; (phys.) chemical af finity.

সংসদ [ saṃsada ] n an association, an assembly; a council; a parliament; the Indian Par liament. ̃সচিব a. a parliamentary sec retary. ̃সদস্য n. a member of the Par liament, an M. P. সংসদীয় a. parliamen tary. সংসদীয় গণতন্ত্র parliamentary de mocracy.

সংসর্গ [ saṃsarga ] n association, company, fellow ship; connection, relation, intercourse; sexual intercourse, cohabitation. সংসর্গ করা v. to associate with, to mix with. সংসর্গ ছাড়া v. to give up company, to dissociate oneself (from). ̃দোষ n. vices or evils of (bad) association or company. সংসর্গাভাব n. (log.) universal negation.

সংসার [ saṃsāra ] n the world, the earth; a region; earthly life; domestic life; a family; earthly attachment and interests; (loos. of men only) marriage ('কর্তার দুই সংসার'); (loos.) a wife. সংসার করা v. to lead domestic life; to manage domestic affairs (also সংসার চালানো); (of women) to act as one's housewife, to live with (রমা স্বামীর সংসার করে না); (loos.—of men) to marry. সংসার পাতা v. to set up a household esp. by marrying. সংসার ত্যাগ করা v. to renounce the world. ̃ত্যাগী a. one who has re nounced the world. ̃ধর্ম n. domestic life or duties, family life or duties. ̃বন্ধন n. worldly attachment and inter ests, earthly bonds or ties; attachment to the family; kindred bonds or ties. ̃বাসনা n. desire to lead domestic life; desire to set up a household esp. by marrying; desire for earthly enjoy ments. ̃যাত্রা n. earthly life; livelihood, daily life (সংসারযাত্রা নির্বাহ করা); domes tic life. ̃লীলা n. earthly life; mortal life; human life. ̃সুখ n. earthly plea sures or happiness of domestic life. সংসারাশ্রম n. same as গার্হস্হ্য (n.) সংসারাশ্রমে প্রবেশ করা v. to start to live the life of a householder esp. by mar rying; to enter the world, to settle down to married life, to marry and settle down. সংসারী a. leading a family life; secular. সংসারী লোক a family man. ঘোর সংসারী very much domesticated; deeply concerned with family and worldly interests; engrossed in earthly pleasures and interests.

সংসিদ্ধ [ saṃsiddha ] a perfectly successful; thoroughly accomplished; instinctive, natural, in nate. সংসিদ্ধি n. perfect success; thor ough accomplishment.

সংসৃষ্ট [ saṃsṛṣṭa ] a associated, related, affiliated, connected (with).

সংস্করণ [ saṃskaraṇa ] n (obs.) correction or revision; (pop.) an edition (of a book etc.).

সংস্কার [ saṃskāra ] n purification; the sacrament of purification or reclamation; a sacra ment (দশবিধসংস্কার); cleansing; dress ing (কেশসংস্কার); reformation, reforms; mending, repair; correction, amend ment (ভ্রমসংস্কার); revision (গ্রন্হসংস্কার); an irrational belief or notion, a stock notion; a prejudice or superstition; an impression (on the mind); innate knowledge or feeling, intuition, in stinct (পূর্বজন্মের সংস্কার). সংস্কার করা v. to purify; to purify or reclaim sacramen tally; to cleanse; to dress, to reform; to mend, to repair; to correct, to amend; to revise. অন্ধ সংস্কার n. a blind or irra tional notion, a prejudice. গৃহ সংস্কার n. house-repair; (daily) cleansing of a house. বেশ সংস্কার n. tidying up of one's dress; dressing. সংস্কারক n. a purifier; a sacramental purifier or reclaimer; a cleaner; a dresser; a reformer; a mender, a repairer, a repairman; a cor rector, an amender; a reviser. ̃সাধন করা same as সংস্কার করা । ̃বদ্ধ a. bound by stock notions or superstitions or prejudices or instincts. ̃বর্জিত, ̃হীন a. (rare) not having received any sacra ment; free from superstition or preju dice or stock notions. ̃বাদ n. the doc trine that the world may be made better by human effort, meliorism. ̃বিমুখ a. averse to reforms; conservative. সংস্কারাচ্ছন্ন a. thoroughly dominated by or blinded by superstitions or preju dices or stock notions.

সংস্কৃত [ saṃskṛta ] a purified; one who has received a sacrament; cleansed; dressed; re formed; mended, repaired; corrected; revised; refined or elegant. ☐ n. San skrit. ̃ঘেঁষা a. Sanskritised. ̃জ্ঞ a. versed in Sanskrit. সংস্কৃতি n. culture.

সংস্হা [ saṃshā ] n (rare) position, location, situa tion; a society; an association; a club; a guild; an establishment.

সংস্হান [ saṃshāna ] n orderly placing or arrangement; construction, formation, shape, struc ture, build; provision (ভবিষ্যতের সংস্হান) আহারের সংস্হান subsistence; provision of food.

সংস্হাপক [ saṃshāpaka ] n an establisher, a founder.

সংস্হাপন [ saṃshāpana ] n establishment, foundation, সংস্হাপন করা v. to establish, to found, to set up.

সংস্হাপিকা [ saṃshāpikā ] fem of সংস্হাপক ।

সংস্হাপিত [ saṃshāpita ] a established, founded.

সংস্হিত [ saṃshita ] a placed or laid esp. in an orderly manner; arranged; stationed. সংস্হিতি n. the state of being placed or laid esp. in an orderly manner; arrangement; the state of being stationed.

সংস্পর্শ [ saṃsparśa ] n close touch or contact; connec tion, concern; association. সংস্পর্শে আসা v. to come in contact with; to get in touch with. সংস্পর্শে থাকা v. to associate with; to have connection with.

সংস্পৃষ্ট [ saṃspṛṣṭa ] a touched; contacted; touching.

সংশ্রব [ saṃśraba ] n relation, connection, concern; association, company. সংস্রব এড়ানো v. to avoid the company of. সংস্রব থাকা v. to have connection with. সংস্রব রাখা v. to associate with; to keep connection with. সংস্রবে আসা v. to come in contact with. সংস্রবে থাকা v. to have connection with; to associate with. ̃হীন a. having no connection or concern with; having nothing to do with.

সংহত [ saṃhata ] a thoroughly united or integrated or organized; (loos.) mobilized; com pact; very firm. সংহত করা v. to unite or organize (into a compact body); to mo bilize. সংহত বর্তনী a closed circuit. সংহতি n. complete union or integration or organization; mobilization; com pactness; great firmness; (phys.) mo lecular attracting; (phys.) agglomera tion. সংহতি নষ্ট করা v. to disintegrate, to cause disintegration.

সংহরণ [ saṃharaṇa ] n killing; destruction; with drawal, retraction, revocation; contrac tion. সংহরণ করা v. to kill, to slay; to de stroy; to withdraw, to retract, to re voke; to contract.

সংহর্তা [ saṃhartā ] n a killer, a slayer; a destroyer; a withdrawer. fem. সংহর্ত্রী ।

সংহার [ saṃhāra ] n killing, slaughter; destruction; end, termination, close, finish (উপসংহার); withdrawal, retraction, re vocation (বাক্যসংহার, শরসংহার); con traction, collecting; act of dressing up (বেণীসংহার). সংহার করা (poet.) সংহারা v. to kill, to slay; to destroy. সংহারক a. killing, slaying; destroying, destruc tive. ☐ n. a killer, a slayer; a destroyer. সংহারমূর্তি n. image or embodiment of annihilation or destruction; a formi dable form. সংহারী a. (used as a sfx.) same as সংহারক (a.). fem. সংহারিণী ।

সংহিতা [ saṃhitā ] n a collection of writings, an an thology; a sacred book containing the entire body of Vedic incantations; the sacred code of Hindu laws entitled 'Smriti' (স্মৃতি); a code of laws; a code. ̃কার n. a compiler of a code; a law giver. ̃বদ্ধ a. condified.

সংহৃত [ saṃhṛta ] a collected; accumulated; killed or destroyed; withdrawn or retracted; contracted or shrunk; abridged.

সকন্টক [ sakanṭaka ] a having thorns, thorny.

সকরুণ [ sakaruṇa ] a compassionate, kind; pitiable; pathetic; woeful, doleful.

সকর্মক [ sakarmaka ] a (gr.) transitive. সকর্মক ক্রিয়া (gr.) a transitive verb.

সকল [ sakala ] a all; entire, whole. ☐ pro. all, ev erybody. ☐ sfx. denoting: plurality (বন্ধুসকল). সকলেই pro. one and all. সকলের প্রিয় loved by all, favourite with everyone.

সকাণ্ড [ sakāṇḍa ] a (bot.) having a stem, stemmed; (bot.) caulescent.

সকাম [ sakāma ] a attended with or actuated by a desire or purpose, purposeful (সকাম কর্ম); lustful (সকাম দৃষ্টি). ̃ধর্ম n. reli gion practised with an end in view, purposeful piety; act of practising reli gion with a motive.

সকাল [ sakāla ] n the morning or the dawn; hurry, haste. সকাল হওয়া v. to dawn.

সকাল সকাল [ sakāla sakāla ] adv betimes, early; soon, quickly. সকালে adv. in the morning; at dawn, at daybreak; early, betimes.

সকাশ [ sakāśa ] n nearness, proximity; presence, company. রাজসকাশে adv. before or near the king, in the royal presence.

সকুণ্ডল [ sakuṇḍala ] a having earrings; adorned with earrings; together with earrings (সকুণ্ডল কর্ণচ্ছেদন).

সকোপে [ sakōpē ] adv angrily.

সংকৌতুক [ saṅkautuka ] a full or fun or amusement, funny, amusing, droll (সকৌতুক হাস্য); amused (সকৌতুক দৃষ্টি); amusedly in quisitive (সকৌতুক প্রশ্ন). সকৌতুকে adv. amusedly.

সক্তু [ saktu ] n the flour of fried barley or gram.

সক্রিয় [ sakriẏa ] a engaged in or given to or ca pable of action, active (সক্রিয় থাকা); practical, active (সক্রিয় সাহায্য). ̃তা n. activeness.

সক্রোধে [ sakrōdhē ] adv same as সকোপে ।

সক্ষম [ sakṣama ] a competent, capable; able, ablebodied, active (বৃদ্ধ এখনও সক্ষম).

সক্ষমতা [ sakṣamatā ] n competency, capability; ableness, ability, activeness.

সখা [ sakhā ] n a friend; a bosom or intimate friend, a confidant (fem. confidante); a well-wisher; a companion; a boon companion.

সখী [ sakhī ] fem of সখা । ̃ভাব n. behaviour like a confidante; a system of Vaishnava worship in which the devotee regards himself or herself as a confidante of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).

সখেদে [ sakhēdē ] adv lamentingly; sorrowfully; with regrets, regretfully.

সখ্য [ sakhya ] n (close) friendship or companion ship; alliance. সখ্য স্হাপন করা v. to make friends with; to enter into alli ance with.

সগর্ব [ sagarba ] a proud, haughty. সগর্বে adv. proudly, haughtily.

সগর্ভা [ sagarbhā ] a pregnant, big with child, in the family way.

সগুণ [ saguṇa ] a having qualities or attributes; possessing three primal qualities, namely সত্ত্ব, রজঃ and তমঃ; (of a bow) having a string, stringed.

সগোত্র [ sagōtra ] a agnate; kindred; homogeneous. ☐ n. an agnate; a kinsman (fem. kins woman). fem. সগোত্রা । ̃বিবাহ n. endoga mous marriage.

সগৌরবে [ sagaurabē ] adv creditably; gloriously: honourably.

সঘন1 [ saghana1 ] a clouded, cloudy.

সঘন2 [ saghana2 ] a repeated or ceaseless (সঘন শব্দ). সঘনে adv. repeatedly or ceaselessly.

সঘর [ saghara ] n a family of equal social standing for matrimonial purpose.

সঙ্গ [ saṅga ] n company, association. সঙ্গ করা v. to associate with. সঙ্গ দেওয়া v. to give one company. সঙ্গ পাওয়া v. to come in con tact of; to enjoy the company of.

সঙ্গগুণ [ saṅgaguṇa ] n good influence or merits of company or association; (sarcas.) vices of evil company (সঙ্গগুণে নষ্ট).

সঙ্গত, সঙ্গতি [ saṅgata, saṅgati ] alt spellings of সংগত and সংগতি respectively.

সঙ্গদোষ [ saṅgadōṣa ] n vices of evil company, vices contracted from bad company.

সঙ্গরোধ [ saṅgarōdha ] n quarantine.

সঙ্গিন [ saṅgina ] n a bayonet. ☐ a. serious, danger ous, critical (অবস্হা সঙ্গিন).

সঙ্গিনী [ saṅginī ] fem of সঙ্গী ।

সঙ্গী [ saṅgī ] n a companion; a comrade; an asso ciate or an accomplice.