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সঙ্গে [ saṅgē ] prep in the company of; in possession of; together with, along with; (in com parison) with (তার সঙ্গে তুলনা). সঙ্গে সঙ্গে adv. (always) in the company of (সঙ্গে সঙ্গে থাকা); (always) in one's possession (সঙ্গে সঙ্গে রাখা); as soon as, no sooner than (সে যাওয়ার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে বৃষ্টি নামল).

সচকিত [ sacakita ] a startled, alarmed, alerted; on the alert; timid.

সচন্দন [ sacandana ] a together with sandal wood paste (সচন্দন পুষ্পাঞ্জলি).

সচরাচর [ sacarācara ] adv usually, commonly, often; customarily.

সচল [ sacala ] a moving; capable of moving; mo bile; locomotive; effective; (fig.) ac tive; current. সচল করা v. to put or set in motion.

সচিত্র [ sacitra ] a containing pictorial illustrations, illustrated.

সচিব [ saciba ] n a minister; a counsellor; a com panion; a secretary.

সচেতক [ sacētaka ] n (in parliamentary politics) a whip. মুখ্য সচেতক chief whip.

সচেতন [ sacētana ] a animate, sentient; living; con scious; vigilant, alert. সচেতন করা v. to make conscious, to make alert. সচেতন থাকা v. to be on the alert; (cp.) to be on one's guard.

সচেষ্ট [ sacēṣṭa ] a effortful; endeavouring, trying; zealous, eager, earnest; exerting.

সচ্চরিত্র [ saccaritra ] a having a good character, mor ally excellent, chaste, virtuous. fem. সচ্চরিত্রা । ̃তা n. moral excellence, chas tity, virtuousness.

সচ্চিদানন্দ [ saccidānanda ] a eternal and omniscient and ever blissful. ☐ n. God.

সচ্চিন্তা [ saccintā ] a a good thought.

সচ্ছল [ sacchala ] a well-to-do, well-off; solvent. সচ্ছলতা n. well-to-do or well-off state; solvency.

সচ্ছিদ্র [ sacchidra ] a containing a hole or holes, porose, porous; perforated.

সজনি [ sajani ] n. fem a confidante; a lady-love, a sweetheart.

সজল [ sajala ] a containing water, watery; con taining rain (সজল মেঘ); tearful; wet, moist. ̃নয়নে adv. with tearful eyes; with eyes swimming in tears.

সজাগ [ sajāga ] a wakeful; vigilant; on the alert; (of sleep) easily broken. সজাগ থাকা v. to be wakeful or vigilant or on the alert.

সজাতি [ sajāti ] a of the same nationality; agnate; kindred; homogeneous. ☐ n. such a person. সজাতীয় a. same as সজাতি (a.).

সজীব [ sajība ] a living, alive; animate; vivacious; invigorated; rejuvenated. সজীব করা v. to animate; to vivify; to invigorate; to rejuvenate.

সজোর [ sajōra ] a forceful, forcible; violent; high; loud; strong.

সজোরে [ sajōrē ] adv forcefully; forcibly; vio lently; (rare) emphatically.

সজ্জন [ sajjana ] n a virtuous man; an honest man; (pop.) an amiable man. ☐ a. (pop.) amiable.

সজ্জা [ sajjā ] n dress; decoration; furnishings, fittings and furniture; equipment, out fit, accoutrements; preparatory ar rangements; preparation; arraying (as of troops). ̃কক্ষ, ̃গৃহ n. a dressing room; a greenroom.

সজ্জিত [ sajjita ] a dressed; decorated; adorned; furnished; equipped; prepared; (esp. of troops) arrayed. fem. সজ্জিতা । সজ্জিত করা v. to dress; to decorate; to furnish; to equip, to fit out, to accoutre; to pre pare; to array.

সজ্জীকরণ [ sajjīkaraṇa ] n dressing; decoration, adorn ment; furnishing; equipping, equip ment; accoutrement; preparation; arrayment (of troops).

সজ্ঞানে [ sajñānē ] adv consciously; knowingly.

সঞ্চয় [ sañcaẏa ] n gathering, collection; saving; amassment, accumulation, storage; savings; a store, stock. সঞ্চয় করা v. to gather, to collect; to save; to amass, to accumulate, to store. ̃কোষ n. a sec ondary cell, a storage cell. ̃জাত পর্বত mountain of accumulation. ̃ন n. gath ering, collection; saving; amassment, accumulation; compilation; selected or collected works or anthology; an an thology. ̃শীল a. in the habit of saving; thrifty, frugal. ̃শীলতা n. the habit of saving; thrift, frugality. সঞ্চয়িতা n. an anthologist; (loos.) selected works. সঞ্চয়ী a. given to saving; thrifty, frugal.

সঞ্চরণ [ sañcaraṇa ] n movement; circulation; roam ing; blowing. সঞ্চরণ করা v. to move; to circulate; to roam; to blow. ̃শীল a. given to or engaged in moving or cir culating or roaming or blowing; mo bile.

সঞ্চরমাণ [ sañcaramāṇa ] a on the move; in the state of moving or circulating or roaming or blowing.

সঞ্চরিত [ sañcarita ] a moved; circulated; roamed; blown. সঞ্চরিত হওয়া v. same as সঞ্চরণ করা ।

সঞ্চলন [ sañcalana ] n movement; circulation; blow ing; trembling; fluttering.

সঞ্চলিত [ sañcalita ] a moved; circulated; blown; trembling; fluttering. সঞ্চলিত হওয়া v. to move; to circulate; to blow; to tremble, to flutter.

সঞ্চায়ক [ sañcāẏaka ] a accumulation. ☐ n. an accumu lator. সঞ্চায়ক ব্যাটারি (phys.) a secondary battery, a storage battery.

সঞ্চার, সঞ্চারণ [ sañcāra, sañcāraṇa ] n transition; (astr. & astrol.) transition from one zodiacal sign to another; transit; movement, motion; gait (পদসঞ্চার); pervasion, dif fusion (আলোকসঞ্চার); accumulation, collection (মেঘসঞ্চার); appearance, on coming, advent, beginning (যৌবনসঞ্চার); infusion (প্রাণসঞ্চার); transfusion (রক্তসঞ্চার); excitation, inci tation, arousing (ভয়সঞ্চার). সাহস সঞ্চার করা v. to take courage. সঞ্চারপথ n. locus (pl. loci). সঞ্চারিত a. transited; (astr. & astrl.) transited to another zodiacal sign; moved; that which has pervaded or diffused; accumulated, collected; appeared; that which has come or be gun; infused; transfused; excited, in cited, roused. সঞ্চারিত করা v. to bring, to cause to set in or appear; to infuse, to transfuse; to excite, to incite, to rouse. সঞ্চারিত হওয়া v. to make a transit; (astr. & astrol) to make a transit to another zodiacal sign; to be in motion, to move; to pervade, to diffuse; to accu mulate, to collect; to appear; to begin, to ensue; to be infused or transfused or incited or roused. সঞ্চারী a. in transit; moving, in motion; passing; evanes cent; temporary; causing to move or pervade or diffuse or accumulate or collect or appear or ensue; oncoming; infusing; transfusing; excitant, inciting, rousing. ☐ n. (rhet.) the passing senti ment that is excited in the mind of a reader, a rhetorical accessory; (mus.) the third line or step of any of the In dian musical modes. fem. a. সঞ্চারিণী ।

সঞ্চালন [ sañcālana ] n moving; waving; circulation. সঞ্চালন করা v. to move, to set in motion; to wave; to circulate.

সঞ্চালিত [ sañcālita ] a moved, set in motion; waved; circulated.

সঞ্চিত [ sañcita ] a gathered, collected; saved; amassed, accumulated; hoarded, stored. সঞ্চিতা n. an anthology; selected works.

সঞ্জনন [ sañjanana ] n creation; production; genera tion; generating; producing.

সঞ্জাত [ sañjāta ] a born; produced, grown; sprung, evolved.

সঞ্জাব [ sañjāba ] n a border stitched to a piece of cloth or to the lower end of a mosquito net; a fringe; a lining.

সঞ্জীবন [ sañjībana ] a infusion of life, animation; res toration of life, reanimation. ☐ a. re storing life, reanimating; infusing life, animating. সঞ্জীবনী a. fem. of সঞ্জীবন (a.). ☐ a. an elixir restoring the dead to life (সঞ্জীবনী সুধা). সঞ্জীবিত a. restored to life; reanimalted; animated.

সট [ saṭa ] int indicating: rapidity, quickness etc.

সটকা [ saṭakā ] n a long slender (and usu. flexible) pipe or tube attached to a hubble bubble: the tobacco-smoke passes through this tube.

সটকান [ saṭakāna ] n (pronun. সটকান্ decampment, stealthy escape, slip. সটকান দেওয়া v. to decamp, to escape stealthily.

সটকানো [ saṭakānō ] v to decamp, to escape stealth ily; to make good one's escape.