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সন্ত [ santa ] n a saint, an ascetic.

সন্ততি [ santati ] n offspring; descendants, progeny, posterity; a son or a daughter; a line of descent; sequence (ভাবসন্ততি); con tinuum.

সন্তপ্ত [ santapta ] a afflicted; aggrieved; heated; run ning a temperature. সন্তপ্ত করা v. to af flict, to distress; to grieve; to heat; to cause to run a temperature. ̃হৃদয়ে adv. with an afflicted or aggrieved heart.

সন্তরণ [ santaraṇa ] n swimming; natation. ̃কারী n. a swimmer. fem. ̃কারিণী । ̃দক্ষ, ̃পটু a. skilled in swimming; natatory; natato rial.

সন্তর্পণে [ santarpaṇē ] adv very cautiously or carefully; with circumspection.

সন্তান [ santāna ] n a son or a daughter, offspring; progeny; a descendant. কন্যাসন্তান n. fem. a daughter. পুত্র সন্তান n. a son. ̃ধারণ করা v. to carry a child in one's womb, to be big with child. ̃পালন করা v. to bring up or nurse a child. ̃প্রসব n. child-bearing; childbirth. ̃প্রসব করা n. to give birth to a child, to bear a child. ̃বতী a. fem. one who has borne a child, masc. ̃বান one to whom a child is born. ̃বাত্সল্য n. affection or love for children; philoprogenitiveness, ̃সন্ততি n. children; descendants. ̃সম্ভবা a. fem. pregnant. ̃সম্ভবনা n. pregnancy. ̃হীন a. childless. fem. ̃হীন । সন্তানোচিত a. becoming a son or daughter, filial. সন্তানোত্পাদন করা v. to beget a child, to procreate.

সন্তাপ [ santāpa ] n great or severe heat; affliction, grief, mortification; bereavement; body temperature. ̃ক্লিষ্ট, সন্তাপিত same as সন্তপ্ত ।

সন্তুষ্ট [ santuṣṭa ] a satisfied; gratified; pleased or propitiated; content or happy. সন্তুষ্ট করা v. to satisfy; to gratify; to please or propitiate; to make content or happy. ̃চিত্তে adv. with a contented heart, con tentedly; happily. সন্তুষ্টি same as সন্তোষ ।

সন্তোলন [ santōlana ] n act of singeing lightly in oil or ghee.

সন্তোষ [ santōṣa ] n satisfaction; gratification; pleasure; propitiation; contentment or happiness. সন্তোষ উত্পাদন করা বা প্রদান করা same as সন্তুষ্ট করা । ̃জনক a. satisfac tory. ̃পূর্বক adv. with satisfaction; with pleasure.

সন্ত্রস্ত [ santrasta ] a greatly frightened or terrified or alarmed; panic-stricken; feverishly ex cited by the thought lest any faults should occur; awed.

সন্ত্রাস [ santrāsa ] n great fear or alarm, terror; panic. সন্ত্রাসের রাজত্ব a reign or terror. ̃ক n. a terrorist. ̃বাদ n. (pol.) terrorism. ̃বাদী a. pertaining to terrorism or terrorists. ☐ n. a terrorist. সন্ত্রাসিত a. greatly frightened or alarmed, terrified; (pol.) terrorized; panic-stricken.

সন্দংশ, সন্দশিকা, সন্দংশী [ sandaṃśa, sandaśikā, sandaṃśī ] n tongs, pincers, pliers, forceps etc.

সন্দর্ভ [ sandarbha ] n an essay, a treatise; a book; a collection or anthology.

সন্দর্শন [ sandarśana ] n minute or careful observation; supervision or inspection. সন্দর্শন করা v. to see or notice or observe minutely or carefully; to supervise or inspect.

সন্দিগ্ধ [ sandigdha ] a full of suspicion or inclined to suspect, suspicious; liable to suspicion, doubtful, suspected. ̃চিত্ত, ̃চেতা, ̃মনা a. having a suspicious mind; suspi cious.

সন্দিহান [ sandihāna ] a seized with suspicion or doubt, suspicious, doubtful.

সন্দীপন [ sandīpana ] n enkindling; excitation, incita tion, rousing. ☐ a. (incomp.) enkindling; inciting, rousing.

সন্দীপিত, সন্দীপ্ত [ sandīpita, sandīpta ] a enkindled, excited, in cited, roused.

সন্দেশ [ sandēśa ] n news, information; a message, a report; order, command; a delicious sweetmeat made of posset. ̃ওয়ালা n. a manufacturer or seller of the aforesaid sweetmeat. ̃বহ n. a messenger, (cp.) a courier.

সন্দেহ [ sandēha ] n doubt; suspicion. সন্দেহ করা v. to doubt; to suspect. সন্দেহ নেই no doubt, doubtlessly. সন্দেহের অতীত beyond doubt, above suspicion. সন্দেহের পাত্র a suspect. সন্দেহের বিষয় a matter of doubt. সন্দেহের লেশ a faint trace of doubt, a shadow of doubt. ̃জনক a. causing suspicion, suspicious; causing doubt, doubtful. ̃জনকভাবে adv. suspiciously. ̃বাই, ̃বাতিক n. propensity to suspect foul play, collusion etc.; a suspicious nature. ̃বাদ n. scepticism. ̃ভঞ্জন n. re moval of doubt or suspicion or misgiv ing, resolution of doubt. সন্দেহ ভঞ্জন বা নিরসন করা v. to remove or resolve a doubt. ̃স্হলে adv. in case of doubt or uncertainty. সন্দেহাতীত a. undoubted, in dubitable. সন্দেহের দোলা vacillation caused by doubt. সন্দেহের দোলায় দোলা v. to vacillate on account of doubt.

সন্ধান [ sandhāna ] n search, quest, pursuit; research; discovery; trace; a mystery; a secret entrance ('সন্ধান লব বুঝিয়া'); placing or planting or directing (শরসন্ধান); fer mentation; joining. সন্ধান করা v. to search; to research; to discover; to trace or to try to trace; to place or plant (as an arrow on a bow); to ferment; to join. সন্ধান নেওয়া same as সন্ধান করা । সন্ধান পাওয়া v. to find or get a trace (of); to find out, to discover; to detect. সন্ধান হওয়া v. to be searched or traced; to be found out or discovered or detected. ̃সূত্র n. a clue.

সন্ধানী, সন্ধানী [ sandhānī, sandhānī ] a engaged in searching; in quisitive; skilled in searching or detec tion. সন্ধানী আলো a searchlight.

সন্ধি [ sandhi ] n union, unification; alliance, a treaty; a compact, a covenant; a joint (ঊরুসন্ধি); meeting or juncture (যুগসন্ধি); juncture of day and night (cp. twilight, gloaming); juncture of two lunar days; mystery, secrets (নারীর মায়ার সন্ধি); a tunnel, a (long) hole (সন্ধিপথ); (gr.) blending of the final sound of a word with the initial sound of the following word, sandhi (স্বরসন্ধি = blending of two vowel sounds; ব্যঞ্জনসন্ধি = blending of two consonantal sounds or of a conso nantal sound with a vowel sound; বিসর্গ সন্ধি = blending of a বিসর্গ with a vowel or consonantal sound). কপাট-সন্ধি n. a hinge joint. সন্ধি করা v. to conclude a treaty; to enter into an alliance; to make a compact; to make peace; (gr.) to join by sandhi. ̃ক্ষণ n. the juncture of two ages or periods or moments. ̃ত a. joined; bound by a treaty; covenanted; fermented. ̃পত্র n. a writ ten covenant; a written agreement of peace. ̃পূজা n. worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) esp. in autumn at the junc ture of the eighth and the ninth lunar day. ̃প্রদাহ n. arthritis. ̃বদ্ধ a. bound by a treaty or agreement; covenanted. ̃বন্ধন n. a ligament, a nerve. ̃বাত n. gout; (erron.) arthritis. ̃বিগ্রহ n. war and peace. ̃বিচ্ছেদ n. (gr.) disjoining of sandhi (সন্ধি). ̃ভঙ্গ n. violation of a treaty or covenant; disruption of an al liance. ̃স্হল n. juncture.

সন্ধিত্সা [ sandhitsā ] n desire to know or enquire, cu riosity, inquisitiveness.

সন্ধিত্সু [ sandhitsu ] a curious, inquisitive.

সন্ধ্যা [ sandhyā ] n the juncture of day and night either at day break or nightfall, twilight; the evening, dusk, gloaming, nightfall (also সন্ধ্যাবেলা); the evening prayer to God or at any time of day or night (also সন্ধ্যাহ্নিক); time of performance (দু সন্ধ্যা ভোজন); juncture of two ages, transition period; (fig.) beginning (কলির সন্ধ্যা); (fig.) the closing period, the close (জীবনসন্ধ্যা). সন্ধ্যা করা v. to say one's prayer (at any time of day) to be overtaken by evening (সে বাড়ি ফিরতে সন্ধ্যা করে). ̃উপাসনা n. the evening prayer, vespers. ̃কালীন a. of evening; evening. ̃কালে adv. in the evening, ̃গোধূলি n. evening twilight, gloaming, dusk, owl-light. ̃তারা n. the evening star, the Vesper. ̃দীপ n. an evening lamp. ̃বন্দনা same as ̃উপাসনা । ̃রাগ, ̃লোক same as ̃গোধূলি ।

সন্নত [ sannata ] a bowed down in obeisance; bent; inclined; humble, modest.

সন্নদ্ধ [ sannaddha ] a equipped with arms, armed; armoured; tightly fastened with cloth etc., well-tucked (সন্নদ্ধ বক্ষ); lined-up, aligned, arrayed, in close array (ঘনসন্নদ্ধ তরুরাজি).

সন্না [ sannā ] n small pincers or forceps.

সন্নিকট [ sannikaṭa ] adv. & prep very near or close to (গৃহসন্নিকট); in the presence of (নৃপসন্নিকট). ☐ a. very proximate or near; imminent, approaching (সন্নিকটমৃত্যু). সন্নিকটে adv. same as সন্নিকট (adv.).