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হালকা [ hālakā ] a not heavy, light (হালকা ধাতু = light metal); of short weight; easily di gested (হালকা খাবার = light meal); easy; mild; gently blowing (হালকা হাওয়া); unimportant, negligible, frivolous (হালকা ব্যাপার); airy (হালকা কথা); care free (হালকা মন); light (in all the fore going senses). হালকা করা v. to lighten; to reduce the amount of (কাজ হালকা করা); to disburden, to relieve (মন হালকা করা). হালকাভাবে গ্রহণ করা to take or treat lightly.

হালাক [ hālāka ] a harassed or fatigued.

হালাল [ hālāla ] a holy or permissible according to Mohammedan scriptures. ☐ n. the sys tem of killing a beast by cutting its clavicle, as prescribed by Moham medan scriptures.

হালি1 [ hāli1 ] n a ploughman.

হালি2 [ hāli2 ] n a helmsman, a steersman.

হালুইকর [ hāluikara ] n one who makes sweetmeats, a confectioner.

হালুম [ hāluma ] int indicating: (facet.) the roar of a tiger.

হালুয়া [ hāluẏā ] n a kind of porridge made by fry ing cornflour and then boiling it with sugar.

হাশিয়া [ hāśiẏā ] n the embroidered border of a woolen wrapper, shawl etc.

হাস [ hāsa ] n a laugh; a smile.

হাসনুহানা, হাসনোহানা [ hāsanuhānā, hāsanōhānā ] n a species of very sweet-scented white flower that blooms in the evening, the night jas mine, Cestrum noeturnum.

হাসপাতাল [ hāsapātāla ] n a hospital.

হাসা [ hāsā ] v to laugh; to smile; (fig.) to be illu minated, to brighten up (চন্দ্রলোকে নগরী হাসছে); to taunt, to ridicule, to deride (লোক হাসছে). হাসানো v. to make one laugh or smile; to cause to ridicule or deride; to be an object or butt of ridi cule or derision (লোক হাসানো). হাসাহাসি করা v. to laugh over; to ridicule or de ride; to continue to laugh; to upset the calmness of; to laugh together derisively. হেসে উড়ানো, হেসে উড়িয়ে দেওয়া v. to laugh away, to laugh, to scorn. হেসে খেলে adv. in an easy manner, in a happy-go-lucky manner; playfully. হেসে হেসে adv. smilingly.

হাসি [ hāsi ] n a laugh; laughter; a smile; ridicule or derison; (fig.) brightness (চাঁদের হাসি). হাসি পাওয়া v. to feel inclined to smile; to feel inclined to smile a derisive smile, to feel inclined to laugh in one's sleeves. হাসির পাত্র an object or butt of ridicule or derision, a laughing-stock. হাসির ব্যাপার a ridiculous or ludicrous affair. ̃কান্না n. smiles and tears; tearful smiles; tears of joy; joy and sorrow mixed together; alternate joy and sor row. ̃খুশি n. gaiety, liveliness, jollity, vivacity. ☐ a. gay, lively, jolly, cheer ful, vivacious. ̃ঠাট্টা, ̃তামাশা n. banter, badinage. হাসিঠাট্টা করা, হাসিতামাশা করা v. to enjoy a light and lively chat; to poke fun at, to make fun of, to pull one's leg. ̃মুখ n. a smiling face. ̃মুখে adv. with a smiling face; happily, gladly; ungrudgingly; willingly. হাসির খোরাক an object of ridicule, a laughing stock. হাসির গল্প n. a funny tale, a comic story, a humorous story. ̃হাসি a. smiling; bright; charming; pleasant.

হাসিনী [ hāsinī ] a. fem (used as a sfx.) smiling or laughing (মধুরহাসিনী).

হাসিল [ hāsila ] a performed, accomplished; ful filled, realized. হাসিল করা v. to perform, to accomplish; to have something ful filled; to contrive, to realize.

হাস্য [ hāsya ] n a laugh; laughter; a smile. ̃কর, ̃জনক a. laughable, ridiculous; ludi crous, comical; farcial; humorous. ̃কৌতুক, ̃পরিহাস n. wit and fun; pleas antry; buffoonery; banter, badinage; humour. ̃ময় a. smiling; pleasant; happy. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃মুখ same as হাসিমুখ । ̃রঞ্জিত a. brightened with smile, beaming. ̃রস n. (rhet.) the sen timent of mirth, the comic. ̃রসাত্মক a. comical; humorous. ̃রসাত্মক নাটক a farce; a comedy. ̃রসাভিনেতা n. a comic actor, a comique. ̃রসিক a. witty; jo cose; humorous. ☐ n. a witty or jocose person, a wit; a buffoon; a writer of comic stories, plays etc.; a humorist; a comic actor or singer, a comique. হাস্যসংবরণ করা v. to suppress or check laughter; to restrain the impulse to laugh. হাস্যাস্পদ same as হাসির পাত্র (see হাসি). হাস্যোজ্জ্বল a. brightened with smile, lit up with smile. হাস্যোদ্দীপক, হাস্যোদ্রেককর same as হাস্যকর ।

হা-হতোস্মি [ hā-hatōsmi ] int alas, I am undone! alas, I am lost!

হাহা [ hāhā ] int indicating: the noise of loud lamentation, grief, affliction etc.; emp tiness, vacuity; desolation; the noise of guffaw. হাহা করা v. to lament or grieve or wail loudly; to be empty or desolate; to guffaw. হাহা করে ওঠা v. to burst into loud lamentation or wailing or into a guffaw. ̃কার n. loud lamentation or wailing. ̃কার করা v. to lament or be wail loudly.

হা-হুতাশ [ hā-hutāśa ] n profound regret or repen tance. হা-হুতাশ করা v. to regret or repent deeply.

হিং, হিঙ [ hi, ṃhiṅa ] n asafoetida.

হিং-টিং-ছট্ [ hi-ṇṭi-ñchaṭ ] n (sarcas.) meaningless gib berish resembling Sanskrit words in sound.

হিংসক [ hiṃsaka ] a given to killing or harming oth ers; malevolent; malicious, spiteful; envious, jealous.

হিংসন, হিংসা [ hiṃsana, hiṃsā ] n killing, slaughter; malice; spite, malevolence; (loos.) envy, jeal ousy. হিংসনীয় a. that which is to be or ought to be killed; that which is to be or ought to be envied, enviable. হিংসা করা v. to kill, to slay; to harm; to mal ice; to envy, to be jealous of. হিংসাত্মক a. killing, slaying; malicious, spiteful, malevolent; envious. হিংসাপরায়ণ same as হিংসক ।

হিংসিত [ hiṃsita ] a killed, slain; harmed; maliced; (loos.) envied.

হিংসুক, হিংসুটে [ hiṃsuka, hiṃsuṭē ] a envious, jealous; spite ful, malicious.

হিংস্র, হিংস্রক [ hiṃsra, hiṃsraka ] a cruel, ferocious; killing others; murderous. হিংস্র পশু a ferocious animal; a beast of prey. হিংস্রতা n. cru elty, ferocity, act of killing others.

হিঁচড়ানো [ hin̐caḍ়ānō ] v to drag or graze forcefully; to trail along forcefully.

হিকমত [ hikamata ] n power; might, strength; ability; efficiency.

হিক্কা [ hikkā ] n a hiccup. হিক্কা তোলা v. to hiccup.

হিঙ্গুল, হিঙ্গুলি [ hiṅgula, hiṅguli ] n the red sulphide or mer cury, cinnabar; vermilion.

হিজরি, হিজরা [ hijari, hijarā ] n the Mohammedan era counted from 622 A.D., hegira, hejira, hijra.

হিজল [ hijala ] n a kind of tree, the Indian oak, the Barringtonia acutangula.

হিজলি-বাদাম [ hijali-bādāma ] n cashew-nut.

হিজিবিজি [ hijibiji ] n an illegible and worthless or meaningless writing or drawing, a scribble, a scrawl. ☐ a. illegible and worthless or meaningless. হিজিবিজি আঁকা v. to scrawl. হিজিবিজি লেখা v. to scribble, to scrawl.

হিড় হিড় [ hiḍ় hiḍ় ] int indicating: rapid and violent dragging along or falling down; the noise of such dragging or falling.

হিড়িক [ hiḍ়ika ] n passing popular excitement or trend (বিটলেপনার হিড়িক); mad rush (দেশভ্রমণের হিড়িক); a great pressure (কাজের হিড়িক).

হিত [ hita ] n good, benefit; well-being, weal, welfare. ☐ a. good, beneficial, salu tary, wholesome. হিতে বিপরীত an at tempt to do good resulting in a great harm. হিত করা same as হিতসাধন করা ̃কথা same as হিতোপদেশ । ̃কর a. same as হিত (a.). fem. হিতকরী । ̃কামনা n. well-wishing. হিতকামনা করা v. to wish one good. ̃কামী a. well-wishing. ̃কারী a. same as হিত (a.). ☐ n. a benefactor. fem. ̃কারিণী । ̃বাদী a. telling beneficial or salutary words; giving beneficial ad vice or good counsel. fem. ̃বাদিনী । ̃সাধন করা v. to do good to; to benefit; to promote the well-being of. হিতাকাঙ্খা same as হিতকামনা । হিতাকাঙ্খী, হিতার্থী same as হিতকামী । fem. হিতাকাঙ্খিণী । হিতার্থিনী । হিতাহিত n. good and evil; right and wrong. হিতাহিতজ্ঞান n. knowledge of ascertaining or differentiating good and evil or right and wrong. হিতাহিত বিবেচনা করা v. to discriminate between good and evil or right and wrong. হিতৈষণা n. desire or disposition to do good (to); benevolence. হিতৈষী a. desir ous of doing or disposed to do good (to.); benevolent. fem. হিতৈষিণী । হিতোপদেশ n. salutary or beneficial or good advice or teaching. হিতোপদেশক a. giving salutary or beneficial or good advice or teaching; didactic. হিতোপদেষ্টা n. & a. one who gives salutary or ben eficial or good advice or teaching.

হিন্দি [ hindi ] n the Hindi language; Hindi.

হিন্দু [ hindu ] n a Hindu; Hindus (also হিন্দু জাতি); Hinduism (also হিন্দু ধর্ম) ☐ a. of Hindu ism or Hindus, Hindu. ̃ধর্মাবলম্বী a. Hindu. ̃য়ানি n. (usu. sarcas.) practices and rites and sacraments of Hinduism. ̃সমাজ n. the Hindu community or so ciety.

হিন্দুস্হান [ hindushāna ] n Hindusthan, Hindosthan, In dia. হিন্দুস্হানি a. Indian; inhabiting Upper or Central India; of Hindusthan. ☐ n. the mixed dialect of Upper India, Hindusthani; an inhabitant of upper or central India.

হিন্দোল [ hindōla ] n swinging; a swing; the festival of ঝুলন or swinging; an Indian musical mode.

হিবানামা [ hibānāmā ] n (Mus.) a deed of gift.

হিব্রু [ hibru ] n the Hebrew race, Hebrews; a He brew (fem. Hebrewess), a Jew (fem. Jewess); the Hebrew language, He brew.

হিম [ hima ] n winter; snow; frost; dew; coldness, the cold; chill. ☐ a. cold; cool. হিম পড়ছে v. dew is collecting. ̃ঋতু n. win ter, (cp.) cold weather. ̃গিরি n. the Himalayas. ̃ঘর n. a cold store; cold storage. ̃ঝঞ্ঝা n. a hail-storm; a bliz zard. ̃নিবারণ করা v. to ward off or pre vent cold. ̃বাহ n. a glacier. ̃মন্ডল n. (geog.) either of the frigid zones, a frigid zone. ̃মিশ্র n. freezing mixture. ̃রেখা n. the snow-line. ̃শিলা n. hail stone; an iceberg. ̃শীতল a. frigid; icy; ice-cold. ̃শৈল n. an iceberg. ̃সংহনন n. glaciation. ̃সাগর n. a superior qual ity of mango; a kind of brain cooling medicinal oil. হিমাংশু n. the moon. হিমাগম n. advent of the cold season or of winter. হিমাঙ্ক n. freezing point. হিমাঙ্গ n. a body bereft of blood-heat (that is, in a state of collapse); a frozen body; a lifeless body. ☐ a. having any one of the aforesaid bodies. হিমাচল, হিমাদ্রি n. the Himalayas. হিমানি n. a collection or mass of snow or hoar frost; snow-ice; (loos.) ice. হিমায়ক n. a refrigerator. হিমায়ন n. refrigeration. হিমায়িত a. re frigerated. হিমায়িত করা v. to refrigerate. হিমালয় n. the Himalayas. হিমেল a. cold; very cold.

হিম্মত [ himmata ] n power, might; valour; courage; spiritedness, spirit.

হিমশিম [ himaśima ] n extreme exhaustion or fatigue; trouble; bewilderment. হিমশিম খাওয়া v. to be almost fainting with exhaustion or fatigue or harassment; to cower in fear etc.; to be in deep waters or great difficulties.

হিরণ [ hiraṇa ] n gold. ̃বরণ a. golden coloured.

হিরন্ময় [ hiranmaẏa ] a made of gold; golden-coloured; golden.

হিরণ্য [ hiraṇya ] n gold. ̃গর্ভ a. full of gold, aurif erous. ☐ n. Brahma (ব্রহ্মা).

হিরাকস [ hirākasa ] n iron sulphate, green vitriol; copperas.

হিল্লে [ hillē ] n (discovery of) a means or method to work out or solve (অঙ্কের হিল্লে); (discovery of) a remedy (রোগের হিল্লে); disposal (কাজের হিল্লে); arrangement (মেয়ের বিয়ের হিল্লে); provision (ভবিষ্যতের হিল্লে); providing with an employment (বেকারের হিল্লে); settle ment (বিবাদের হিল্লে); trace (চুরির হিল্লে).

হিল্লোল [ hillōla ] n a wave; a swing; a wavy or swinging motion.

হিস্হিস্ [ hishis ] int indicating: repeated or con tinued hissing or fizzing sound. হিস্হিস্ করা v. to hiss, to fizz.

হিস্টিরিয়া [ hisṭiriẏā ] n hysteria. ̃গ্রস্ত a. hysteric, hysterical.

হিহি [ hihi ] int indicating: violent shivering in cold; giggling noise. হিহি করে কাঁপা v. to shiver in cold. হিহি করে হাসা v. to giggle.

হীন [ hīna ] a devoid of; divested or deprived of; destitute of; lacking, bereaved of; -less (পাপ হীন = sinless); base, mean; vile, hateful; lowly, depressed; infe rior; lower (পদমর্যাদায় হীন); lowered, degraded; humiliated; humble; undig nified; poor, indigent (হীন অবস্হা); mis erable; decreased or diminished; dull, dim. হীন করা v. to debase; to lower, to degrade; to humiliate; to make poor or indigent. ̃কর্মা a. doing vile or hateful deeds; employed in a lowly or base work. ̃চরিত্র a. depraved; mean-na tured. ̃চেতা a. mean-minded. ̃জন্মা a. low-born. ̃জাতি a. belonging to a lowly or depressed or vile caste or race. ̃তা n. privation, absence; lack; meanness; vileness, hatefulness; low state, depression; inferiority; humilia tion; humility; indignity; poverty; mis ery; shortage. হীনতাব্যঞ্জক a. indicating meanness; disgraceful; undignified. ̃প্রকৃতি; a. mean-natured, of an ignoble character; small-minded. ̃প্রভ a. lack lustre; dim. ̃বল a. weak; feeble; weakened, enfeebled. ̃বুদ্ধি a. having evil or vile thoughts. ̃বৃত্তি n. a vile or lowly occupation or calling. ☐ a. em ployed in a vile or lowly occupation. ̃মতি, ̃মনা a. mean-minded; suffering from inferiority complex. ̃মন্যতা ̃মানস n. inferiority complex. ̃যান n. one of the two Buddhist sects. হীনাবস্হ a. poor, indigent; low-lived; in a miser able state. হীনাবস্হা n. poverty, indi gence; a low life; a miserable or wretched state.

হীরক, হীরা [ hīraka, hīrā ] n diamond. কাচ-কাটা হীরা a glass cutter. হীরার খনি diamond ore, a diamond mine. হীরার ধার (fig.) great sharpness or keenness or acuteness of mind, intelligence etc. পড়িলে ভেড়ার শৃঙ্গে ভাঙে হীরার ধার keenness of mind is dulled in the company of fools. হীরকচূর্ণ n. diamond-dust, diamond-powder. হীরকজয়ন্তী n. diamond-jubilee; diamond anniversary.

হীরামন [ hīrāmana ] n (folk-tales) a traditional name of a talking popinjay.