Rig Veda
Text & Audio
Sūkta 28
1. Info |
To: | 1-4: indra; 5-9: sunu somam (soma pressing) |
From: | śunaḥśepa ājīgarti | |
Metres: | anuṣṭubh (1-6); gāyatrī (7-9) |
2. Audio |
▪ by South Indian brahmins |
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▪ by Sri Shyama Sundara Sharma and Sri Satya Krishna Bhatta. Recorded by © 2012 Sriranga Digital Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. |
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3. Preferences |
Show these variants of riks numbering: |
Mandala. Sukta. Rik |
Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik |
Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik |
Show these variants of vedic text: |
Samhita |
Devanagari |
Accent |
Samhita |
Devanagari |
Without accent |
Samhita |
Transliteration |
Accent |
Samhita |
Transliteration |
Without accent |
Padapatha |
Devanagari |
Accent |
Padapatha |
Devanagari |
Without accent |
Padapatha |
Transliteration |
Accent |
Padapatha |
Transliteration |
Without accent |
Show interlinear translation |
Show interlinear translation made in Sri Aurobindo’s light [?] |
Show grammar forms |
3. Text |
01.028.01 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.06.060 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
यत्र॒ ग्रावा॑ पृ॒थुबु॑ध्न ऊ॒र्ध्वो भव॑ति॒ सोत॑वे ।
उ॒लूख॑लसुताना॒मवेद्विं॑द्र जल्गुलः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
यत्र ग्रावा पृथुबुध्न ऊर्ध्वो भवति सोतवे ।
उलूखलसुतानामवेद्विंद्र जल्गुलः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
yátra grā́vā pṛthúbudhna ūrdhvó bhávati sótave ǀ
ulū́khalasutānāmávédvindra jalgulaḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
yatra grāvā pṛthubudhna ūrdhvo bhavati sotave ǀ
ulūkhalasutānāmavedvindra jalgulaḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
यत्र॑ । ग्रावा॑ । पृ॒थुऽबु॑ध्नः । ऊ॒र्ध्वः । भव॑ति । सोत॑वे ।
उ॒लूख॑लऽसुतानाम् । अव॑ । इत् । ऊं॒ इति॑ । इ॒न्द्र॒ । ज॒ल्गु॒लः॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
यत्र । ग्रावा । पृथुऽबुध्नः । ऊर्ध्वः । भवति । सोतवे ।
उलूखलऽसुतानाम् । अव । इत् । ऊं इति । इन्द्र । जल्गुलः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
yátra ǀ grā́vā ǀ pṛthú-budhnaḥ ǀ ūrdhváḥ ǀ bhávati ǀ sótave ǀ
ulū́khala-sutānām ǀ áva ǀ ít ǀ ūṃ íti ǀ indra ǀ jalgulaḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
yatra ǀ grāvā ǀ pṛthu-budhnaḥ ǀ ūrdhvaḥ ǀ bhavati ǀ sotave ǀ
ulūkhala-sutānām ǀ ava ǀ it ǀ ūṃ iti ǀ indra ǀ jalgulaḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
Where the pressing stone with a wide foundation becomes high-uplifted for the pressing out , {there} O Indra , {thou} wilt swallow, of course, {somas} pressed out in the mortar .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Where ← [1] yatra (indeclinable word; adverb)
the pressing stone ← [2] grāvā (noun M-N single) ← grāvan
with a wide foundation ← [3] pṛthu-budhnaḥ (noun M-N single) ← pṛthubudhna
becomes ← [5] bhavati (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← bhū
high-uplifted ← [4] ūrdhvaḥ (noun M-N single) ← ūrdhva
for the pressing out ← [6] sotave (noun M-D single) ← sotu
{there} O Indra ← [11] indra (noun M-V single)
{thou} wilt swallow ← [8] ava (indeclinable word; adverb); [12] jalgulaḥ (verb Subjunctive single 2nd) ← gṝ
of course ← [9] it (indeclinable word; particle) ← id
{somas} pressed out in the mortar ← [7] ulūkhala-sutānām (noun M-G plural) ← ulūkhalasuta
01.028.02 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.06.061 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
यत्र॒ द्वावि॑व ज॒घना॑धिषव॒ण्या॑ कृ॒ता ।
उ॒लूख॑लसुताना॒मवेद्विं॑द्र जल्गुलः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
यत्र द्वाविव जघनाधिषवण्या कृता ।
उलूखलसुतानामवेद्विंद्र जल्गुलः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
yátra dvā́viva jaghánādhiṣavaṇyā́ kṛtā́ ǀ
ulū́khalasutānāmávédvindra jalgulaḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
yatra dvāviva jaghanādhiṣavaṇyā kṛtā ǀ
ulūkhalasutānāmavedvindra jalgulaḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
यत्र॑ । द्वौऽइ॑व । ज॒घना॑ । अ॒धि॒ऽस॒व॒न्या॑ । कृ॒ता ।
उ॒लूख॑लऽसुतानाम् । अव॑ । इत् । ऊं॒ इति॑ । इ॒न्द्र॒ । ज॒ल्गु॒लः॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
यत्र । द्वौऽइव । जघना । अधिऽसवन्या । कृता ।
उलूखलऽसुतानाम् । अव । इत् । ऊं इति । इन्द्र । जल्गुलः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
yátra ǀ dváu-iva ǀ jaghánā ǀ adhi-savanyā́ ǀ kṛtā́ ǀ
ulū́khala-sutānām ǀ áva ǀ ít ǀ ūṃ íti ǀ indra ǀ jalgulaḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
yatra ǀ dvau-iva ǀ jaghanā ǀ adhi-savanyā ǀ kṛtā ǀ
ulūkhala-sutānām ǀ ava ǀ it ǀ ūṃ iti ǀ indra ǀ jalgulaḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
Where two parts of the press are made like two buttocks, {there} O Indra , {thou} wilt swallow, of course, {somas} pressed out in the mortar .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Where ← [1] yatra (indeclinable word; adverb)
two parts of the press ← [4] adhi-savanyā (noun M-N double) ← adhiṣavaṇya
are made ← [5] kṛtā (noun M-N double) ← kṛta
like two ← [2] dvau-iva (noun M-N double) ← dva
buttocks ← [3] jaghanā (noun M-N double) ← jaghana
{there} O Indra ← [10] indra (noun M-V single)
{thou} wilt swallow ← [7] ava (indeclinable word; adverb); [11] jalgulaḥ (verb Subjunctive single 2nd) ← gṝ
of course ← [8] it (indeclinable word; particle) ← id
{somas} pressed out in the mortar ← [6] ulūkhala-sutānām (noun M-G plural) ← ulūkhalasuta
01.028.03 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.06.062 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
यत्र॒ नार्य॑पच्य॒वमु॑पच्य॒वं च॒ शिक्ष॑ते ।
उ॒लूख॑लसुताना॒मवेद्विं॑द्र जल्गुलः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
यत्र नार्यपच्यवमुपच्यवं च शिक्षते ।
उलूखलसुतानामवेद्विंद्र जल्गुलः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
yátra nā́ryapacyavámupacyavám ca śíkṣate ǀ
ulū́khalasutānāmávédvindra jalgulaḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
yatra nāryapacyavamupacyavam ca śikṣate ǀ
ulūkhalasutānāmavedvindra jalgulaḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
यत्र॑ । नारी॑ । अ॒प॒ऽच्य॒वम् । उ॒प॒ऽच्य॒वम् । च॒ । शिक्ष॑ते ।
उ॒लूख॑लऽसुतानाम् । अव॑ । इत् । ऊं॒ इति॑ । इ॒न्द्र॒ । ज॒ल्गु॒लः॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
यत्र । नारी । अपऽच्यवम् । उपऽच्यवम् । च । शिक्षते ।
उलूखलऽसुतानाम् । अव । इत् । ऊं इति । इन्द्र । जल्गुलः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
yátra ǀ nā́rī ǀ apa-cyavám ǀ upa-cyavám ǀ ca ǀ śíkṣate ǀ
ulū́khala-sutānām ǀ áva ǀ ít ǀ ūṃ íti ǀ indra ǀ jalgulaḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
yatra ǀ nārī ǀ apa-cyavam ǀ upa-cyavam ǀ ca ǀ śikṣate ǀ
ulūkhala-sutānām ǀ ava ǀ it ǀ ūṃ iti ǀ indra ǀ jalgulaḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
Where a woman practises the moving back and the moving towards, {there} O Indra , {thou} wilt swallow, of course, {somas} pressed out in the mortar .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Where ← [1] yatra (indeclinable word; adverb)
a woman ← [2] nārī (noun F-N single)
practises ← [6] śikṣate (verb Present Middle single 3rd) ← śikṣ
the moving back ← [3] apa-cyavam (noun M-Ac single) ← apacyava
and ← [5] ca (indeclinable word; copulative)
the moving towards ← [4] upa-cyavam (noun M-Ac single) ← upacyava
{there} O Indra ← [11] indra (noun M-V single)
{thou} wilt swallow ← [8] ava (indeclinable word; adverb); [12] jalgulaḥ (verb Subjunctive single 2nd) ← gṝ
of course ← [9] it (indeclinable word; particle) ← id
{somas} pressed out in the mortar ← [7] ulūkhala-sutānām (noun M-G plural) ← ulūkhalasuta
01.028.04 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.06.063 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
यत्र॒ मंथां॑ विब॒ध्नते॑ र॒श्मीन्यमि॑त॒वा इ॑व ।
उ॒लूख॑लसुताना॒मवेद्विं॑द्र जल्गुलः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
यत्र मंथां विबध्नते रश्मीन्यमितवा इव ।
उलूखलसुतानामवेद्विंद्र जल्गुलः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
yátra mánthām vibadhnáte raśmī́nyámitavā́ iva ǀ
ulū́khalasutānāmávédvindra jalgulaḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
yatra manthām vibadhnate raśmīnyamitavā iva ǀ
ulūkhalasutānāmavedvindra jalgulaḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
यत्र॑ । मन्था॑म् । वि॒ऽब॒ध्नते॑ । र॒श्मीन् । यमि॑त॒वैऽइ॑व ।
उ॒लूख॑लऽसुतानाम् । अव॑ । इत् । ऊं॒ इति॑ । इ॒न्द्र॒ । ज॒ल्गु॒लः॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
यत्र । मन्थाम् । विऽबध्नते । रश्मीन् । यमितवैऽइव ।
उलूखलऽसुतानाम् । अव । इत् । ऊं इति । इन्द्र । जल्गुलः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
yátra ǀ mánthām ǀ vi-badhnáte ǀ raśmī́n ǀ yámitavái-iva ǀ
ulū́khala-sutānām ǀ áva ǀ ít ǀ ūṃ íti ǀ indra ǀ jalgulaḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
yatra ǀ manthām ǀ vi-badhnate ǀ raśmīn ǀ yamitavai-iva ǀ
ulūkhala-sutānām ǀ ava ǀ it ǀ ūṃ iti ǀ indra ǀ jalgulaḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
Where the churning-stick is bound as if to hold the reins, {there} O Indra , {thou} wilt swallow, of course, {somas} pressed out in the mortar .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Where ← [1] yatra (indeclinable word; adverb)
the churning-stick ← [2] manthām (noun F-Ac single) ← manthā
is bound ← [3] vi-badhnate = vibadhyate (verb Present Passive single 3rd) ← vibandh
as if to hold ← [5] yamitavai-iva (verb Infinitive) ← yam
the reins ← [4] raśmīn (noun M-Ac plural) ← raśmi
{there} O Indra ← [10] indra (noun M-V single)
{thou} wilt swallow ← [7] ava (indeclinable word; adverb); [11] jalgulaḥ (verb Subjunctive single 2nd) ← gṝ
of course ← [8] it (indeclinable word; particle) ← id
{somas} pressed out in the mortar ← [6] ulūkhala-sutānām (noun M-G plural) ← ulūkhalasuta
01.028.05 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.06.064 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
यच्चि॒द्धि त्वं गृ॒हेगृ॑ह॒ उलू॑खलक यु॒ज्यसे॑ ।
इ॒ह द्यु॒मत्त॑मं वद॒ जय॑तामिव दुंदु॒भिः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
यच्चिद्धि त्वं गृहेगृह उलूखलक युज्यसे ।
इह द्युमत्तमं वद जयतामिव दुंदुभिः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
yácciddhí tvám gṛhégṛha úlūkhalaka yujyáse ǀ
ihá dyumáttamam vada jáyatāmiva dundubhíḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
yacciddhi tvam gṛhegṛha ulūkhalaka yujyase ǀ
iha dyumattamam vada jayatāmiva dundubhiḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
यत् । चि॒त् । हि । त्वम् । गृ॒हेऽगृ॑हे । उलू॑खलक । यु॒ज्यसे॑ ।
इ॒ह । द्यु॒मत्ऽत॑मम् । व॒द॒ । जय॑ताम्ऽइव । दु॒न्दु॒भिः ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
यत् । चित् । हि । त्वम् । गृहेऽगृहे । उलूखलक । युज्यसे ।
इह । द्युमत्ऽतमम् । वद । जयताम्ऽइव । दुन्दुभिः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
yát ǀ cit ǀ hí ǀ tvám ǀ gṛhé-gṛhe ǀ úlūkhalaka ǀ yujyáse ǀ
ihá ǀ dyumát-tamam ǀ vada ǀ jáyatām-iva ǀ dundubhíḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
yat ǀ cit ǀ hi ǀ tvam ǀ gṛhe-gṛhe ǀ ulūkhalaka ǀ yujyase ǀ
iha ǀ dyumat-tamam ǀ vada ǀ jayatām-iva ǀ dundubhiḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
When, O mortar , thou is yoked for house and house, here, most luminous, do voice like by drums of conquerors.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
When ← [1] yat (pronoun N-Ac single) ← yad
O mortar ← [6] ulūkhalaka (noun N-V single)
thou ← [4] tvam (pronoun M-N single 2nd) ← tva
is yoked ← [7] yujyase (verb Present Passive single 2nd) ← yuj
for house and house ← [5] gṛhe-gṛhe (noun M-D single) ← gṛh
here ← [8] iha (indeclinable word; adverb)
most luminous ← [9] dyumat-tamam (noun N-N single) ← dyumattama
do voice ← [10] vada (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← vad
like by drums ← [12] dundubhiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← dundu
of conquerors ← [11] jayatām-iva (noun M-G plural) ← jayat
01.028.06 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.06.065 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
उ॒त स्म॑ ते वनस्पते॒ वातो॒ वि वा॒त्यग्र॒मित् ।
अथो॒ इंद्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे सु॒नु सोम॑मुलूखल ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
उत स्म ते वनस्पते वातो वि वात्यग्रमित् ।
अथो इंद्राय पातवे सुनु सोममुलूखल ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
utá sma te vanaspate vā́to ví vātyágramít ǀ
átho índrāya pā́tave sunú sómamulūkhala ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
uta sma te vanaspate vāto vi vātyagramit ǀ
atho indrāya pātave sunu somamulūkhala ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
उ॒त । स्म॒ । ते॒ । व॒न॒स्प॒ते॒ । वातः॑ । वि । वा॒ति॒ । अग्र॑म् । इत् ।
अथो॒ इति॑ । इन्द्रा॑य । पात॑वे । सु॒नु । सोम॑म् । उ॒लू॒ख॒ल॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
उत । स्म । ते । वनस्पते । वातः । वि । वाति । अग्रम् । इत् ।
अथो इति । इन्द्राय । पातवे । सुनु । सोमम् । उलूखल ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
utá ǀ sma ǀ te ǀ vanaspate ǀ vā́taḥ ǀ ví ǀ vāti ǀ ágram ǀ ít ǀ
átho íti ǀ índrāya ǀ pā́tave ǀ sunú ǀ sómam ǀ ulūkhala ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
uta ǀ sma ǀ te ǀ vanaspate ǀ vātaḥ ǀ vi ǀ vāti ǀ agram ǀ it ǀ
atho iti ǀ indrāya ǀ pātave ǀ sunu ǀ somam ǀ ulūkhala ǁ
interlinear translation
And, verily, O Vanaspati , the wind widely blows in front for thee surely, therefore, O mortar , do press soma for Indra to drink.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
And ← [1] uta (indeclinable word; copulative)
verily ← [2] sma (indeclinable word; particle)
O Vanaspati ← [4] vanaspate (noun M-V single) ← vanaspati
the wind ← [5] vātaḥ (noun M-N single) ← vāta
widely blows ← [6] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [7] vāti (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← vā
in front ← [8] agram (indeclinable word; adverb) ← agra
for thee ← [3] te (pronoun D single 2nd) ← tva
surely ← [9] it (indeclinable word; particle) ← id
therefore ← [10] atho iti (indeclinable word; adverb, copulative) ← atho
O mortar ← [15] ulūkhala (noun N-V single)
do press ← [13] sunu (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← su
soma ← [14] somam (noun M-Ac single) ← soma
for Indra ← [11] indrāya (noun M-D single) ← indra
to drink ← [12] pātave (verb Infinitive) ← pā
01.028.07 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.06.066 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
आ॒य॒जी वा॑ज॒सात॑मा॒ ता ह्यु१॒॑च्चा वि॑जर्भृ॒तः ।
हरी॑ इ॒वांधां॑सि॒ बप्स॑ता ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
आयजी वाजसातमा ता ह्युच्चा विजर्भृतः ।
हरी इवांधांसि बप्सता ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
āyajī́ vājasā́tamā tā́ hyúccā́ vijarbhṛtáḥ ǀ
hárī ivā́ndhāṃsi bápsatā ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
āyajī vājasātamā tā hyuccā vijarbhṛtaḥ ǀ
harī ivāndhāṃsi bapsatā ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
आ॒य॒जी इत्या॑ऽय॒जी । वा॒ज॒ऽसात॑मा । ता । हि । उ॒च्चा । वि॒ऽज॒र्भृ॒तः ।
हरी॑ इ॒वेति॒ हरी॑ऽइव । अन्धां॑सि । बप्स॑ता ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
आयजी इत्याऽयजी । वाजऽसातमा । ता । हि । उच्चा । विऽजर्भृतः ।
हरी इवेति हरीऽइव । अन्धांसि । बप्सता ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
āyajī́ ítyā-yajī́ ǀ vāja-sā́tamā ǀ tā́ ǀ hí ǀ uccā́ ǀ vi-jarbhṛtáḥ ǀ
hárī ivéti hárī-iva ǀ ándhāṃsi ǀ bápsatā ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
āyajī ityā-yajī ǀ vāja-sātamā ǀ tā ǀ hi ǀ uccā ǀ vi-jarbhṛtaḥ ǀ
harī iveti harī-iva ǀ andhāṃsi ǀ bapsatā ǁ
interlinear translation
For they two, procuring by offerings, the most strong in conquering of plenitudes , move intensely hither and thither like two bright horses that feed themselves on grassy grounds.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
For ← [4] hi (indeclinable word; particle)
they two ← [3] tā (pronoun M-N double 3rd) ← sa
procuring by offerings ← [1] āyajī ityā-yajī (noun M-N double) ← āyaji
the most strong in conquering of plenitudes ← [2] vāja-sātamā = vājasātau (noun M-N double) ← vājasāta
move ← [6] vi-jarbhṛtaḥ (verb Intensitive plural 3rd) ← vibhṛ
intensely ← [5] uccā (noun F-N single) ← ucca
hither and thither ← [6] vi-jarbhṛtaḥ (verb Intensitive plural 3rd) ← vibhṛ
like two bright horses ← [7] harī iveti harī-iva (noun M-N double) ← hari
that feed themselves ← [9] bapsatā (verb Present Middle double 3rd) ← bhas
on grassy grounds ← [8] andhāṃsi (noun N-Ac plural) ← andhas
01.028.08 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.06.067 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
ता नो॑ अ॒द्य व॑नस्पती ऋ॒ष्वावृ॒ष्वेभिः॑ सो॒तृभिः॑ ।
इंद्रा॑य॒ मधु॑मत्सुतं ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
ता नो अद्य वनस्पती ऋष्वावृष्वेभिः सोतृभिः ।
इंद्राय मधुमत्सुतं ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
tā́ no adyá vanaspatī ṛṣvā́vṛṣvébhiḥ sotṛ́bhiḥ ǀ
índrāya mádhumatsutam ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
tā no adya vanaspatī ṛṣvāvṛṣvebhiḥ sotṛbhiḥ ǀ
indrāya madhumatsutam ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
ता । नः॒ । अ॒द्य । व॒न॒स्प॒ती॒ इति॑ । ऋ॒ष्वौ । ऋ॒ष्वेभिः॑ । सो॒तृऽभिः॑ ।
इन्द्रा॑य । मधु॑ऽमत् । सु॒त॒म् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
ता । नः । अद्य । वनस्पती इति । ऋष्वौ । ऋष्वेभिः । सोतृऽभिः ।
इन्द्राय । मधुऽमत् । सुतम् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
tā́ ǀ naḥ ǀ adyá ǀ vanaspatī íti ǀ ṛṣváu ǀ ṛṣvébhiḥ ǀ sotṛ́-bhiḥ ǀ
índrāya ǀ mádhu-mat ǀ sutam ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
tā ǀ naḥ ǀ adya ǀ vanaspatī iti ǀ ṛṣvau ǀ ṛṣvebhiḥ ǀ sotṛ-bhiḥ ǀ
indrāya ǀ madhu-mat ǀ sutam ǁ
interlinear translation
You both, O Vanaspatis , high with the high pressing ones, do press out now the honeyed for us {and} for Indra .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
You both ← [1] tā (pronoun M-N double 3rd) ← sa
O Vanaspatis ← [4] vanaspatī iti (noun M-V double) ← vanaspati
high ← [5] ṛṣvau (noun M-N double) ← ṛṣva
with the high ← [6] ṛṣvebhiḥ (noun F-I plural) ← ṛṣva
pressing ones ← [7] sotṛ-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← sotṛ
do press out ← [10] sutam (verb Aorist, root Imperative Active double 2nd) ← su
now ← [3] adya (indeclinable word; adverb)
the honeyed ← [9] madhu-mat (noun N-Ac single) ← madhumat
for us ← [2] naḥ (pronoun D plural 1st) ← vayam
{and} for Indra ← [8] indrāya (noun M-D single) ← indra
01.028.09 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.06.068 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
उच्छि॒ष्टं च॒म्वो॑र्भर॒ सोमं॑ प॒वित्र॒ आ सृ॑ज ।
नि धे॑हि॒ गोरधि॑ त्व॒चि ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
उच्छिष्टं चम्वोर्भर सोमं पवित्र आ सृज ।
नि धेहि गोरधि त्वचि ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
úcchiṣṭám camvórbhara sómam pavítra ā́ sṛja ǀ
ní dhehi górádhi tvací ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
ucchiṣṭam camvorbhara somam pavitra ā sṛja ǀ
ni dhehi goradhi tvaci ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
उत् । शि॒ष्टम् । च॒म्वोः॑ । भ॒र॒ । सोम॑म् । प॒वित्रे॑ । आ । सृ॒ज॒ ।
नि । धे॒हि॒ । गोः । अधि॑ । त्व॒चि ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
उत् । शिष्टम् । चम्वोः । भर । सोमम् । पवित्रे । आ । सृज ।
नि । धेहि । गोः । अधि । त्वचि ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
út ǀ śiṣṭám ǀ camvóḥ ǀ bhara ǀ sómam ǀ pavítre ǀ ā́ ǀ sṛja ǀ
ní ǀ dhehi ǀ góḥ ǀ ádhi ǀ tvací ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
ut ǀ śiṣṭam ǀ camvoḥ ǀ bhara ǀ somam ǀ pavitre ǀ ā ǀ sṛja ǀ
ni ǀ dhehi ǀ goḥ ǀ adhi ǀ tvaci ǁ
interlinear translation
Do take out Soma , left in both cups, do pour {it} into the strainer , do put {it} in the leather bag of the cow .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Do take out ← [1] ut (indeclinable word; adverb, particle); [4] bhara (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← bhṛ
Soma ← [5] somam (noun M-Ac single) ← soma
left ← [2] śiṣṭam (noun M-Ac single) ← śiṣṭa
in both cups ← [3] camvoḥ (noun F-L double) ← camū
do pour {it} ← [7] ā (preposition); [8] sṛja (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← sṛj
into the strainer ← [6] pavitre (noun N-L single) ← pavitra
do put {it} ← [9] ni (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition); [10] dhehi (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← dhā
in ← [12] adhi (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)
the leather bag ← [13] tvaci (noun F-L single) ← tvac
of the cow ← [11] goḥ (noun M-G single) ← go
Translations and commentaries by Sri Aurobindo |
1. 19131
1.28.1. Where the stone wide-bottomed is upturned for the distilling, there may the mortar, O Indra, preserve of the distillings of the Pestle.
1.28.2. Where, as it seemeth, two buttocks are made a support for the distilling, there may the mortar, O Indra, preserve of the distillings of the Pestle.
1.28.3. Where a woman learns the fall to the stroke and the fall away from the stroke, may the mortar, O Indra, preserve of the distillings of the Pestle.
1.28.4. [Not translated.]
1.28.5. Whensoever thou, O Pestle, art put to thy work in house and house, speak here with deepest force like the drum of conquering hosts.
1.28.6. Since for thee, O lord of the woodland (of delight), the wind blows in its ways before thee, then do thou distil for Indra’s drinking the Soma juice.
1.28.7. She who was firmest in enduring strength was put to the action, for there were two that were high and wielded by one who had great vigour, they ranged like horses that feed in their pastures.
1.28.8. Today may these two lords of the woodland (of delight), impetuous and wielded by impetuous distillers, express for Indra the honeyed juice.
1.28.9. Fill in here the Soma that is left from the dish; in thy purity pour it forth and fill us with light to the very skin.
1 CWSA.– Vol. 14.– Vedic and Philological Studies.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2016, pp. 209-215. 1-st published: Sri Aurobindo: Archives & Research: a biannual journal.– Volume 4, No1 (1980, April), pp. 35-38.
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